Hernia of the white line of the abdomen, paraumbilical hernia


There are a number of factors that cause it to appear. Here are some of them:

  1. Great physical stress on the human body.
  2. Pathological disorders such as constipation. Or other intestinal diseases.
  3. Chronic cough.
  4. Overweight, obesity.
  5. Surgical intervention in the human body.
  6. Injuries of the peri-umbilical area.

If we talk about children, then such an ailment as paraumbilical hernia is a congenital feature of the body. This is due to improper formation of the aponeurosis. If a child constantly screams, then there is a risk of a paraumbal hernia. When the baby cries, the abdominal muscles tense. This contributes to the occurrence of a hernia. Internal organs protrude into the navel area.

Nature of occurrence

There are several manifestations of a hernia in the body:

  1. The hernia can be hostile. At birth, the child has a spherical protrusion. It is localized at the site of the umbilical cord.
  2. Also, the hernia has an acquired character. It appears in the body under the influence of external factors that contribute to its occurrence.

Also divided into straight and oblique.

If the paraumbical hernia is direct, then the patient has transverse fascia. The reason for its appearance is thinning. With this course of the disease, hernial discharge extends into the area of ​​the umbilical ring. In the case when the hernia is oblique, the organs protrude above or below it. Thus, the hernial sac forms in the area between the fascia and the linea alba. Then there is access to the subcutaneous tissue directly through the umbilical ring.

In addition, hernias are divided into reducible and unreducible. With reducible hernias, the course of the disease is not subject to such danger as pinching. And those that cannot be corrected are characterized by the occurrence of dangerous complications.

Hernia of the white line of the abdomen, paraumbilical hernia

A hernia of the linea alba is a defect of the aponeurosis in the area of ​​the linea alba, located between the navel and the xiphoid process in the midline. The linea alba is formed by intersecting tendon bundles of the abdominal muscles, stretches from the xiphoid process to the symphysis, its width increases towards the navel. In the linea alba of the abdomen there are through slit-like spaces that pass through its entire thickness to the peritoneum, and through them there are vessels and nerves or adipose tissue that connects the preperitoneal tissue with the subcutaneous tissue. Paraumbilical hernia is a type of hernia of the white line of the abdomen. With this pathology, the hernia defect is located directly above the umbilical ring. Hernias of the white line of the abdomen are most often detected in children older than 2-3 years. Unlike the inguinal and umbilical, this pathology occurs in children in 0.8% of cases.

Causes of hernia of the white line of the abdomen

- weak abdominal wall muscles, physiological underdevelopment of the aponeurosis

- low weight and prematurity

- hereditary predisposition,

- injuries

A hernia of the linea alba is manifested by the presence of a formation of soft-elastic consistency in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall along the midline, which in the initial stages is freely retracted into the abdominal cavity. Subsequently, through the defect in the aponeurosis, preperitoneal tissue begins to prolapse in a larger volume than the defect itself (adipose tissue located directly under the muscles, above the peritoneum, i.e. outside the abdominal cavity), due to which the formation ceases to be reduced, the so-called “preperitoneal lipoma." Hernial protrusion usually does not reach large sizes.

With a paraumbilical hernia, the protrusion may not be detected; it is more often manifested by the presence of a defect, which is easily determined by palpation of this area.

Hernias of the white line of the abdomen are not prone to strangulation, however, in some cases, with excessive load, strangulation is possible.

Treatment of hernia of the white line of the abdomen

Treatment of hernia of the white line of the abdomen and paraumbilical hernia is only surgical.

The operation is usually performed after 6-7 years.

Technique of operation.

The incision is made in the projection of the hernial protrusion along the lower umbilical fold (up to 2.0 cm), the hernial sac is isolated, its contents are reduced into the abdominal cavity, and if there is a large preperitoneal lipoma, it is removed. Then the aponeurosis is repaired with non-absorbable suture material.

In children, plastic surgery using meshes is not used. The tissues of the anterior abdominal wall in children are quite elastic, which makes it possible to perform local plastic surgery, i.e. own tissues.

Operations in children are much easier to tolerate than in adults; they do not require the use of meshes or additional foreign materials.

What symptoms in the body indicate the presence of the disease?

Paraumbical hernia in children is characterized by a defect located in the anterior region of the peritoneum. This condition is diagnosed quite simply, without any difficulties. The hernia can be seen; it protrudes in the area of ​​the navel, or in close proximity to it. The hernia is visualized when the child is standing, that is, in an upright position. When he lies down, the protrusion is not visible.

