Black balm from cobra venom - an achievement of Thai medicine

Thai medicine and pharmaceuticals surprise European cosmetologists with their effectiveness. When answering the question of what Thai balms help with, it’s easier to answer - Thai balms will save you from everything! And the secret is simple: when creating them, scientists managed to preserve the best ancient formulations of cosmetic preparations, leaving their natural composition unchanged and adding technological processing. As a result, many people visit the kingdom of Thailand not only for the sea and the bright sun, but also for the sake of medicinal products that make a large number of drugs from our usual pharmacy unnecessary.

Thai balms, the production of which is managed by the royal family, are one of the most popular products among tourists and Thais themselves. And this is not only the legendary star or inhalers. According to the recipes of Thai medicine, balms are produced in huge quantities, with different effects and of different types. It is convenient to distinguish them by color - each balm has its own color and indications for use. Thai balms have a liquid texture, which makes it easier to apply and penetrate the extracts into the deep layers of tissue. Thai products may contain exotic components: cobra venom, scorpion venom, crocodile extracts, barleria extract. We hope this article will help you decide which balms are best for you and which ones you should bring to your loved ones from Thailand.

  • Reviews from customers and doctors
  • Where to buy Thai balms?
  • general information

    Thai medicine is one of the most mysterious, effective and, of course, natural. The assortment is represented by a huge number of herbal balms; herbal remedies made from black sesame are combined into a separate group. As a rule, ointments are used to relieve pain and treat pathologies of bones, joints, and muscle tissue.

    Black balm is a multi-component remedy that restores the functioning of muscle and bone tissue and joints. With regular use, inflammation disappears and motor activity normalizes.

    The drug is presented in the form of a balm, which promotes rapid and effective penetration of the active substances to the lesion. Black balm has a complex effect:

    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Calming;
    • Relieves pain.

    The main active ingredients of the balm are: black sesame and wintergreen oils. Their action is repeatedly activated thanks to other components that act as catalysts and, of course, have a therapeutic effect.

    The balm also effectively eliminates inflammatory processes, resulting in swelling disappearing, joint mobility and the condition of muscle tissue improving. The product is prescribed for varicose veins, since the ointment heals and tones the blood vessels, especially the veins.

    Black balm is prescribed for arthritis and salt deposits. The effect of the product is due to the rich chemical composition of sesame oil. It contains a huge amount of microelements and silicic acid.

    The external effect of sesame oil is to gently care for the skin - it becomes soft, looks healthy, and the aging process slows down.

    In addition, the oil is rich in linoleic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of brain cells, nervous and endocrine systems.

    The balm is often used by athletes; it is applied immediately after injury. In this case, the effect of the drug is manifested in full force - swelling disappears, pain is relieved. The maximum effect is felt a quarter of an hour after application.

    If you treat a bruised nail with balm, it will not darken or fall off over time.

    Manufacturers of Thai balms

    Wangprom - the Wangprom company has been producing Thai balms for various purposes for almost 25 years, combining ancient recipes with compliance with international standards for the production of medicines. Wang prom products were even awarded the title of the best Thai herbal balm. Due to the design of the jars, they are called balms “with a man”, because the photo of each balm depicts a man - a doctor and founder of the Wang Prom Cheler campaign.

    Samunpraitaksin - the manufacturer produces not only balms, but also medications for diabetics.

    SAMBHESAJ - popular for its red warming balm with natural oils and extracts.

    Tiger balm - specializes in red and white balm with a tiger on the jar, produces warming and cooling ointments in different dosages.

    KONGKA HERB - produces balms of all colors, focusing on the naturalness of the composition. All Kongkaherb balms have a soft texture, delicate aroma and long-lasting effect.

    Hamar Osoth is one of the most famous manufacturers of Thai medicines. Its line includes many ointments, balms, capsules and tablets, creams.

    Novolife - this company's product range includes all traditional names of Thai balms, from white to black. Their products are highly effective.

    Green Herb - specializes in green balm made from natural herbal extracts.

    Madame Heng (Madame Heng) - this company is almost 70 years old. Natural skin care cosmetics and soaps based on herbal and plant extracts of this brand are considered the best in Thailand. Madame Heng balms are often called Thai woman balms, due to the image of Madame Heng on each balm.

    Kongka balm - the brand is famous for its yellow or golden ginger-based balm.

