
  1. Preparatory stage. First, warm up the area of ​​the body that will be treated for 3 minutes using a blue lamp or heating pad. Then pour 20-30 grams of the prepared bischofite solution into a saucer, heated to 38-40° C (preparing a solution from dry bischofite at home is quite difficult).
  2. Compress. Dipping your fingers into the solution, lightly rub the bischofite into the painful area for 3-5 minutes. Then soak the gauze with the remaining solution, carefully place it on the painful area, cover with wax paper and wrap it up.
  3. After the compress. Apply the compress at night so that it remains on the painful area for 8-9 hours. In the morning, rinse off any remaining bischofite with warm water.

Course of treatment: 12-14 procedures

Frequency of procedures: every other day


Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine and Recreational Problems, Kharkov

The accumulated experience in the use of bischofytotherapy confirms the feasibility of expanding the range of its use. Long-term studies of the medicinal use of bischofite, literature data on the mechanism of its action and treatment results, provide grounds for determining the prospects for the further development of the use of bischofite in medicine (Kazakov Yu.M., Katyukhin O.V., Vasilyeva-Linetskaya L.Ya., Zemlyanaya O. B, etc.).

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We see such prospects in the following

  1. The use of bischofite for prophylaxis in convalescents, workers in hazardous professions, and in persons whose activities are associated with a high level of emotional stress. In these cases, bischofite allows you to normalize the physiological measures of defense of the body, its resistance, and the formation of physiological adaptation reactions
  2. Studying the possibilities of combined or complex use of bischofite with new physical factors (ozone, vibroacoustic effects, normobaric hypoxic effects, singlet oxygen, polarized light, color therapy methods, etc.).
  3. Determining the possibilities of using bischofite using nanotechnology
  4. The use of bischofite solutions, pastes, balms in acupuncture physiotherapy, affecting biologically active points.
  5. The use of bischofite as a modulator of stem cells and to increase the physiological activity of tissues.
  6. Expansion of promising studies on drinking treatment with bischofite, taking into account the positive results obtained in animal experiments (Zolotareva T A).
  7. Expanding the list of highly active medicinal complexes “Bishofite-medicines”, which are especially promising for diseases of the organs of support and movement, and endocrine pathology.
  8. Carrying out work to expand the range of indications for bischofite therapy in the field of dermatology, medical rehabilitation for osteoporosis, endocrinopathies, restorative treatment of burnt patients.'"9 It is promising to study the possibilities of enriching the diet with bischofite for patients and workers in hazardous enterprises where the inclusion of magnesium, iodine, etc. is required
  9. When conducting research work with bischofite, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of evidence-based medicine, and immediately inform the medical community about the results obtained

Poltava bischofite differs from its analogues - bischofite from the Volgograd deposit and Dead Sea minerals in its high content of biologically active microelements and iodine-bromine salts. It is mined by injecting artesian water and dissolving dry mineral layers at a depth of 2.2-2.4 km.

The medicinal properties of bischofite were discovered by accident. Bishofite was originally mined and used for technical purposes. Well workers who came into contact with brine noted that they had fewer joint problems during their hard physical work in the most unfavorable climatic conditions. Almost immediately the doctors noticed him.

Scientists and practical doctors from Odessa, Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kiev conducted multilateral experimental and clinical studies of Poltava bischofite, which established its biologically and biochemically determined effect on the course of many diseases, its multidirectional preventive and therapeutic effect.

Positive results have been obtained from the use of Poltava bischofite in cardiology, gastroenterology, otolaryngology, rheumatology, traumatology, dentistry, cosmetology, as well as in the treatment of post-radiation syndromes.

Poltava bischofite in rheumatology, traumatology, neurology, sports medicine. Initially, bischofite was used as an anti-inflammatory balneological agent in the complex therapy of inflammatory-dystrophic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system and peripheral nervous system in the form of compresses and rubbing. Subsequently, hardware techniques were proposed and implemented that mutually enhance the effectiveness of preformed physical factors and bischofite - electrophoresis (bipolar), magnetophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, joint use with Sollux and Bioptron. Bishofite updates its methods and enhances the thermal effects of ozokerite. Widely used in galvanic and whirlpool baths. The development of specialized preparations has made it possible to use bischofite for professional massage and in combination with manual therapy and exercise therapy.

Subsequently, in the course of scientific research it turned out that bischofite has a general tonic, adaptogenic effect, normalizes the metabolic and neurovegetative functions of the body. Due to the presence in its composition of a wide range of macro- and microelements, a biochemically determined effect on enzymatic activity is assumed, and due to the high content of magnesium - specific calcium - antagonistic activity. The high content of iodine and bromine expands the indications for the use of bischofite for diseases of the thyroid gland and nervous system.

