Products of the company Siberian Health for joints

To eliminate the symptoms of pathologies of the joints and spine, products for external use are used. Balms with larkspur, a medicinal plant with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant effects, are especially in demand. This dietary supplement (dietary supplement) is prescribed to patients with arthritis, arthrosis, cervical, thoracic, and lumbar osteochondrosis.

Recommendations for treatment and prevention at home from Siberian Health specialists

One of the signs of arthrosis is the early wear and tear of the cartilage inside the joints.

The main cause of the disease is age-related changes in the structure of cartilage tissue. Articular cartilage decreases in volume. Undesirable changes are most noticeable in old age, with increased physical stress, after injuries, and the consequences of post-traumatic inflammation.

Deformation of cartilage affects its elasticity. Inflammatory phenomena appear in the surrounding layers. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs during physical activity. In the future they become more frequent and intensify.

It is advisable to use Siberian Health products in complex treatment. This is not a medicine that affects the root of the disease. It is advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs and undergo a course of physiotherapy. Dietary supplements Siberian health for joints help in mild cases - minor inflammatory processes, microtraumas, overload.

In what cases is the balm used?

Larkspur balm is used in the treatment of both degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory pathologies, the course of which is accompanied by frequent pain. It is also prescribed to patients to reduce doses of systemic medications that negatively affect internal organs. Indications for the use of bioactive additives include the following pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral region;
  • gout;
  • rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive, infectious arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylosis;
  • deforming osteoarthrosis, including coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis;
  • tendonitis, tendovaginitis;
  • bursitis, synovitis;
  • periarthritis, epicondylitis lateral and medial.

Larkspur balm is used to accelerate the recovery of joints after injuries - fractures, dislocations, subluxations, muscle ruptures, ligaments, tendons. It copes well with pain from protrusions, intervertebral hernias, myalgia, and neuralgia.

Indications for the use of drugs for joints Siberian Health

The company's consultants have compiled a list of problems that can be effectively solved with the help of joint products:

  • Fractures, dislocations - first aid for joint regeneration;
  • Radiculitis - as a pain reliever;
  • Osteochondrosis - regeneration of cartilage tissue, removal of excess salt;
  • The period of completion of arthritis in the complex of physiotherapy;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - reduction of pain, swelling;
  • Osteoporosis is increased bone density.

Below is a brief overview of products for joints from Siberian Health for an integrated approach.

Composition and release form of Larkspur balm

Extract of the leaves and roots of the perennial plant larkspur is included in a huge number of external products - balms, creams, ointments, gels. Bioactive supplements are produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. These are ForaPharm, Siberian Health, Doctor Theis, Health Technologies and many others. The balm is packaged in polymer tubes of 125, 100, 75 ml. The secondary packaging of the dietary supplement is a cardboard box with instructions for use inside.

Composition of Larkspur balm produced by ForaPharm
Warming upRestorative
Water with silver ions, phytoextracts of comfrey, golden mustache, cinquefoil, rose hips, burdock, skullcap Baikal, tea tree oil, mumiyo, formic alcohol, chondroitin sulfate, hydrolyzed deer horns, dexpanthenolPhytoextracts of roots and leaves of comfrey, golden mustache, boswellia, skullcap Baikal, burdock, cosmetic tea tree oil, Altai mumiyo, chondroitin sulfate, dexpanthenol

The composition of larkspur balms can vary significantly. To enhance the therapeutic effect, manufacturers add essential and cosmetic oils, bee or snake venom, and extracts from medicinal plants. In addition to natural ingredients, the composition also includes useful synthetic additives - menthol, camphor, methyl salicylate, chondroprotectors, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, minerals.

Waxes, mineral oils, paraffin, petroleum jelly, glycerin, and lanolin are used as auxiliary components. They ensure optimal absorption of active ingredients, enhance and prolong (extend) their effect. Additional ingredients form a thin film on the skin, through which air passes well, but pathogenic microorganisms do not penetrate.

Phytosorbent Joint Comfort

Joint Comfort phytosorbent. Protecting joints and connective tissue from the effects of age.

To inhibit problems with the musculoskeletal system in modern high-speed conditions, it is necessary to regularly organize detoxification of vital systems, concentrating on the joints. Articular phytosorbent serves this purpose. Cleanses from harmful substances. Prevents pathological reactions.

Interesting composition:

  • Inulin - balances the intestinal microflora;
  • Willow bark fights inflammation;
  • Apple pectin gently and carefully detoxes the body;
  • Collagen hydrolyzate - restores tissue, stimulates the synthesis of its own structured protein.

3D Flex Cube

3D Flex Cube. Powerful multifunctional effect on joints.

