How to draw human legs with a pencil - step-by-step master classes on drawing human legs

Where to begin?

So, in order to start creating, we need at least the most minimal knowledge of anatomy. But you shouldn’t be afraid of such a terrible and frightening word at first glance. In the first stages, it is enough to get acquainted with the basics, gradually studying more complex material.

In addition to the necessary theoretical part, for further work we will need the following:

  • paper (single sheets or album);
  • pencils (simple, automatic; different in hardness and softness for sketching and shading);
  • eraser.

But the most important thing that you cannot do without in any new endeavor is determination and the desire to achieve a worthwhile result. After all, without desire and the slightest interest, everything will fall out of hand and not work out, which obviously will not benefit either you or your mood and skills.

And now, when we have everything we need, we can begin the process itself. There are several available ways to draw legs. Now we will look at several lessons, starting with the simplest.

Body types

Body type is a set of characteristics that describe a person’s constitution. The main characteristics are:

  • structure of muscle tissue;
  • structure of bone tissue;
  • a number of biological features.

Physiologists divide people into three main types of constitution:

By determining your size and body type, you can find out your ideal weight and determine the most appropriate exercise and nutrition program.

Let's look at each type separately.


Women of this type are usually thin, have thin bones, long necks and limbs, flat chests and narrow shoulders. It is very difficult for them to gain weight and build muscle. Ectomorphs are often quite tall and have a thin, long face, which is why they are called lanky. Such women are energetic and graceful, they almost never have problems with being overweight.


A woman with a classic proportional figure. She has well-developed muscles and minimal body fat. Such women often have a harmonious figure.


These women have heavy and large bones, large shoulders, rounded shapes and broad chests, arms and legs are slightly shorter than other types, and height is shorter. These ladies are very hardy and strong, but not flexible, they have a large amount of subcutaneous fat, weak limbs with large fat deposits. No matter how much people of this type starve, they are more likely to become simply hungry endomorphs, but will not become like the other two types.

How to draw legs: a simple version with geometric shapes

This method is the most understandable and uncomplicated even for beginners. The basis is taken on several simple geometric shapes.

Before you begin, you should familiarize yourself with the structural features of male and female legs:

  • men are naturally stronger and more muscular, while women are softer and weaker. Consequently, some have powerful and large forms, while others have thin and graceful ones;
  • women's curves are smoother and have rounded shapes, while men have rather rough features and angularities;
  • The structure of the upper part (thigh area) also differs: in women it is larger than in men.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the proportions. They depend on factors such as the age and gender of the person. The leg lengths of an adult and a child have noticeable differences, so this point is important.
  2. Set the direction
  3. The leg is not a straight stick, remember that. Using ovals and circles, you can achieve curves and bulges for this part of the body. You can also outline the muscle relief in more detail for greater naturalness.
  4. Draw more clearly the main muscles and bend lines.
  5. Use shading to create shadows on the inner thigh and side of the buttock. This contrast will add volume and liveliness to the drawing.

Ideal body proportions are characterized by the following ratios:

Ancient Greek sculptors considered the ideal body to have the following proportions:

  • the length of the face (to the upper border of the forehead), like the length of the palm, is equal to 1/10 of the height;
  • neck circumference is 2 times larger than wrist circumference and 2 times smaller than waist circumference;
  • fist circumference, forearm length and foot length - all 3 values ​​are equal to each other;
  • the width of the chest, like the length of the arm, starting from the tips of the fingers to the elbow, is equal to 1/4 of the height of the body;
  • the chest circumference in men is 1.1 times greater than the pelvic circumference;
  • waist circumference should be 1/4 less than chest circumference;
  • the length of the thigh is equal to 1/4 of the height;
  • the calf circumference is approximately the same as the neck circumference of a woman and the biceps circumference of a man;
  • the length of the foot is equal to 1/6 of the total height;
  • the figure of a man standing with his arms spread apart can be “placed” in a square.

