Ointments for the back for spinal hernia: types and indications for use

Causes and types of intervertebral hernia

Today, experts distinguish between intervertebral hernia, which is located in the thoracic, cervical or lumbar regions. Most often the disorder is diagnosed in the lumbosacral region. The main causes of the disease include the following:

  • spinal column injury;
  • severe stretching, including the old type;
  • metabolic problems;
  • insufficient development of the muscle corset and bones;
  • the presence of infectious lesions;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • other pathologies of the spinal column;
  • incorrect posture and constant physical activity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • rupture of the cartilaginous ring and pinching of the spinal cord roots.

Attention! Often the disease is caused by several factors at once. In 80% of cases, the disease develops due to pathologies in the spine and bruises.

Ointments for a hernia should be selected by a rheumatologist, neurologist or traumatologist

Prevention rules

As is known, deformation of intervertebral discs occurs against the background of regular or sudden load. Therefore, the most important point is to reduce this load. When sleeping at night, it is recommended to use an orthopedic mattress. It is best to fall asleep lying on your back.

It is also necessary to take a close look at your weight, since its excess has a negative effect on the spine. When performing a set of therapeutic exercises, it is advisable to avoid sudden movements and prolonged stress. Even at home, remember about correct posture, and try to change your body position more often when sitting.

Symptoms of intervertebral hernia

The presence of damage can be recognized by the typical signs of a hernia:

  1. Pain syndrome that is localized in the area of ​​the affected disc. If the source of inflammation is in the neck, discomfort is also felt in the back of the head, shoulders and upper back. With a thoracic hernia, pain is felt throughout the chest. With a lumbar hernia, pain can also be felt in the perineum and legs.
  2. The patient complains of decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​hernia protrusion.
  3. There may be problems in the use of arms and legs.
  4. With a lumbar hernia, the patient notes problems in the functioning of the intestines and genitourinary system.
  5. A damaged neck may also cause problems such as increased blood pressure, hearing and vision problems.

Attention! Pain from a hernia varies in nature from aching to cutting. Increased discomfort is observed during physical activity, lifting weights and during movement.

Acute pain is the main symptom of intervertebral hernia

Treatment methods for spinal hernia

After identifying a disorder, it is imperative to carry out therapy, which consists of the use of conservative and surgical methods. The patient is required to be prescribed medications that can relieve inflammation and pain in the affected area. This can be done by injections, ointments and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets, hormonal agents and any painkillers.

In severe cases, a blockade is used. The specialist injects an analgesic into the epidural space, due to which relief comes within the first minutes. The results from the procedure may last for several weeks. The use of medications is enhanced by vitamin complexes and drugs such as chondroprotectors.

Ointments can quickly relieve pain and inflammation during intervertebral hernia

Chondroprotectors are necessary for the healing and regeneration of cartilage tissue. They also eliminate excess fluid from the hernia and increase motor activity. After the acute period of the disease has passed, a course of massage, physical therapy and manual therapy is prescribed.

If there is no result from using such methods, you should seek surgical help. The operation is performed either openly or using an endoscope. During the intervention, it is possible to restore the damaged area or completely replace the sagging fibrous ring with a special implant.

Attention! Sometimes a herniated disc can be confused with a femoral hernia. It is characterized by protrusion of the intestines. This condition is also characterized by severe pain. The violation can only be eliminated surgically. During the operation, the doctor removes the diseased area of ​​the protruding intestine and performs special plastic surgery on the damaged area.

Removing a spinal hernia using an endoscope

Features of hernia treatment in children

In pediatric patients, treatment is always conservative. Only if the use of medications and auxiliary methods does not lead to improvement, surgery is prescribed.

Before surgery, children, like adults, are prescribed the same groups of drugs, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cartilage tissue restoration, including in the form of ointments. Additionally, patients are prescribed long-term bed rest, which can last up to one month.

Attention! If the effectiveness of medications is weak, spinal traction is prescribed. But it should be carried out in exceptional cases and only by a highly qualified manual doctor.

Treatment of hernia in children is almost always carried out only using a conservative method.


Chondroprotective ointments are used to treat intervertebral hernias in the initial stages of disease development , as well as to prevent active degenerative processes. The effectiveness of therapy increases with the parallel use of tablets, compresses and gels.

Mechanism of action

Chondroprotectors are used to restore metabolic processes in the affected cartilage tissue . The use of such products leads to improved trophism of ligaments and muscle tissue. Chondroprotectors contain chondrotin sulfate, which takes part in the development of cartilage tissue.

