Gymnastics for joints from Olga Yanchuk: description, benefits and lessons

Excessive loads or improper distribution often cause injuries and pain. Joint gymnastics will help prevent such disorders, as it provides sufficient warming up of muscles and ligaments before training, and is also aimed at strengthening bone joints and overall health of the body. A systematic approach strengthens cartilage and tendons and eliminates excess weight.

Olga Yanchuk.

Olga Yanchuk Joint Gymnastics Video

This complex has wonderful healing properties.
it not only helps prevent heart disease. Gymnastics to strengthen the spine in the pelvic area.

Therapeutic joint exercises not only systematically develop mobility of all joints and elasticity.

"Open Clinic" - a network of medical centers for the treatment of back and joints

Joint gymnastics from Alexander Ivchik.

Warm up with Elina Khasanova!

Greetings, friends! Today we are performing a set of exercises “Stretching with a fitball” ✓ All news and.

BTS (방탄소년단) Intro: Persona + 상남자(Boy In Luv) + 작은 것들을 위한 시(Boy With Luv) + 소우주 + Dionysus @ 2021 MMA

Preparation for class

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Yoga and joint gymnastics

Evdokimenko’s gymnastics for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints
India gave the world joint gymnastics called Sukshma Vyayama, which prepares for performing the main physical exercises of yoga - asanas and pranayamas. An approximate translation of the phrase is 'soft warm-up, exercises'. Sukshma Vyayama has many variations. Our most common version of exercises is in the tradition of Dhirendra Brahmachari.

The difference between Indian joint gymnastics and others is that it works not only the physical body, but also the energy and psyche. It harmoniously alternates between relaxation and tension.

Along with micro-movements of various parts of the body, such gymnastics trains a person’s attention and works with images and breathing. The exercises of the complex can be either an excellent preparation for yogic asanas or practiced independently of them, providing a comprehensive healing effect on the body

They are very similar to the movements of the above muscular-articular gymnastics, however, practitioners note a stronger impact and effect of Sukshma Vyayama. If the first is similar to exercise therapy and gives good physical well-being, then the second plus gives energy, self-confidence, inner strength, mobility and endurance

The exercises of the complex can be either an excellent preparation for yogic asanas or practiced independently of them, providing a comprehensive healing effect on the body. They are very similar to the movements of the above muscular-articular gymnastics, however, practitioners note a stronger impact and effect of Sukshma Vyayama. If the first is similar to exercise therapy and gives good physical well-being, then the second plus gives energy, self-confidence, inner strength, mobility and endurance.

Gymnastics of Doctor Bubnovsky

Back and joint pain is a real scourge of our time. In addition, a person may be bothered by unpleasant sensations from neuralgia or muscle spasms. This does not always need to be treated with medication - you can and should use exercise therapy. In addition, drug treatment relieves pain to a greater extent than eliminates the problem itself.

Considerable success in the field of therapeutic exercises has been achieved and tested by Dr. Bubnovsky. What his gymnastics gives:

  1. Prevents abrasion and pinching of intervertebral discs.
  2. Joints gain greater mobility.
  3. Blood circulation in tissues and muscles improves.
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the joints and back are significantly reduced.

The essence of Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is that it is aimed not only at improving the mobility of joints and the spine, but also at restoring the body’s reserve capabilities.

With the help of special exercises selected by the doctor, patients fight physical inactivity, as well as diseases associated with this harmful phenomenon. Any lesson from Dr. Bubnovsky is available on the Internet.

There is a special MTB machine invented by a famous doctor, which also helps in this process.

The basis of the Bubnovsky method is the use of kinesitherapy (motion therapy). There are two types of gymnastics:

  • Adaptive - for beginners.
  • Articular – for a patient who is already physically prepared after the first type of gymnastics.

An individual program is selected for each patient, if the classes are conducted by the doctor himself or his assistants.

Expert opinion

Alexey Glotov

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

However, this does not mean that a person cannot study at home.

Who needs classes?

Gymnastics for the joints of the arms, legs and spine: the effect of implementation, complexes and tips

Since joints are part of the human musculoskeletal system, joint gymnastics, performed together with Olga Yanchuk on the “Live” channel, will help a wide range of people. Among them there are both healthy people and those for whom many types of activity are not available.

