A simple exercise for a herniated lumbar spine: effective treatment with hyperextension

Lumbar disc herniation is a common disease. It mainly affects people over forty years of age, although no one is immune from it among young people. If a person does not adequately respond to the primary symptoms of this disease, then the lesion will progress, which will lead to severe lower back pain, muscle atrophy, and other serious consequences.

Hyperextension with hernia of the lumbar spine

When treating a hernia of the lumbar spine, they most often resort to the use of conservative techniques. In parallel, doctors prescribe a special set of therapeutic exercises for people suffering from hernia, one of which is hyperextension.

According to WHO statistics, just three weeks after starting regular exercise, more than fifty percent of respondents felt better. And six months later, nine out of ten survey participants reported complete recovery.

What it is?

Hyperextension is an exercise program for patients with spinal hernias, as well as problems such as osteochondrosis and pathological curvatures. The set of classes is specially designed and thought out to the smallest detail specifically for patients with back diseases and hernial protrusions. All movements are adapted for performance on simulators.

Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of work experience. You can exercise at home without special equipment; it is enough to have any flat surface, floor or furniture attributes.

Contraindications to performing hyperextension

Despite the enormous benefits of exercise for intervertebral hernia, there are some contraindications to performing the exercise.

Hyperextension is prohibited in the following cases::

  • in case of injury to the coccyx;
  • in case of damage to the sacrolumbar spine;
  • during the period of exacerbation of the disease;
  • in severe cases of the disease;
  • in the presence of serious pain syndrome;
  • if pain occurs during exercise.

Video: “Which hyperextension machine is more effective?”

Pay attention to how to properly play sports with spinal hernias:

  • Exercises on the horizontal bar for a herniated disc in the lumbar region
  • You can read how to do yoga correctly with a vertebral hernia in the following article
  • More information about water aerobics for intervertebral hernia on the page
  • Is it possible to pump up your abs and how to do it correctly with a lumbar hernia? You will find out here
  • You can read about at what stages of a vertebral hernia you can run by clicking on the link
  • Is it possible to play sports with a herniated disc in the back?

The essence of the exercise and the muscles trained

During classes, 2 main movements are performed - flexion and extension. To do this, lie on the machine, palms behind your head or on your chest. The body is a straight line. Bend 60 degrees, smoothly bend the lumbar region.

Which muscle groups are involved in training and strengthened accordingly:

  • back straighteners,
  • abdominal Press,
  • gluteal – large,
  • calf,
  • two-headed,
  • the muscles of the thigh on the back surface,
  • semi-membranous and semi-continuous.

Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of experience. Small spinal muscles are used, which are difficult to strengthen with other exercises. A durable corset is created for the spinal column.

Set of exercises

Classes are carried out strictly with certain requirements. The predominant movements are flexion and extension of the back, extension of the spinal column.

What exercises are recommended:

  1. Run. Jogging is carried out in high-quality shoes with shock-absorbing soles. The best place is dirt paths. Jogging is preferable to running.
  2. Walking. They start with a minimum distance of 500 m, gradually increasing the distance to 5-10 km.
  3. Push-ups. Doctors do not always introduce this element into classes. The movements are complex and are best done with an instructor. It is optimal to do push-ups from elevated surfaces - benches, chairs, sofas. It should be performed smoothly and easily; sudden movements are undesirable.
  4. Swimming and water aerobics. Some of the most useful activities. At the same time, all muscle groups are strengthened, the muscle corset is formed into a single and powerful skeleton.

Hyperextension with lumbar hernia

People suffering from a lumbar hernia are advised to undergo regular physical therapy exercises . Training for such a disease should consist of complex exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles surrounding the spine. One of the exercises recommended for hernia is hyperextension.

Such gymnastics brings great benefits to the body and helps:

  • increase blood circulation;
  • increase oxygen access;
  • normalize tone;
  • boost the immune system;
  • strengthen discs and tendons;
  • develop muscle tissue;
  • relieve the load from the spine;
  • eliminate malaise;
  • increase the mobility of the spinal column;
  • restore correct posture;
  • lose weight and shape your figure;
  • stop the development of deformation;
  • prevent negative consequences;
  • prevent the occurrence of other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

At what stage is it performed?

Hyperextension is permitted at any stage of development of a lumbar hernia, with the exception of severe, particularly advanced cases . The exercise puts a lot of stress on the back, so it should be discontinued during an exacerbation of the disease and in the early stages of subsidence. Playing sports during these periods can complicate the course of the pathology and cause additional compression of the intervertebral discs and nerve endings.

Video: “Is it possible to do hyperextension with a herniated lumbar spine?”

Execution Features

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Next fact

In the presence of intervertebral hernias, hyperextension is best performed under the supervision of a specialist. For pathologies of the spinal column, the correct execution of hyperextension , since the lower back is more involved in extension of the body.

Even a slight inaccuracy can reduce the positive impact of therapy and cause injury to the vertebrae, strain of tendons and cause an exacerbation of the disease.

