How to resist osteochondrosis and maintain spinal health

  • Osteochondrosis. Question answer.

    Topic: Questions and Answers

  • Osteochondrosis

    Topic: Encyclopedia of diseases

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine characterized by degeneration of the intervertebral disc with a significant decrease in its height, sclerosis of the disc surfaces of the vertebrae and reactive growth of marginal osteophytes.
The cartilage tissue of the discs affected by osteochondrosis gradually degenerates and turns into something like bone. The hardened disc decreases in size, loses its shock absorber properties between the vertebrae and begins to put pressure on the nerve endings, which leads to painful sensations.

The initial stage of osteochondrosis most often does not manifest itself as any unpleasant sensations in the spine and can be diagnosed as a disease of the internal organs, and the true diagnosis is revealed only after undergoing numerous examinations.

Based on localization, they distinguish between cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and widespread osteochondrosis. Most often diagnosed are lumbar osteochondrosis (over 50% of cases), cervical osteochondrosis (more than 25%) and common (about 12%).

The intervertebral disc is a fibrocartilaginous plate. In the middle of the disc there is a nucleus surrounded by an annulus fibrosus (tendon-like tissue). The intervertebral disc does not have its own vascular system and therefore is nourished by other tissues. An important source of nutrients for the disc are the back muscles; it is their dystrophy that most often leads to the development of the disease. When lifting weights, jumping and other physical activities, the discs act as a shock absorber and maintain the required distance between the vertebrae. Since the heaviest load falls on the lumbar spine, it is there that most often protrusions and intervertebral hernias form, which are a complication of this disease. Intervertebral disc protrusion is a protrusion (prolapse) of the disc without rupture of the fibrous ring. Intervertebral disc herniation is a protrusion (prolapse) of the disc with rupture of the fibrous ring and “leakage” of the nucleus pulposus. Especially often, a hernia is formed due to a spinal injury or during simultaneous bending and turning of the torso to the side, especially if there is a heavy object in the hands. In this position, the intervertebral discs experience a very large load, the pressure inside the intervertebral disc increases, the vertebrae press on one side of the disc and the core is forced to shift to the opposite side and put pressure on the fibrous ring. At some point, the fibrous ring cannot withstand such a load and the disc protrudes (the fibrous ring stretches, but remains intact) or a hernia forms (the fibrous ring ruptures and part of the contents of the nucleus “leaks out” through the break). With increasing load on the spine and creating conditions for increased pressure in the damaged intervertebral disc, the hernia increases in size.

The direction of the protrusion and the size of the hernia are very important; if the hernia extends forward or to the sides, this can lead to pain and disruption of the functioning of some organs, and if it protrudes towards the spinal cord and damages it, the consequences can be much more serious. If an intervertebral hernia affects the nerve processes or roots of a certain segment of the spine, then this leads to disruption of the functioning of the organ for which the damaged segment of the spine is responsible. Another option is also possible: due to the protrusion of the disc in one direction, in the opposite side the distance between the vertebrae decreases and this leads to pinching of the nerve processes by the vertebrae themselves. An intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region most often causes pain in the legs, a hernia in the thoracic region contributes to dizziness, pain in the heart, respiratory dysfunction, etc., a hernia in the cervical region can cause headaches, dizziness, numbness of the hands . The most dangerous are intervertebral hernias larger than 10 mm, which sharply narrow the spinal canal, pinching blood vessels and traumatic nerve endings, long-term exposure to which leads not only to severe pain, but also to impaired circulation, loss of sensation in the limbs with subsequent complications. But the most dangerous are sequestered herniated intervertebral discs , i.e. hernias are ready for destruction or tearing off a fragment with its subsequent lowering into the spinal canal, which can lead to serious consequences: dysfunction of the pelvic organs and paralysis of the lower extremities.