Did you know? In the morning, a person's height is 1 cm higher than in the evening, because throughout the day the joints are compressed under the weight of the body. The set of exercises is suitable for people suffering from arthrosis and those who have recently undergone joint treatment.

Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the joints of older people and people whose physical capabilities are limited. However, it is not recommended to perform exercises if a person has heart or lung diseases.

Also, do not exercise immediately after eating or when your body temperature is high. It should be noted that with arthrosis of the joints, exercise should not cause pain, otherwise it should be stopped.

Before you begin a set of procedures, you must consult a doctor.

Gymnastics for joints from Olga Yanchuk: description, benefits and lessons

Joint gymnastics with Olga Yanchuk are several complexes of physical therapy for joints, which are aimed at restoring their motor function. These lessons can be used both for the treatment of existing joint diseases and for their prevention.

Despite the fact that the exercises prepared by Olga Yanchuk are extremely effective and very safe, the author does not give any guarantees of recovery. Also, before using this treatment course, you should consult with your doctor (the course is not suitable for all patients).

Joint gymnastics Yanchuk: general information

Joint exercises are a combination of light exercises, Pilates, yoga and stretching. There are no sudden movements or difficult poses, so the complex is accessible to everyone, regardless of level of training.

It is important to maintain balance during the execution and feel every part of your body.

Gymnastics includes several blocks, each of which takes 15-25 minutes. The lesson begins with the easiest exercises aimed at warming up the muscles. The workout helps to work out all muscle groups from the neck to the legs. Complexes 1 and 2 are ideal for people who have a low level of physical fitness and are not familiar with exercise. A little later, you can move on to more complex exercises, for example, complex No. 3.

Be sure to consider your body’s reaction and the condition of your joints. The complex includes a large number of stretching exercises. Smooth and calm movements make it possible to exercise for patients who have mild to moderate articular pathologies.

Basic exercises of the complex

Gymnastics should consist of certain exercises aimed at affecting all groups of joints. This activity should take 30 minutes and should begin with a warm-up that takes 10-15 minutes.

In this way, a set of actions is performed aimed at strengthening the joints.

By rotating your head back and forth and your arms in a circle, attention is paid to the neck muscles. And by bending and bending, you can strengthen your back. However, it should be remembered that these exercises are contraindicated for people who have spinal diseases

However, it should be remembered that these exercises are contraindicated for people who have spinal diseases.

If you perform the exercises correctly, you can feel muscle tension in the hips. Don't forget about your feet, stretching them by rotating or stepping from heel to toe.

First season

After warming up, we proceed directly to performing joint gymnastics. To do this, you need to stand up, keeping your torso straight and placing your feet shoulder-width apart.

Then you should raise both arms, then, as you exhale, first lower one arm, then, inhaling and exhaling the air, tilt and stretch with the other arm. The same exercise must be done, changing sides.



This algorithm of actions should be done several times. Next, you need to tilt your head with your right hand and, holding your left ear, pull it towards your shoulder. The same thing needs to be done in a mirror, that is, with your right hand. This way the neck muscles warm up.

Then, lowering both hands, you need to rotate them at the wrists: 8 times in one direction and the same number in the other

The same principle of rotating the arms should be done by bending them at the elbow joint

Important! When starting to engage in joint gymnastics, you should periodically alternate activity with rest to allow the body to get used to new loads. The shoulder joints are developed by rotating first forward, opening the shoulder blades, and then back, making a large circle

Increasing the tension in the triceps, bend to the left. The same should be done by changing the functions of the hands in the exercise. After this, try to clasp your hands on your back, placing your palms in one line. And with quick movements, change hands 6 times.

Then, spreading your legs wide and turning your feet 45 degrees, you need to do several squats, thereby warming up the hip and knee joints. Next, without changing your posture, you should alternately lift your legs several times.

After this, placing your legs parallel to each other, bend forward so that your fingertips touch the floor. In this pose you need to do several squats.


Second season

If you don't strengthen the muscles that support your joints, stretching can be harmful to your health. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to perform strength exercises. To do this, sit on your sit bones, cross your shins and straighten your back.

Then you need to take several alternate inhalations and exhalations, after which you lower your head down, and then raise it again. Do this procedure several times.

