Which is better: compression stockings or bandages? Uncompromising comparison.

Stockings... bandages... That's the question!

Products made from compression material are most often prescribed for the complex treatment of dilated vessels, thrombophlebitis, during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as after surgery.
The dense fabric of the underwear puts effective pressure on the venous system and compensates for muscle weakness. In the lower part of the legs, the pressure should be the highest, at the knee a little weaker, and on the hips even weaker - this is necessary so that the blood flow functions correctly and the blood cannot stagnate in the lower extremities.

When a patient comes to the doctor with complaints, the true cause of the illness is determined. If the patient needs to create additional compression and maximum pressure at the lower leg, socks are prescribed; if it is necessary to create pressure above the knee, the doctor may recommend wearing stockings or tights.

For injuries and more: secrets of using an elastic bandage

Prevention of sprains and dislocations

Muscle strain is a common injury during sports and physical activity.
When a muscle is stretched more than it can withstand due to its elasticity, it separates from the tendon, causing tissue damage. Muscle strains can occur during strength training and flexibility exercises, running, and even walking. This problem also becomes relevant during the summer holiday season and country holidays: long walks, team games, landscaping. What can you do to prevent sprains:

  • warm up (knead) your muscles before training for at least 10 minutes;
  • strictly follow the exercise technique, follow the trainer’s recommendations;
  • gradually increase the load (exercise intensity) and give the muscles time to recover (days without exercise);
  • additionally train flexibility;
  • watch your posture so that the load is correctly distributed not only during classes, but also in everyday life;
  • eat well, getting enough iron, calcium and magnesium;
  • Monitor the fluid balance in the body; for elasticity, muscles must have a supply of moisture.

Another common everyday injury is a dislocation (displacement of bones in a joint relative to each other).

If you are prone to sprains:

  • Avoid sports that often cause sprains (for example, football);
  • strengthen your muscles and ligaments, do daily warm-up;
  • wear shoes with hard soles; soft slippers are not suitable for you;
  • include jump rope exercises in your list of activities;
  • If you are injured, do not try to correct the dislocation yourself.

Rehabilitation after injuries and bruises

First of all, consult a doctor, do not self-diagnose.

Especially “alarm bells” can be:

  • strong pain;
  • change in pigment in the damaged area (pallor, blue discoloration);
  • difficulty moving;
  • numbness, feeling of coldness in the limb;
  • noticeable swelling or deformity.

To provide relief from a sprain, dislocation or severe bruise, use the following recommendations.

  1. Keep the injured area quiet.
    If you have injured your arm, you should not put even minimal stress on it (eating, writing, moving things); if you have injured your leg, it is recommended to use a crutch.
  2. Apply a cold compress.
    It should be applied in batches of 15-20 minutes every 40 minutes, but not longer, otherwise you may get frostbite. Be sure to place a towel between your skin and the ice, or use a compression bandage for protection.
  3. Use a fixative bandage.
    An elastic bandage is applied in the direction from the periphery to the heart. In the event of a dislocation, it will secure the joint in the desired position, in the event of a sprain, it will reduce the load on the ligaments, and in the event of a bruise, it will prevent the occurrence of severe swelling. For such purposes, it is convenient to use a bandage 1.5-2 m long from CONSUMED.

Prevention or treatment of varicose veins

Several factors play a role in the development of varicose veins: heredity, a sedentary lifestyle or excessive stress (pregnancy and childbirth, wearing uncomfortable shoes), hormonal disorders.

The main problem with varicose veins is the loss of elasticity of the vein walls with subsequent stagnation of blood in them. Elastic bandages reduce the diameter of the veins, help fight backflow of blood and prevent venous stagnation.

For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, medium-stretch bandages with a length of at least 3 m and a width of 8-10 cm are used. Such elastic bandages are also in the CONSUMED assortment.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage for varicose veins

  • Apply the bandage immediately after waking up.
  • Cover not only the affected area, but also 7-10 cm above.
  • Fix your foot at a right angle to your shin.
  • Bandage from the base of the fingers, leaving them open.