Causes of the disease "Osteochondrosis"

The reasons that cause changes in the intervertebral discs are not fully understood. People begin to feel manifestations of osteochondrosis most often after 35 years. The development and exacerbation of this disease is facilitated by various back injuries, static and dynamic overloads, as well as vibration. The older a person is, the more manifestations he has. But in recent years, more and more people aged 18 to 30 are complaining of back pain. There are many reasons for the early manifestation of the disease: poor physical fitness, poor posture and curvature of the spine, flat feet and excess weight. So, let’s highlight the main reasons:

  • hereditary (genetic) predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders in the body, infections, intoxication;
  • overweight, poor nutrition (lack of microelements and fluids);
  • age-related changes;
  • spinal injuries (bruises, fractures);
  • poor posture, curvature of the spine, hypermobility (instability) of segments of the spinal column, flat feet;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • work associated with heavy lifting, frequent changes in body position (turns, flexion and extension, jerking movements);
  • prolonged exposure to uncomfortable positions while standing, sitting, lying down, when lifting and carrying heavy objects, when performing other work, which increases the pressure in the discs and the load on the spine as a whole;
  • excessive physical activity, unevenly developed musculoskeletal system;
  • spinal overload associated with foot diseases, as well as as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes, high heels and pregnancy in women;
  • abrupt cessation of regular training by professional athletes;
  • nervous overstrain, stressful situations, smoking;
  • hypothermia, unfavorable weather conditions (high air humidity at low temperatures).

Treatment methods

Doctors usually recommend massage, exercise therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures as the main therapeutic methods. All of them are aimed at reducing muscle tension, maintaining muscle tone and spine, and normalizing blood circulation. If a woman experiences intense pain with thoracic osteochondrosis, treatment will also include taking anti-inflammatory medications: paracetamol, ibuprofen or stronger medications (for example, to relieve symptoms at stage 3 of the disease).

Symptoms characteristic of osteochondrosis

Patients suffering from osteochondrosis complain of constant aching pain in the back, which is often accompanied by numbness and a feeling of aching in the limbs. In the absence of adequate treatment, weight loss and limb atrophy occur. Main symptoms:

  • constant aching back pain, feeling of numbness and aches in the limbs;
  • increased pain with sudden movements, physical activity, heavy lifting, coughing and sneezing;
  • decreased range of motion, muscle spasms;
  • with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine : pain in the arms, shoulders, headaches; It is possible to develop the so-called vertebral artery syndrome, which consists of the following complaints: noise in the head, dizziness, flashing “spots”, colored spots before the eyes, combined with a burning, throbbing headache. The cause of vertebral artery syndrome can be its spasm in response to both direct irritation of its sympathetic plexus due to bone growths, disc herniation, arthrosis of the intervertebral joint, and a reflex reaction due to irritation of any receptors in the spine. The presence of vertebral artery syndrome can aggravate the course of coronary or cardiovascular pathology, if present;
  • with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine : pain in the chest (like a “stake” in the chest), in the area of ​​the heart and other internal organs;
  • with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine : pain in the lower back, radiating to the sacrum, lower limbs, sometimes to the pelvic organs;
  • damage to the nerve roots (with herniated intervertebral discs, bone growths, spondylolisthesis, spondyloarthrosis): shooting pain and sensory disturbances, malnutrition, hypotension, weakness in the innervated muscles, decreased reflexes.

What is the danger of cervical osteochondrosis?

Vital arteries and capillaries are located in the cervical areas. There are complaints of headaches and shoulder pain, chronic fatigue and decreased performance. These signs should not be ignored. Treatment not started on time is often accompanied by many unpleasant syndromes:

  • lesions of the spine: pinched nerve, resulting in the appearance of hernias, protrusions of a chronic nature;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system: high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • hypertension and hypotension: headaches, dizziness, nervous system disorders;
  • disturbances of the vestibular apparatus: deterioration of visual and auditory functions, disorientation in space, noise and darkening in the eyes, nausea and vomiting;
  • laryngeal syndrome and voice changes;
  • endocrine pathologies.

To avoid irreversible consequences, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In the neurosurgical department of Dr. Zavalishin E.E. They use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of such dangerous diseases as osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis

A preliminary diagnosis is made during the initial examination of the patient. The examination is usually carried out by a neurologist in connection with the patient's complaints of local changes, which may manifest as pain, deformation or limited mobility. The spine is examined with the patient standing, sitting and lying, both at rest and in motion. The level of spinal damage is determined by counting the number of vertebrae from certain anatomical landmarks or according to a special scheme.

