Application of kinesiological tape for lumbar intervertebral hernia. Kinesio taping

Effect of taping for hernia

Kinesio taping is a treatment technique that helps relieve pain and support posture. The essence of the method is as follows: tape is glued to the affected area. It stretches and lifts the skin, reducing pressure on the affected area. In this case, the following positive effects arise:

  • tissue metabolism accelerates;
  • blood and lymph circulation improves, which stimulates local metabolic processes, this leads to a better supply of tissues with nutrients and quickly removes decay products from the affected area;
  • nerve endings are stimulated and pain is reduced;
  • tone increases, general motor skills are restored;
  • muscles relax, spasm is eliminated;
  • swelling is relieved.

Correct application of the method prevents the occurrence of complications and further development of the disease. The technique is convenient, it can be used for a long time, there is no need to take off and put on a corset every day, the effect occurs very quickly, and attacks of pain are relieved within a few days.

Taping is not carried out if a person suffers from the following diseases:

  • kidney and heart diseases;
  • swelling and high temperature;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • ailments not yet diagnosed by a doctor;
  • wounds of the skin surface;
  • thrombosis (there is a risk of blood clots).

Hernias constitute a wide group of diseases of various organs; intervertebral hernias are especially difficult to treat. All pathologies have common features: some element of the organ falls out through a gap or an open channel. In this case, swelling of the root occurs and its blood supply is disrupted. The main symptom is severe pain. The body tries to compensate for the problem by increasing muscle tone, which leads to even greater compression of the vertebrae and only increases pain in the back and lumbosacral region.

Spina bifida

Taping for a hernia of the lumbar spine has the ability to influence the factors that determine the development of the problem. Thus, it allows you to provide a therapeutic effect, eliminate pain and stop the progression of the disease.

Treatment of the disease

There are the following methods of treating a patient with intervertebral hernia:

  • surgery is an immediate solution to the problem and pain relief. But when it is carried out, there is a risk of injury to the spine, which leads to loss of performance or disability;
  • conservative practices - kinesiotaping of the hernia, acupressure, acupuncture and others. These technologies produce results in the medium and long term. They eliminate the factors that provoked the disease and do not pose a threat to the patient’s health if they are carried out under the supervision of doctors;
  • taking medications that relieve inflammation. Medicines do not eliminate the causes of the disease, but they weaken its course and increase the chances of overcoming the disease. They are used in combination with conservative methods.

The most interesting treatment method is kinesiotaping of the hernia. This procedure involves applying elastic patches and adhesive tapes (tapes) to the body to support muscles, accelerate blood circulation and relieve tissue tension. It is performed at home and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health.

What causes pain in the lumbar spine

In young people, low back pain is often musculoskeletal in nature. This type of pain is called nonspecific. Most often, nonspecific pain is caused by muscle strain, ligaments and joint dysfunction, especially when it appears suddenly during or after physical activity on the spine.

The good news is that you can take steps to prevent or reduce the severity of an episode of low back pain. Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to quick recovery and prevention of relapse.

There are many causes of back pain, but they are usually associated with either sudden trauma or long-term stress. Anyone can injure their back, for example, when lifting a heavy object incorrectly. However, prolonged exercise is perhaps the more common cause of lower back pain. Constant stress experienced during a long stay in an uncomfortable position leads to the formation of microtraumas that accumulate over time.


Muscle injury is the most common form of spinal injury following exercise. Muscle fatigue, excessive strain and poor posture when lifting and carrying heavy objects are the main causes of sprains. If the back muscles do not function correctly, this can lead to joint destabilization and subsequent injury.


Ligaments are strong fibrous bands that regulate range of motion at each spinal level. Pulling the ligaments too hard or too quickly can lead to their rupture, followed by bleeding into the surrounding tissue, and subsequent swelling and inflammation. An awkward lifting of a heavy object, a sports injury, or a car accident are the most common causes of sprained or torn ligaments in the back.

Intervertebral disc herniation

A herniated disc or bulging disc is currently the most common cause of back pain. Intervertebral discs are rings consisting of fibrocartilage and glycoprotein that are located between each pair of vertebrae. Intervertebral discs absorb friction between the vertebrae, allow movement at each spinal level, and allow nerves to freely exit the spine and travel to the extremities.

The outer part of the intervertebral disc, the annulus fibrosus, consists of several layers of multidirectional connective tissue fibers that protect the glycoprotein gel-like core of the disc. A herniated disc can potentially put pressure on or irritate the nerves that exit the spinal cord. A pinched nerve can lead to lower back pain, cramping, numbness, tingling and pain in the legs.