Experimental and clinical studies have shown that bischofite has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, affects the processes of local immunity through stimulation of phagocyte activity, and is capable of inhibiting the growth of opportunistic flora, a number of fungi and bacteria of the intestinal group.

Subsequent studies showed the effectiveness of using Poltava bischofite in the form of general and local baths and as a preparation for electrophoresis in a wide range of diseases of internal organs, and primarily in cardiology. A method for its use for electrophoresis has been developed, and the need for bipolar (i.e. from the anode and cathode) electrophoretic administration, associated with the characteristics of the dissociation of mineral components, has been substantiated.

Bishofite solution has become widespread in cardiological practice. The positive effect of transcardial bischofite electrophoresis in coronary heart disease has been established. The authors reported that after a 3-week course of treatment, the number of ischemic episodes decreased by more than half, and the daily requirement for nitrates decreased by 2.5-3 times. Holter monitoring resulted in a decrease in the frequency of extrasystoles and heart rate.

Poltava bischofite solution was used for electrophoresis on the collar zone using a longitudinal technique in the complex therapy of essential hypertension. As a result, a persistent decrease in blood pressure was determined (systolic by 20-60 and diastolic by 15-20 mmHg) with stabilization of indicators for up to a month after the end of the course. Echocardiography showed an improvement in the morpho-functional parameters of the myocardium, intracardiac hemodynamics and pumping function of the left ventricle. In the blood, there was an increase in the level of magnesium in erythrocytes and plasma, and a decrease in the calcium content in erythrocytes. Our experience shows that in case of hypertension, the use of electrophoresis of Poltava bischofite solution is even more effective when performed on the collar zone bipolarly, but not using the longitudinal, but the transverse method.

In the clinic of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy of the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, studies were conducted to study the effect of Poltavsky Bishofit in the complex therapy of neuro-circulatory dystonia (NCD) of the hypertensive type and essential arterial hypertension with concomitant coronary heart disease, including in individuals. victims of the Chernobyl accident.

The purpose of using Poltava bischofite in cardiology as a balneological factor was primarily the correction of extracardiac circulatory mechanisms. It would be quite possible to expect a direct effect on the myocardium due to the resorptive action of potassium, magnesium ions and microelements. Poltava Bishofite was used in the form of general baths according to our patented technique and electrophoresis on the collar area according to the modified technique of L.D. Kolesnikova. By the end of the first week of treatment, 80% of patients noted an improvement in their health, a decrease in anginal attacks, and a decrease in the average daily dose of antianginal and antihypertensive drugs. When studying hemodynamic parameters, a decrease in blood viscosity characteristics and an improvement in pulse blood flow were determined, which was confirmed by an increase in the rheographic index by 1.2 times, normalization of the tone index and vascular elasticity index. Before and after the course, the following was observed: weakness and fatigue in 97% and 37% of patients, irritability and nervousness in 93% and 45%. headache in 76% and 30%. palpitations in 70% and 26%. paresthesia of the limbs in 78% and 15%, dizziness in 64% and 15% of patients, respectively. A decrease in fibrinogen levels by 22% (p0.05) and an extension of thrombin time by 36% (p0.05) were detected. The positive effect of bischofytotherapy on the condition of the myocardium and blood circulation is confirmed by an increase in blood ejection fraction by 34%, stroke volume by 19% (p0.05). a decrease in heart rate with a stable cardiac output. It is interesting to note that blood pressure, especially in younger individuals. already at the end of the procedure it decreases by 20-30 mm. Hg Art., and in patients with NCD there are pronounced sedative and even hypnotic effects.

The effectiveness of bischofytotherapy in the treatment of gastroenterological pathology was assessed. 26 patients with noncalculous cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia of the hypertonic and hypotonic type were examined and treated. reflux gastritis. In patients with characteristic complaints, obvious or hidden signs of cholestasis were noted - subicterus, increased activity of alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and bile acids in the blood. Poltava bischofite was used in the form of electrophoresis bipolar transhepatically. Electrodes were placed on the gallbladder area from the abdomen and back. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the current is up to 15 mA. only 10-12 sessions daily. On days 8-10, most patients (69.2%) felt a decrease in pain and heaviness in the liver and gall bladder, and the disappearance of bitterness in the mouth. improvement of appetite. Laboratory indicators of cholestasis tended to normalize. An ultrasound examination revealed a decrease in the diameter of the common bile duct, the volume of the gallbladder and intravesical sediment. The effectiveness of the technique increased with the concomitant administration of laser reflexology and magnetic therapy. Thus. Poltava bischofite can be included in a complex for the rehabilitation of biliary tract diseases.