When the exercise is over, begin to warm up your shoulder joints, rotating them several times in turn, first in one direction, then in the other.

Then stretch both arms clasped in front of you, trying to relax your neck as much as possible and spread your shoulder blades in both directions. Stretch forward, then relax and return your body to its original position. Do this exercise several times.


To do this, without lowering your arms down, you need to perform the “twisting” exercise, turning the body first in one direction, then in the other. Then place both hands behind your back and clasp them together. With your shoulders back and your chest forward, try to raise your arms.



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What complexes exist


Dr. Bubnovsky’s method includes a set of physical exercises aimed at developing the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems

Currently, the following sets of exercises are especially popular:

  • Gymnastics by Dr. Bubnovsky, which is aimed at developing the musculoskeletal system. It combines feasible physical exercises with proper breathing. As a result, a muscle corset develops, the body becomes more mobile and flexible.
  • M. S. Norbekov’s technique focuses on the condition and health of the spine.

Classes using the Norbekov method are aimed at strengthening the spine and joints

  • Chinese sets of exercises (Tai Chi Qigong) can improve the health of the entire body. They place great emphasis not only on performing various exercises, but also on controlling your internal energy Qi.
  • Television projects. Oddly enough, TV can teach not only bad things, there are also channels that broadcast useful programs. You can look for such a program. Performing joint exercises with an instructor is much easier, especially since the main mistakes are often sorted out. It also helps to organize yourself, since the programs are broadcast on schedule.

Exercises according to the Chinese Qigong method. They effectively help strengthen joints and the entire body as a whole.

Many people believe that they have no idea what joint gymnastics is or how to perform it. However, this is fundamentally wrong.

Any exercise should begin with a warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for certain loads.

It’s worth remembering physical education lessons at school. Each lesson began with a warm-up - performing warm-up exercises for all parts of the body. These are the simplest exercises for developing joints.

Review of popular complexes

The leaders in popularity on the Internet are the Bubnovsky and Norbekov systems

Among the selections of exercises for joints, some prefer one of a number of named complexes from modern doctors or sports instructors. Others opt for some time-tested option from the practice of Eastern healing systems. By and large, the benefits from them are the same, since all modern author’s methods are a compilation of warm-up from the practices of martial arts with the dynamic performance of some yoga asanas.

The most popular collections of exercises for joints on the Internet are complexes from Bubnovsky and Norbekov. However, let’s leave the treatment systems “invented” by them without photos and videos in this article. Let's take a brief overview of some other joint gymnastics that are popular today. It will save time and help you decide on the necessary and suitable gymnastics complex for your joints.

Warm-up for joints from Yanchuk is ideal before stretching and Pilates

A selection of exercises for joints from Olga Yanchuk is a classic in-depth warm-up. It is primarily suitable for healthy people who keep fit, do Pilates and/or other types of exercises to develop stretching and flexibility.

As therapeutic exercises, this complex is suitable only for patients with healthy joints and a diagnosis of Osteochondrosis of I degree. In order to find “joint gymnastics video with Olga Yanchuk” add the query “live” in the search bar. The word “live” is the name of the television channel that sponsored and broadcast 32 classes under her leadership.

Gymnastics Borshchenko

In the photo, Igor Borshchenko performs the exercises personally

Dr. Borshchenko’s isometric gymnastics works the spine and joints in static positions, so it is suitable for absolutely everyone, especially patients simultaneously suffering from serious cardiovascular diseases.

Alexey Demenshin – psychologist, specialist in self-hypnosis techniques

One of the variants of Norbekov’s method is Demenshina’s joint gymnastics. It is supplemented with manipulations of acupressure self-massage and the author’s auto-training techniques. Therefore, classes with Demenshin are suitable for those who need psychological guidance for recovery and believe in the healing power of positive emotions.

Vadim Shlakhter – Ph.D. psychol. Sciences, MS in Sambo and Bullet Shooting

Shlakhter’s joint gymnastics is a combination of Bubentsov’s fine-field esoteric exercises, Norbekov’s advice, the practice of the Inspiration mantra and the author’s “volitional attitude of muscle tension.”

