Orthotics: advantages of the method, indications for use

06/29/2021 For back pain, a person uses not only painkillers and warming ointments and rubs, but also tries to provide first aid: older people rub the painful area and wrap their lower back in a woolen scarf, and young people wear a special bandage belt. Everything is clear with your back, but what to do with a sore knee? You can try to wrap your knee, but this causes discomfort and when walking, such a bandage must be constantly tightened so that it does not slip.

There is an exit! These are orthopedic knee pads. They have a lot of advantages:

  • there is no discomfort with them;
  • knee pads provide protection to the joint;
  • don't slip.

Just before purchasing, you should understand which type of knee brace to choose in accordance with the injury or disease of the knee joint.

Concept of orthosis

Orthoses are a broad class of orthopedic devices that are used to fix and unload the spine and joints after injury, surgery, or for a certain disease. The need for fixation and unloading can also be caused by:

  • paralysis and paresis (including after a stroke),
  • the presence or predisposition to the appearance of contractures (including with cerebral palsy),
  • congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Orthosis is a complex concept, the general name of all devices and products that are prescribed by an orthopedist or traumatologist for the restoration and treatment of one or another segment of the musculoskeletal system (lower back, elbow joint, foot, knee and hip joint, etc.)

Plaster or orthosis: which is better to choose for a fracture?

Table of contents

  • Indications for the use of gypsum
  • Indications for using the orthosis
  • What is better to choose for a fracture: plaster or orthosis
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Should I use a plaster or orthosis for fractures?
This question interests many today. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this. Let's figure out why and find out what determines the choice in favor of one or another product.

Indications for the use of gypsum

Plaster casts are still widely used in traumatology. They are prescribed to adults and children. As an independent method of treatment, plaster bandages are indispensable for fresh fractures of the hands, forearm, foot, ankles, etc.

They are not used only for local infectious complications,

which include gangrene, ischemic limb disorders, purulent leaks, phlegmon and anaerobic infections.

It should be noted that today there are several varieties of gypsum. Polymer is increasingly replacing the traditional one. Instead of a cotton bandage, a special mesh impregnated with polyurethane resin is used. Such plaster can be made in the form of a bandage (activated by water) or blank sheets (activation occurs under the influence of temperature changes).

Polymer products:

  • allow you to get a “breathable” bandage that allows air to pass through well
  • stretch in different directions and allow you to get a fixator for any part of the body
  • are distinguished by increased ease of use due to their relatively low weight

With modern dressings you can take a bath. It is enough just to dry the product with a hairdryer after hygiene procedures. In addition, polymer gypsum is more elastic. It reduces the risk of muscular dystrophy. The polymer is permeable to X-rays. This provides diagnostic capabilities.

Of course, modern plaster is not free. It is also important that its application is carried out using a special technology. Not every medical institution has staff who own it.

Which plaster is better for a fracture? Of course, polymer. But it should be borne in mind that it is not always available in emergency rooms.

Indications for using the orthosis

Wearing such a product allows you to stimulate bone healing and stabilize joints, reducing the load on the damaged area. In addition, modern designs help strengthen ligaments, muscles and tendons. Additionally, they minimize pain and reduce the risk of swelling.

Also indications for wearing it are:

  • post-traumatic conditions
  • arthritis and arthrosis of the joints
  • problems with ligaments: weakness, congenital instability, acquired damage
  • incorrect position of the feet (when the child turns his feet inward, walks on his toes, etc.)

The products are also recommended during the recovery phase after surgery.

What is better to choose for a fracture: plaster or orthosis

Only a doctor can give an exact answer to this question. However, there are certain standards.

Instead of a plaster cast, an orthosis is not prescribed for complex closed and open fractures, in the presence of bleeding wounds, or in the early stages of therapy. First, it is always better to apply the strongest bandage possible, which will ensure complete immobilization of the damaged area. Once the fusion process has started, you can remove it. Thus, orthoses are often used after casting.

At the same time, the use of a modern design will allow you to closely monitor the healing process. If necessary, the orthosis can be easily and quickly removed for X-ray or other diagnostics and a number of manipulations. The fixation of the structure can also be strengthened or weakened. This improves patient comfort.

Using an orthosis on the ankle and other parts of the legs or arms instead of a cast allows you to:

  • for an overall reduction in recovery time
  • to reduce the number of complications after various injuries
  • to improve the general condition of the patient

Important! For fractures, both rigid and semi-rigid structures can be used. The choice in favor of a certain one is made exclusively by the doctor. You can choose a modern medical product exactly in size and taking into account all available indications. It is very important that the orthosis is used by the patient correctly, in compliance with all recommendations. Only in this case will the process of rehabilitation after a fracture be as painless as possible and require a minimum amount of time.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Fast recovery with minimal discomfort.
    This is achieved through the use of ankle and other orthoses instead of plaster. Also, modern designs maintain normal blood supply to tissues and are lightweight, resistant to moisture and easy to use.
  • Experienced doctors.
    Our orthopedic traumatologists always take into account the patient’s indications and characteristics when selecting therapy. This allows you to achieve its pronounced effect
  • Comfort of visiting MEDSI.
    Our clinics are located near the metro. Appointments must be made in advance. This allows you to avoid queues and long waits