Other methods for preventing varicose veins:

  • moderate physical activity (optimally swimming, cycling);
  • balanced diet (balance of potassium and magnesium, vegetables and herbs, vegetable oils);
  • drinking enough;
  • baths with herbs and special ointments for the feet;
  • comfortable shoes.

Why elastic bandages after surgery?

An elastic bandage after surgery controls the growth of scar tissue and helps relieve inflammation, prevents blockage of blood vessels and the occurrence of blood clots. It is also used to stabilize joints and prevent air embolism.

Types of compression products: tights, knee socks, stockings and elastic bandages

  • Compression Socks

The most popular type of this linen. The height reaches just below the knees and is a good replacement for elastic bandages when the lower part of the leg needs to create special pressure. Easy to put on, comfortable in any weather.

  • Compression Tights

This product is one of the most popular types of therapeutic underwear among women, sometimes patients refuse to use them and only for the reason that they are quite inconvenient to put on, tights do not hinder movement when walking and do not slide down.

  • Compression stockings

An intermediate option between knee socks and tights. They are much more convenient to put on than tights, but this option of compression products is not suitable for everyone, since the stockings are attached to the surface of the skin only with a silicone elastic band and sometimes slip down and cause discomfort and inconvenience.

Classification of elastic bandages

According to technological characteristics, elastic bandages are divided into:

  • knitted;
  • woven (more wear-resistant, stretch less after washing, their cut edge does not crumble).

Depending on the degree of their potential elongation, elastic bandages are:

  • short elongation (such bandages can elongate up to 70% of their original value);
  • medium elongation (the increase in the length of the bandages reaches 140% of the original size);
  • long elongation (bandages elongate by more than 140%).

The elasticity of the bandage is reflected in the parameters of the technical characteristics: resting pressure (produced by the bandage during muscle relaxation) and working pressure (it is created during muscle contraction).

Compression stockings are divided into:

  • Therapeutic stockings

Experts recommend wearing it for the complex treatment of varicose veins, after traumatic or lymphatic swelling of the legs. It is worth noting that stockings from the Sigvaris brand come in two types: groin-length stockings and mid-thigh stockings.

  • Stockings for surgery

They are also called hospital stockings - they are produced in white color and with a hole for the foot. As the name suggests, they are used in preventive measures in hospitals and hospitals during operations to prevent blockage of blood vessels by air bubbles and blood clots (embolism). Also recommended after surgery.

Elastic bandages stand out:

  • Elastic bandage

This is a woven material that has the property of stretching. It is made of latex, as well as polyester fiber or cotton. Recommended for fixing joints, applying bandages, and also for quickly creating distributive pressure on the affected limb.

What do experts recommend for surgery?

Doctors have found that during operations, including childbirth, there is most often a danger that an air bubble can penetrate the vessel and block its functionality. And in order not to provoke this danger, products made of compression material are prescribed. Due to the external pressure exerted on the veins, air does not have the opportunity to penetrate into the vessels, and it quickly dissolves in the blood without causing additional health problems to the patient.

During the operation, the patient can wear stockings or elastic bandages. But experts still give preference to stockings.

Why? Let's look at the model - stockings for surgery:

  • This model of stockings is produced in white color - this allows specialists to monitor the patient’s veins during the operation itself, white color also makes it possible to monitor the healing process of a postoperative wound or suture, and a specially provided hole for the foot allows the nurse to monitor the patient’s body temperature;
  • It is much easier and more convenient for the operating nurse to put on stockings without disturbing the patient.

The main advantage of using hospital stockings during surgery is that they are easier to put on and do not slip down after the patient returns to the room. For childbirth, as well as for surgery, stockings are preferable to bandages for the same reasons.

