Treatment of arthrosis using the method of Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt: what is the effect

Clinically, arthrosis is manifested by acute or aching pain in the joints, morning stiffness, curvature of the limbs and spinal column. While it is considered an incurable disease, there are no drugs that can restore damaged joints. All efforts of rheumatologists and orthopedists are aimed at preventing the progression of pathology. The drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures used only help improve blood circulation in the joints, but are not able to accelerate the growth of cartilage.

Patients are constantly looking for alternative treatment methods. A clinically effective method for restoring hyaline cartilage was invented by Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt. He proved that with the help of micro-dosed effects on a diseased joint over a long period of time, cartilage tissue can be successfully regenerated.

Basics of the technique

Many doctors treat with this method, achieving success in the fight against arthrosis, arthritis, tendon inflammation and many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, both in Russia and abroad. Numerous positive reviews from patients are undoubted proof of the effectiveness of this treatment.

Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt discusses the treatment of arthrosis from the point of view of manual therapy - the full effect is achieved by systematically performing gymnastic exercises that ensure the formation of bone structures in more physiological positions.

Treatment of arthrosis according to Vitaliy Gitt

According to the theory of chiropractors, our body undergoes constant changes throughout our lives. If a person is put in a cast, after some time a gradual wasting of the muscles that remain without movement begins, and after its removal, a course of physical therapy ensures their restoration. The same is true according to our method - if a joint has undergone negative changes, then when performing a certain set of exercises, the reverse development of the process is ensured.

Operating principle

Over time, the diseased joint is not loaded and is constantly relaxed, which leads to a gradual impairment of its mobility. The joint needs moderate movement, but without overload, so as not to provoke destruction of the connective tissue. Gita gymnastics is aimed at restoring elements of the musculoskeletal system through training.


According to Dr. Gitt's method, it is necessary to constantly load the joint, but the emphasis is not on strength, but on light, repetitive exercises.

The principle of operation is based on micro-oscillatory movements, which lead to the development of a joint left without movement. As a result of training, blood flow and healing processes improve - tissues begin to recover, joint function is normalized. With repeated repetitions of low-intensity exercises, the articular surfaces are developed and mineral deposits are removed. When performing movements, the production of joint fluid increases - the natural lubrication of the joint, as well as providing it with nutrients.

To achieve the desired result, the patient’s desire to recover is necessary, only then will he be able to fully comply with all the doctor’s instructions. This method makes it possible to achieve a therapeutic effect even in advanced stages of arthrosis, which are poorly amenable to drug therapy.

Types of exercises for arthrosis

The basics of the technique are frequent repetitions with minimal amplitude. This will eliminate pain, perform a large number of exercises and achieve positive effectiveness. Dr. Git has developed a convenient set of exercises that allows you to perform them both in the gym and at home.

Restricting the diet of proteins will have a positive effect on treatment - but completely abandoning them is unacceptable; they are “building materials” for our body.


Before gymnastics or during the day, it is advisable to use medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Types of exercises for arthrosis according to Gitt

Exercises for coxarthrosis

With this disease, almost all movements are painful, especially when the hip joints are affected. This exercise can be done in the morning while lying in bed. The Gitt technique for coxarthrosis includes the following set of exercises:

  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and place a cushion under them, slightly spreading them apart. Make gradual turns of the hip to the right and left, with an amplitude of 1 cm. The speed should be intense, but not cause a painful reaction;
  • Roll over onto your stomach. Place a cushion under your feet and pelvis, bend your arms at the elbows and place them under your chin. Perform hip rotations to the right and left without straining the thigh muscles;
  • While sitting, place your hands on your knees and place your feet in the most comfortable position. Bring your knees in and out. The number of repetitions is the maximum possible;
  • While sitting, raise your heels one by one by 1-2 cm. It is advisable to perform the movements themselves quickly, but take a break of 5-10 seconds between liftings;
  • Performed for unilateral lesions. With your healthy leg, stand on the step and grab the railing. Dangle the affected limb and relax, performing light rocking movements to the sides. If pain occurs, stop the exercise;
  • For the next workout, you will need a special device - a belt or belt, which must be attached to the ceiling or similar support. Place the sore leg in it and systematically rock it to the sides.