In 1855, German professor Adolf Zeising defined the “golden ratio” and demonstrated how it is represented in numbers. Zeising took measurements of almost 2,000 human bodies, after which he came to the following conclusion: the proportions of the male body fit much more accurately into the concept of the “golden section” than the proportions of the female. Indeed, male proportions are within the ratio of 13:8 and are equal to 1.625, and female proportions are within the ratio of 8:5 and are equal to 1.6. After Zeising carried out the calculations and received all the numbers, he realized that these numbers form a Fibonacci series, which can be continued indefinitely in both directions. Adolf Zeising analyzed how fair his own theory was, “trying it on” to the sculptures of ancient Greek creators.

Modern figures for the golden ratio are slightly different than Zeising calculated: 1.68 for men and 1.62 for women.
In 2009, traumatologist-orthopedist Marker N.A. conducted a study, the result of which was as follows: representatives of the Negroid (1.63 ± 0.023) and Caucasian (1.59 ± 0.006) races are closest to this value. As for Asian women, in order to meet the “golden proportions”, they need to wear very high heels or otherwise visually increase their height. The division of the body by the navel point is the most important indicator of the golden ratio.
And yet, speaking about an ordinary person, we do not take a ruler and a calculator and calculate the “golden proportions” of his figure. We simply perceive its forms at the level of intuition. Although, “modeling” a person and bringing his body closer to the ideal has long become a reality, and plastic surgeons do this.

Patient's review of cruroplasty

“The lipofilling operation of the legs went quickly. It was very pleasant that the doctor and staff treated me attentively and attentively. The result made me incredibly happy. I spent the next two weeks in stores, buying skirts and other clothes that weren’t for me before... It was a blast!” Yulia, 34 years old

This and other reviews about cruroplasty.

How to draw legs: 1st stage

To make your legs look natural, let's start with the very basics. First of all, note that usually no one draws using only straight lines. This would be wrong both from an aesthetic and physiological point of view. Such “clumsy” work is suitable only at the stage of the first sketches. Taking a closer look, you will notice that the elegance and beauty of the limbs are perfectly conveyed by the curves. It is with their help that during the drawing process we will recreate the real shape of the legs, adding details and bends to the base image.

Anti-cellulite massage and procedures

The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology published the results of a recent study. According to them, 80–90% of women suffer from cellulite on the buttocks or thighs. Cosmetologists have developed special products and therapeutic methods to combat cellulite.

The following procedures are used at home and in beauty salons:

  • Leg shape correction using cryolipolysis. This is a hardware treatment method in which fat deposits are smoothed out. To create chic thighs and firm buttocks, a vacuum attachment is applied to the problem area. It sucks the skin and treats it with cold. To see the result, you need 8-10 procedures.
  • Cavitation. Fat deposits are dispersed using ultrasound. The doctor uses a special attachment to treat problem areas, making the skin smoother. For long-term results, 5–10 procedures are needed.
  • Home care, massage. Special creams and wraps also help tighten the skin and maintain the ideal shape of the hips. Choose products that contain coffee beans, hot peppers, and retinol. Complement your treatments with manual massage. It not only helps break down fat deposits but also improves blood circulation.

How to draw a full-length human body: 3rd stage

Let's try to “attach” our legs to the rest of the body. Sometimes novice artists perfect their skills in drawing individual parts of the body, but a portrait of a whole person is much more difficult for them. At this stage, we are putting together our “puzzle”; try repeating the transition, as shown in the figure. Don't worry if it doesn't work out very well at first. This is why we study, to grasp the essence and understand the basis of how to draw legs. Take time to draw slowly and focus on the process, then the work will go faster. If your drawing has already begun to resemble the example, move on to the next stage.

Recommendations for further actions

Now that you have become familiar with the theoretical basis and have independently tried to draw a human leg step by step, you should not abandon practice. Especially if it didn’t work out the first time. This is precisely the reason to take on this matter with perseverance and perseverance.

Draw wherever and whenever you have a free minute. A good and useful practice would be to create a drawing from life, no matter who poses: you, your friends, or maybe a random stranger on the street. Use photographs and paintings of artists as references, develop your imagination and think through the details of the drawing.

Try to sketch more often not only the legs, but also the whole body in motion, in different poses and from different angles. Watch video lessons and master classes, don’t stop at one thing and don’t stand still.

And then, following our advice over and over again and constantly practicing, after some time you will notice how your skills are improving and how the process of depicting human legs no longer seems so difficult.