In addition to electrophoresis, dimexide and ethyl alcohol are recommended in compositions for compresses as auxiliary substances and therapeutic agents when carrying out bischofytotherapy; ozokerite heating and ultrasonic phonophoresis simultaneously with applications of Poltava bischofite solution.

So, indications for the use of Poltava bischofite have been developed for:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary artery disease I-III f.k.. Art. 1-2 hypertension, sinus tachyarrhythmia and sinus extrasystole, neurocirculatory dystonia, peripheral vascular disease - vasospasm, endarteritis);
  • surgical diseases (consequences of injuries, sprains, joint contractures);
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system (DOL. arthritis, myositis, RA, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal osteochondrosis, heel spur, etc.);
  • peripheral nervous system (lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia, discogenic radiculitis);
  • associated with the consequences of radiation exposure in migrants and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypothyroidism, arterial hypertension, metabolic disorders);
  • violations of general well-being, decreased performance, in a complex of general tonic and general health procedures;
  • menopausal disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • chronic cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

Studied methods of using bischofite:

Applications, wraps and wraps - apply fabric soaked in a 1:1 solution of bischofite with warm water (38-40°C). on top - insulation (plaid, blanket) for 15-30 minutes.

Warm up - light massage with bischofite for 2-3 minutes, then apply ozokerite and paraffin. Sollux or salt, sand (at home), and other heat sources according to the usual method.

Compresses - warm the body area for 2-3 minutes using any heat source; bischofite is diluted with warm (36-40°C) water 1:1 (alcohol or vodka can be added), soaked in gauze and applied to the body, covered with film, a warming layer of fabric is placed on top and left for 0.5-2 hours.

Massage - bischofite gel or massage preparations based on it are used as the first stage (first 2-5 minutes) of massage, then regular massage oils or creams are used. A rich cream or oil should first be applied to the massage therapist's hands.

Local baths - prepare a bischofite solution at the rate of 200 - 300 ml of bischofite per 1 liter of water at a temperature of 36-40 ° C. immerse the limb for 15-20 minutes, adding hot water to stabilize the temperature.

General baths - Bishofite is diluted at the rate of 1 liter of bischofite per bath with a capacity of 120-150 liters, temperature 36-38°C. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Daily or every other day, 8-12 baths in total.

Electrophoresis is performed bipolarly, as it has both positive effects. and negatively charged ions. Bishofite is diluted 1:1 with water or a gel is used, which is applied directly to the skin.

Phonophoresis - bischofite gel is used as a therapeutic base. The technique is standard for medicinal phonophoresis. A special form of bischofite “Electro-gel” has been developed for phonophoresis.

Magnetophoresis is a technique for mutually enhancing the effects of bischofite and an alternating magnetic field. Immediately before magnetotherapy, bischofite gel is applied to the skin.

Note: the effect usually occurs after the first procedure. Children use large dilutions of bischofite with water; bischofite can be used in combination with other medications and physiotherapeutic methods with mutual potentiation of effects.

Contraindications: extremely rare signs of allergic reactions to bischofite or its components (bromine, iodine) and general contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures: diseases in the acute stage; oncological diseases; skin diseases in the affected area.

Features of application: the hands of medical personnel in frequent contact with bischofite must be protected with any cream or oil.

With the development of methods, the high effectiveness of bischofytotherapy with massage, heating, phono- and electrophoresis, myostimulation and amplipulse therapy has been shown. why specialized preparations are produced that are completely ready for use.

A special form of bischofite “Electro-gel” is used as a current- and sound-conducting base, with mutual potentiation of the effects of hardware and bischofite therapy.

Poltava bischofite is widely used in massage practice. Bischofite preparations have been developed: sports “Physio-gel” with a local anesthetic and distracting effect, and “Warming massage balm” - to improve microcirculation and warm up tissues during massage.

An important quality of modern bischofite preparations is also the fact that they can be successfully used in domestic conditions. To achieve the effect of relieving muscle fatigue after physical activity and rehabilitating minor injuries, it is enough to perform a self-massage with bischofite for 2-5 minutes and wrap the affected area warmly for 1-2 hours (at night).

An important criterion for the use of Poltavsky bischofite is its versatility and the possibility of use in patients of different age groups. There is a wide experience of use both in children's sanatoriums and in gerontological practice.