When examining the back, pay attention to posture, structural features of the body, note the line of the spinous processes (median groove of the back), the lower angles of the shoulder blades, the crests of the iliac bones, the lateral contours of the waist and neck, the position of the shoulder girdle, the deviation of the intergluteal groove from the vertical, and identify the protrusion of the spinous processes, pay attention to the relief of the muscles located next to the spine.

Feeling the spine allows you to supplement the examination data (presence or absence of deformation), determine the location, degree and nature of pain. When palpating, tension in the muscles located next to the spine is also noted, because Most injuries and diseases of the spine are accompanied by an increase in muscle tone.

Spinal flexion is used to determine the range of motion in various parts of the spine.

The main role in the study of the spine is played by radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, with the help of which the level of damage is determined, the diagnosis is clarified and specified, and hidden pathologies are revealed. Diagnostic data allows the attending physician to determine treatment tactics and select the most effective treatment methods.

Methods and treatment options

Needless to say, such a serious disease must be treated thoughtfully and comprehensively. There are several effective therapeutic strategies that include a set of diverse interventions.

If you want to find out in more detail whether osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be cured, and also consider the causes and characteristic symptoms, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Table 2. Treatment methods for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis


Drug therapy

Hormones and drugs are prescribed that can restore cartilage tissue and stop the development of osteochondrosis.

Herbal medicine and dietary supplements

Herbal and homeopathic preparations are used that have a beneficial effect on cartilage tissue. These drugs are prescribed orally and for topical use (in the form of gels, ointments, compresses).
Massage and reflexologyPromotes complete healing. Massage technique for osteochondrosis of this type is one of the most effective therapeutic tools. Reflexology has a healing and supportive effect.


Special gymnastic exercises relieve pain and help activate the healing process.

Since the disease is multi-symptomatic, treatment must be carried out in a complex manner. Medicines, massage, reflexology, and necessarily exercise therapy and traditional medicine are used. All this is necessary not only to relieve pain, but also to improve blood circulation, normalize muscle tone, and regenerate cartilage.


With osteochondrosis, not only the composition of the products is important, but also their correct, rational use:

  • You should eat fractionally - in small portions up to 6 times a day;
  • you should give preference to food steamed, baked in foil, simmered in water;
  • it is necessary to reduce the amount of spices to prevent fluid retention in the body.

You need to eat a balanced diet - your diet should contain proteins, healthy vegetable fats, and complex carbohydrates.

Diet for women

The energy value of a therapeutic diet for osteochondrosis for women should be approximately 2500 kcal. If the patient is overweight, then nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 2000 kcal per day. But sharply reducing your calorie intake is strictly prohibited. This will cause a weakening of the body’s defenses and a sharp progression of degenerative pathology.

An exception to the rule is women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. They must eat enough healthy foods for the child’s full development.

Diet for men

The diet of men with osteochondrosis is the same as that of women. But the energy value of products entering the body daily should vary between 2500-3500 kcal, depending on physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, 2500-3000 kcal is enough, otherwise the likelihood of gaining excess weight increases. If a man leads an active lifestyle and engages in permitted sports (swimming, Nordic walking), then he should increase his calorie intake.

Drinking regime

In the absence of contraindications (pathology of the urinary organs), patients with osteochondrosis are recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This is pure non-carbonated water, fruit compotes, vegetable juices, berry fruit drinks, chamomile tea, rosehip infusion. Lightly salted mineral waters are also useful, for example, Essentuki No. 2, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya.

Drinking a sufficient amount of fluid helps remove tissue breakdown products, waste products, toxins, and harmful mineral salts from the vertebral structures.

What is better to exclude for osteochondrosis?

Too spicy and salty foods

with osteochondrosis, they can lead to dehydration of the body.
Therefore, highly seasoned dishes should be excluded from the diet for osteochondrosis. For single consumption, they should be washed down with plenty of water. It is also advisable to use rehydration products (for example, electrolyte sachets). Tea and coffee
- powerful diuretics - have a similar effect In addition, coffee has an acidifying effect and removes beneficial salts from the body - calcium, magnesium, potassium. If you don’t want to give up your favorite drinks completely, it is better to reduce their consumption to 1-2 mugs a day, and also reduce their strength.