Drawing the legs: 4th stage

Let's start drawing in more detail, this time the knees. This task usually does not cause any particular difficulties. Since the knees are the connecting part of the leg, they stand out most noticeably in the picture. Therefore, we advise you to draw carefully, with thin lines, so that if something happens, you can correct it. As you can see, the eraser helps us at every stage of creating an image, allowing us to hone every line to perfection. Draw, erase and draw again. Don’t be afraid of mistakes and spare no effort; you can see options for drawing knees as an example in the picture.

Ji Dieng 122.94 cm

In the photo, the popular model Ji Dieng was born in a poor country - Senegal. No one even imagined that an African girl would make a dizzying career as a supermodel.

Ji's parents decided to try their luck in another country and left for France. There, the long-legged beauty was immediately noticed and invited to a modeling agency. Of course, Dieng’s lower limbs are 122.94 centimeters (height 180). The girl wears size 41 shoes.

Long legs are not the only merit of the model. She worked hard and persistently pursued her goal. To shine on the catwalks of Milan, she had to master the Italian language perfectly. Gee has collaborated with many famous brands and appeared on the covers of fashion magazines.

In addition, Dieng is a very kind person. She regularly engages in charity work and is a goodwill ambassador.

Learning to draw: stage 5

Legs are not only bones, but also muscles. Think about how they will stand out. It all depends on you, if you want, highlight this part of the legs, if not, leave it more inconspicuous. If the goal is to draw a complete person, then the muscles may not be very detailed. If we draw only the legs, it is advisable to make such an “emphasis”. In my opinion, muscles are an integral part of the drawing; their detailed image looks more natural and realistic.

Smooth skin

Smooth and silky skin is another mandatory sign of ideal legs. You need to exfoliate a couple of times a week and apply a moisturizing body lotion every day.

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted hair on your legs: the simplest and most short-lived is shaving, the most expensive and effective is laser hair removal, the most optimal in terms of price and longevity is waxing, sugaring. Choose what you like!

More about slender and beautiful legs: Seven models of sandals that visually reduce the size of your feet.

Final 6th stage

So, the drawing is almost ready. What else remains to be done, how to draw legs correctly? Let’s add a few more strokes and add some curves to “revive” the picture. Do not skip this stage if you want the drawing to be harmonious and have a complete look. Look at the details in the example, compare the details with your drawing, make any final adjustments. If you followed all the points in the article, you should get a beautiful and proportional image of your legs.

This article is intended for those who have recently been drawing or want to refresh their basic knowledge of fine art. This is not the only correct one, but a basic understanding of the composition and drawing plan can be used as a basis for creating more complex drawings.


This is the ideal female figure, according to many opinion polls. This type is the most harmonious and symmetrical, causing pleasant associations in men. In general, guys only need 10 minutes to appreciate a woman's figure. A lady with an hourglass figure can be either thin or curvy. The main thing is that the proportions of the body are respected. In the pictures in the article you see that this is a way to emphasize what the ideal figure is for a girl. A photo not only in a swimsuit can highlight her beauty.

Today we love to share our intimate photographs with the whole world, forgetting that photography is a document and a weapon that can be used against ourselves. However, the hourglass figure is pleasing to the male gaze at the subconscious level: such a lady will easily procreate, this type of figure seems to carry a message about femininity and a promise to bear and give birth to a baby (wide hips contribute to this). Therefore, a guy on a subconscious level reads information from a woman’s body, and does not just receive visual satisfaction. Why do some representatives of the stronger sex love thin people? Slimness is a sign of a young body; this stereotype is embedded in the male subconscious. As a rule, young people are hardy and strong. This is how the choice of a life partner is often made.

Drawing legs beautifully: basic principles

In this article we will look at the main points that you need to pay attention to when drawing legs. The drawing is done in stages, let's try to make the legs beautiful and simple. Some people think that drawing people is very difficult, but in reality it is not so. Of course, an image of, for example, a ballerina or a sleeping person will require more detailed drawing, but with enough time and effort, even a novice artist can get a great result. Don’t skip steps, following the algorithm, you will draw a real masterpiece without any extra work or rework. So, let's proceed to the first stage of creating the ideal image of legs.

