Gel-balm Horse dose: instructions for use, 200 ml

Gel-balm Horse dose is a preparation for joints. Accelerates the regeneration of joint tissues, improves the quality of joint lubrication, stimulates metabolic processes, inhibits degenerative processes, and reduces pain. Helps relieve inflammation, swelling, and has an antibacterial effect. Has a warming effect and activates blood circulation.

Trade name of the drug: Horse dose

Dosage form: joint cream

Photo of the packaging of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml, where the composition is indicated

Gel-balm Horse dose composition

Ingredients Water, camphor, sea buckthorn oil, clove essential oil, Biostimulating complex "Anti-inflammatory", Biostimulating complex "B vitamins", glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, glycerin, collagen hydrolyzate, aloe vera extract, Adam's root extract, comfrey extract (root) , cinquefoil (root), alfalfa extract, elecampane extract, pepper extract, sumac extract, eucalyptus extract, white bryonia extract (roots), juniper extract, boswellia extract, menthol, mumiyo, vitamin E, vitamin A, carbopol Ultrez-10, microcar DMP Sharomix DMP, Cetiol OE, Cetiol C5, sodium hydroxide, Trilon B, microcar IT, methyl nicotinate.
Pharmacological properties

Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate are the main structural components of articular cartilage and natural protectors (chondro-concentrated body gel-balm in the area of ​​joint protectors) of its cells. Increases the moisture capacity of cartilage, preventing it from drying out.

They accelerate the regeneration of articular tissues, provide mechanical and elastic properties of articular surfaces, and improve the quality of joint lubrication.

They stimulate metabolic processes in the joints, the production of glucosaminoglucans necessary for the restoration of cartilage tissue, as well as the synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid.

They inhibit the development of degenerative processes in joints and reduce pain.

Collagen is a fibrillar protein that forms the basis of the body’s connective tissue (tendon, cartilage, bone, dermis, etc.) and ensures its strength and elasticity.

Promotes the regeneration and strengthening of cartilage and ligaments, increases their strength and elasticity, improves the mobility of joints and the spine. Forms a super-strong extracellular structure to protect cartilage tissue.

Adam's root (Tamus communis) has pronounced bactericidal properties; due to the pectins and fatty oils it contains, it activates blood circulation, stimulates the nerve endings of the skin, and deeply warms the sore spot, so the effect of Adam's root is equivalent to acupuncture.

Widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, polyarthritis, spurs, bursitis, arthrosis.

Red hot pepper (Capsicum frutescens) contains large amounts of capsaicin and folic acid. By acting on sensitive skin receptors, it causes a local rush of blood and has a strong warming effect, activates metabolic processes and microcirculation in the periarticular tissues, improves nutrition of the joints, and causes reflex inhibition of pain sensitivity.

White bryonia (Bryonia alba, white step) is a poisonous medicinal plant with numerous medicinal properties. For joint diseases, it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic, and decongestant effects. In folk medicine, it is widely used in the treatment of rheumatism, polyarthritis, radiculitis, gout, neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica, myositis, lumbago, plexitis. Used in homeopathy.

Marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) - has a pronounced biostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, salt-removing, antirheumatic and regenerating effect. A recognized folk remedy for combating joint diseases.

Helps relieve inflammation, swelling, has a positive effect on impaired mobility of the joints and spine.

Comfrey (larkspur, Symphytum) has been used in medicinal practice for about 2 thousand years. Stimulates the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue in case of joint diseases, improves the quality of synovial fluid, heals articular microtraumas, accelerates bone healing in fractures.

The roots contain a large amount of bioactive substances. Allantoin, the main active ingredient of comfrey, is included in the WHO list of drugs.

Poison sumac (Rhus toxicodendron) in homeopathic concentrations is very effective for inflammation of the joints after a cold and getting wet, for articular rheumatism, morning stiffness and stiffness in the joints, muscle pain (myalgia), characteristic numbness with pins and needles in the extremities, increased sensitivity to cold and bad weather.

Boswellia - tree resin has strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Bosvelic acid blocks the synthesis of leukotrienes, which cause inflammation. Inhibits the release of lysosomal enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue, activates restoration processes in bone and cartilage tissue.

The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of boswellia is similar to the action of NSAIDs, while boswellia does not produce negative side effects.