Writer's pseudonyms of Alexander Shevtsov - Alexey Andreev and Ivan Skomorokh

Orthopedic exercise therapy complex, which Shevtsov “assembled” - joint gymnastics for osteoporosis. It is based on a combination of sports techniques by Valentin Dikul and the method of Eckhart Tolle.

The last borrowing is quite strange, since Shevtsov is a researcher of Slavic esotericism, and the German spiritual speaker Eckhart Tolle preaches Tibetan meditation and offers yoga asanas and exercises practiced by Himalayan monks.

Unlike the circus artist V. Dikul, who with his own experience, subsequent receipt of sports medical education and thousands of people who have already been cured, proved the effectiveness of his complexes, Shevtsov and Tolle are engaged in medical practice, in fact, without having the right to do so. The price you can get for self-treatment using their methods is an exacerbation of the disease, up to and including forced surgery.

Fedor Leonidovich Dolenko – certified rehabilitologist

Gymnastics “Take care of your joints” is described in detail in the book of the same name by F.L. Dolenko, published in 1987 and republished in 1990. The work is presented by the famous Moscow specialized publishing house Physical Culture and Sports.

Description of exercises and videos - lessons

Each lesson consists of several exercises. The advantage of the complex from Olga Yanchuk is reasonable loads on all joints and parts of the body. The accessibility and simplicity of many exercises is one of the positive features of joint gymnastics with a noticeable healing effect.

Video lessons are an excellent replacement for boring descriptions of a dozen exercises. The trainer clearly explains the technique, gives recommendations, and points out the nuances of a certain element. Video instructions show in detail the order of performing each exercise.

For classes you will need half an hour of free time, a sports mat, plus comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. It is no coincidence that trainers recommend working out in tight-fitting T-shirts and tights to control muscle function. A looser cut of the lower part of a sports wardrobe is also acceptable, but baggy models will not work: they relax you and make it difficult to see the tension in your muscle tissue.

The benefits and rules for using Larkspur balm for bones and joints are written on this page.

Go to and read about what intervertebral disc protrusion is and how to treat the pathology.

Before classes, show the video of joint gymnastics with trainer Olga Yanchuk to your doctor if you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the absence of any special health problems, you can start exercising after watching the video instructions, understanding the features of the complex, and objectively assessing the level of physical fitness.

Video lesson No. 1 with Olga Yanchuk

Video lesson No. 2

Video lesson No. 3

Specialists involved in the treatment of joint pathologies recommend dosed exercises for the health and proper mobility of parts of the musculoskeletal system. Taking care of the spine and joints should come first: discomfort, poor health, headaches, and limited movement often occur with diseases of the bones, cartilage and muscles.

Who needs exercise sets and why?

Joint gymnastics is a set of physical exercises accessible to almost everyone, which differs from others in the slow and smooth pace of performing movements in a certain sequence. Exercises help develop or maintain range of motion in joints, as well as maintain the elasticity of ligaments at age-appropriate levels.

Of course, such gymnastics for healthy and trained people is only a warm-up before the main load of one or another type of sports activity, or part of a morning exercise complex. Nevertheless, for people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, it becomes one of the main methods of treating the disease, as well as preventing its exacerbations and relapses.

The advantages and benefits of gymnastics are as follows:

  • loading only under your own weight (work without weights) works the joints exactly as much as they are capable of;
  • the complex allows people who do not have the opportunity to visit a gym or swimming pool, as well as those who cannot engage in aerobic exercise, not to physically degrade;
  • in adolescents, posture is normalized and chest volume increases;
  • in case of a herniated spine, exercises stop the degeneration of the intervertebral disc;
  • cervical gymnastics successfully inhibits the development of osteochondrosis in this area, significantly increases the productivity of mental activity, and gradually cures some pathological conditions, for example, diencephalic syndrome;
  • muscular-articular gymnastics gently improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which gives excellent results for varicose veins and the initial stages of thrombophlebitis;
  • Passive gymnastics, performed with an assistant, prevents the development of joint stiffness in arthritis, arthrosis, joint injuries and bone fractures, and some types of exercises are used to increase stretching and flexibility (see Exercises for stretching the back and spine - the key to health and a cure for diseases).