To get help with fractures, use all the necessary services and ask questions about the conditions for their provision, call + 7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will advise you and suggest the optimal time to visit the clinic. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

Functions of the orthosis

Orthoses perform a whole range of functions:

  • fix, stabilize and unload the spine and joints,
  • contribute to the restoration of musculoskeletal function and soft tissues after injuries (fractures, sprains, dislocations, subluxations, bruises, etc.),
  • correct (correct) damage and deformations of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.),
  • protect joints and spine during sports and increased physical activity,
  • relieve pain caused by diseases of the spine or joint (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, spondylosis, etc.).

The term “orthosis” is often used erroneously, calling only rigid joint fixators (complex hinged knee pads and elbow pads, rigid orthoses for the hip and wrist joint, splints, etc.) orthoses. However, this is just as wrong as understanding “furniture” as only tables and chairs, forgetting, say, about cabinets and cabinets.

What it is?

What is a splint? This is a cast structure that allows you to hold the lower limb in a fixed position. At the same time, it is possible to immediately choose a functionally advantageous version of the posture, which is necessary for various diseases. Most often, the splint holds the leg or keeps movements strictly in one direction. Sometimes it is flexion-extension.

Splints can be used not only for adults, but also for children. Most often, devices are used for:

  • myositis;
  • muscle paralysis;
  • after injuries;
  • surgical interventions.

The device helps in the process of eliminating deformities of the lower limb. That's why manufacturers produce a variety of models. The sizes vary from 10 to 22.

Types of orthoses

According to their purpose, all orthoses can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Spinal orthoses (collar splints, corsets, reclinators, prenatal and postnatal bandages)
  2. Orthoses for the joints of the upper limbs (shoulder braces, elbow pads, wrist orthoses, finger braces)
  3. Orthoses for the joints of the lower extremities (hip orthoses, knee pads, ankle pads, orthopedic insoles and some types of orthopedic shoes).

According to the manufacturing method, orthoses are divided into ready-made and individual. Ready-made orthoses are factory products that are available in a wide range of sizes. The doctor prescribes a certain type of orthosis to the patient, and the patient independently selects a specific model from the presented analogues.

An individual orthosis is made in an orthopedic workshop personally for the patient, taking into account his anatomical features and type of pathology. Most often, individual orthoses are made using casts from the damaged area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.

Types of knee pads: features and purposes

Devices can be divided into 4 groups:

  • warming;
  • supportive;
  • corrective;
  • fixing.

The choice depends on the cause that caused the pain in the knee joint.


Improve blood circulation and reduce pain. It is recommended to use in the acute phase of the disease: pain due to rheumatism in weather-dependent people, arthritis in the acute stage, “new” bruise.


They help reduce the load on the knee joint, provide reliable fixation, repeating the anatomical structure of the leg. Prescribed by a doctor after severe injuries at the last stage of rehabilitation or in case of tissue damage and sprains.

Supportive knee pads are part of mandatory complex therapy for the initial stages of tendinitis, arthrosis, as well as chronic arthritis.


Designed to limit the mobility of the knee during movement in order to avoid negative consequences for the joint. Corrective knee braces are used in the post-traumatic period during rehabilitation. In addition, for diseases that cause destruction of the knee joint: Oggud-Schlatter disease, bone tuberculosis, in severe stages of arthrosis.


The appearance of the orthopedic device is similar to a plaster cast. Used for partial or complete immobilization of a joint. Fixing orthopedic products are prescribed by a doctor for fractures, ligament and meniscus tears, and bone cracks.

Orthosis rigidity degree

The degree of rigidity of the orthosis determines its purpose and vice versa. Without delving into the specifics of each individual type of orthosis, we can generally distinguish between hard (immobilizing) and soft (supporting) orthoses.

Light fixation orthoses are made of elastic, breathable fabric that creates compression, micromassage and, in some cases, warming effects. Soft orthoses are used for minor injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, as well as for preventive purposes.

Rigid orthoses provide maximum fixation of a joint or part of the spine, preventing displacement and limiting the number and direction of movements. In addition to the elastic fabric, such orthoses use special metal plates (stiffening ribs), plastic elements, hinges, and sleeves. Immobilization is required for serious injuries and deformities of the musculoskeletal system.

Some types of orthoses also provide semi-rigid fixation, which provides a greater degree of stabilization and unloading of the joint or spine than soft orthoses. In semi-rigid orthoses, plastic stiffeners, additional ties and removable pads are used as reinforcements.

Types of orthoses

Each orthosis has its own specific characteristics, according to which it may belong to one or another group. Most often, orthoses are classified by purpose. Choosing the right orthosis also depends on other important factors: manufacturing technology, functions, degree of rigidity, design features and materials used to create the product.