Hip Width

Girls most often worry about the size of their hips. Of course, hip girth is an important parameter for ideal legs. So, with a height of 161–165 centimeters, the correct hip circumference is 53–54 centimeters; with a height of 166–170, the thigh circumference is 55–57 centimeters; with a height of 171–175, the hip circumference should be 57–58 centimeters (be careful: the circumference of one hip, not the circumference of two hips).

We would like to note that 55 centimeters in girth is not so small, which means that thin and beautiful legs are not always the same thing.

Feet are not pancakes

Beginners often draw their feet as flat as pancakes, or in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds “stuck” to their shins. In fact, the foot has a much more complex shape, with many protrusions and indentations. Remember that there are bones inside the foot, not jelly or a piece of plywood.

The foot has six sides, each of which is different from the others, while at the same time being a mirror image of the corresponding side of the other leg: left and right, front and back, and upper and lower. Also remember that a healthy foot is not flat - there is an “arch” between the base of the toes and the heel.

If the foot in your drawing doesn't look like itself at all, you've probably got the basic shape wrong. There is no need to frantically edit the silhouette, it’s better to go back to the beginning and build everything more carefully

How to determine penis size by leg size

Determining the size of the penis by shoe size has become especially widespread.

Disputes between scientists over the fact that it is possible to determine the size of the penis by the size of shoes and other external signs have not subsided to this day. Some believe that this is complete nonsense, others prove the relationship between different parts of the body and the penis.

Determining the size of the penis by shoe size has become especially widespread. Several calculation formulas have even been created for this purpose.

Simple calculations

There are quite a few calculation formulas offered, but the most popular are the following:

S (penis size) = (L (foot size) + 5) / 2.

When creating this formula, scientists decided to rely on Darwin's great theory. They believe that ancient people, having small feet, were not able to fully straighten up to fight for existence. Therefore, only those with large leg sizes received priority for prolongation of the family.

Japanese formula

Japanese scientists have come up with a formula for determining the size of the penis, using not only the size of the foot, but also the man’s body weight and the length of his nose. The calculation looks like this:

S = 35 * (R (foot size) + 3 * N (nose length)) / M (body weight)

Whether there is a connection between these four values ​​is unknown. It is believed that the formula was invented specifically for women who are prohibited from having sexual relations before marriage.

And fingers are not sausages

The toes do not lie in neat little round shapes (or sausages), they touch and press against each other. The big toe looks slightly inside the foot, and the rest are slightly directed towards it. The largest distance is between the big and second (is there an index finger on the foot?) fingers. Usually the toes are shortened from the big toe to the little toe, but it happens that a person's second toe is longer than the big toe - pay attention to this when drawing someone's specific feet.

When you flex your toes, the entire arch of the foot bends because it is a single system - do not draw flexed toes as if they are hinged to the foot and move separately from it.

Measurement by other parameters

Determine penis size by hip size

In addition to leg size, many ways have been invented to determine the size of the penis by other external signs. One of the parameters is human height. There is an opinion that short men have a large reproductive organ, while tall men, on the contrary, have modest ones. But this statement is not confirmed by anything.

Another parameter is belonging to a particular race. For example, Asians have small genitals, and blacks have large ones. So in most cases this theory is confirmed, but there are always exceptions.

The size of the penis is also determined by the size of the hip. The larger it is, the longer and thicker the penis. But such an opinion is not always justified. But it is known for sure that the size of the male organ depends on body weight. The fatter a man is, the smaller his penis.

Only in this theory the value is assessed visually. The bottom line is that with excess body weight, some part of the penis is hidden behind folds of fat. If a man loses weight, the organ will look larger.

It is impossible to determine the exact size of the penis by the size of the foot and other external signs. Such theories do not work in practice. The length and thickness of the penis depends on many parameters, so the exact size can only be calculated by external measurement.

Stage 1: Sketch

At the first stage, it is important to make a sketch of the future legs. The sketch can be as “live” as possible - this means that you leave all the lines that you drew. At this stage, it is important to think over the character’s pose, indicate the center of gravity and the general build of the legs. To make them symmetrical, use auxiliary lines measuring the length of each section of the leg, namely: from the hip to the knee; from the knee to the bottom of the shin. Watch the plane on which you place the character: if the pose is static, then the horizon line will be the reference in your drawing. If you are creating a dynamic character (a jump, for example), then it will be more difficult for you, and it would be a good idea to first study the rules of aerial perspective.

