Prevention of sprains and dislocations: elastic bandage and more

The main cause of varicose veins of the lower extremities is impaired functioning of the venous valves. As a result of the development of valvular insufficiency, blood flows back into the saphenous vein system, which leads to chronic venous insufficiency. The progression of the disease can be prevented with compression. Phlebologists at the Yusupov Hospital recommend that patients use bandages for varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Compression treatment of veins is carried out using elastic knitwear (socks, stockings, tights). Phlebologists at the Yusupov Hospital conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient using modern research methods and determine the degree of chronic venous insufficiency. Doctors select knitwear for each patient that provides one or another compression, and the most effective medications. If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgeons perform classical and innovative surgical interventions. Medical personnel teach patients how to properly bandage varicose veins with an elastic bandage after surgery. Phlebologists determine how long to wear bandages after vein surgery individually, depending on the type and severity of the surgical intervention.

How to choose an elastic bandage for varicose veins

Compression bandages used for varicose veins can be knitted or woven. Elastic bandages made from fabric are stronger, wash better, stretch less, and their edges do not fray. The price of an elastic bandage used for varicose veins may vary.

Depending on the degree of stretch, bandages come in short, medium and long stretch. Short stretch compression bandages only elongate to 70% of their original size. Phlebologists recommend their use for severe venous insufficiency with trophic disorders (skin ulcers). At rest, the pressure created by such a bandage is small, but it increases significantly when walking. Medium stretch elastic bandages extend up to 140% of the original size. They are used to treat mild to moderate varicose veins.

What bandages are needed for varicose vein surgery? Long stretch compression product increases 3 times. The bandage provides good compression of the limb even at rest, preventing the formation of blood clots. Phlebologists recommend purchasing such an elastic bandage for patients who are planning vein surgery, surgical interventions under general anesthesia, after which patients will be forced to rest for a long time, and for patients with a high risk of thrombosis. To create effective compression for varicose veins, an elastic bandage up to 4 meters long is required. The patient can purchase 2 bandages of 2 meters for each leg. The characteristics and indications for use must be taken into account when purchasing this medical product.

Postoperative problems and solutions

In the postoperative period, due to injury during the operation of periarticular and intraarticular structures, fluid accumulates in the knee and pain is felt. These are normal phenomena and are not considered complications if the accumulation of effusion, accompanied by swelling of the tissues around the patella, as well as the manifestation of painful signs, do not last longer than expected. These symptoms should subside after 3 days, and by the second week they usually disappear. In the early period, to eliminate swelling and pain, doctors perform drainage and antiseptic treatment of the wound. Additionally assigned:

  • immobilization of the limb with orthopedic means;
  • placing the leg in an elevated position when the patient is lying in bed;
  • applying cold dry compresses;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • painkillers.

Arthromot is a means for passive development of the knee joint.

Swelling that does not subside for a long time indicates the progression of inflammation, and, possibly, the emergence of a local infectious pathogenesis, which is fraught not only with a lack of effect in restoring mobility, but also with much more complex consequences. For example, if you have had an endoprosthesis installed, the infection leads to rejection and damage to the prosthetic structure, which requires repeated surgery (removal of the implant) and long-term antibiotic therapy. If severe swelling is associated with an excessive accumulation of synovial fluid and blood, you will need to perform a puncture of the joint to remove the pathological formation.

The temperature in the knee joint should gradually decrease; it is recommended to apply ice compresses for a week or two.

The range of movements should gradually increase, and by the end of the 6th week reach normal values. If the amplitude of knee flexion/extension is not restored, then it can be argued that physical rehabilitation is or was performed incorrectly. If the leg does not bend or straighten completely, then the reason for this is joint contracture, which has developed as a result of the formation of rough adhesions between the tendons and nearby tissues. An untreated problem is solved through manual redressing and long and intensive work on the development of a stiff joint, exercise therapy, mechanotherapy, physiotherapy, etc. In severe pathology, an operation is performed to mobilize muscles and excise scar adhesions, followed by rehabilitation.

Such simulators allow you to gradually, with minimal discomfort, increase the range of motion of the knee joint. The patient inflates the cuff around the knee with air and, due to the pressure applied, the leg straightens.

Regardless of the type of operation, the risk of the formation of pathological formations in the form of rough adhesions and scars is considerable. After surgery, the lower limb remains in a state of low motor activity. To counteract the development of a severe adhesive process, doctors recommend starting from the next day after the intervention a complex of physical therapy, which will not interfere with the healing of the knee, and at the same time will prevent contractures and muscle atrophy.

In advanced cases, surgeons are involved in solving the problem.

After surgery, in the long-term recovery period, the following excess may occur: the lateral ligament of the knee does not support, which is expressed by lateral instability of the joint, bowing of the leg during rotational movement. If reconstruction of a torn fibular or tibial collateral ligament (ACL) was performed, it is possible that, due to irrational loads, the integrity of the fragile ligamentous structure that stabilizes and strengthens the articular apparatus was again damaged. If you have this symptom, you should be examined by an orthopedic doctor! Only after identifying a reliable cause of instability, a specialist, having selected an effective set of therapeutic measures, will be able to direct therapy in the right direction.