Other common causes of back pain include a broken spine and poor posture.

Spinal fracture

A spinal fracture is usually caused by sudden, strong pressure on the spine. People with low bone mineral density (osteoporosis) are also predisposed to spinal fractures.

Types of hernias

Depending on which area of ​​the spinal canal the protrusion is directed to, different types of hernias are distinguished.


They pose the greatest danger to human health, since they are located in the projection of the spinal cord and, when reaching a certain size, can injure it and cause corresponding disorders. A dorsal hernia is accompanied by a decrease or complete loss of sensation in the lower extremities, muscle weakness, loss of control over urination and defecation, and deterioration in potency. Symptoms appear quickly and increase in intensity at a high rate.

Dorsal hernia.


Formed in the anterior part of the spinal canal in the area of ​​the foraminal openings, which is accompanied by pain only in the area where it is located and a slight tingling sensation when coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc.

Foraminal hernia - indicated by the yellow line.


Located on the left or right side of the lower or upper surface of the fibrous ring, which can cause compression of the nerve fibers. This leads to severe pain in the affected area, which can radiate to the buttock on the corresponding side, the back of the reed and the lower leg. Often one of the first symptoms of a paramedian hernia is a feeling of numbness in the leg. On the affected side, tendon reflexes quickly fade away and gait changes.


A protrusion forms towards the space between the L4–L5 vertebrae. Often its formation is asymptomatic, but the possibility of compression of the nerve roots and displacement of healthy areas of the intervertebral disc cannot be ruled out. This can provoke paralysis of the lower extremities and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Often, a median hernia of L4–L5 is found in athletes.

Median (middle) disc herniation.


They are characterized by damage to the entire fibrous ring, which evenly stretches and, as a result, the hernia occupies the entire space of the spinal canal. The prerequisite for its development is advanced osteochondrosis.

Due to the peculiarities of their location, posterior hernias L4–L5 more often than anterior ones become sequestered, i.e., after rupture of the fibrous ring, under the influence of pressure from neighboring vertebral bodies, part of the nucleus pulposus separates from the disc and migrates along the spinal canal.

This is accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process, which involves muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, etc. The clinical picture may be different, which makes diagnosis difficult without the use of instrumental methods.


For kinesio taping of the back, classic kinesio tapes with a width of 5 - 7.5 cm are used. For severe physical activity and training, it is recommended to use tapes with reinforced NASARA PLUS glue; they will last better and longer. If you experience pain during tape removal, try using a special American spray for tape removal, the analogues of which do not yet exist on the Russian market. If you have sensitive and delicate skin prone to allergic reactions, use kinesio tapes with NASARA soft adhesive.

The article will help you decide on the choice of kinesio tape - how to choose kinesio tape


How to apply kinesio tape on your back: kinesio tape on your back: instructions

How to apply kinesio tape to the lower back: kinesio tape to the lower back: instructions

Before applying kinesio tape, read the general rules for applying tape in this section: instructions


Kinesio tapes can be worn on your back for up to 7 days if you fix your posture. If tapes are used for treatment and pain relief, change them every 2-3 days to improve the effect.


When is taping prohibited?

  • cracks and fractures in the vertebrae;
  • acute circulatory disorder in the lumbosacral region;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • acute course of infectious diseases;
  • acute allergic reactions;
  • acute neurological and vascular disorders;
  • external and internal hematomas;
  • open wounds in the tape application area;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • skin injuries;
  • thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis
  • individual reaction to tape.

Taping is used with caution for the following diseases:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • benign tumors on the spine (with control of growth dynamics during taping);
  • diabetic foot syndrome;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • postoperative period;
  • diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema;
  • skin diseases;
  • acute muscle injuries.

What is pain in the lumbar region

Pain in the lumbar region has many causes. 80% of people have experienced lower back pain at some point. Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for taking sick leave and visiting a doctor or physical therapist.

Our lower back (lumbar spine) consists of five vertebrae (L1-L5). Between these vertebrae are elastic discs of cartilage (intervertebral discs) that absorb friction between adjacent vertebrae and protect the spinal cord. The lumbar spine connects to the sacrum. Doctors often call the lumbar region the lumbosacral region.

Nerves that arise from the spinal cord provide muscles with sensation and movement. The muscles and ligaments of the back, lower back and abdominal cavity stabilize the spine.