In this regard, before starting training, you must obtain permission from your attending physician.

Mastering the exercise for a lumbar hernia should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Only an experienced trainer will be able to give the necessary recommendations on how to perform the exercise and the time of physical warm-up.

If a disc is deformed, you cannot put too much stress on the spine, so when performing hyperextension you should follow certain recommendations:

  • observe correct fixation of arms and legs;
  • start with minimal approaches, gradually increasing their number;
  • avoid heavy loads during the first training sessions;
  • avoid sudden and rotational movements;
  • do not tilt the body below 60 degrees;
  • do not allow your back to bend too much when returning to the starting position;
  • Do not use weights without the permission of a specialist.

In order to get the greatest benefit from therapeutic exercises for lumbar hernia, hyperextension is recommended to be carried out regularly, adhering to a balanced diet and alternating physical work with proper rest..

Execution technique

Classes begin with warm-up exercises. To do this choose:

  • joint gymnastics,
  • squats,
  • tilts,
  • exercise bike.

The next stage is working the pectoral muscles on the simulator. Adjustable to suit your own height. Perform presses in a lying position. Then move on to strength exercises to strengthen the deltoid muscles. Perform T-bar rows with the front surface resting on the bench. Do bench presses with your legs.

Completion of classes - abdominal exercises, flexion of the lower extremities.

Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of experience. During classes, in agreement with the doctor, a hyperextension corset is worn.

Types of simulators

Gyms are equipped with various modifications of exercise equipment. Among the most important simulators are:

  1. Horizontal. Designed for back bends and lifts. Is a classic version. Doesn't hurt your back, the risk of injury is minimal.
  2. Vertical. Used to perform standard slopes. The legs are placed and fixed on the platform. Keep your back under control, try not to throw your head back.
  3. Reverse with weighting. Recommended for use in activities where the legs are primarily trained and the body is in a fixed position. Suitable for athletic patients. The load gives more weight and strengthens the muscles faster.
  4. Reverse without weighting. Promotes the development and strengthening of the muscles of the back surface of the body - erector muscles, gluteal muscles, biceps.

Possible errors

When performing exercises, mistakes may occur that you should be aware of and avoid:

  • Jerky sharp breaks.
  • Deep deflections and subsidence.
  • Strong, sweeping range of motion. This happens if you lift your torso high, and the bending angle is only 15-25 degrees. A large amplitude is acceptable for repetitions and the need to stretch. With daily work training there is a risk of a hernia.
  • Pendulum displacements. Movements such as turns, turns, bends in any direction other than vertical have an adverse effect on the spinal column.
  • Incorrect attachment of limbs. The optimal fixation for the arms is bending the elbows and pressing them to the chest.
  • Starting weight training. You should start smoothly with 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Exceeding the permissible weight, the increase is carried out gradually, no more than 5 kg.
  • Incorrect weight retention - behind the head. The weight is distributed so that it is in front of the forehead. It is undesirable to move it to the top of the head - the load on the spine increases.

About spinal hernia in detail

What is a lumbar hernia?

The lumbar spine performs the following tasks:

  1. Maintaining body weight;
  2. Cushioning for various movements;
  3. Load distribution throughout the body;
  4. Protection of the kidneys and other pelvic organs.

A hernia of the lumbar spine is the core of the intervertebral disc that has escaped from the fibrous ring. It compresses the nerve root, which leads first to discomfort and then to sharp pain in the lower back.

To better understand how a hernia appears, let's consider the structure of the lumbar region. It consists of five vertebrae. Between them are the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae of this section in medicine are designated by the Latin letter L (see image).


The causes of a hernia of the lumbar spine may be as follows:

  • Age. The older a person is, the greater the chance of developing a hernia, as muscle tone gradually weakens.
  • Congenital pathologies of spinal development.
  • Osteochondrosis is a frequent “companion” of intervertebral hernias.
  • Excess weight, lack of physical activity, lack of attention to maintaining correct posture.
  • Various lumbar injuries, including sports injuries, associated with violation of the technique of performing certain exercises.
  • Unacceptably high load on the lumbar region when lifting heavy objects.

We advise you to remember: under no circumstances should you carry heavy loads like this!

  • Metabolic disorders in the body and bad habits acquired during life (smoking, alcohol, etc.). They have a detrimental effect on both the entire body and, in particular, the musculoskeletal system.

Prices for back belts


When a person has a lumbar hernia, they experience various symptoms:

  1. Lower back pain is the first sign of a problem.
  2. Pain occurs when bending or straightening the legs.
  3. Unpleasant sensations when changing body position.
  4. “Shots” appear in the leg when you touch the sore spot.
  5. Pallor of the skin.
  6. Increased sweating in the affected area.
  7. Feeling of weakness in the lumbar region, decreased sensitivity.

Important! Health cannot be neglected, therefore, if you detect at least one of the listed symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor.


A herniated lumbar spine has serious consequences. They can occur if a person ignores the symptoms and starts treatment too late.