If the operation to reconstruct the ligaments is carried out well, then they become no less strong than before the operation.

Muscular structures trigger the bony joint into working condition. Postoperative rehabilitation of the knee joint strengthens and increases the endurance of the muscular-ligamentous system.

How to use an elastic bandage for varicose veins

Compression bandages for varicose veins are beneficial if applied correctly. Nurses teach patients how to bandage a leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins. Bandaging the legs with an elastic bandage for varicose veins is performed according to the algorithm:

  1. They begin to apply a bandage immediately after waking up, without lowering their legs from bed;
  2. If the bandage is applied after the patient has moved or just stood, you should first take a lying position for 15 minutes with the lower limb elevated at an angle of 150;
  3. An elastic bandage on the leg is applied to the ankles towards the foot with the obligatory grip of the heel;
  4. Each subsequent turn of the bandage should cover the previous one by about 30-50%;
  5. To prevent the bandage from slipping, a “figure eight lock” is applied to the heel;
  6. The elastic bandage must be applied evenly, making sure to cover all areas without exception. As the lower limb is wrapped, the tension is gradually released. When the bandage is tensioned, no folds should appear. Excessive tension can negatively affect microcirculation and do more harm than good;
  7. Once the elastic bandage is properly applied, the fingertips may appear slightly blue, but the natural color should quickly return as you walk.

Before resting in a supine position, the patient is advised to remove the elastic bandage. The exception is additional instructions from the attending physician. Leg bandages for varicose veins are selected for each limb individually, depending on the nature of the damage to the venous vessels.

An elastic bandage for varicose veins of the legs is not used if the following contraindications are present:

  • Decompensated chronic heart failure;
  • Diabetic foot;
  • Acute infectious diseases of the skin of the legs;
  • Obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities.

Phlebologists at the Yusupov Hospital individually select the method of compression therapy for varicose veins of the lower extremities, and tell patients how to bandage a leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins.

How it works

The effect of compression therapy is based on the following mechanisms:

  • Compressing the veins of the lower leg promotes better blood flow and reduces its stagnation in the legs.
  • As the diameter of the veins decreases, the speed of blood flow increases, its viscosity decreases, and the likelihood of blood clots decreases.
  • The pressure on the tissue in the areas of edema increases, due to which there is a faster return of extracellular fluid into the capillaries, a decrease in its outflow from the capillaries and, as a result, the disappearance of edema.

Elastic bandaging, when applied correctly, has a high therapeutic and preventive effect. Thanks to compression it is possible to:

  • eliminate pain, swelling, cramps, heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots in superficial and deep vessels;
  • achieve partial or complete disappearance of trophic changes in the legs;
  • prevent the progression of the disease, as well as the occurrence of its relapses after surgery.

Caring for elastic bandages

An elastic bandage for varicose veins is used repeatedly. Proper care extends the life of this medical device. The bandage should be washed only in lukewarm water. It is prohibited to use washing powders and soap when washing. It is better to initially prepare a soap solution from shampoo, liquid soap, detergent, foam it and use it for soaking.

After careful and careful washing without intensive action, the bandages should be rinsed in the same cool water. You can’t twist them, it’s better to fold them several times and squeeze them lightly without stretching the fibers. You can dry the bandage in a dryer, away from artificial heat sources and direct sunlight. It is not recommended to hang an elastic bandage. It is better to lay it out in a horizontal plane.

In order to use modern research methods to determine the presence of varicose veins of the lower extremities and, if indicated, to select an elastic bandage that creates the necessary compression, call the Yusupov Hospital phone number and make an appointment with a phlebologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. The nurse will teach you how to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage for varicose veins.

What do experts recommend for surgery?

Doctors have found that during operations, including childbirth, there is most often a danger that an air bubble can penetrate the vessel and block its functionality. And in order not to provoke this danger, products made of compression material are prescribed. Due to the external pressure exerted on the veins, air does not have the opportunity to penetrate into the vessels, and it quickly dissolves in the blood without causing additional health problems to the patient.

During the operation, the patient can wear stockings or elastic bandages. But experts still give preference to stockings.

Why? Let's look at the model - stockings for surgery:

  • This model of stockings is produced in white color - this allows specialists to monitor the patient’s veins during the operation itself, white color also makes it possible to monitor the healing process of a postoperative wound or suture, and a specially provided hole for the foot allows the nurse to monitor the patient’s body temperature;
  • It is much easier and more convenient for the operating nurse to put on stockings without disturbing the patient.

The main advantage of using hospital stockings during surgery is that they are easier to put on and do not slip down after the patient returns to the room. For childbirth, as well as for surgery, stockings are preferable to bandages for the same reasons.

What is better to use in the postoperative period?

During the operation, thin walls of blood vessels are always damaged, and as a result of these damages, substances enter the blood that slow down blood flow and increase blood clotting. Patients are advised to use compression garments only to prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots.

During the postoperative period, patients are always inactive and it is very difficult for them to care for themselves. Therefore, it will be much more effective to use stockings than a bandage.

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