Mumiyo (Asphaltum) is a unique natural biostimulant. Stimulates regenerative processes in joints and proliferation of connective tissue cells, has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunostimulating, and restorative effects.


water, chondroitin sulfate (bovine), collagen hydrolyzate, glucosamine sulfate, capsaicin 10%, mumiyo, M8M, emulsion wax, biostimulating complex "Microcapsules penetrating", biostimulating complex "B vitamins", camphor, sunflower oil, menthol, methyl nicotinate, hyapuronate sodium, Ag!ato1™, triethanolamine, cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, glycerin, dimethicone, cutin CM5, cyclomethicone OS, euxyl PE, carbopol Ultrez-10, Trilon B.

You can buy the joint renovator balm Horse Dose (Defender) for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Horse dose side effects

No side effects were identified. If allergic reactions occur, stop use and consult a doctor.

Release form: 200 ml in a laminated tube.

Photo of a tube of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml

Photo of a tube of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml (back view)

Storage conditions Store at temperatures from + 5 to +25 C.

Shelf life: 24 months. The date of manufacture is indicated on the seam of the tube.

Dispensing conditions Without a prescription. Not a medicine.

Photo of the packaging of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml, where the price is indicated

Manufacturer: KorolevFarm LLC, 141074, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Korolev, st. Pionerskaya, 4

by order of NPO ForaPharm LLC, 129626, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kulakov Lane, 9, building 1 Telephone for consumers

Complies with TR TS 009/2011

Gel-balm Horse dose 200 ml summary (instructions for use) in photographs

Photo instructions for use of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml, part 1

Photo instructions for use of gel-balm horse dose 200 ml, part 2

Horse dose: how to take multivitamins correctly

In the USA, 85% of the population takes multivitamins daily, in Japan - 87%, in Europe - 60–65%, and in Russia this figure barely reaches 30%. What vitamins do Russians lack? How to choose them correctly and in what doses to take? Answers to these and other important questions in her interview are given by the head of the laboratory of vitamins and minerals of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Candidate of Biological Sciences Natalya Zhilinskaya.

— Natalya Viktorovna, what vitamins, according to recent studies, are Russian residents lacking?

— There is mainly a deficiency of vitamin D, as well as vitamins B and E. Some of the population is deficient in three or more vitamins at once. At the same time, our body constantly needs vitamins. The diet of a modern person (calorie content 1,800 kcal for women and 2,500 kcal for men) does not fully provide the body with vitamins and minerals. Simply put, we cannot eat enough food to provide our body with the entire set of vitamins and minerals from food. If we eat more, we will get fatter, and we will get a whole bunch of diseases due to excess body weight, which more than 60% of the population already has. It has been established: even if a person buys ideal natural organic products, he still does not receive approximately 20% of vitamins (if he adheres to an adequate caloric diet). And if you take into account the transportation of vegetables and fruits, repeated heating and freezing of dishes, then there are even fewer natural vitamins left in them. Do we eat a lot of black bread, cereal porridge, liver, fish? And these are vitamins of groups B, D, A, omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, vitamin-mineral complexes must be taken additionally.

“In the pharmacy, beautiful packages with them occupy entire shelves, but the composition and doses are different. How to choose vitamins?

— Ideally, of course, first consult a doctor so that he can prescribe tests and, based on them, determine how many and what vitamins are missing, and then recommend vitamin-mineral complexes with just the right dosages. However, in practice, many people prescribe vitamins themselves. It is necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the body - gender and age. There are vitamin and mineral complexes for men, women and children.

— How to calculate the duration of the course? So a person bought a jar, drank the course... should he buy a new one or take a break?

— You need to proceed from the dosage of vitamins indicated on the package. The most common are: 50%, 100% and more than 100% of the daily requirement. Taking into account these dosages, the manufacturers themselves write in the instructions for use how and how much to take.

— What to focus on when choosing a dosage?

— The more varied the diet, the more vitamins the body receives. If a person adheres to a restrictive diet, he may need certain vitamins in higher doses. Physical activity also requires additional intake of vitamins. For example, athletes or those who are actively involved in fitness require higher doses of vitamins A, C, group B, as well as minerals - calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium.

— Is it possible to overdose on vitamins if a person starts taking them on his own? Or are all the excess ones eliminated from the body?

— Only excess water-soluble vitamins can be excreted from the body. These are B vitamins and vitamin C. Fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, D, K - tend to accumulate in the body. By the way, for this reason, some manufacturers deliberately slightly reduce the dosage of such vitamins in relation to the daily requirement. Of course, they can cause negative consequences for the body, but only when the daily intake dose is exceeded tens of times.

- Is this possible?