Experts recommend using chondroprotectors not only for intervertebral hernia, but also for osteochondrosis and all kinds of degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the spine.

Chondroprotectors are aimed at restoring cartilage tissue

List of drugs

  • Teraflex . It has a weak antiseptic, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (the last two are provided thanks to the peppermint oil contained in Theraflex). Helps improve blood circulation, irritation and dilation of blood vessels.
  • Arthrocyte . Restores connective and cartilaginous tissues, prevents or stops the development of degenerative processes in joints.
  • Chondroxide . Used for the prevention and treatment of dystrophic diseases of the spinal column. Suppresses components that destroy cartilage, relieves pain, stimulates regeneration, and penetrates deep into tissue.

Video: “Review of Diclofenac ointment”

Find out more about how back diseases are treated with ointments:

  • You can learn more about the use of ointments for back chondrosis here
  • List of drugs in the form of ointments for sciatica
  • You can learn about ointments for back pain and muscle relaxation on the page

Classification of ointments against hernia

When eliminating the symptoms and consequences of hernias of any type, the specialist prescribes one of the types of local remedies.

Type of ointmentPeculiarity
Warming or irritating1. Relieve pain. 2. Improve lymph and blood flow. 3. Increase tissue nutrition with useful substances
Cooling or painkillers1. Relieve pain. 2. Relaxes muscles
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs1. Relieve pain. 2. Eliminate swelling and inflammation. 3. Normalize the temperature at the source of the disorder
Chondroprotectors1. Stimulate the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue. 2. Improves the mobility of the joint apparatus
Natural based balms and ointments1. They enhance the effect of other medications. 2. Improve tissue nutrition. 3. Relieve discomfort in the affected disc

Attention! In most cases, patients require the prescription of a complex of ointments that can simultaneously provide anti-inflammatory, decongestant, healing and cartilage-restoring results.

For the best effect, it is better to use a whole range of ointments or other products


Not only for hernia, but also for all other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chondoprotectors are prescribed. They have a powerful restorative effect. When using them, all local processes in the body return to normal, cartilage tissue is restored much more quickly. An additional effect of chondoprotectors is that they relieve pain, prevent nerve pathologies, and increase the volume of fluid located in the vertebral core. Chondoprotectors include Target T and Traumeel C.

Features of the use and selection of local products

back ointments

It is necessary to choose medications taking into account the characteristics of their effect on the hernia. Warming and irritating drugs increase blood flow, normalize cellular nutrition and reduce the intensity of pain.

Cooling ointments are also used to quickly relieve pain. They additionally relieve swelling and improve mobility of the affected area.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointment has a combined effect. The drug additionally lowers the temperature of the sore spot, which eliminates the further spread of the disease.

Chondroprotectors are necessary to enhance the effects of other ointments, as well as restore cartilage tissue. After using this type of product, the mobility of the sagging disc improves. More information can be obtained from the video.

Video - Treatment of spinal diseases with chondroprotectors

Attention! To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to coordinate any prescriptions with a neurologist. It is especially important to do this in the presence of chronic pathologies of the heart and kidneys, since many ointments can have a negative effect on these systems.

Traditional methods can improve the effect of drug therapy

Methods of influence

Ointments differ in the mechanism of their functioning. They are divided into cooling and warming. Both types can be used for a hernia during an exacerbation of the disease or during a period of relief. You should start using medications only after consulting with doctors, because sometimes there are contraindications.

Warming ointments are used to increase blood flow to the area of ​​the hernia. Local heating helps speed up healing processes. Warming gels are prescribed with manual therapy, electrophoresis, and therapeutic massage. The most famous medicines of this kind are Bee and Snake venom. But warming ointments and gels have a number of serious contraindications:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • pathological conditions of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • unhealed wounds;
  • allergy to ointment components;
  • pregnancy.

If the pain is as intense as possible, cooling ointments are prescribed. This is due to the fact that when heated, the blood supply to the area increases and the pain intensifies. To relieve pain, it is much more effective to cool an area of ​​the body, which is why cooling agents are very popular as pain relievers. The cooling effect is provided by such products as Fastum-gel, Comfrey - this is achieved through special components that have a calming effect. Cooling medications are prohibited for kidney disease, heart disease, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Some patients experience individual intolerance to certain components in the composition.

If a cooling gel is used during the rehabilitation period after surgery, it should not be rubbed in. The gel should be absorbed into the skin on its own. In all other options, it is better to rub in with circular massage movements. Some gels are made to be as absorbent as possible (to provide a quick effect).