The benefits of gymnastics

Joint gymnastics, which Olga Yanchuk recommends, is recommended to be performed three times a week. Regular exercises will allow you to see the first results within a month. In the absence of sudden movements and powerful strength loads, exercises will help improve the condition of all joints and muscle groups. The advantages inherent in this complex are the following:

  • It is suitable for any level of training.
  • Has a minimum of restrictions.
  • You can also practice at home.
  • To perform the exercises, you do not need special trainers or equipment.
  • During classes, the muscles of the neck, arms and legs, pelvic area, as well as fingers and hands are used.
  • Stretching exercises help improve the elasticity of the spine, ligaments, muscle tissue, and prevent congestion.
  • Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation in muscle and cartilage tissues, activating metabolism.
  • Performing exercises in accordance with the correct technique is sure to give a healing effect.
  • Moderate stress on muscles and joints also helps restore their tone and promotes weight loss. The body becomes flexible and toned. Exercise also has a good effect on your emotional state.
  • Gymnastics strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, helps eliminate congestion, improves the elasticity of cartilage tissue and normalizes joint mobility.

Joint gymnastics by Valentin Dikul

Valentin Dikul’s joint gymnastics for the spinal column gained not just popularity, but also the love of patients, whom she literally put on their feet. However, it did not bypass those who simply monitor their health and do this gymnastics for preventive purposes. It helps against the following diseases:

  1. Kyphosis
  2. Lordosis
  3. Osteochandrosis
  4. Scoliosis
  5. Intervertebral hernia
  6. Cerebral palsy

Reference. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that its creator was able not only to recover from a serious injury thanks to it, but also to return to normal life.

Expert opinion

Alexey Glotov

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

Using his method, about thirteen thousand people recovered almost completely while fighting their illness.

Of course, the results will not come on the second day of classes - it will take months before the sick person experiences this for themselves. The secret to training is low-impact exercise. It is they who will return the joints to their former mobility.

Advantages of Dikul gymnastics:

  • Perfectly works muscles and ligaments.
  • The range of joint movements increases.
  • The spine becomes strong and flexible.

Exercises are done both for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and the spine.

Any technique requires some subtleties and proper execution. If everything is done correctly, then the person gets the following results:

  1. Metabolism is activated.
  2. The body is simply filled with energy.
  3. Blood circulation improves.

During classes you need to remember the following:

  • There should be an even distribution of loads on all muscles of the spine.
  • The muscle corset can be restored using a suspended rope ladder.

Expert opinion

Alexey Glotov

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

You need to start small, and under no circumstances overload your spine!

This technique is based on restoring the previous ability through labor-intensive and patient work.

Dikul doesn’t tell anyone that it will be easy. You need to follow the recommendations without retreating a single step. And the result is worth it - his technique brought many thousands of people back to life. And the patient’s general condition certainly improves. This once again confirms that many people constantly turned to Dikul for help and are now turning to him. Science has proven that neurocytes of the spinal cord are able to regenerate (recover). Academician Dikul’s methodology confirms this fact.

In addition, these classes do not deny all kinds of therapies:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Aquatherapy
  3. Acupuncture
  4. Physical therapy
  5. Manual therapy
  6. Therapeutic gymnastics

In specialized medical centers of Valentin Dikul there are special simulators, many of which the academician invented himself.

A set of exercises is selected individually for each patient - this is done based on the diagnosis and general condition of the patient.

In addition, joint exercisers are also used at home as an addition to the main treatment.

Valentin Dikul has developed a so-called basic set of exercises with the help of which motor activity is restored.

Joint gymnastics Yanchuk: general information

Joint exercises are a combination of light exercises, Pilates, yoga and stretching. There are no sudden movements or difficult poses, so the complex is accessible to everyone, regardless of level of training.

It is important to maintain balance during the execution and feel every part of your body.

Gymnastics includes several blocks, each of which takes 15-25 minutes. The lesson begins with the easiest exercises aimed at warming up the muscles. The workout helps to work out all muscle groups from the neck to the legs. Complexes 1 and 2 are ideal for people who have a low level of physical fitness and are not familiar with exercise. A little later, you can move on to more complex exercises, for example, complex No. 3.

Be sure to consider your body’s reaction and the condition of your joints. The complex includes a large number of stretching exercises. Smooth and calm movements make it possible to exercise for patients who have mild to moderate articular pathologies.