— If a person buys vitamin-mineral complexes approved for sale in Russia or on the territory of the Customs Union, then there is no risk of overdose. The state registration certificate number is usually indicated on the instructions for the drug or its packaging. But if you purchase vitamins on websites on the Internet, then there is no guarantee. For example, in the USA, upper permissible consumption levels have not been established for some vitamins, so the dosages in such vitamin-mineral complexes may be several times higher than in Russia. Plus, some people buy several jars of vitamins at once - for the eyes, immunity, strong bones, etc. They take them in handfuls, and then wonder why they feel sick.

Individual intolerance to the components included in the vitamin-mineral complex (dyes, flavors, other additives) is possible. There is no need to worry about other side effects if you take the drug as written in the instructions.

We must remember that you should not take vitamins on an empty stomach. It is generally recommended to take them during or after meals. Chew only chewable lozenges, not tablets or capsules. You need to take your vitamins with plenty of plain water.

“Nevertheless, there is a lot written on the Internet that artificial vitamins, except vitamin D, can be harmful. They are supposedly less digestible than those from natural products, and can even cause cancer.

— Synthetic vitamins are no worse than those that are part of food products, because the chemical formula of the substances is the same. Moreover, the absorption of vitamins from foods is often determined by their absorption from the vitamin-mineral complex.

Everything needs a reasonable measure. Don’t think that if you take handfuls of vitamins and antioxidants, you will immediately become younger and healthier. Taking additional vitamins only helps maintain health along with a balanced diet and physical activity.

Gel-balm Horse dose: reviews of the drug

Margarita Bugaeva, Ulyanovsk Joints are subject to heavy load in all people. With age they begin to hurt, causing discomfort. My main concern is my knee joints. As soon as I walk a little more than usual, that’s it, by the evening my knee starts to hurt a lot, it aches. And while walking, a characteristic creaking sound appears. Having tried the Horse Dose gel-balm, I was pleasantly surprised by the result. The pain relieves instantly, after a course of 2 months I completely forgot about the pain, and stopped feeling discomfort and creaking while walking. After the cancellation, nothing bothers me for six months. Great gel that actually works. Anastasia Lavrova, Murmansk Initially, the balm was bought for my mother-in-law; she has been suffering from joint pain for many years. She really liked it, and her husband had a headache. Of course, we took her for a test. The result is immediate. The pain went away after the first use, but we still endured the course of 2 weeks. After this there were no relapses. Pleasant natural composition, without unnecessary chemicals. A good cream, it helped both my mother-in-law and my husband. Semyon Baranov, Moscow I have severe back pain; I have been suffering from osteochondrosis for a long time. My wife heard about a new drug - Horse Dose balm. The name is funny, but we decided to try it. The gel does not work, or rather, the pain goes away during use, but returns again after a couple of hours. It’s difficult to straighten up these days, the pain is serious. I had to get injections to help me get back on my feet. The horse dose is not ready for such serious tests as lumbar osteochondrosis. Grigory Parkhomenko, Krasnoyarsk My neck was blown. I couldn’t turn my head, the pain was severe. As always, there was no time to go to the clinic, so I went to the pharmacy. They recommended a horse dose. This is honestly my first time using drugs of this kind. After I applied it, I felt a pleasant burning sensation, and the pain seemed to go away. But after a few minutes the effect ended. I still don’t understand whether this is normal or not. As a result, I had to go to a therapist, they prescribed various medications, and they said I could use this balm for a better effect. Nina Ruzanova, Domodedovo She severely pulled a muscle in her leg, it was painful to walk. And the leg itself hurt, especially at night. I tried the Horsepower gel-balm. The pain went away, my leg stopped hurting. This balm helped me in 4 days. I'm happy with the result, although the price is high. And the smell is not very pleasant for me, not very pleasant. Alexandra Ivanova, Novosibirsk Often catches her back. I have tried so many different medications, none of them help for long. During the next relapse, the pharmacy recommended the Horse Dose gel-balm. I heard it on TV before, but didn’t read any specific reviews. I decided to try it. The result was that in about a week the pain disappeared completely, but you need to use it for up to 5 weeks. May cause an allergic reaction; do not confuse burning sensation during use with an allergy. The warming effect is normal. Yulia Vasilyeva, Irkutsk My elderly mother suffers from joint pain. The knees and finger joints are especially bothersome. I used different means, but all gave a temporary effect. A horse dose relieves pain well and warms. But after six months everything comes back. At this age, a result for such a period is also a result.

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