Painkillers and warming ointments

Fastum gel

The drug has an almost immediate analgesic effect. The drug must be applied using gloves or a special applicator. The recommended number of applications is 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s medical history, but you cannot use Fastum gel on your own for more than one to two weeks.

Fastum gel has an almost instant analgesic effect

Ketoprofen gel

Fast acting analgesic. Suitable for more frequent use. The medication also relieves inflammation and increases tissue resistance to harmful substances. Ketoprofen gel can be applied up to three times a day. The duration of use of the ointment is 10 days, unless otherwise indicated by the attending physician.

Fast-acting analgesic - Ketoprofen gel


It has an irritating and immediate warming effect. Relieves pain and increases blood flow in the sore spot. The medication must be applied in the morning or evening for three days. After this, it is recommended to take a break for five days and then continue treatment, pausing every 72 hours. The general course of therapy without interruptions is 30 days.

Nicoflex relieves pain and increases blood flow in a sore spot

Muscle relaxants

Treatment of acute back pain will be incomplete without the use of muscle relaxants. By eliminating secondary muscle spasm, they improve blood circulation and help reduce the severity of chronic back pain, which often accompanies, to a greater or lesser extent, even a state of remission with protrusions and hernias.

Currently, the following muscle relaxants are most often used: Mydocalm and Sirdalud. The advantage of Mydocalm is that it can be used in the first days of the development of acute pain, since it is available not only in tablets, but also in ampoules for intramuscular injection. This form of release is called “Mydocalm-Richter”. Tizanidine, or Sirdalud, is not prescribed in the acute period, since it is available only in tablets. Other drugs that have a strong and harsh effect, such as Baclofen, are not used for the treatment of acute back pain due to protrusions and hernias.

Tolperisone (Mydocalm)

Tolperisone is the original drug Mydocalm, produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, in packages of 5 ampoules (1 ml). In addition to tolperisone, lidocaine was added to the solution to relieve pain, since tolperisone alone is quite painful when administered intramuscularly. This package costs 475 rubles.

Lidocaine belongs to the group of central muscle relaxants, and affects special reflexes of the spinal cord. As a result, reflex readiness in the reticulospinal tract decreases, and peripheral blood circulation in the muscles increases. Along the way, tolperisone has a slight antiadrenergic and antispasmodic effect.

This drug is indicated for all conditions in which spasm and increased tone of striated muscles are observed. This is not only acute and chronic back pain, but also stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscle spasticity in arthrosis of large joints. It is also used in complex treatment after trauma surgery. Mydocalm should be used intramuscularly, one milliliter twice a day. Mydocalm is contraindicated in severe forms of myasthenia gravis, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in children under 18 years of age.

Tizanidine (Sirdalud)

Sirdalud is available only in tablets, which means that it is undesirable to use it in the first days with particularly severe pain. Its task is gentle, supportive therapy during the period of fading exacerbation, when the pain is no longer so severe, and the secondary myofascial syndrome is still preserved.

Sirdalud produces a noticeable side effect: it is advisable not to use it for people who drive a car, since Sirdalud causes drowsiness, and very often. But if it is prescribed to those for whom back pain prevents them from falling asleep, then this is a fairly effective solution.

It must be remembered that Tizanidine should be discontinued slowly, especially if treatment has been long-term. If it is canceled abruptly, the patient may experience an increase in blood pressure and an attack of tachycardia. If you know about these features of the drug, then it can be used for protrusions and hernias for 10-12 days, and then transfer the patient to hardware or manual physiotherapy and swimming. Sirdalud is produced by Novartis, and a package of 30 tablets of 4 mg costs 300 rubles.

Vitamins - Milgamma (Binavit, Vitaxon, Combilipen, Larigamma)

Perhaps, among the vitamins, only one drug can be named - this is Milgamma. It contains the necessary complex of B vitamins, namely B6, B12 and B1, along with a solution of novocaine. These vitamins improve the trophism of nervous tissue and help the patient quickly eliminate neurological disorders associated with compression of the hernial protrusion of nerve structures: segmental roots. When Milgamma was prescribed, the period of existence of such unpleasant sensations as numbness, a feeling of “crawling goosebumps” in the leg or arm, respectively, in the presence of a hernia of the lumbar or cervical spine, significantly decreased. Strength in the limbs was restored faster. In addition to complications of osteochondrosis, Milgamma is indicated for various forms of neuritis, paresis of the facial nerve, nocturnal muscle cramps and other similar conditions. The drug is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity, severe forms of heart failure, in children, pregnant and lactating women.

