Norbekov - joint gymnastics, description of exercises, video

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov, the founder of the Institute for Human Restoration, has been practicing many effective techniques and methods that are directly related to alternative medicine for many years. Norbekov’s joint gymnastics gained popularity relatively long ago. Books on improving the health of the human body, which Norbekov wrote, are circulated not only in Russia, but also in countries near and far abroad. And on the Internet you can find numerous videos that talk about how to treat sore joints, about his miraculous treatment methods and their application in practical experience.


Opinions differ regarding the works presented by Norbekov. Some argue that his methods are not only quackery, but also pose a certain danger to people’s health, since an area such as a joint requires caution and attention, others are confident that the healer provides practical help to people, that his works truly unique. However, the majority is inclined to the second point of view, which has well-founded reasons. Therapeutic exercises according to Norbekov turned out to be useful for more than one thousand people. We are talking about the category that received practical help and actually felt a tangible result, being able to cure a diseased joint and get rid of joint pain.

Introducing the author of the method

Dr. Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is a Russian scientist of Uzbek origin who has been successfully practicing in the field of alternative medicine for many years.

He founded the Institute for Human Self-Healing, as well as the Center for Educational and Rehabilitation Technologies named after himself.

The interest in Norbekov’s methodology is enormous: this is evidenced by the gigantic circulation of books in which he describes his system - they are snapped up both in Russia and abroad.

There are also critics of Dr. Norbekov’s system. However, the fact remains: gymnastics according to Norbekov really helped tens of thousands of people get rid of pain .

Gymnastics problems according to Norbekov

Gymnastic exercises according to Norbekov are a specially developed system, the description of which includes a set of physical exercises aimed at restoring the flexibility of the spine and strengthening ligaments. In this case, every diseased joint will be cured.

Gymnastics, aimed at restoring joints with arthritis and arthrosis, which Norbekov developed, is a technique through which the physical strength of the human body is restored. Performing gymnastics requires some effort, but the result will not be long in coming if desired.

There are many reasons why health problems arise. Joint diseases are possible in the following cases:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unbalanced diet, overeating and abuse of fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • as a result of physical inactivity.

The main component of therapeutic gymnastics, the founder of which Norbekov is considered to be, is the concentration on the internal development of the human body, which allows one to reveal its reserves and has a beneficial effect on each joint.

Equal attention is paid to the mood in which the exercises will be performed, since, according to the healer, enthusiasm can have a healing effect.

Norbekov considers it appropriate to highlight the following as priority tasks when conducting gymnastics:

  1. Providing a healing effect on the entire body and on the damaged joint.
  2. Exercising control over the functional characteristics of the body, concentrating on motor functions and their gradual restoration. In this situation, the psychological aspect plays an important role.
  3. Restoring the features of the spine. This refers to its natural flexibility and mobility. The fact is that the spinal cord is directly related to the general condition of the human body, and disturbances of this kind lead to the development of pathologies that affect all systems and organs.
  4. Achieving a therapeutic effect for each joint, ligaments, muscular system, and spine.

Norbekov focuses on the fact that a sedentary lifestyle is considered the main reason when a joint is damaged.

Useful tips for patients

Norbekov recommends that patients follow simple rules so that gymnastics for the spine brings only benefits:

  • For classes you will only need loose clothing made from natural materials. The best option would be a T-shirt and cotton sweatpants. During gymnastics, weights or other devices are not used. You can perform exercises on a special rubber mat; you should purchase it at a sporting goods store.

  • The study room should be quiet, well ventilated and lit. It's best to leave the window open while exercising. The author of the method recommends practicing at least 20 minutes daily. The optimal time for this is considered to be early morning, but if it is not possible to perform exercises after waking up, you can devote time to them during the day or 3 hours before bedtime. You should not eat food 2 hours before training and 1 hour after it, but you should definitely drink water in small sips in moderation.
  • The most important thing in training, according to the author, will be the patient’s psychological attitude. It is important to perform all exercises with pleasure, to feel the movements of the muscles and the whole body, and also to feel how the disease leaves every cell. Such visualization is a guarantee of success and significantly speeds up the healing process.
  • It is important to pay attention to your surroundings. It is better to perform exercises alone and in silence. Some people prefer to train to music, but Norbekov insists on complete silence, since music distracts the patient from his own thoughts and does not allow him to fully visualize the result. After the lesson, it is recommended to stay in silence for 5-7 minutes, take a deep breath of fresh air and realize the benefits of the training. The patient must believe that only he himself can improve his health.
  • It is also worth remembering that gymnastics performed without desire will not bring results. Only the desire for self-improvement will help achieve positive dynamics.

Set of exercises

With the help of gymnastic exercises of a certain direction, an elastic muscle corset is formed to support the spine. Classes, Norbekov emphasizes, should be held daily. In this case, mechanical repetitions should be avoided, since instead of benefit, you can cause harm to the body. The awareness of enjoying the activity helps to achieve the desired effect, says Norbekov.