Also, if there is a hernia in the human body, the umbilical ring can be palpated. Since it is the so-called gateway for a hernia. When protrusion occurs, the umbilical ring expands. There are cases when the hernial orifice is narrow. With this pathology, the child constantly experiences discomfort. Since he feels anxious, he cries and is capricious. This condition of the baby can lead to major complications.

There are also statistics that a hernia appears in women at the age of thirty. The following characteristics are diagnosed:

  1. Size.
  2. How severe is the hernia?
  3. Whether adhesions are present or not.
  4. Possible complications.

If complications arise, an inflammatory process appears, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature and pain. To treat hernia with complications, surgical intervention in the human body is used.

If special measures are not taken, necrosis may occur.

Types of paraumbilical hernia

There are two types of protrusion of organs in the navel area:

  • congenital - occurs due to impaired development of the aponeurosis. The provoking factor is the cry of the baby, which contributes to excessive tension in the fragile abdominal muscles.
  • acquired – formed between the ages of 3 and 7 years. The provoking factor is excessive physical activity and other reasons listed above. Most often, the disease manifests itself as the hernial sac descends into the subcutaneous fatty tissue.


Sometimes, if a person has a paraumbilical hernia, surgery is done. You should know that the surgical method is not used for patients under the age of 5 years. The reason for this is the fact that up to 5 years of age, the hernia can go away on its own, without surgical intervention. In order for this to happen, the child is prescribed a special massage. Its action is aimed at strengthening the anterior wall of the peritoneum. The child is also prescribed special gymnastics with a therapeutic effect. The effect of physical exercise is aimed at improving blood circulation in the internal organs. This eliminates the risk of stagnation.

In adulthood, treatment through massage and gymnastics will not have the desired effect on the body. Complications may begin. Then the person’s body temperature rises and pain appears. Wearing a bandage will also not give the desired results. Muscle atrophy may also begin.

Treatment of hernia in hospital

If we talk about the treatment of a hernia in an adult, then, as a rule, he is prescribed surgical intervention. Before it is carried out, the patient is visited in the hospital, where he undergoes a special examination.

  1. First of all, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination. It allows you to determine the type of protrusion and the area of ​​localization.
  2. Using an x-ray, it is determined which internal human organ is located in the hernial sac.
  3. An examination of the condition of internal organs, such as gastroduodenoscopy, is also carried out. This method allows you to detect or exclude other pathological processes of human internal organs.

In addition, a person is required to donate blood and urine for laboratory testing. This is necessary in order to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body.

Removing a hernia through surgery is called hernioplasty. The essence of the operation is that the patient's hernial orifice is sutured. This is done using natural body tissues or special meshes made from synthetic materials.

In the case when an implant is used in the body during surgical intervention, the recurrence of a hernia is excluded. In this regard, many doctors recommend performing the operation using synthetic material.

Hernioplasty has its disadvantages. They are due to the fact that there is a possibility of removing the navel. Also, this method of surgical intervention involves a long recovery process. The body's recovery time is one year. During this period, the patient should not lift heavy objects or perform any physical activity.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before selecting the optimal treatment method, the ImageKrokha clinic conducts a thorough examination of the child with a number of necessary tests.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows us to determine the nature of the paraumbilical hernia. A tomography study makes it possible to detect which organ is in the hernial sac.

Paraumbilical hernia practically does not disappear as a result of conservative therapy. It requires surgical intervention, the urgency of which depends on the size of the protrusion, the intensity of pain and the likelihood of infringement.

The operation to remove a paraumbilical hernia is performed by hernioplasty and laparoscopy.

Why choose us?

The specialists of the Image Kroha clinic work on modern European equipment and use high-quality medicines. This allows interventions to be performed as efficiently and safely as possible.

Surgeons at the ImageKrokha clinic perform operations taking into account the importance of the cosmetic effect after the intervention. Thanks to this, the child will have no stitches on his body, and the puncture sites will not be visible.

The duration of the manipulation in the children's surgical department lasts no more than 25-40 minutes. Within a few hours after the intervention, the child can be discharged.

Contraindications for surgery

There may be contraindications for surgical intervention. These include:

  1. The period of pregnancy for a woman.
  2. The condition of the patient’s body, namely the presence of diseases for which surgery cannot be performed.
  3. Age restrictions.
  4. Exacerbation of any pathologies.

In this case, people are prescribed to wear a bandage and limit physical activity. Thus, measures are taken to prevent pinching.

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