Milgamma injections must be given daily, 2 ml for 10 days. After the pain subsides, they switch to tablet forms of the drug, which are called “Milgamma compositum”. Milgamma is produced by the German company Solyufarm GmbH, and one package of 10 ampoules, designed for a course of 5 days, on average costs about 490 rubles.

Topical medications for the treatment of acute back pain

Local remedies for the treatment of acute back pain are used very widely. These are various ointments, creams and gels, medicinal plasters. These remedies can be used 2-3 days after the onset of acute back pain, when the intensity of the pain syndrome began to decrease due to drug therapy. That is, at the beginning - injections, and then ointments and creams can be prescribed along with tablets.

Why is this so? The fact is that among ointments there are many representatives with a warming effect. For example, Capsicam containing capsaicin (cayenne pepper extract) or Finalgon ointment. If these drugs are used immediately, then, on the contrary, the swelling will increase, since they promote blood flow to the site of application, as well as into the deep tissues. Accordingly, the severity of the pain syndrome will increase. But after a few days, when the intensity of the inflammation begins to subside and the swelling resolves, then warming ointments will, on the contrary, with their blood flow help improve blood circulation in the area and eliminate the pain syndrome.

In the first days of the onset of very acute pain, in principle, you can use local remedies that do not warm. These are cooling ointments and creams containing menthol and camphor, and others. In order not to accidentally harm yourself with the wrong choice, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Let's consider three typical local remedies used for acute back pain, including protrusions and hernias. This is a gel, an ointment, and this is a special warming patch.

Viprosal B

Viprosal B is a medicinal ointment, the effective ingredients of which are: gum turpentine, salicylic acid, camphor and viper venom. These ingredients were chosen very well. Turpentine irritates the skin and increases blood flow to the skin from deep muscles, salicylic acid dilates blood vessels, camphor has a distracting and cooling effect. Viper venom improves the rheological properties of blood and tissue trophism.

Viprosal B is indicated for various forms of neuralgia, myositis, as well as for symptoms of acute back pain. This ointment has quite a few contraindications. Thus, it cannot be used in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, a tendency to vascular spasms, children, pregnant and lactating women, severe impairment of liver and kidney function, and in some other cases.

Apply no more than one teaspoon of ointment to the area where the pain is projected and rub into the skin, no more than 2 times a day. The duration of the treatment course should not last longer than two weeks without consulting a doctor. Viprosal is produced by the Tallinn chemical and pharmaceutical plant (Estonia), one tube weighing 50 grams costs 286 rubles.


Fastum-gel is a popular, non-warming product containing ketoprofen. In fact, this is the same Ketonal, only applied not by injection, but locally. Its mechanism of action is also associated with an anti-inflammatory effect, which is realized through inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. In addition, it relieves pain. In addition to osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias, it is indicated for rheumatism, gout, various injuries such as dislocations and sprains, in the case of tenosynovitis, as well as for thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins. Positive reviews about it are given not only by neurologists, but also by vascular surgeons.

It must be applied by applying a thin layer of gel to the skin and rubbing lightly, up to 2 times a day. As in the previous case, treatment should not last more than 2 weeks. Fastum-gel has the same contraindications as ketoprofen, but there are fewer of them, because when applied topically, it is very slowly absorbed into the blood and practically does not accumulate in the body. Fastum-gel is produced by the Italian group Menarini; one tube weighing 50 grams will cost 350 rubles.

Ketonal-thermoplaster warming

This patch is, in fact, not a medicinal substance, but a means for home physiotherapy. It contains iron powder, activated carbon, salt and water. When these components are combined on one surface (which happens after removing the protective film from the patch), it quickly heats up to an effective temperature of 45 degrees. This allows it to warm up the desired area of ​​the lower back for a long time for 10 hours.

Thermal plaster is indicated for chronic back pain at the stage of subsiding exacerbation with protrusions and hernias. Let us remind you that since it warms, it should not be used in the first days. The patch, despite the simplicity of dry heat, also has many contraindications. But it makes no sense to describe them all here in full. This patch is produced by a Chinese company led by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Slovenia. A relative disadvantage of this patch is its fairly high price. For one package of 10 strips, each of which is intended for one-time use only, you should pay 800 rubles.

In conclusion, it should be said that all these drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician in combination, in a certain sequence, in order to quickly improve the quality of life, increase the range of motion in the back and relieve severe pain. Medicines have contraindications and side effects, so all the remedies listed in this article should be prescribed only by your doctor.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments


A fast-acting remedy that requires strict adherence to the instructions, as it easily provokes an overdose. To treat a hernia, distribute the active substance in an amount of 2-4 g, carefully massaging the sore spot for 3-5 minutes.