Norbekov created his methodology based on the study of the ancient traditions of China, called Lao Tzu. You can learn about this from TV shows or videos by entering the corresponding query in the search bar. The teaching is about gymnastics in combination with psychological aspects, with the help of which restoration processes occur in the body. In order to be able to take advantage of the many years of experience that Norbekov has developed, it is advisable to consider sets of exercises for each muscle group separately.

A set of exercises for the hands

Norbekov’s gymnastics for joints are aimed at restoration; they should be performed diligently. This is the only way to achieve the desired result and then the damaged joint will be restored in a short period of time.

  • clenching and unclenching fists, concentrating on the fingers;
  • unfolding your palm, collect your fingers in order, starting from the thumb to the little finger, and then in the reverse order;
  • bringing your arms together and spreading them in different directions;
  • make a fist, keeping your hand tense, and then twist it at the wrist in one direction or the other.

A set of exercises for shoulder joints and elbows

  1. Reproducing rotations with your hands in different directions.
  2. Moving your shoulders towards each other.
  3. Moving the shoulder blades in different directions.
  4. Raising and lowering the shoulders.
  5. Perform rotations of the forearms in one direction or the other.

A set of exercises for the ankle joint

  • Extend the toe of each leg alternately to the maximum;
  • turn your feet towards each other, making circular movements.

A set of exercises for the knees

  1. Rotate your knees in one direction or the other.
  2. Rotate your shins to the inside, then to the outside.
  3. Make an effort to press on the knee area.

A set of exercises for the pelvis

  • you should reproduce the turn of the hips alternately in one direction or the other, moving them as far as possible;
  • bend your leg at the knee and move it to the right side, then point it forward;
  • reproducing walking in place with emphasis on the feet.

A set of exercises for the spinal region

A set of exercises helps normalize blood pressure and provides nutrition to the brain, which leads to improved sleep and memory:

  1. When lowering your chin to your chest, you should hold it as long as possible.
  2. Tilt your head back, lifting your chin up.
  3. Tilt your head to one side or the other.
  4. Make circular movements with your head.

Thoracic region

The thoracic spine is an element of the rib cage, which is the frame for the heart and lungs and other internal organs.

Significant mobility of the thoracic region provides chest excursions necessary for breathing.

With pathological changes in the bone and cartilaginous tissues of the thoracic region, the vertebrae, joints, intervertebral discs are subject to deformation, and the spinal column changes shape. These processes are accompanied by pain, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and changes in posture.

While sitting on a chair (the chair should have a back that ends near the shoulder blades), clasp your hands behind the back of your head. As you exhale, gently arch your back, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

The movements are similar to those described above, but do not involve joining the hands. You should lean forward with further arching of your back back.

Lie on your back. While inhaling, bend over as much as possible, while raising your torso, and while exhaling, return to the starting position.

You should not be upset if any movement did not work out the first time. Only complete self-confidence, faith in victory and a good mood will help you achieve your cherished goal.

The importance of correctly performing gymnastics according to Norbekov

Therapeutic gymnastics for joints according to Norbekov allows all internal organs and systems of the human body to return to normal, including each joint that has been damaged. The time allocated for gymnastics is initially 15 minutes. Then the duration of classes should be gradually increased to 30 minutes.

Mirzakarim Norbekov has developed a system based on ancient Chinese medicine, which is designed to improve people's health, restore the functional characteristics of the joints and spine, their mobility, and give a feeling of joy, happiness and satisfaction.

Before using this technique, it is recommended to consult your doctor. As educational sources, you can use special literature or watch video lessons taught by Norbekov. The fact is that for a certain category of people there are a number of contraindications that do not allow the exercises to be used in practice, even with a sore joint. These are mental disorders, pregnancy, disorders of the cardiovascular system, heart attacks and strokes. Healer Norbekov spoke about this more than once in his schools.

Norbekov created a system that is a set of exercises compiled by careful selection. Quite a lot of attention is paid to the emotional side of the issue. According to the traditional healer, success largely depends on the mood, and not just on the technique of performing the exercises. These two concepts are complementary. This should never be forgotten. The technique is aimed at improving the human spirit and physical health.


Despite the ease and accessibility for every person, exercises for the spine according to Norbekov are not recommended in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • recently suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • pathological processes in the musculoskeletal system requiring other treatment methods;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • severe pain that occurred before or during training;
  • unstable mental state;
  • recent surgery;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • high blood pressure.

The imperfection of the musculoskeletal system in childhood necessitates the careful use of the Norbekov method.

Any negative sensations in the spine may indicate diseases of the internal organs that require urgent medical intervention. An urgent visit to a doctor is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Consolidate the result

Norbekov (gymnastics for the spine from the author is often the only method of treating spinal pathologies at the initial stage) draws the attention of patients to the fact that in order to consolidate the result, it is important to exercise daily. In addition, you need to tune in to the positive effect of the classes.

The specialist also recommends consolidating the results of training with proper nutrition, especially if you are overweight. You should increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and cereals in the menu. It is useful to consume fermented milk products, dried fruits, and first courses.

It is necessary to exclude confectionery products, smoked meats, baked goods and fatty foods from the diet. In addition, portions should be small and meals should be frequent. You should drink more fluids, but avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks and coffee.

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