Important! Untimely treatment of this disease can lead to various complications.

An advanced hernia of the lumbar spine can lead to serious consequences.

In severe hernia, the following may occur:

  1. Violation of the normal functionality of the pelvic organs.
  2. Sensation in the legs is completely lost, reflexes disappear.
  3. Motor activity is impaired due to muscle atrophy.
  4. The lumbar region is subject to deformation.
  5. The case may end in paralysis of the lower extremities.

Advanced forms of hernia lead to extremely serious consequences

If the hernia is allowed to progress, the person may soon become disabled. Problems with the bladder and intestines often arise - the patient begins to have either involuntary bowel movements or urinary incontinence.

If the hernia is already in an advanced form, then it can only be gotten rid of surgically.

How to perform hyperextension without a machine?

You can also practice at home. For this you will need a sofa. Position lying on your stomach. It is advisable to fix the knees and heels. You can ask one of the family members to sit on their feet. Lean forward, hold your hands comfortably. Useful home entertainment allows you to pump up the same muscles as exercise machines.

You can practice in the yard if there are horizontal pipes that differ in height. They lie with their backs on the higher pipe, and place their feet under the lower support.

Exercises for severe forms of coxarthrosis

This set of exercises for coxarthrosis is based on the method of V.D. Gitta. This complex can be recommended both in the initial stages of the disease and in more severe cases.

Exercise for coxarthrosis No. 1

It’s best to do it on the floor, after laying down a rug or blanket, but you can also do it on the sofa.

You need to lie on your stomach, put your hands under your head or extend them along your body. You can place a small pillow or cushion under your feet. Relax as much as possible. As you roll on your stomach, sway your hips slightly left and right. The range of movements should not exceed 2-3 cm. Do not strain your muscles or try to lift your pelvis. If you feel the slightest pain, reduce your range of motion and try to relax; Determine by experience the most suitable distance between the heels.

This exercise for coxarthrosis is performed 3 times a day for 10 minutes (before meals). Particularly weak patients should start with 3-5 minutes 2 times a day and gradually increase its implementation to the full program. Rotational movements help improve nutrition of the hip joints. But for people who have been without normal physical activity for a long time, even such a simple exercise is sometimes difficult to perform correctly. Therefore, at first it is advisable to do it under external control or passively, with the help of an operator.

The benefits of exercise are not limited to the joints. Its implementation helps improve intestinal motility, while the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas and other organs are massaged. In overweight people, the stomach tightens, the waist size decreases and the appetite decreases. Diabetes often improves.

If your knees are sore and swollen, you may feel pain in them. In this case, you need to place something soft under your knees.

The exercise can be performed even with the most severe forms of the disease, because the leg muscles are not involved and the movement in the joint is passive.

Exercise for coxarthrosis No. 2

Performed lying (reclining) on ​​your back.

Extend and spread your legs slightly, alternately turning them outward and inward. The range of movements is extremely small - no more than 0.5-1 cm. It is advisable to place a small pillow under the knees.

If you experience pain, you need to reduce the range of motion, change the width of your leg spread and relax as much as possible.

The exercise will appeal to couch potatoes, because while doing it you can read, watch TV, and talk.

Exercise for coxarthrosis No. 3

This is the most versatile and easiest exercise for coxarthrosis . Performed while sitting. You can do it at home, at work, in transport and even in the theater.

Sit comfortably. Your knees should be approximately shoulder-width apart and your feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees in and out easily and without tension. The range of movements is 0.5-1 cm. In the initial stage (to control the range of movements), it is better to keep your hands on your knees, and after acquiring skills, anywhere.

If you feel pain, try to reduce the range of motion, place your legs a little narrower or wider, change the frequency of movements, relax.

The total time for performing the exercises is from 3 to 6 hours. You shouldn't do them all at once, one after the other. It is advisable to distribute it throughout the day. All exercises are similar in their effect. Which one to do depends on your capabilities and desires.

Exercise for coxarthrosis No. 4

This exercise for coxarthrosis is intended for the weakest patients who cannot sit, get out of bed onto the floor or lie on a table. Make a loop from a wide belt or towel. Hang it above the bed, at your feet, at a height of approximately 25 cm. Lie on the bed and insert your sore leg into the loop, approximately to the middle of your calf. Completely relax your leg and swing it slightly left and right or bending and unbending at the knee. The movement is performed with minimal amplitude.

Of course, the above exercises are useful for any degree of coxarthrosis , and not just for severe ones. And the following exercise is recommended to be performed only in the initial stages of the disease - no higher than 2nd degree.

Exercise for coxarthrosis No. 5

Performed while standing. Stand with your healthy leg on a slight elevation, while the patient should hang down as much as possible. Rock your affected leg back and forth and left and right. Be sure to hold onto a support (or wall). It is advisable that the affected leg be on the opposite side of the support. Do it 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. Painful sensations are not allowed.

The most important! None of the recommended exercises should cause pain. If you feel pain, stop the exercise! Pain is extremely harmful to your joints.

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