Increases physical activity. Movements become easy. The natural composition contains chondroprotectors, vitamins E, D, natural amaranth oils, borage, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Protects against abrasion and premature wear. Helps in the regeneration of cartilage dense substance.

Enhances the production of prostaglandin enzymes, which are responsible for cell rejuvenation and accelerate recovery. Preventing swelling and complications.

special instructions

Balm Zhivokost is a dietary supplement, not a pharmacological drug, so its use does not replace the use of medications prescribed by a doctor. The bioactive supplement does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect on joints affected by arthritis or arthrosis. It is advisable to apply the balm to the area of ​​pain during the remission stage, when mild discomfort occurs.

If after 3-5 days of course use of Larkspur balm the intensity of symptoms does not decrease, you must inform your doctor about this. He will adjust the therapeutic regimen - increase single, daily doses or prescribe a more effective remedy.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Siberian Health

Natural supplement Glucosamine Chondroitin for maximum joint support, reducing inflammation, improving motor functions. Perfect for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. The drug contains an effective therapeutic and prophylactic dose of chondroitin and glucosamine for every day.

The composition has a pronounced chondroprotective effect. Increases lubrication by increasing the volume of synovial fluid. Restores biological matter. Neutralizes inflammatory reactions.

More about Bud

What are the contraindications for use?

Dietary supplements are not used in the treatment of children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Manufacturers have not conducted clinical studies, the results of which could confirm or refute the safety of external products. Larkspur balm is not prescribed to patients if they have an individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary ingredients.

Do not rub dietary supplements into the skin if there are microtraumas on it - scratches, abrasions, burns, cracks, punctures or cuts. If there are large moles or papillomas at the application sites, then you should consult with an oncologist before carrying out therapy.

Balm with comfrey extract, glucosamine and chondroitin “Zhivokost”

Larkspur relieves discomfort in muscles and joints. Regenerating. The basis is Larkspur (comfrey plant). Contains glucosamine, chondroitin, and badyagi extracts. The complex is actively engaged in improving the elastic cartilaginous substance, making it elastic. Increases local immunity.

Natural oils are used to relax and warm. A selection of rosemary, juniper, cloves, cajeput, eucalyptus.

Read detailed information about comfrey balm.

To purchase funds, you can go to the official website by clicking on the BUY

Directions for use and dosage

Larkspur balm is applied to clean, dry skin up to 3 times a day and rubbed in with light massaging movements. Single doses depend on the size of the joint affected by the pathology. For coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint), about 3-4 cm of strips of the product taken from the tube are used. And for the treatment of finger diseases, 1-2 cm of balm is enough.

Methods of use may vary depending on the purpose of the dietary supplement. Bioadditive with bee venom can only be used under breathable bandages. Otherwise, the likelihood of severe skin irritation and even chemical burns increases. And the restorative agent is often used under occlusive dressings.

The duration of the therapeutic course should be discussed with your doctor. Typically, orthopedists, traumatologists, rheumatologists, and neurologists recommend using dietary supplements for 3-4 weeks, and then taking a 10-day break.


How to prevent chronic joint diseases and osteochondrosis

There is a well-known expression about “harmful salt deposits” for joints. Official medicine, without denying the negative aspect of salt, clarifies that they, in the traditional definition, accumulate with a single disease - gout.

It is the uric acid salts (substances that arise during the digestion of meat protein) that collect in the joints. Caused by genetic predisposition, constant consumption of meat three times a day.

The process negatively affects bone joints: it inflames, causes harm, injures.

Problems caused by the accumulation of calcium salts are called cartilage ossification. Growths (osteophytes) appear on the marginal surfaces of the bones. More often the disease occurs due to increased stress on the joints. Happens to athletes and obese people.

Let us recall the simple rules for removing salts:

  • Do not abuse meat foods;
  • Reduce weight to normal;
  • Do not lift or carry heavy objects;
  • Drink clean water - artesian or filtered. This is especially true in areas of very hard water.

Below are doctors' advice on the food basket.

Recommended Products

What is the best thing to eat for joint health?

Sea (unsalted) fish, parsley, black currant, celery, rose hips, grapefruit juice, buckwheat, flaxseed oil.

Contraindicated foods

Fatty meats, salt, beans, smoked products, dried fish, pickled foods.

Possible side effects

Active ingredients are practically not absorbed from the surface of the skin into joint or vertebral structures. Therefore, even long-term course use of balms with larkspur does not cause systemic side effects. But the development of a local allergic reaction is quite possible due to the presence of a large number of natural ingredients in the dietary supplement. Clinically it manifests itself as follows:

  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • the formation of small rashes;
  • skin itching, painful sensations.

In this case, you need to quickly wash off the product and apply a drug with an antihistamine effect, for example, Fenistil or Gistan. Then you should seek medical help.

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