Indications for performing exercises

Simple and effective joint gymnastics with Olga Yanchuk will be useful for people of different ages and types of activities. It is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  • People who, due to work activities, spend a lot of time sitting or standing.
  • As a component of comprehensive patient rehabilitation in the treatment of a large number of joint pathologies.
  • To improve the health of the body, increase the elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments with low physical fitness.
  • Morning stiffness of joints, salt deposition.
  • Recovery from injuries.

Who is indicated for joint gymnastics?

Bone joints are elements of the musculoskeletal system; it is important and necessary to keep them healthy. Physical activity is also recommended for patients with osteoarthritis. A training program that stretches cartilage in the opposite direction will help prevent the development of disorders.

Indications for therapeutic physical activity according to Olga Yanchuk’s system:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • persons whose occupation involves prolonged sitting;
  • rehabilitation of patients after treatment of joint pathologies;
  • recovery from injuries;
  • as a prevention of salt deposits and joint stiffness after sleep;
  • for healing the body.

Excess weight is a direct indication for physical activity.

Olga Yanchuk’s joint gymnastics is indicated for older people to keep their bodies in shape, for children to strengthen muscles, and for adults as preparation for strength training.

Joint gymnastics by Olga Yanchuk: exercises

Each lesson includes several exercises. The complex provides reasonable stress on all muscles and joints. It is the simplicity and accessibility of exercise that is one of the main advantages of health-improving gymnastics.

To practice, you will need about 30 minutes of free time, a sports mat, and comfortable clothes that will not restrict your movements. Trainers often advise exercising in tight-fitting T-shirts and tights, which will help control muscle function. It is convenient to practice using video lessons, where the trainer clearly explains the technique of performing all the exercises, gives valuable recommendations, and points out the nuances of a specific element.

You should start exercising no earlier than three hours after class.

It is important to control your breathing: it should be smooth and free, you need to inhale through your nose. Also ensure proper body posture. In the initial stages, it is recommended to perform the simplest exercises

Among the complex exercises, for example, such as the “bridge” and “splits”, in order to perform them you need to have some preparation and good stretching, as well as be able to maintain balance

In the initial stages, it is recommended to perform the simplest exercises. Among the complex exercises, for example, such as the “bridge” and “splits”, in order to perform them you need to have some preparation and good stretching, and also be able to maintain balance.

The main exercises in Olga Yanchuk’s complex are as follows:

  • Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Wave your arms, then relax them down and exhale. This exercise involves maximum relaxation of the shoulder and wrist joints.
  • Move your arms forward and clasp your hands. Place your clasped hands behind your head, performing stretching movements and lowering your head to your chest. Lock in the extreme position for three seconds and bend to the sides. Fix each bending position for 2-3 seconds.
  • Place your hands behind your back in the pelvic area and clasp them together. Spread your legs to the sides and bend, trying to raise your arms as high as possible behind your back. Arch your back and hold the position for 5 seconds.
  • Spread your arms to the sides, perform rotational movements with your hands.
  • In the same position, perform lunges first in one direction and then in the other direction. When lunging, you should try to reach as far as possible.
  • Take an even position, stretch your arms to the sides and perform springing movements and bends, trying to reach your foot. Hold each position for a few seconds.
  • Stand with your legs spread wide apart. Bend over and reach towards the floor. Fix the position and perform squats, trying to arch your back.
  • Move your hip joints in different directions.

These simple movements will help ease movement, get rid of pain in the joints and prevent a number of diseases. We offer you to watch free videos demonstrating their implementation, which will clearly show what and how to do.

Advantages and disadvantages of the complex

The joint gymnastics complex has a number of advantages. These include the fact that it rids the body of salt deposits, strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back, arms and legs, and also burns a large number of calories.

Exercising regulates the activity of the thyroid gland and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. By providing daily physical activity, joint exercises not only rejuvenate the human body, but also give the body endurance and flexibility. The disadvantages of the complex include the fact that in certain diseases, exercises can cause pain. Also, some joint gymnastics positions are physically difficult to perform, so it is necessary to do a preliminary warm-up.

The main effect can be achieved only with regular exercise.

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