Where are a person’s kidneys located: symptoms of kidney pain and what to do about it

Kidneys play a significant role in the human body, and the general well-being of a person largely depends on the state they are in. In this regard, every person should have at least basic knowledge about where a person’s kidneys are located and about the possibility of various diseases associated with this organ.

Where are the kidneys located?

To show where a person's kidneys are located, you need to consult a medical reference book. In appearance, the kidneys in humans are bean-shaped and are located on the back side of the peritoneum on both sides of the spinal trunk. This arrangement is equal to the twelfth thoracic or three upper lumbar spines.

Viable, healthy kidneys are separated from neighboring organs by a connective film - fascia. The kidneys in a person from the back are fixed in place with the help of a fat capsule, power muscles of the abdomen and back, as well as vascular pedicles.

Where is the right kidney? The right kidney is projected to the anterior wall of the peritoneum, and its surface is adjacent to the duodenum and liver. The left kidney is located under the spleen and is covered from behind by the colon. The anterior wall of the left kidney is in contact with the pancreas and the middle part of the small intestine.

Photo of the location of the kidneys in the human body.

The location of the kidneys has the following features:

  1. The location of this organ depends on the gender and age of the person. So in men, the kidneys are located slightly higher in the area of ​​the twelfth thoracic and second lumbar vertebrae. Where are the kidneys in women? A woman's kidneys are slightly lower than half a vertebra. Women's kidneys have the same shape as men's.
  2. The kidneys have the ability to move slightly under the influence of changes in the posture of the human body. In relation to the sacrum, the kidneys can change their location by 3-4 cm. If this parameter exceeds 5 cm, then this is already a sign of a serious disease.
  3. Sometimes a non-standard location of the kidney may be found in the human body. This effect is congenital and cannot be treated.
  4. There is a disease called dystopia, in which a pathological downward displacement of one kidney relative to the other is recorded. Very rarely, patients may have cross dystopia or fusion. Such diseases must be treated seriously and promptly.

Main functions

  • performs the main cleansing function of the body;
  • effectively maintains the acid-base balance throughout the body;
  • active participation in blood circulation;
  • maintaining optimal blood pressure levels;
  • stable functioning of the body's endocrine system;
  • regulation of the balance of microelements.

From all the above functions of the kidneys, it becomes obvious how important it is to keep them healthy and prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

Possible diseases

There are a number of diseases that a urologist or nephrologist primarily looks for. It is impossible to determine the exact cause by visual inspection. Conduct instrumental and laboratory testing. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made and treatment begins.

During the period of therapy, it is also recommended to undergo examination to identify a trend towards improvement or worsening of the patient’s condition.

The reason may be physiological conditions. For example, nephropathy of pregnancy. This cannot be called normal, as an inflammatory process develops. But it is not associated with the disease, but with compression of the internal organs by the fetus. Pathological conditions may develop. These include nephritis, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, polycystic disease and other diseases.

If after treatment your health does not improve, they look for another source of damage. It is possible that an additional pathology has developed or the condition of the old one has worsened. The longer a patient delays treatment, the higher the risk of complications.

Nephropathy in pregnancy

When a fetus develops in a woman's uterus, it gradually increases in size. This leads to compression of neighboring organs. Blood flow slows down, metabolism and regeneration of damaged tissues are disrupted. This leads to an inflammatory process. If the condition develops in the kidneys, complications described in the table occur.

ComplicationsProcess description
Bacterial infectionDifficulty urinating. Urine does not come out in full, this leads to the gradual proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of pus
Damage to the glomerular apparatusSome cells are destroyed and the immune system is activated. Lymphocytes accumulate at the site of injury, increasing the inflammatory response and swelling. Filtration is impaired, this leads to the uncontrolled release of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements into the urine
HypertensionIncreased blood pressure due to impaired fluid outflow, changes in water and electrolyte balance
AlbuminuriaExcretion of protein along with urine due to the formation of a lesion

The woman has frequent urges to go to the toilet. Increased body temperature. The pain intensifies until it becomes acute.

Cyst formation

There are tubules located inside the kidney tissue. If the patient has a predisposition, small blisters form on them. They are filled with serous fluid, meaning there is no bacteria or pus inside.