Also be guided by the rule of proportions, which will help you create a harmoniously built character as a whole.

Healthy feet

Beautiful legs are, first of all, healthy legs. Spider veins and blue-violet mesh will ruin the appearance of even the slenderest legs. A sedentary lifestyle, sitting for seven to eight hours, high heels, lack of physical activity - all this can lead to varicose veins. The disease is serious and is often treated only with laser therapy or surgery.

Therefore, take care of the health of your feet from a young age. Walk, play sports, take a contrast shower, give your feet a break from heels, drink more water and visit a phlebologist.

Stage 2: clarification

When you decide on the pose, draw your sketch with a thick pencil or transfer the drawing, holding it against the glass, onto a new sheet without clarifying lines. It is important to convey the character's complexion.

Many artists do not think about the realistic representation of legs in a drawing and use a minimum of detail in their works. This approach has its charm, but every self-respecting illustrator studies anatomy before creating his own unique handwriting. Further actions depend on the chosen style.

Paula Abdul

The world-famous American dancer and choreographer Paula Abdul came to popularity thanks to her love of dancing and, of course, strong and beautiful legs that never tire.

Now her shows are opened by the Oscars and other famous events, and Paula herself works with many Hollywood stars. This is what beautiful legs mean in a woman’s life, and, indeed, in a man’s life too.

The list wouldn't be complete if we didn't remember German supermodel Claudia Schiffer. Her career was lightning fast and this is not surprising. One has only to look at her figure and, of course, her legs - they are simply mesmerizing and eye-catching.

Every global designer at the peak of her career dreamed of working with her. Over the years, Claudia has not lost her beauty, and her toned legs are her pride and the envy of all women on the planet.

Claudia has been recognized more than 900 times throughout her career and that is worthy of respect.

Irresistible Hollywood blonde and ex-wife of “the last samurai” Tom Cruise, sweet and gentle Nicole Kidman is the owner of the most charming legs among the star elite.

The thing is that her Australian roots have given the actress a beautiful, light skin tone, and her sexy legs look just great.

Stage 3: completion

The graphics are shading with a simple pencil or gel pen: lines superimposed according to the shape of the legs create volume. And if your favorite method is to work with color, paints and a brush, then the drawing is filled with pure colored fills that create beautiful transitions. Also, if you have a scanner and a graphics tablet, you can convert the sketch into electronic form and work directly with graphic editors such as Photoshop and Sai.

Step 1

Draw two ovals.

Step 2

Draw two lines down the middle of the ovals and add two small circles on top.

Step 3

Add more ovals.

Step 4

Draw a few additional lines inside and outside the ovals.

Step 5

Add more curved lines.

Step 6

Connect the curved lines.

Step 7

Erase all unnecessary auxiliary lines and detail the drawing by adding some small details.

Step 8

Trace the outline of the feet with a felt-tip pen to make them more visible.

Step 9

The final stage. Color the drawing with acrylic paints or crayons.

Sultan Kösen defeated the disease

A Turkish farmer was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest man in the world and the owner of the largest foot. With a height of 251 cm, the man’s arms reach 3 meters in length. Finding boots for feet size 62 is not easy. The cause is a tumor of the pituitary gland. Sultan can only move with the help of crutches due to the heavy load on his spine. The largest man in the world lives with his parents and wife, all of them are of normal height. The Sultan's wife Merve Dibo barely reaches his elbow. Due to his height, he was unable to finish high school and went to work as a farmer. Kösen says that his height is also an advantage, as it is convenient for him to work with tall trees, change light bulbs, and help his loved ones with housework. Among the shortcomings, he notes difficulties in buying clothes, shoes, and when traveling by car.

He has been undergoing treatment since 2010 at the Medical Institute of Virginia; specialists monitor hormone levels. It was possible to normalize the activity of hormones in the pituitary gland and stop constant growth.

Photo ideas and examples for drawing human legs with a pencil

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