    Osotip - the Osotip company produces traditional healing balms of all colors.
    Banna - the most famous balms from their range - tiger, snake, with scorpion venom. These balms have the most powerful effect and are considered the most popular among Thai products.


    • Swelling of the feet, calf muscles, discomfort and fatigue in the lower extremities;
    • Pathologies of muscle tissue and joints, which are accompanied by inflammation and discomfort of varying intensity;
    • Any injuries;
    • Any damage to ligaments and tendons;
    • Damage to bone tissue - cracks, fractures, protrusions, herniated intervertebral discs;
    • Respiratory diseases – bronchitis, pneumonia;
    • Symptoms of colds - runny nose, sore throat, headache, stuffy ears;
    • All types of pain of different etiologies - dental, headache;
    • Frostbite and any burns;
    • Insect bites - ointment is applied to repel parasites and to eliminate unpleasant consequences after bites (itching, burning, redness, swelling);
    • Skin lesions of various origins, dermatitis and fungal diseases;
    • Neuralgia.

    The balm is part of a complex therapy aimed at cleansing blood vessels. The balm normalizes blood flow in the vessels; it is prescribed for vascular pathologies. The drug quickly restores motor activity and relieves pain caused by radiculitis.

    The ointment will help get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as lumbago caused by a cold. The Thai remedy is indispensable in caring for bedridden patients - it prevents the formation of bedsores.

    Thai yellow balm

    Yellow ointment comes in a variety of brands: Yellow Siang Pure Balm, Kongka, “Golden Cup” and others. Depending on the specific product, it may contain ginger, cajuput oil, menthol, turmeric and other natural ingredients. Jars come in different sizes: from 12 to 400 grams, and in Moscow they cost in the range from 100 to 400 rubles.

    When and how yellow ointment helps:

    • used for massage and rubbing of joints and muscles;
    • for bruises and (as an additional remedy) for injuries;
    • for motion sickness, “sea sickness” (need to inhale);
    • in the prevention of fungal infection;
    • used to combat rheumatism;
    • may help relieve itching and skin irritation from insect bites.

    In general, according to reviews, this product is quite versatile in application and in its properties. In addition, it is not so “powerful” and does not require increased caution in use.

    Main active ingredients

    • Black sesame oil. It is a magical remedy, not only because it is mentioned in fairy tales, but also due to its healing properties. The main benefit of sesame is due to its chemical composition - iron, zinc, phosphorus, essential amino acids. In addition, sesame is considered the record holder among all products for calcium content, making it indispensable for strengthening bones and joints and preventing the development of osteoporosis;
    • Wintergreen oil is a unique plant that is a natural analogue of aspirin. Just 30 ml of plant oil can replace 170 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. The analgesic effect of wintergreen oil is similar in effect to that of cortisone. The oil can be found in many painkillers - ointments, massage oils. Wintergreen also relieves inflammation and spasms;
    • Camphor is a powerful antiseptic, has a local irritant effect, relieves pain and eliminates inflammation;
    • Menthol – has a cooling and antibacterial effect.;
    • Peppermint oil – tones, stimulates and has an antiseptic effect;
    • Eucalyptus oil is a strong natural antiseptic, has an antipyretic effect, and relieves headaches;
    • Cinnamon oil – rich in tannins, is a natural antioxidant, activates blood flow, neutralizes inflammation and soothes irritation;
    • Cajuput oil – relieves pain and activates the process of tissue regeneration, which is especially important for rehabilitation after fractures. The plant is also used in cosmetology and dermatology - the oil is used to treat ulcers, dermatitis, and inflammatory processes on the skin. Cajput oil is an effective aromatherapy remedy. Aromatic treatments help restore peace of mind, resist stressful situations, overcome indecision, anxiety, and aggression. With the help of oil you can relieve nervous tics, relieve cramps, toothache and even hysterical conditions;
    • Clove oil has analgesic, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects;
    • Scorpion venom is a catalyst and promotes rapid and deeper penetration of healing components to the affected area. Thus, the effect of the procedure is felt within 10 minutes.

    Green balm

    One of the two most popular balms. Available in packages of different sizes. Most often you can find jars with the image of a man (tourists dubbed it “balm with a man”).

    For some reason, “balm with a man” is especially in demand, although the essence does not change depending on the type of jar. The average cost in Moscow is just under 700 rubles per 50 grams.