The patient experiences frequent urge to urinate. A dull pain develops, intensifying during an exacerbation. The condition is dangerous due to the rupture of the walls of the cysts with the release of the contents outside. Therefore, patients will learn what to do so that the cyst in the kidney resolves without the need for surgery. To eliminate the pathological condition, hormonal therapy is used.

If a cyst appears in the kidney, the size for surgery is measured, since bubbles that are too small are not suitable for surgery. Such formations can be treated with medication.

Due to the emerging disorders, hypertension is formed. My health is getting worse. The ratio of fluid and electrolytes changes, this leads to cardiovascular pathology. The kidney may completely fail.

Hydrocele of the kidneys

In nephrology, the condition is referred to as hydronephrosis. The reason may be stone formation, malignant and benign tumors, inflammatory diseases, congenital structural abnormalities. With pathology, expansion of the pelvis and calyces occurs due to a violation of the outflow of urine. Bacteria accumulate at the site of damage. Gradually, the kidney tissue atrophies, and organ dysfunction occurs. He can completely refuse to work.

If one of the kidneys is surgically removed, the patient will continue to live, but his quality of life will decrease.

The disease is initially asymptomatic. The urge to urinate becomes the first sign. Due to tissue damage, blood is released into the urine. This makes its shade scarlet or bright red. In the acute period, the pain is characterized as cutting, stabbing. In a chronic process, it appears rarely, in the form of attacks.

Sand accumulation

If a person eats low-quality food and drinks little fluid, sand forms in the renal pelvis. This is the first prerequisite for the formation of urolithiasis. The formation may be released along with urine, but this cannot be visually determined. Sand is visible only with a microscope in a general clinical urine test.

If the general analysis shows abnormalities, bacteriological culture, Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky tests, and ultrasound are additionally prescribed.

To identify the condition at home, it is enough to collect a sample. Almost immediately a cloudy sediment will form at the bottom of the container. Bacteriuria often develops. Urine takes on an unpleasant, putrid odor.

When sand accumulates, the lower back does not hurt much. This is mainly a dull soreness that occurs very rarely. When the particles stick together, urination becomes painful. Blood is released into the urine.

Prolapse of a paired organ

Under the kidneys there is adipose tissue. If it is not enough, one or both organs may descend. This condition is called nephroptosis. The reason may be:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • recent labor;
  • weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

The condition is easily identified using ultrasound. Gradually the organ drops lower. This leads to the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea;
  • mental disorders in the form of nervousness, excitability;

  • incessant pain.

A person gets tired quickly and cannot stand on his feet for a long time. If you need to be in a horizontal position when working, it is recommended to change your occupation. Otherwise, kidney failure will occur.

Some patients think that changing the location of the organ cannot cause serious consequences. But complications such as glomerulonephritis, nephritis, and renal failure gradually develop. This is fraught not only with deterioration in well-being, but also with death.

Urolithiasis disease

The kidneys contain pelvises, ducts through which urine is secreted. Since microelements, minerals, and toxins pass along with it, some substances are retained. Kidney stones are formed from the combination of these elements with each other, forming large conglomerates.

If the size of the formation is small, the patient initially does not experience any discomfort. There may be aching soreness that is confused with fatigue. If the stones become excessively large, they scratch the mucous membrane with sharp edges. This leads to the release of blood entering the urine. It takes on a bright red hue.

In the early stages of the disease, surgical intervention can be avoided. Use tablets based on herbal ingredients to wash the internal contents of tissues from sand. For example, Canephron.

Stones can not only accumulate, but also pass down the urinary system. That is, from the kidneys to the bladder, urethra. This is such a painful condition that many people lose consciousness. It is necessary to take painkillers and additional methods of eliminating stones.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure is a decrease in the functionality of a paired organ. It can be unilateral or bilateral. Characterized by impaired diuresis up to complete anuria. The following conditions may be the causes:

  • use of poisons, chemicals, narcotic substances;
  • severe mechanical damage;
  • prolonged inflammation without treatment;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • severe bacterial infection.

