Schlatter-Osgood disease: how to choose a knee brace for Schlatter disease and how to use it?

06/29/2021 For back pain, a person uses not only painkillers and warming ointments and rubs, but also tries to provide first aid: older people rub the painful area and wrap their lower back in a woolen scarf, and young people wear a special bandage belt. Everything is clear with your back, but what to do with a sore knee? You can try to wrap your knee, but this causes discomfort and when walking, such a bandage must be constantly tightened so that it does not slip.

There is an exit! These are orthopedic knee pads. They have a lot of advantages:

  • there is no discomfort with them;
  • knee pads provide protection to the joint;
  • don't slip.

Just before purchasing, you should understand which type of knee brace to choose in accordance with the injury or disease of the knee joint.

What causes knee pain?

If you clearly understand the nature of the pain syndrome, choosing a knee brace will not cause difficulties. Causes of knee pain:

  1. Inflammatory processes: tendinitis, synovitis, chronic inflammation of the bursa, periarthritis, arthritis.
  2. Injuries: rupture or sprain of ligaments, bruise, dislocation of a joint, crack or fracture of the cup.
  3. Malignant and benign tumors: Baker's cyst.
  4. Vascular pathologies: venous diseases of the legs.
  5. Degenerative-dystrophic changes: bone tuberculosis, Osgood-Schlatter and Koenig diseases, gonarthrosis, arthrosis.

Before buying a knee brace, you need to undergo an examination. Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and tell you whether knee pads are needed or not, and will also help you choose the type.

Causes of the disease

In Osgood-Schlatter disease, the tuberosity apophysis, the bony outgrowth of the tibia just below the kneecap, is affected. The powerful quadriceps femoris muscle is attached to this protrusion through the patellar tendons. Until 12-18 years of age, the area of ​​the tibial tuberosity at the base is represented not by bone, but by cartilage. Under the pull of a muscle during its sharp contraction, with repeated minor or single serious injury, the cartilaginous plate can be injured and the apophysis can be torn off.

Osgood-Schlatter disease belongs to the group of so-called overload diseases and most often appears in athletes. Interesting statistics: in child athletes, the detection rate of the described disease reaches 21%, and in non-athlete children it is only 4%.

At risk are children and adolescents who:

  • athletics,
  • football,
  • hockey,
  • basketball,
  • weightlifting and other sports.

If the patient is dominated by repeated minor injuries, the classic picture develops with a predominance of inflammation. If the traction force of the muscle exceeds the strength of the tubercle, complete separation of the apophysis occurs.

Types of knee pads: features and purposes

Devices can be divided into 4 groups:

  • warming;
  • supportive;
  • corrective;
  • fixing.

The choice depends on the cause that caused the pain in the knee joint.


Improve blood circulation and reduce pain. It is recommended to use in the acute phase of the disease: pain due to rheumatism in weather-dependent people, arthritis in the acute stage, “new” bruise.


They help reduce the load on the knee joint, provide reliable fixation, repeating the anatomical structure of the leg. Prescribed by a doctor after severe injuries at the last stage of rehabilitation or in case of tissue damage and sprains.

Supportive knee pads are part of mandatory complex therapy for the initial stages of tendinitis, arthrosis, as well as chronic arthritis.


Designed to limit the mobility of the knee during movement in order to avoid negative consequences for the joint. Corrective knee braces are used in the post-traumatic period during rehabilitation. In addition, for diseases that cause destruction of the knee joint: Oggud-Schlatter disease, bone tuberculosis, in severe stages of arthrosis.


The appearance of the orthopedic device is similar to a plaster cast. Used for partial or complete immobilization of a joint. Fixing orthopedic products are prescribed by a doctor for fractures, ligament and meniscus tears, and bone cracks.

Symptoms of Schlatter-Osgood disease

The onset of symptoms can be sudden, but more often the manifestations of the disease increase gradually. Three typical symptoms of tibial apophysitis are:

  • pain,
  • swelling,
  • decreased muscle strength.