Alcohol is extremely harmful for osteochondrosis

It impairs metabolism and regeneration of cartilage tissue, leading to intoxication of the body. Also, strong drinks and soda
are high in calories and increase appetite, which leads to weight gain.

Sources of simple sugars include baked goods, candy, grapes and other desserts.

— increase discomfort, lead to metabolic disruptions and put a strain on the liver. The basis of nutrition for spinal osteochondrosis is complex carbohydrates. They also contribute to long-term satiety - and this is a reliable prevention of weight gain.

Convenience foods and fast food

excluded from the diet for osteochondrosis for two reasons: they contain preservatives, trans fats and other undesirable additives, as well as a large number of “empty” calories.


for osteochondrosis, it is consumed in minimal quantities (up to ¾ tsp per day). The fact is that it promotes the formation of osteophytes on the surface of bones, leading to dehydration and degeneration of invertebral discs. But it is impossible to completely exclude it from the diet for cervical osteochondrosis.

A direct connection between the consumption of Solanaceae and the intensity of pain and inflammation has not yet been established, however, some people may experience individual intolerance to them.

Prohibited Products

For patients with osteochondrosis, nutritionists recommend giving up certain foods or limiting them in the diet. Smoked meats, canned food, all fast food, and semi-finished products are especially harmful. They contain a lot of “empty” calories that are of no value for replenishing energy reserves. In addition, they contain an excess of salt and spices, which provoke fluid retention in the body and the formation of edema.

Group of products prohibited for use for osteochondrosisProduct Name
Meat, poultryPork, bacon, lard, smoked chicken, duck, goose, fatty lamb
FishSmoked fish of all varieties and types
Fats, oilsCream margarine, animal and cooking fat, spread
Vegetables, greensSpiced and canned vegetables, rutabaga, onions, radishes, white radish, turnips, celery tubers, horseradish, garlic
BeveragesCarbonated drinks (lemonade, kvass), coffee, full-fat milk, alcohol with any quantitative content of ethyl alcohol


How can we make sure that the symptoms and discomfort observed with thoracic osteochondrosis no longer bother a woman, and that she forgets that her back hurts for a long time, if not for the rest of her life? You can achieve this result by leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Run in the morning or go swimming, walk often (at least half an hour a day). Eat healthy foods, partially or completely avoid foods that are considered harmful (fatty, spicy, fried, sweet). Try to visit your doctor more often: it is better to prevent a disease at an early stage than to treat it in an already advanced state.

General principles of diet

The well-being of a patient with osteochondrosis can be improved due to sufficient intake of useful substances into the body - mucopolysaccharides, fat- and water-soluble vitamins. For the proper functioning of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and ligamentous-tendon apparatus, certain microelements are necessary. These are calcium, phosphorus, copper, sodium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, molybdenum, sulfur. Microelements are found in large quantities in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals and legumes.

Special diets have been developed for patients with many chronic pathologies. But not for patients with osteochondrosis. Nutritionists recommend that they adhere to diet No. 15 according to Pevzner with a sufficient content of macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Its average energy value is 2600-2700 kcal.

Existing techniques

Once every 2-3 months, patients with osteochondrosis are recommended to cleanse the body with the help of special diets. This principle of therapeutic nutrition also helps to restore damaged bone and cartilage tissues, strengthen muscles and ligaments. But such diets should be used only after consultation with a vertebrologist or neurologist.

Salt-free diet

To prevent swelling and relapse of pathology, it is better to add salt to food on the table, and not during cooking. This allows you to control the amount of salt you consume, and subsequently completely abandon it. But first, once a month you should not add salt to food at all throughout the body, without changing your diet.

Rice diet

Before starting the diet, you need to prepare six containers with a volume of at least 0.5 liters. Place 2 tablespoons of washed rice in the first one and add cold water so that the liquid rises 10 cm above the grain. The next morning, repeat the procedure with another container. After filling all the jars, you can start cleaning. To do this, you need to drain the liquid from the first container, rinse the rice with water and eat it for breakfast. If you have osteochondrosis, you should not stick to such a diet for more than a week.

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