To completely eliminate the pathological condition, an organ transplant is required. It must fully match the genetic material for the tissue to take root. If this does not happen, the patient may die in case of bilateral nephropathy. If only 1 kidney is removed, the person continues to live, but his health worsens.

Damage can be localized in any part of the organ. This could be the pelvis, glomerular apparatus, or other parts. Gradually, the damage spreads to all tissues, necrosis (death) appears.

Malignant neoplasm

The disease is dangerous because the formation of a tumor in the early stages does not cause clinical symptoms. The patient is unaware of the condition. Therefore, therapy is not carried out. When a malignant process is detected, therapy is started. Often it does not lead to results, so organ resection is required.

If the tumor was detected in the early stages, laboratory tests are repeated after chemotherapy and other treatment methods. The number of tumor markers is determined.

If the data is exceeded, a repeat biopsy is prescribed (extraction of a piece of tissue with identification of atypical cells under a microscope).

The test for tumor markers is not recommended for healthy people; an incorrect diagnosis may be made.

If the cancer has developed to stage 3-4, metastases form and spread to other tissues through the circulatory system. The most dangerous damage is to the liver and brain. Multiple organ failure occurs, leading to coma or death.

Inflammatory process

Inflammation is a response to injury that causes immune cells to accumulate at the site of injury. They cause swelling, pain, and tissue destruction. The following conditions may be the causes:

  • glomerulonephritis - impaired filtration capacity;
  • pyelonephritis - bacterial infection;

  • autoimmune pathology - the action of lymphocytes against their own cells;
  • alcohol, chemical, drug intoxication;
  • frequent hypothermia.

The pathological process can be assumed by fever, chills, frequent urination without the appearance of urine. The skin becomes pale, gray, yellowish. The condition worsens if timely therapy is not carried out.

The treatment method depends on the cause of the inflammatory process. Antibiotics, steroids, physical therapy, and surgical procedures may be prescribed. Inflammation often recurs; after completion of therapy, it is recommended to undergo periodic laboratory tests.

Blood flow disturbance

The kidneys contain an abundant number of blood vessels. Through them, fluid and substances enter the organ. They are not needed by the body, so they are eliminated from it. This leads to the formation of urine, which is released through the urinary system.

Often the cause of the pathology is obstruction of blood flow. The organ does not receive the substances necessary for normal metabolism and tissue regeneration, so the side begins to hurt. The following conditions may be the causes:

  • diabetes;

  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • excessive blood clotting;
  • congenital developmental anomaly.

If local blood flow is not normalized, a person may lose a kidney. If there is a cause in systemic diseases, it is necessary not only to improve blood supply, but also to treat the underlying pathology. Otherwise, a relapse will occur with the formation of new attacks. For example, with diabetes, the blood becomes thick and circulates poorly. The vessels become clogged with conglomerates.

Endometriosis of the uterus

Endometriosis is a pathological condition accompanied by the proliferation of uterine cells. Many patients think that tissue destruction develops only in this organ. But the cells can spread to any part of the body, causing uncontrolled release of the tumor.

It is not malignant, but it impedes the functionality of the organ.

Patients with uterine endometriosis should undergo gynecological smears and other tests annually to monitor the degree of growth.

Endometriosis is dangerous because benign cells can become malignant. This will lead to the development of cancer, which will quickly spread throughout the body. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor endometriosis and periodically submit a tissue sample for histology. If they grow excessively, the lesion should be cauterized or more effective methods should be resorted to (part resection or complete removal of the uterus).

Symptoms and causes of pain in the kidneys

Pain in the lower back is not always a sign of kidney problems. Very often, such pain may indicate problems in the urinary system. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly assess pain sensations, and determine from the symptoms of the kidneys how they hurt.

Due to the location of the kidneys, lower back pain is most often the main signal of problems with this organ. The painful area is located on the upper thighs and along the entire ureter. There are painful shootings in the perineum and navel.

