Why do fingernails and toenails grow upward and how to fix it? Prevention measures

It is always important for girls how their nails look, because a neat manicure always makes their hands well-groomed, young, and beautiful. To eliminate minor cosmetic defects, a decorative coating in the form of a gel or gel polish is often used, which completely levels the plate.

However, it is not always possible to make the surface absolutely ideal. It is impossible to influence how marigolds grow, so natural features cannot be hidden. For example, if a girl’s nails grow upward, attention should be paid to the causes of this problem, and only then try to correct it when visiting a salon.

Why do nails curl and grow unevenly?

If a girl’s toenails grow upward, attention should be paid to the problem immediately after its appearance, since the defect usually occurs in the presence of health problems.

One of the most common reasons for the formation of such a cosmetic defect is genetic predisposition. Natural deformation of the nail plate is common, but has different manifestations, so a defect may appear with age.

Also consider the possible aggressive influence of external factors:

  1. Mechanical damage. Trauma to the fingers in the form of pinching, bruising or fracture always affects the fact that the nails begin to grow incorrectly, so a change in their direction is quite normal.
  2. Wearing uncomfortable shoes that restrict movement. Often such problems arise when wearing tight shoes frequently, especially if their size does not correspond to the real one.
  3. Improper nail care, illiterate manicure, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. All these reasons arise through the fault of the woman herself.
  4. Using aggressive components on nails, neglecting to wear gloves when working with cleaning chemical solutions.

The most common reason why nails grow upward is their injury. However, internal reasons can also affect the direction of their growth.

There are many more internal reasons:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • Fungal infection;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • Problems with the endocrine system;
  • The presence of infection in the body, accompanied by severe inflammation.

Only with correct diagnosis of the cause can surface deformation be corrected, so attention should be paid to this stage.

Concept of orthodoxy

Orthonyxia is a branch of podology that deals with the correction of the shape of the nail.

The founder of orthonyxia was the Scottish dentist Ross Fraser, who invented a special bracket in the 60s of the last century. The invention was named the Fraser bracket in his honor.

A carefully selected treatment technique allows you to straighten and, in many cases, restore the nail plate. Considering that another way to solve the problem is surgery, the benefits of orthonyxia are obvious. Orthonyxia is the only treatment method that eliminates the very cause of the disease, and, therefore, minimizes the risk of relapse.

How to fix the situation

You won’t be able to normalize the health of your toenails on your own. If they grow incorrectly, you should definitely consult a doctor to suppress the causative agent of the problem.

After examining the affected area, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen based on the cause of the deformity.

Typically the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  1. For fungal infections, external formulations and antimycotics for oral administration are prescribed - Lotseril, Exoderil, Mikozan, etc.
  2. To accelerate the healing of the area after mechanical damage, Bepanten and Panthenol gels are used.
  3. In case of vitamin deficiency and reduced local or general immunity, vitamins and microelements that strengthen the matrix are included in the girl’s diet.
  4. Every day you need to wipe the surface with hydrogen peroxide to neutralize pathogenic microflora.
  5. In case of dysfunction of organs and systems, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications.

Additionally, a woman is recommended to use folk recipes - steaming baths, compresses, lotions, the constant use of which will increase the likelihood of restoring the health of the coating.

Sometimes, to rehabilitate the surface, a surgical operation is prescribed to completely remove the nail, after which the chance of a healthy one growing back increases.

Types of corrective solutions

Selection is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the degree of nail deformation and anatomical features.


The plates are attached to the glue absolutely painlessly, the process takes no more than 10 minutes. Their only drawback is the possibility of peeling off and loss. Not recommended for fungal infections.

Most popular plates:

  • Onyclip is a very simple, easy to install correction device. Suitable for any nail shape. Oniclip are steel strips with a hypoallergenic polymer coating. The tension force is precisely dosed. The width of the strips is 4 mm, and the thickness is 0.1 mm (white stripes) and 0.15 mm (yellow). Not recommended for use in cases of severe inflammation. The plate needs to be replaced 1-2 times a month.
  • BS - plastic strips for thin or children's nails. Depending on the width of the nail, one of ten sizes is selected. Do not use on inflamed nails. Change once a month.
  • Goldstadtspange are gold plated plates that are more flexible than plastic staples but still easy to install. The skin of the finger is not injured when wearing them. Plates of this type are produced in five variations and are used in difficult cases: dome-shaped nails, inflamed finger skin, pain.
  • Podofix - silicone plates with the finest wire soldered in. It sticks very easily and comes in four sizes. Not for use on inflamed nails, requires monthly replacement.


The staple is made of medical steel and is applied on both sides of the nail plate. Reliability of fastening, the ability to correct any degree of deformation, and the absence of contraindications make this method indispensable for fairly severe injuries.