    Applicable for:

    • insect bites
    • burns
    • muscle spasms
    • chondrosis
    • sprains
    • has an analgesic effect.

    Ingredients: Vaseline 45%, tincture of the Barleria lupulina plant 24%, paraffin 15%, menthol 8%, borneol 5%, camphor 3%.

    Mode of application

    First, you need to thoroughly clean the affected area. Then balm is applied to it and rubbed in with soft, circular movements. The product must be completely absorbed. The frequency of procedures is 3-4 times a day.

    1. For massages, sprains, joint pain and bruises, apply a small amount of ointment to the affected area and rub into the skin. The frequency of procedures is twice a day. The problem area is wrapped and kept warm;
    2. For colds, rub and massage your feet before going to bed;
    3. For varicose veins, apply the balm to the problematic veins or the resulting vascular network and massage a little. The same principle is used to treat gout lesions;
    4. For cold symptoms, rub the ointment on the heels, chest and throat area. Considering that the balm causes a burning sensation, it should not be used to treat children. In addition, the product is used for inhalation - a small amount of the composition (the size of a match head) is added to water, brought to a boil, covered with a towel and breathed over the steam. The balm is used as part of herbal inhalations.

    The balm is quite hot, so only a small amount of the drug is used for the procedures. It is strictly forbidden to carry out any manipulations on open wounds. The burning sensation will be very strong.

    In case of burning, do not wash off the balm with water - this will only worsen the patient’s condition. The remaining balm should be blotted with a napkin, applied any vegetable oil, blotted again and treated with aloe gel or soothing cream.

    It should also be taken into account that the ointment leaves marks on clothing that are very difficult to remove. The procedures are carried out in old clothes, which can get dirty. Girls with long nails need to be careful, since it is difficult to wash the ointment from under the nail plates.


    According to reviews from many customers, the first effect is felt after about 10 minutes; for more sensitive people, sometimes even 5 minutes do not pass before the first effect of use is felt.

    A short instruction for using black Thai balm^

    1. The first step is to rinse the desired area where you plan to apply the drug in water. It is best to use water, because if you simply use napkins, they will contain additional substances that are not always suitable in composition.
    2. Using gentle massage movements, the balm is applied to painful points or simply to the affected area. It is important that you should not rub it in too hard, since the composition itself is very active, you need to use gentle hand movements, ideally apply using special gloves
    3. The ointment should completely go under the skin; do not wash off the balm before it is completely absorbed.
    4. Doctors in Thailand recommend use at least 3 times a day. In some cases, you should even apply the ointment 4 times for effectiveness.

    For some types of back pain, a massage using black balm is prescribed. Massage is usually prescribed twice a day. Usually the patient performs it independently. Moreover, they can prescribe not only a back massage, but also a foot massage, for example. This massage can be prescribed for symptoms of a cold.


    It should be borne in mind that the balm causes a burning sensation, which in some cases indicates an allergic reaction of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. If the burning sensation is accompanied by a rash or other rashes, therapy should be stopped immediately. As a rule, such reactions occur in people with hypersensitive skin.

    Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. You should not rely on the opinion of a massage therapist or people who do not have the appropriate medical education.

    In what cases is the use of balm undesirable:

    1. Individual intolerance to the components of the product;
    2. Skin hypersensitivity;
    3. Open wounds and damage.

    The drug is intended for external use only; do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes or eyes. The balm should be stored in a place protected from children.

    Tiger balm

    The exotic Tiger balm is breathing into the back of the green “balm with a man’s” head. Packaged in beautiful jars with the image of a tiger, 20 - 30 grams each.

    There are two types: red (amber in color) and white. Tiger balm is more expensive than traditional yellow, green, blue and red balms; the cost of a small package in Russia is 350 - 500 rubles.

    Applicable for:

    • insect bites
    • chondrosis
    • muscle pain
    • runny nose
    • numbness, neuralgia
    • joint diseases
    • sore throat (externally!).

    Ingredients: Camphor (25%), menthol (10%), cajuput oil (7%), Chinese cinnamon oil (5%), clove oil (5%), dementholized mint oil (6%).

    Types of black balms

    The line of Thai balms is impressive; you can choose a composition for the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. Black Thai balms are considered the strongest and most effective in their action.