Contraindications for bischofytotherapy include general contraindications for physiotherapy and individual intolerance to procedures, which is extremely rare. To avoid skin irritation, it is recommended to start a course of local procedures (compresses, hardware procedures, etc.) by diluting bischofite with water.

Today, there is indisputable evidence of the therapeutic possibilities and high economic efficiency of a natural, environmentally friendly remedy - bischofite Poltavsky, the properties and prospects for use of which are as wide as their modern boundaries allow us to see? areas of medicine.

The economic efficiency of using Poltava bischofite as a balneological and physiotherapeutic agent is due, firstly, to its sufficient clinical effectiveness for both mono- and complex therapy, secondly, to the relatively low consumption of drugs per procedure, and thirdly, to its low cost.

You should be careful not to use technical bischofite with a reddish-rusty sediment! Surrogates not only do not give the desired result, but can cause allergic and toxic reactions.

Thus, bischofite from the Poltava deposit is available for use by all medical institutions - from clinics and medical units to sanatoriums and rehabilitation departments of large clinical hospitals and is very promising as a domestic balneological and physiotherapeutic drug for the rehabilitation of various pathologies of internal organs.

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How much bischofite and water is required for each bath?

  • A foot bath requires 10-15 liters of warm water, at least 15-30 g (2-3 tbsp) of dry bischofite or 150 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a manual bath (brushes only) you need 1-2 liters of warm water and at least 5 g (1 tsp) of dry bischofite or 15 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a manual bath (hands and elbows at the same time) you need 4-5 liters of warm water, at least 10-20 g (1-2 tbsp) of dry bischofite or 50 ml of bischofite solution.
  • For a sitz bath, you need to fill the bath with warm water (30-40 liters) and add at least 100 g of dry bischofite or 0.25 liters of bischofite solution. If the bath is intended for feet and knees, then the water should cover the knees; if the bath is intended for the hip joints, then the water should reach the lower back).

General warm baths

  • Before taking a bath with bischofite, take a hygienic shower and wash your body thoroughly with soap or shower gel.
  • To prepare the bath, you will need 100-150 liters of warm water (36-39°C) and at least 200 g of dry bischofite (or 0.5 liter of bischofite solution). If you want to enhance the effect, dissolve 500 g of dry bischofite (or 1 liter of solution) in water.
  • Take a bath with bischofite for no longer than 20 minutes.
  • After you have taken a bath with bischofite, do not shower or use soap or shower gel - just pat your skin gently with a towel.
  • It is advisable to rest for 15-20 minutes after a bath with bischofite.

Course of treatment: 12-14 procedures

Frequency of procedures: every other day

Bath salt "Bishofite", 0.5 kg

Product description

Salt of the ancient sea. Bischofite is a natural mineral containing sodium chloride-magnesium complex, iodine, bromine, iron and other minerals. Bishofite is a mineral (magnesium salt) that is widely used in the national economy, construction and medicine. It was first discovered as a component in the famous Stasfurt salt deposits of Germany by the German geologist and chemist Carl Ochsenius (German Carl Ochsenius, 1830-1906), who named it after the famous German chemist and geologist Carl Gustav Bischof to perpetuate the name the latter for his services in chemistry and geology. The date of official opening of bischofite is considered to be 1877. In the first decades after its discovery, bischofite was considered a rare mineral, but in the 1930s-50s, extensive deposits of bischofite were discovered in the Volga region, and in the 90s of the 20th century, the oldest and deepest deposit of the mineral was discovered in Poltava, the depth of which is 2.5 km. It easily dissolves in water and is therefore mined by underground leaching: dissolving a dry underground layer of the mineral at a depth with artesian water (leaching). The resulting brine is pumped upstairs. However, when it is pumped through pipelines, due to the high reactivity, the iron of the pipes is oxidized and the solution is saturated with iron ions. Also, iron is contained in bischofite itself, as a result of which the solution acquires a yellowish tint. When bischofite stands, the color may change (darken) due to ongoing oxidation processes.


— Natural tonic; — Increases the body’s immunity and resistance to adverse environmental conditions in general; — Has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, cleanses and strengthens the skin; — Tones the skin and the entire body, useful for increased fatigue and vitamin deficiencies; — It has a beneficial effect on the well-being of residents of large cities, having radioprotective properties.


With general contraindications for balneotherapy; with the phenomena of iodism and bromism, diseases in the acute stage; the extract is contraindicated for kidney and liver diseases; Do not use for allergic skin lesions; Do not use in children under 6 years of age.

Buy Bath salt "Bishofite", 0.5 kg in the pharmacy

Price for Bath salt “Bishofite”, 0.5 kg

Instructions for use for Bath salt “Bishofite”, 0.5 kg

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