Pain and swelling are located in the upper part of the lower leg along the front surface. It is there, just below the kneecap, that the protuberance of the tuberosity is located. Increased pain is associated with physical activity; a sharp increase in pain intensity is observed with tension in the quadriceps - quadriceps femoris muscle. Due to the fact that the body tries to limit the traumatic impact, a reflex weakening of the quadriceps muscle occurs. For diagnosis, examination, palpation (palpation), radiography or computed tomography of the knee joint are of utmost importance.

Treatment Options

With proper treatment, complete recovery occurs in 90% of cases. The main thing in the treatment of Schlatter’s disease is to create conditions for “rest” and healing of the bone tubercle. During the height of the disease and until complete recovery, sports activities are excluded. The leg is fixed with a plaster cast or orthosis for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months. Physiotherapeutic treatment and anti-inflammatory therapy are used. A year after the start of the process, almost all children experience restoration of muscle strength, swelling and pain in the tuberosity area go away.

Pay attention to the wide range of bandages and orthoses in the Medtechnika Orthosalon store

Modern orthoses for effective elimination of pathology

Heavy, stuffy and uncomfortable plaster casts have now been replaced by modern orthoses. A simple and relatively inexpensive option for short-term knee immobilization is a brace. This device eliminates any movement in the knee joint, ensuring its complete stability. The splint is effective and practical, it is well suited for creating complete rest, but is contraindicated for long-term treatment. Fixing the knee in one position for a long time can lead to contracture—limitation of movement.

Maximum comfort and effect are guaranteed by knee orthoses with hinges and a variable angle of fixation. Individual adjustment allows you to consistently change the intensity of fixation and intelligently approach knee rehabilitation. The amplitude of movements can vary from absolute immobility to complete freedom in selected directions. Hinged orthoses are lightweight and breathable, and provide space for easy access to the tibial tuberosity. Unlike a plaster cast, which often requires you to walk on crutches, plastic orthoses are stable when walking and often do not require the use of crutches.

For people who have already had the disease and continue to suffer from periodic knee pain, patellar tendon braces are of great help. Such devices consist of a strap with a pad that presses on the lump and eliminates pain. Sometimes such bandages are prescribed during the initial period of illness in young athletes. However, to treat Schlatter's disease at its peak, a full-length orthosis is still necessary. In the network of specialized stores “Medtechnika Orthosalon” you will find a wide range of orthoses that are most effective for Schlatter’s disease. The competence of consultants and the availability of a large number of orthopedic devices guarantee the correct individual choice of the most suitable solution.

Eduard Svitich, orthopedic traumatologist.

Wearing a knee brace for pain: answers to pressing questions


Is it possible to buy a knee brace yourself without contacting a specialist?


highly undesirable. The fact is that some joint injuries or diseases require urgent medical attention. For comparison, consider two diseases: Koenig and arthritis, which can be confused. If your knee joint is inflamed or has arthritis, you can wear a brace to reduce the stress on your knee. The disease will noticeably reduce its progression. Necrosis or death of the cartilage tissue of the femur or Koenig's disease requires immediate attention. If you do not see a doctor in time, you will need surgical intervention.


Is it possible to use knee pads for preventive purposes?


if a specific case requires it, for example, in the event of a threat of injury. The integrity of the knee joint can be damaged during sports. The knee pad is unable to protect the knee from degenerative and inflammatory processes.


Is it possible to heal the joint with a knee brace?


it is impossible, orthopedic devices are not designed to provide a therapeutic effect. Their value lies in the fact that they create favorable conditions for joint restoration. In order for the knee to return to normal, you will have to wear bondage. But most often, an orthopedic device is used as an additional therapy in the treatment of arthrosis or arthritis.

What sports lead to Osgood-Schlatter disease?

Osgood-Schlatter disease is characterized by the formation of a lump in the area of ​​the kneecap. This pathology is characterized by destruction of the nucleus in the tibia. People of any age encounter the disease, but most often children and adolescents. They are the ones who play sports more. According to statistics, boys are more likely to develop Osgood-Schlatter disease. In the 20th century, the disease was called “osteomyelitis of growth.” In the past, soldiers suffered from it due to the heavy load on the joints of the legs and knee injuries.