Types of staples:

  • The Fraser staple is double-sided, made from a cast of the diseased nail, applicable for nails of any thickness and on all fingers.
  • The combiped is one-sided (correcting the nail on one side only), and is glued on the other side. Used on thin nail plates.
  • ZTO is bilateral, relevant in the presence of inflammation.
  • ORA – for nails that have varying degrees of deformation on each side. The level of tension on the right and left is different.

Titanium thread

Titanium thread is an intermediate option between plates and staples. The nickel-titanium wire is attached to the nail using a composite, which hardens under the light of a special lamp (similar to dental fillings). Once attached, the titanium thread constantly strives to straighten the nail with uniform pressure.

Prevention measures

If nails begin to grow incorrectly, the girl is advised to follow the rules based on caring for her hands.

You need to follow the advice even after finishing treatment:

  • Wear only comfortable shoes that do not restrict movement;
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • When visiting public showers, baths, and water parks, wear your own shoes;
  • When using aggressive compounds, wear protective gloves;
  • Wipe your nails with essential oil every night, they will begin to grow faster and become stronger;
  • Pay attention to the quality of nail treatment, do not cut off the free edge completely.

As a standard, the coating can be completely restored 3-4 months before the healthy nail grows completely.


There are a number of factors in which orthonyxia is not recommended:

  • onychomycosis (fungus);
  • inflammatory process;
  • peripheral vascular diseases, in which nails also stop growing;
  • violation of the structure of the nail plate;
  • nail detachment;
  • thickening of the nail plate;
  • a groove located across the nail plate;
  • diabetes.

Orthonyxia quickly and effectively relieves the inconvenience associated with nail deformation.

Without unnecessary suffering and time, the patient gains ease of movement and forgets about pain and discomfort.


The following signs may indicate ingrowth:

  • sharp throbbing pain in the affected finger, which intensifies when wearing shoes;
  • “wrong” appearance of a finger, wounds, affected areas of skin resembling raw meat;
  • deformation of the nail plate, suppuration at its edges, hardening of soft tissues.

If you suspect an ingrown nail, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the disease, since otherwise the situation may worsen and treatment will be difficult. The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chance of avoiding “radical” steps such as complete removal of the nail plate on the finger. In the most severe situations, the infection from the source of suppuration spreads to the entire body, fever and general malaise appear.


Nail lotions
It happens that consulting a doctor is impossible. Then folk remedies come in handy more than ever. Here are some recipes for treating nails at home:

  • 100 mg celandine +4 l. bring the water to a boil and turn it off. Leave for one hour and make lotions for about three weeks.
  • Medicinal Kalanchoe juice is applied to the sore spot.
  • You need to steam your feet with an infusion of chamomile decoction and keep them in this solution for about twenty minutes. Nails become softer and easier to process.
  • It is recommended to use herbs in the form of tea.

Good effectiveness can be achieved from herbal infusions. They will be useful not only in cases where nail deformation is observed due to infection. Thanks to herbal infusions, irritation will calm down, the nail plate will soften and can be easily cut off. A useful infusion with celandine is very simple to make. A tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water. In a steam bath, the liquid should cool smoothly for 15 minutes. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight. Using the resulting product, apply lotions on diseased nails for 20-30 minutes. After three weeks, you should stop the procedure and take a break for a month.

Vinegar can be a powerful home remedy. It is enough to wet a cotton pad with 9% vinegar and place it on the nail. The disc should not touch the skin. Fix it in this position for two hours. Then rinse everything off with cool water. And at night you can prepare the following solution: mix 9% vinegar with glycerin and add iodine (all in equal quantities).

Nail care methods

Oil for nails
Nails grow slowly - only one centimeter every 2-3 months. If you ruin your nail plate, you will have to grow it out for a long time. Next, we will consider the most effective recommendations for nail care.

  1. Nails love oil, especially olive, jojoba, grape, and almond oil. To keep them strong and well-groomed, you need to massage them and rub in oil. With regular use, the effect will not take long to appear. It is not necessary to do oil treatments every day; twice a week for 20 minutes is enough.
  2. It is useful to lubricate your nails with iodine. But walking around with yellow nails is not very pleasant. True, they do not have this color for long; they quickly change it to their usual one. If the desired color does not return for a long time after applying iodine, simply wipe them with fresh lemon.
  3. If you cannot cope with the problems on your own, it is best to go to a beauty salon. They may recommend paraffin baths. In cases where the situation is more critical, you will be assigned a professional solution to the problem. Modern biogel is considered an effective method of care - it is a strengthening varnish. Taken together, all measures are good. Preventive measures will never be superfluous.

There are three main components of nails: root, edge and body. Under the skin is the root, the nail plate is the body, and the edge is the length of the nail. The cuticle and skin hold the nail and it is not advisable to remove the cuticle itself. A specialist can recommend the optimal method of care, and only by following all the recommendations can you get beautiful, healthy nails.

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