Classification of orthoses by purpose

The rules for selecting an orthosis are dictated by the characteristics of the disease. When choosing the most rational option, the doctor takes into account the condition of the patient’s body. Depending on the existing problems, the patient may be offered the use of the following types of orthoses:

  • preventive, relevant for people at risk or for patients with minor changes in the joints. They prevent injuries and exacerbation of some chronic pathologies;
  • treatment and rehabilitation, which are suitable for restoring organs after injury. They are also used in the complex treatment of pathologies accompanied by dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • functionally permanent, allowing the restoration of motor function of the limbs with irreversible changes in the joints. Long-term use of orthoses of this type helps improve the quality of life of disabled people with persistent congenital or acquired dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system.

The use of orthoses in complex therapy and the rehabilitation period of patients with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system helps prevent relapses of chronic diseases and helps reduce the recovery period.

Classification of orthoses by manufacturing technology

The technology for creating orthoses may differ in the manufacturing method and materials used in the work process.

To make orthoses, tire-leather inserts, plastic and textile elements, bandages or lamination material can be used.

According to the manufacturing method, orthoses can be:

  • serial, for the creation of which standard modules are used;
  • prefabricated modular - their formation and installation occurs directly in the damaged joint;
  • individual - for their production, measurements and casts of a specific patient are used (the so-called individual orthosis).

Classification of orthoses by design characteristics

Depending on the function to be performed by the orthosis, various forms of prostheses are manufactured. Most often they are performed in the following form:

  • bandage - a soft and elastic orthosis;
  • orthopedic splint - rigid fastening for damaged joints;
  • splint - a soft orthosis for full coverage of the limb to ensure joint immobility.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, patients are often prescribed to wear orthopedic devices that facilitate limb movement.

Another design feature of orthoses is their degree of rigidity. They can be hard, medium-hard and soft. The choice of one of these types is determined by the degree of damage to the diseased joint. For example, to heal an injury, it is recommended to use rigid orthoses, and, as a rule, soft ones during the rehabilitation period.

Whether a patient needs a foot orthosis or a spinal orthosis, the selection of the appropriate product should be made by a qualified professional who can help you select the most effective orthosis.

Results of using the orthosis

Fixation and unloading of a joint or a certain part of the spine with the help of an orthosis primarily reduces or completely relieves pain caused by a disease or injury. How it works? The damaged area is fixed in a certain (physiologically correct) position; accordingly, it is at rest, does not move or shift. Plus compression and warming, i.e. acceleration of blood circulation and lymph flow. As a result, the pain decreases or subsides completely.

A state of rest is also an indispensable condition for the healing of injury; accordingly, it is thanks to the orthosis that fractures, sprains, dislocations and bruises go away faster.

If the result of injury or other external influence is a displacement or incorrect position of a certain segment of the musculoskeletal system (for example, curvature of the spine), then the orthosis in combination with other measures allows you to stop and correct the deformity.

If any component of the musculoskeletal system temporarily or permanently does not perform its functions (drop foot, arm after a stroke), then the orthosis supports this component in a physiologically correct position, preventing the occurrence of complications and further deformities.

Orthoses are also an effective preventative measure. They protect the joints and spine from injuries, secondary injuries and complications after operations.

Buy a bandage for joints

Orthopedic products are divided into orthoses and bandages. These two types are similar to each other, but there are some differences between them. To buy a preventive or therapeutic orthopedic product, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each type.

For the most part, bandages are made from knitwear. The bandage fixes the elbow joint and reduces pain, if any. One of the advantages of the bandage is its tight and voluminous fixation. It allows you to stabilize all parts of the diseased joint. The bandage tightly fixes, but does not compress any muscle tissue, blood vessels or nerves that are adjacent to the elbow joint. The advantage of the bandage is that the material from which it is made allows the skin to “breathe”. Plus, the bandage warms up and massages the muscle tissue.

When choosing what to buy, a bandage or an orthosis, it is worth knowing that the bandage limits the mobility of the damaged joint, and the orthosis protects the elbow joint from unnecessary mechanical influences.

The above products can provide different values ​​of fixation and compression. These types of bandages are a necessary element for rehabilitation during the post-injury period. They are very comfortable and if possible, it is better to use these soft and “breathable” structures instead of plaster.

To ensure a systematic restoration of the joint’s functionality, special hinged traces for the elbow are used. If the joint is fixed, then it remains in a motionless state for a long time, as a result of which counterpoints are formed, and it is the traces that can easily cope with them.

It is worth knowing that orthoses that fix the elbow joints differ from bandage products. One of the visible differences is the fasteners. They allow you to fix the joint in the correct position. The fasteners will prevent unnecessary movements that negatively affect the injured joint.

Retainers are made from various materials; they can be fabric, plastic or metal.

If you have never encountered orthopedic products, it will be difficult for you to distinguish between a brace and an orthosis. Indeed, sometimes bandage products have additional fixing elements. The joint is secured here with Velcro, metal inserts, etc. This means that before buying an orthosis or bandage, you should consult a specialist. It will help you choose the degree of fixation, rigidity and size of the orthopedic product.

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