How taping works on the lumbosacral region

Kinesio taping on the lower back triggers regenerative processes in three main functions:

  1. Tapes are fixed at trigger points, relieving stress from the muscles and providing support to the spinal joints;
  2. Tapes lift the skin on the lower back, reducing pressure in the intercellular space and improving blood flow;
  3. Tapes contract during movement and physical activity, affecting connective and muscle tissue, which, in turn, improves metabolic processes, eliminates stagnation and enhances lymph outflow.

As a result of kinesiotherapy:

  • pain is relieved;
  • swelling is relieved;
  • inflammation is eliminated;
  • tissue trophism increases;
  • the tone of some muscles increases and tension in others is relieved;
  • damage to joints and tissues is restored;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • metabolic processes are enhanced;
  • lymph outflow is normalized, congestion is eliminated;
  • the load is removed from the nerve endings;
  • the vulnerable area is protected from external factors.

In combination with other treatment methods, taping can significantly speed up recovery and relieve not only the symptoms (lower back pain, difficulty moving, loss of flexibility, etc.) but also the cause that caused them.

Taping of the lumbar region for scoliosis of the thoracic spine

It is also worth noting that with scoliosis of the spinal column in the thoracic region, the lower back also suffers, since by inertia it bends in the opposite direction to create balance. To correct this situation, you can also use the taping method.

The muscle groups of the lumbar region are also susceptible to destabilization of tone, which creates a curvature. Taping the lumbar region in this case is similar to the above methods. It is only necessary to note that in the lumbar region you need to use wide tapes, since the aponeurosis of the latissimus dorsi muscle is located there and in order to cover the maximum number of its fibers you need to try hard.

There are many options for back taping for scoliosis. This is explained by the ambiguity of the clinical picture and pathogenesis of the disease in each individual patient. Many people engage in therapeutic physical training for correction, which significantly speeds up the process of correction and recovery of a person.

Procedure techniques

The tape itself is a wide tape rolled into a roll, which can be cut in three ways depending on the technique:

  • I - tape (flat tape).
  • Y - tape.
  • X - tape.
  • Lymph tape.

Taping for lower back pain is used to eliminate pain caused by stress. To tape the lower back along the spine with the least tension, 2 pieces of I-shaped tape are glued. In this case, you need to retreat 2 cm from the edge of the spinous processes of the spine. Additionally, a segment is measured three times shorter than two long ones. The spine and back muscles of the patient in a horizontal position must be completely relaxed.

Long strips should be glued parallel to the spinal column. The short segment is fixed perpendicular to the long ones, thereby covering the point of pain. To treat a hernia in the lumbar region, a Y-shaped tape is needed. Its lower edge is located above the pain point and is additionally sealed with a short piece of tape at a tension of approximately 50%.

It is located symmetrically on both sides of the spine. Neck pain is caused by cervical osteochondrosis or muscle strain. Taping can also be used to treat headaches caused by poor circulation. To do this, you need to cut two strips of 15 cm each, rounding their ends, fix the lower anchors at the level of the second thoracic vertebra, and attach the upper ones behind the ears, stretching the middle of the tape by 25%.

For greater effect, another strip is glued to the base of the tapes, the tension in the center of which is 75%. Tape anchors are secured parallel to the spinal column on both sides. Pain due to poor posture appears as a result of incorrect posture, which leads to stooping, impaired blood circulation, and curvature of the spine. In this situation, kinesio taping eliminates discomfort by helping to maintain posture.

For this purpose, you should measure a patch with a length equal to the distance from the center of the left shoulder blade to the middle of the right, which is approximately 30 cm. An X-shaped tape is prepared, the edges of the segment are rounded, outlining the anchor area. The anchor of the patch is attached to the center of the back. The mustache is glued along the upper and lower contours of the shoulder blades with a tension of about 30%, the upper mustache extends over part of the shoulder.

Kinesio taping is a progressive and effective method of treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system; this therapy has the following advantages:

  • firstly, tapes quickly produce results and are comfortable to wear;
  • secondly, the tissues of the sore spot are healed;
  • thirdly, treatment is carried out without interruptions.

But there are also some disadvantages: you cannot do without the help of a specialist, the treatment is long-term, requiring material costs. Since manipulation removes symptoms and causes at the same time, it will help cope with the problem and get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Kinesiological taping as a method of treating low back pain

In our society, lower back pain is a very common problem. There are many ways to treat low back pain, from physical therapy to spinal surgery. Kinesiology taping is a good way to reduce back pain, including that caused by poor posture and muscle strain during work and sports.

Remember that any chronic pain should not be treated on your own. If the pain causes you significant discomfort or gets worse over time, consult your doctor to diagnose the cause of the pain and treat it.