    Warming balm based on cobra venom

    The balm has a characteristic black color and is sold in a glass container under a metal lid. The label is designed in white and red shades.

    The drug contains cobra venom, as well as elements of the skin, bone tissue and internal fat of the snake. The effect of the balm is enhanced by spit and more than a hundred medicinal herbs.

    Indications for use: arthrosis of various etiologies, rheumatism, radiculitis, polyarthritis.

    Special instructions:

    • Use externally only, do not take internally;
    • Apply with light, massage movements until no traces of balm remain on the skin;
    • Do not apply to burns, open wounds and purulent formations;
    • The frequency of procedures is 2-3 per day;
    • Do not use on children under five years of age;
    • Contraindications are pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Warming balm with the addition of eucalyptus and charcoal

    The balm is black, packaged in glass containers with a metal lid. The label is white. The product includes:

    1. Eucalyptus oil;
    2. Clove extract;
    3. Charcoal;
    4. Mint;
    5. Camphor.

    The drug relieves pain, eliminates inflammation, swelling and swelling. The balm treats pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

    The balm has a very powerful warming effect, which is why it is called one of the most powerful and effective.

    Recommendations regarding the use of the balm are traditional - for external use only, apply with massage movements, avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes.

    Cobra Venom Balm

    According to patient reviews, it is the most effective remedy in some cases of disease. It is the cobra venom that is included in its composition and is the active component. Some patients note a particular specificity when using this remedy; in some it causes a mild or moderate burning sensation; the reasons for this effect may be several possible scenarios.

    As a rule, such an unusual reaction of the body just indicates that the drug is not a fake and actually contains the promised component and this component acts by causing such a reaction. Another possible option is an allergic reaction to some component in the balm; there are also patients who experience an allergic reaction to the poison itself. An allergic reaction can occur to natural components in their pure form, because not every body is able to perceive unprocessed natural components.

    Black Thai balm is used to treat almost all types of muscle and joint pain. It is even used by patients being treated for more serious bone pathologies. Black Thai balm is involved in the restoration of cartilage tissue in joints, which is important for many older people, so it can be brought as a gift to mothers, fathers and other relatives.

    Thai doctors recommend using balms for a long time in order to consolidate the effect; they assure that if you regularly apply this balm to certain areas, the motor activity of your joints will return to you. This form of ointment release is the most effective in terms of treating articular surfaces; the balm is quickly absorbed and works specifically on the affected area, without spreading its effects to other healthy areas.

    Black Thai balm is somewhat reminiscent of our Soviet joint cream, since it fights pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is made on the basis of black sesame, due to which it has a specific color and smell. But the main active ingredient is considered to be cobra venom, which enhances its effect due to the rest of the multicomponent composition of the balm. When used correctly, the balm can also relieve swelling from the affected joints.

    White balm

    White balm is the most gentle of all. It has a gentle effect on muscles and joints, thanks to which it can be used by children and pregnant women (after consulting a doctor). Cost in Russia: 300 rubles.

    Applicable for:

    • muscle spasms
    • neuralgia
    • insomnia
    • insect bites
    • runny nose.

    Ingredients: contains eucalyptus oil, whale oil, clove extract, camphor, mint and more than a hundred other herbal ingredients.

    Blue balm

    The most cooling balm, thanks to the high menthol content in the composition. It is not particularly popular among tourists, since Russian people are more accustomed to saving themselves from bruises and heat strokes with wet towels and the contents of the freezer. Costs 750 for 50 grams.

    Applicable for:

    • varicose veins (do not rub into open wounds!)
    • runny nose
    • swelling
    • insect bites
    • bruises and hematomas.

    Ingredients: Clove oil 50%, menthol 16%, clitoris trifoliate 10%, petroleum jelly 10%, borneol 8%, camphor 6%.

    Red balm

    The hottest balm, bright red in color, warms up the muscles and skin well. Therefore, it is used where heat is needed to relieve pain and cold symptoms.

    Like other balms, it helps in the treatment and prevention of colds, and is used for rubbing muscles. You can buy a fifty-gram jar in our country for 250 rubles.

    Applicable for:

    • massage
    • headache
    • abdominal pain, muscle spasms
    • cold
    • chondrosis.

    Ingredients: Ginger oil (turmeric oil, play oil) 46%, menthol 28%, paraffin 16%, petroleum jelly 12%, borneol 4%, camphor 4%.

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