The cause of such pain is mainly rheumatism and kidney inflammation. Therefore, at the first stage of this disease, it is very important to distinguish these two diseases from each other. This work is done using three signs:

  1. With rheumatism, the pain has an aching and shooting feature, worsening mainly when walking. Kidney pain is more sharp and impulsive, which is very often accompanied by attacks of vomiting and nausea.
  2. With inflammation of the kidneys, pain always occurs when urinating. At the same time, the color of the urine changes and it contains various sediments, flakes and mucus.
  3. Secondary symptoms of kidney inflammation are sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, swelling of the face and limbs. Sometimes there is an increase or decrease in the volume of daily diuresis and headache.

Using the above symptoms, you can establish the correct diagnosis before prescribing a course of treatment.

What causes kidney pain?

Sources of pain in this organ can be injuries, various infections, congenital pathology and an oncological diagnosis. The main causes of kidney problems are:

  • inflammation to a certain extent of tissue;
  • formation of a kidney stone in the body;
  • very severe suppuration of the urethra;
  • various anomalies that provoked incomplete outflow of urine;
  • the formation of various ethologies in the form of cysts or various tumors;
  • serious injury.

The importance of timely detection of pathology

When compression, inflammation, neoplasm and other pathological processes appear in the kidneys, it is recommended to immediately contact a urologist or neurologist. They make a diagnosis based on a general examination and the following tests:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests, biochemical urine test;

  • tissue biopsy followed by histology and determination of cell composition;
  • bacteriological culture to detect microbes and determine antibiotics for therapy;
  • Ultrasound, CT, MRI.

There is enough research data to make a reliable diagnosis. Only after this can the doctor prescribe treatment that eliminates the underlying cause. With the help of symptomatic therapy it is impossible to completely cure the disease.

If a small lesion is not eliminated in a timely manner, complications will arise. The functionality of the organ will gradually decrease, which will lead to its shutdown. If the damage is bilateral, it can be fatal without transplantation.

Carrying out therapeutic measures

To establish the only correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a complex of medical tests (MRI, urography, ultrasound). After receiving the test results, a diagnosis is made and a course of treatment is prescribed. Inflammatory kidney diseases are treated with a wide range of antibiotics. The specific drug and its dosage are determined based on the results of a urine culture tank. Mostly Norfolaxin or Cephalexime are prescribed.

Russian scientists have developed an effective and efficient drug, Rnon Duo, which is recommended to be used in just three capsules for the entire course of treatment. The active ingredient of this drug quickly and effectively destroys all bacteria and relieves swelling.

During the course of treatment, the patient is recommended to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. An excellent antibacterial agent is cranberry-lingonberry juice, which perfectly treats the urinary tract. A special herbal mixture based on bearberry and lingonberry leaves gives good results.

In the treatment of nephrological diseases, which are very often accompanied by hypertensive attacks, the doctor prescribes diuretics. To quickly relieve swelling and completely destroy pathogenic flora, doctors prescribe the drugs Urodan and Allopurinop to the patient.

The entire course of treatment is accompanied by a strict diet, from which all spicy, fatty foods, as well as caffeine-containing drinks, are completely removed. The duration and intensity of treatment for kidney disease directly depends on the diagnosis and the degree of exacerbation of a particular disease. Due to the presence of severe pain and the possibility of serious complications, self-medication is strictly not recommended.


Kidneys are a very important part of the entire human body, which perform a filtering function. The location of this organ in a healthy human body directly depends on his gender and age. The location of the kidneys can change under the influence of various diseases and congenital anomalies.

Kidney diseases are accompanied by severe pain attacks, after which you should immediately consult a doctor. Much of the pain attributed to kidney problems has a completely different cause. Therefore, it is very important to correctly and quickly determine the cause of pain.

To determine the correct diagnosis, the patient must undergo certain medical tests, on the basis of which the true diagnosis will be determined and a system of treatment measures will be prescribed. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this can cause increased pain and the possibility of various side complications.

Doctors most often prescribe antibacterial drugs and a strict diet to patients as therapeutic measures. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the disease and the general condition of the human body.

Position of the adrenal glands

Paired endocrine glands perform hormone-forming and hormone-releasing functions, under the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Named for their location on the upper poles of the kidneys.

There is no complete fusion between the adrenal gland and the kidney; they are separated by Herot's capsule, which surrounds the adrenal gland and fuses tightly with it.

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