Recommendations for the treatment of mechanical pain in the spine are quite simple:

  • Apply ice to the painful area. This especially helps when the pain in the spine was caused by muscle strain;
  • Continue to lead your usual lifestyle, but avoid activities that increase pain. Bed rest will only worsen your condition;
  • consult a doctor to determine the cause of back pain;
  • Regular stretching and strengthening exercises can help you get back to normal faster.

Lower back pain is one of the problems that can be helped by kinesiology taping. At least it works better than hard corsets, which, when worn for a long time, lead to weakening of the back muscles.

It is very important to straighten the patient's back before applying the tape. Thus, after applying the tape, the patient will feel a slight tension if he wants to return to his usual position

There are several standard taping methods used for pain in the lumbar spine.

When taping the spine, this is especially true for large people, wide tapes (not 5 cm wide, but 10 cm) are more suitable.

Method No. 1: horizontal lower back pain

  • bend at the waist. Fix the tape just below the underwear line and draw two strips up to the middle part of the back on each side. Do not pull the tape;
  • Apply decompression tape using medium tension across the painful area. The tension intensity should be 50-75%. The ends are not stretched.

Method No. 2: lower back pain along the spine

  • bend at the waist. Secure the tape just below the line of your underwear and apply two stabilizing strips on each side of your back. The tension should be minimal;
  • straighten up. The tape should wrinkle a little.

This technique is well suited for people with general back pain: acute and chronic.

Method No. 3: pain in the sacroiliac region

bend at the waist. Apply medium tension decompression tape across the painful area. The tension intensity should be 50-75%. The ends are not stretched.

The described methods can relieve pain, but it is better that taping is carried out by a trained specialist with a medical education. Thus, lymphatic drainage taping is very effective for lower back pain, but only a trained specialist can perform it correctly.

Advice. If you do take up taping yourself, avoid taping individual muscles, as you can only worsen the situation. Use the methods we have described.

Composition of the patch

Typically, tape consists of a cotton base 5-10 cm wide (sometimes artificial materials are used instead of cotton - nylon, silk, etc.), usually in the form of a tape and acrylic adhesive impregnation, through which this tape is attached to the body. A good patch should breathe, and a good adhesive should be activated upon contact with the human body at normal temperature.

At first glance, the tape resembles a regular patch, but its distinguishing feature is its high elasticity. According to the standard, the tape used for taping should stretch almost twice without losing its properties. This is necessary to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Taping for poor posture

Taping for poor posture is a rather controversial issue, since this situation usually arises in the absence of strength in the muscles that hold the skeleton in the correct physiological position.

If scoliosis is a serious violation of the position of the spine, then a violation of posture is its initial stage, which can be quickly corrected.

In this video, pediatric neurologist Marina Aleksandrovna Krasnova talks about kinesiotaping to correct posture for scoliosis in children.

Typically, patients with poor posture are referred to fitness centers or exercise therapy rooms, where their muscles and health will be put in order.

Posture correction using kinesio taping is discussed in this video:

Kinesio tape can play a cruel joke when stooping and only aggravate the condition. This situation occurs if a person relies only on taping, which leads to even greater weakening of the muscles.

Back taping technique for stooping:

  1. Apply the tape to bare and clean skin. First you need to remove hair and remaining sebum from the surface.
  2. Kinesio tape should be wide and correspond to the length from one edge of the back to the other perpendicular to the spinal column at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades.
  3. Kinesio tape is applied with the patient in an inclined position. Hands clasp shoulders, head tilted forward.
  4. Let's start gluing the tape. The first and last 2-3 cm are glued without tension. The middle part of the tape is glued with a tension of 30-50% of the original length. This must be taken into account when initially measuring the required tape length.
  5. The tape should be positioned perpendicular to the spinal column and, as it were, “gather” the shoulder blades together.

There is another simpler way to apply tape for slouching:

  1. The length of the tape is measured by the distance between the shoulder blades, which are brought back as far as possible.
  2. In this position, apply 3-4 cm of tape to the edges of the shoulder blades. These centimeters will be the anchors of the tape.
  3. Next, patients bring their shoulders forward as much as possible and in this position the middle part of the tape is finally glued.

It must be said that scoliosis and stooping are difficult to correct solely with the help of back taping. You also need to exercise, try to lead an active lifestyle and maintain good posture when sitting at the computer.

Of course, the tape stimulates the correction of a person’s posture, but usually this is not enough to achieve a long-term effect.

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