Sports activities such as:

  • football;
  • basketball;
  • figure skating;
  • gymnastics;
  • kickboxing;
  • judo;
  • karate.

Running and jumping can also trigger the development of the disease.

Main symptoms

The disease has the following manifestations:

  • pain and swelling in one of the legs;
  • discomfort in the knee area;
  • muscle tension in the knee area.

Such symptoms are especially clear during jumping, running or active movements. The pain can vary in intensity. Usually the disease manifests itself in only one of the knees. Discomfort may last for several weeks or last for a couple of months. If the disease develops, there is no proper treatment, the pain spreads to the hip, and discomfort appears in the other knee. In athletes, the disease is often chronic with periods of exacerbation.

In adults, in addition to pain and swelling, an increase in temperature is observed. In this case, the disease is considered hereditary and is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner.

Causes of the disease

There is a growth zone in the child's long bone. It also contains cartilage tissue, which is not very durable. She suffers from excessive and constant stress. As a result, swelling occurs and pain is felt. This is especially true for those who run, jump, and do a lot of bending. In a child, the hip muscles may strain the tendons. If such stress is repeated regularly, the tendon becomes torn, which indicates Osgood-Schlatter disease. Sometimes the cause of this problem is a bruised joint.

or falling to your knee.

What are the complications?

They are quite rare. Most often, complications manifest as constant pain and discomfort. Swelling may occur, but this is easily relieved with cold compresses. In some cases, you have to take NSAIDs. Swelling sometimes persists throughout life, even if you manage to get rid of the disease, but the mobility of the knee is not impaired.

There are cases when, due to lack of treatment, pathological bone growths appear. This pathology causes circulatory problems in the tibia; minor hemorrhages and rupture of fibers in the patella may occur. It is important to carry out joint treatment

and other injuries.

Main risk factors

These include:

  • age;
  • person's gender;
  • activity in sports.

Most often, the disease is encountered during adolescence, during puberty. It should be noted that, depending on the gender of the child, the age range will be different: boys suffer from the disease at about 14 years of age, and in girls this problem manifests itself earlier - at 12.

The disease is diagnosed more often in boys, as they are more interested in sports. They participate in sports competitions, play football, volleyball, and do gymnastics.

Diagnostic features

To make a correct diagnosis, the specialist will need to collect some information about the patient:

  • symptoms are clarified;
  • family medical problems are studied;
  • the presence of injuries in the past is clarified;
  • the amount of physical activity is studied.

It is necessary to indicate what nutritional supplements or medications are being taken. A thorough examination of the knee joint is carried out to determine the presence or absence of edema and swelling. The range of motion of the knee must be assessed.

An x-ray of the leg in a lateral projection is prescribed, during which “proboscis” is detected in the area of ​​the tibial tuberosity. Radioisotope scanning and ultrasound of the knee joint are prescribed to clarify the picture. Sometimes specialists prescribe CT, MRI, and densitometry to assess bone density. You will need to undergo additional tests: take a blood test for rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein

Features of treatment

As practice shows, the disease in children cures itself. Symptoms usually disappear after bone growth is complete. In some cases, this interferes with normal life, so medications are prescribed. Usually these are painkillers, physiotherapy is selected, and exercise therapy is prescribed. Together, all this allows you to relieve swelling and eliminate pain. It is necessary to limit sports activities, use patella pads during exercises, jump and run less. It is imperative to remain at rest during the treatment period, do not ignore physical therapy, and attend massage courses aimed at strengthening the knee joint.

Corticosteroids are rarely prescribed, and sometimes surgery is required to fix the tuberosity to the bone using a bone graft.
Usually, analgesics and rest are enough for recovery, and complete cessation of sports is not required. The course of treatment includes taking vitamin D and calcium. Any medications must be taken in short courses. Treatment can take from six months to a year, it all depends on the severity of the disease. If there are complications, it is better to go to a sanatorium for recovery. You can take a course of paraffin mud baths. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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