Why do you need an elastic bandage: features of use, recommendations

11/23/2014 Many people do not know what an elastic bandage is for, but it has a huge number of advantages and, in addition, advantages over simple bandages made of gauze. Today, elastic bandages have also appeared, which need to be used after surgery, and if necessary, you can also find an elastic sports bandage, which may be needed when you have some kind of sports competition coming up, and, for example, your ligaments are stretched. Good results are obtained from classes using special rehabilitation equipment https://dokmed.ru in a wide range presented on the website dokmed.ru.

Disadvantages of a simple gauze bandage.

  1. A simple gauze bandage becomes significantly deformed after the first application. This makes it unsuitable for the second use;
  2. If you apply a simple bandage, then, after a certain period of time, the bandage may weaken and begin to slip due to the fact that it is simply stretched.

None of these disadvantages are observed with elastic bandages. It will not deform or stretch due to the fact that it contains elastic elements.

Tight bandage: what is it?

If you have suffered a sprain, or you have bruised, for example, an arm or leg, and heard from the doctor a recommendation for a “tight” bandage, this means that you must do it using an elastic bandage. By the way, if you suddenly have a plaster splint made, it is also advisable to fix it using an elastic bandage. You just have to do this a day later, that is, after the plaster has completely dried.

If you use an elastic bandage, then you can remove the plaster splint at least a couple of times a day in order to slightly develop movements in the joints. However, this can only be done with the permission of your doctor. Also speaking about why an elastic bandage is needed, it should be noted that its use allows applying compresses, as well as rubbing in various medicinal ointments along with plaster immobilization. Again, only if recommended by your doctor.

As noted above, an elastic bandage is also used very often during sports training, since a huge number of minor injuries occur during sports training.

Rules for applying a plaster bandage

1) Pay attention to the length of the bandage:

  • if it is necessary for the wrist joint, then it should be from one meter to one and a half;
  • if for the ankle joint, then from one and a half meters to two;
  • if for the knee joint, then from two to three meters;
  • if for the elbow joint, then from two meters to three meters.
  • if you need to fix the entire upper limb, the bandage should be at least three meters long, but no more than four.
  • if to fix the lower limb, then the length of the bandage should be approximately five meters.

2) When purchasing, look at the degree of stretchability of the bandage.

  • if you need a bandage for prevention or fixation of a joint after an injury, then you can choose a bandage with a medium or high degree of extensibility;
  • If you purchase a bandage on the recommendation of a doctor after surgery performed on the vessels of the lower extremities, then they should have a low degree of extensibility.

3) Choose a manufacturer that has been on this market for several years and has already established itself as one of the best.

When applying a bandage with an elastic bandage, be sure to consider the following recommendations.

  1. It is advisable to apply the bandage only in the morning. At this time there is no swelling yet. Or you can apply it after you have rested a little in a lying position with your limb elevated.
  2. The bandage should be applied to the widest part from the narrowest one. That is, the application of the bandage begins from the ankle area and ends at the knee joint.
  3. Under no circumstances should you allow any folds to form when applying the bandage. To do this, bandage, you need to maintain uniform tension.
  4. The bandage that was rolled up should only be unrolled outward and at a close distance from your skin. This will allow you to avoid possible overstretching of the bandage during the process and it will turn out that you will not have too much compression of the tissue.
  5. Be sure that each subsequent turn of the bandage should, if possible, overlap the first by no less than 1/3.
  6. Make sure that between successive turns of the bandage, no gaps are formed for the skin.
  7. The maximum tension should be observed in your lower sections. Further, with each revolution, according to the rules, it should decrease.

Separately, it is worth noting that when applying such a bandage to joints, make sure that the technique is correct, otherwise the bandages will curl, slide and not sufficiently fix the joint that has been damaged.

What is better to use in the postoperative period?

During the operation, thin walls of blood vessels are always damaged, and as a result of these damages, substances enter the blood that slow down blood flow and increase blood clotting. Patients are advised to use compression garments only to prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots.

During the postoperative period, patients are always inactive and it is very difficult for them to care for themselves. Therefore, it will be much more effective to use stockings than a bandage.

How to put on stockings correctly?