Diclofenac ointment


It is safe to use thanks to the ibuprofen contained in it. Nise can be used up to four times a day, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. When using the ointment, a rapid anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and decongestant effect is observed. Sensitivity increases in the affected area.

Nise is safe to use


A classic anti-inflammatory agent, it also has an analgesic effect. Do not apply more than 2 g of active substance at a time. Ortofen is used no more than four times a day. You should not use the ointment for more than 10 days, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor.

Attention! Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are always prescribed for spinal hernia, regardless of its location. In addition to these, other ointments and medications in the form of injections and tablets can be included in the course of therapy.

In severe cases of hernia, surgery to remove it is prescribed.

Chondroprotectors and stimulants for hernia


A medicine based on chondroitin, extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Available in the form of gel and cream. The medication is applied according to a special scheme, providing for 2-3 uses per day during the first five days. After this, you need to pause for three days and repeat the treatment according to the given regimen. The recommended duration of therapy, excluding breaks, is four weeks.

Cream Arthrocin


Stimulates the production of bone and cartilage tissue. At the same time, there is a rapid anti-inflammatory result. The medication must be applied up to three times a day, equal to 3-6 cm of ointment. For a quick effect, massage the sore spot for 3-7 minutes. The duration of treatment is according to the indications and recommendations of the neurologist.

Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to successful recovery

Balms in the treatment of hernia


The drug contains a special complex with chondroitin and glucosamine. Sophia balm should be applied three times a day, rubbing it into the hernia area for at least five minutes. For the desired effect, after using the medicine, you should provide the affected area with heat by wrapping it in woolen cloth. The duration of therapy is as directed by the doctor, but not less than six weeks.


It has a quick analgesic and warming effect due to the alcohol included in the composition. Thanks to chondroitin, the process of restoration of cartilage tissue is provoked and its further destruction is prevented. Comfrey is used 2-3 times a day, thoroughly rubbing the hernia area. The duration of the course of therapy is as recommended by the attending physician.

Attention! Balms perform a supporting and enhancing function, therefore they are always used in combination with other local medicines.

Lumbar hernia negatively affects the intestines and bladder

Surgical treatment, removal of disc herniation. When and how?

In most cases, a herniated disc can be treated without surgery. Conservative treatment helps most of our patients. The indication for surgery is the presence of severe neurological disorders (paresis of the limbs, bladder, intestines) and there is a risk of developing irreversible changes in the spinal cord and its roots. In these cases, we will not take risks.

How surgical treatment and removal of a herniated disc are performed. There are several methods of surgical treatment of disc herniation. We recommend operations using endoscopic technology, which preserves all the bone structures of the spine. After such an operation, independent walking is allowed within 3-4 days, and further recovery is much faster.

If necessary, we will refer you to highly qualified neurosurgeons with whom we have been successfully cooperating for many years. In the future, we will provide you with postoperative rehabilitation and prevention of hernia recurrence. Recurrence of a disc herniation may be associated with its ongoing overload , so sessions of manual therapy and therapeutic exercises are necessary.

Homemade ointments against spinal hernia

Yarrow and aloe

100 g of aloe leaves are crushed into puree and mixed with 20 g of yarrow. A pinch of black pepper is added to the ingredients and mixed with butter to form a mass similar to an ointment. The product should be applied morning and evening for a month.

Herbal ointment

A mixture of herbs and olive oil helps well for hernia of the lumbar and groin area. Yarrow, immortelle, horsetail and comfrey are mixed in equal quantities, having previously crushed all the components. The product must be applied 2-3 times a day for four weeks.

Video - Treatment of spinal hernia with folk remedies

What is Schmorl's hernia

When the nucleus pulposus of the vertebral disc moves up or down, penetrating the vertebral body, a Schmorl hernia occurs. Read more about Schmorl's hernias here

1 – Normal discs 2 – Schmorl’s hernia 3 – Schmorl’s hernia and wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

The formation of a Schmorl's hernia is accompanied by inflammation , which leads to increased blood flow. The blood washes away calcium, the vertebra becomes softer and, under the influence of body weight, becomes deformed, forming a wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

Most often, Schmorl's hernia occurs in the thoracic spine, less often in the lumbar spine. Then a kind of “chain reaction” of the degenerative-dystrophic process occurs: the part of the spine affected by Schmorl’s hernias becomes inactive and when moving, the vertebrae above and below work for it; due to this double load, after a few years, new hernias may appear in them disks. Damage to the intervertebral discs is caused by increased mechanical stress on the vertebrae. It is usually possible to stop this process with the help of exercises, osteopathic treatment and medications .

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