There are specially designed gloves on sale that make putting on stockings easier. If for some reason this accessory was not delivered to the hospital, you can learn how to put on a compression product yourself without gloves, just try not to damage the fabric of the compression stocking.

Turn the stocking inside out all the way to the bottom and carefully insert your leg. Then you need to carefully straighten the knitted fabric and, using your palms, slowly put on the stocking, gradually turning it inside out.

Do not forget to smooth out the wrinkles and slowly, slowly, put on the stocking. This way the material will fit tightly onto the surface of the body and the stocking will not slide down.

How to do bandaging correctly?

Every person must remember and know that it is necessary to accurately determine the type of elastic compression and select the most effective method of treatment. When a patient is diagnosed with varicose veins, the product is always selected taking into account the progress of the disease, the degree and the required length of the product.

A medical bandage can be used on a woven or knitted base, but a woven base is still preferable and only for the reason that this base is much more effective and durable.

Bandaging is carried out using a bandage up to 6 meters in length, and a standard width of 9 or 11 centimeters.

After the operation, the patient is required to fix the sore leg with a bandage every time he rises from the hospital bed.

Important: always check with your doctor on how to properly bandage a leg and remember that bandaging is performed on two legs at once. This is only due to the fact that during the rehabilitation period the patient involuntarily transfers the load to the healthy leg and therefore, for the purpose of prevention, so that it can provoke the active development of the disease on the healthy one, one must remember to bandage it too.

It is strongly recommended to carry out bandaging correctly, because any violation leads to numbness of the fingers on the limb and their blueness. In this case, the patient feels pulsating blood, compression, pain and discomfort in the foot and ankle area.

Dear readers, applying bandages correctly is, unfortunately, very difficult and not every medical worker has such skill. In modern medicine, medical staff do not have much time to properly bandage each patient. And if a person has thrombosis or a severe form of swelling, in this case it is necessary to carry out a fairly tight bandage comparable to compression pressure 3 (30-40 mm Hg), and it is generally not possible to independently achieve such compression indicators and apply a bandage. The best option would be to use compression garments during the preoperative and postoperative period.

Let's summarize:

Pros of stockings:

— easy and quick to put on/take off, can be washed in a machine on a gentle cycle (this only applies to stockings for surgery!), rarely fall off, create physiologically correct compression, do not leave marks on the skin, do not cause inconvenience to medical staff, have a high therapeutic effect, lifespan service (guarantee for therapeutic effect) from 6 to 8 months.

Cons of stockings:

- the cost is about 2000 rubles (stockings for surgery), they are selected strictly according to size - you can’t give it away or resell it on Avito, you can’t fix a joint in case of injury, you can’t buy it quickly - you need a specialized salon or pharmacy, careful hand washing every day.

Pros of bandages:

- they are cheap, you can quickly buy them as needed at any pharmacy, there are no special sizes - you can use it even with your whole family with friends and relatives, if they are torn or stretched - throw them out and buy new ones (don’t mind, they are cheap), you can quickly fix the joint in field conditions or create compression on the lower extremities in the hospital in cases where there is no time to select or search for compression stockings.

Disadvantages of bandages:

- service life is 2-3 months, it is difficult and long to bandage, bandaging takes time not only from patients, but also from medical staff (thereby causing dissatisfaction), not everyone can bandage correctly - you need skill and experience, they require careful washing, just like and stockings, after the bandages are removed, a specific mark, “steps” will remain on the skin, since the bandage is applied in layers (overlapping), if the bandages are applied incorrectly, you can create an obstacle to normal blood flow and harm the legs.

In the following articles we will look at the reasons for stockings slipping, one of the questions that our customers often ask us.

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Features of the procedure

Elastic bandaging of the lower extremities has the following positive characteristics:

  • safety, no contraindications for use;
  • versatility - elastic bandaging can be used for almost any pathology of the legs;
  • high efficiency - patients feel relief from the first days of compression;
  • reliable fixation - the bandages do not slip, do not squeeze or interfere with the breathing of the skin.

To achieve maximum effect, you should entrust the procedure to a specialist.

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