Clinicians advise starting gymnastics with those exercises that do not cause pain. The program can be divided into several blocks, but the total execution time must be at least 4 hours. With this gymnastics, the hip joint is gradually restored, blood flow improves, its tissues are regenerated, and functions are normalized.

Exercises for gonarthrosis of the knee joint

Gonarthrosis is an incurable disease, but according to the described method, significant improvements and a state of remission occur. When performing Gitta exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint, the disease gradually recedes.

Description of gymnastics for gonarthrosis:

  • Sitting on the floor, stretch and relax your legs, swing them to the sides. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes with breaks of one hour;
  • Holding onto a reliable support with both hands, perform squats. If pain occurs, stop;
  • Sit on the floor and bend your knees, bend forward, gradually increasing the amplitude.

To strengthen the ligamentous apparatus it is recommended:

  • Sitting on the floor, stretch both legs and lean forward;
  • In the same position. Bend your knees one by one, placing your foot on your thigh, lightly pressing on your knee, trying to press it to the floor;
  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Then bend your knees, bring your feet to your buttocks and gently spread your legs to the sides. If there is no pain, you can supplement the exercise with bending;
  • Stand up, spread your legs wide and, holding onto a support, try to sit down;
  • Sitting on a chair, spread your legs wide and, without lifting your soles from the floor, bring your knees in and out, helping with your hands.

During the exercises, the knee joint makes its natural movements without receiving static overloads. This contributes to the natural physiological displacement of its bone elements and strengthening of its ligaments. It is advisable to divide the gymnastic exercises described above into several approaches and perform them for an average of 4 hours a day.

Gitta gymnastics for damage to the ankle and foot joints

When the joints of the lower limb are involved in pathology, any axial load or wearing uncomfortable shoes causes pain. That is why it is recommended to perform all exercises lying down or sitting.

If arthrosis affects the ankle and foot joints, the following exercises are recommended:

  • Lie on your back, stretch and relax your legs. Take turns performing the movement bringing the feet to the buttocks and returning them to the starting position. Try to keep your feet perpendicular to the floor;
  • In the same position, rotate the ankle to the right and left;
  • While sitting, preferably on a low chair, alternately lift the forefoot and heel.


To strengthen the joints of the toes, many chiropractors recommend alternating flexion and extension in a relaxed state (wiggling the toes).

Thanks to the exercises described above, the ankle and foot joints are restored. If pain occurs, exercises must be stopped or replaced with others that are painful to me. This gymnastics should be performed daily, at least 1 hour. The optimal duration is up to 4 hours. With this approach, the joints have time to fully develop and blood flow improves.

Patient reviews

The effectiveness of gymnastics is confirmed by positive reviews of the Gitt method for coxarthrosis. Patients with stage 2-3 pathology after 12-14 months of scrupulous training note a significant improvement in their condition. Pain goes away at night, range of motion increases. The only drawback of the method noted when using it is the long duration of classes. Every day you need to allocate 3-6 hours for micromovements.

Patients believe that over time, gymnastics becomes a habit; movements are performed automatically, even during sedentary work.

The effectiveness of Vitaly Gitta’s set of exercises

Vitaly Gitt never recommended limiting himself only to therapeutic exercises. Arthrosis, like any disease, requires an integrated approach, starting from physical therapy and ending with diet.

When visiting a professional chiropractor, the course of treatment includes the use of special orthopedic devices that improve the result. Patients who performed a daily course of therapeutic exercises and observed a daily regimen noted the high effectiveness of exercises for coxarthrosis according to Vitaliy Gitta’s method. This approach provides treatment for chronic forms of arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, spinal curvature and a number of dorsopathies.

Diseases for which V. Gitt’s exercises are effective


Excluding certain foods from your usual menu becomes one of the fundamental conditions for health-improving actions. The good results of using this method for treating joint pathologies (arthrosis and arthritis) in combination with a low-protein diet fully confirm this.

Doctor Vitaly Demyanovich focuses on the following points:

  • he recommends not completely giving up protein foods;
  • It is advisable to replace animal proteins with plant analogues.

However, the specialist also believes that for patients with arthritis (arthrosis) of the joints, fatty foods are also useful, but in no case salty or smoked foods. A good tool for influencing sore joints, together with special exercises and diet, is the use of golden mustache recipes.

Before starting practical exercises on the treatment of joints according to the book by Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, it is recommended to carry out a set of procedures for the treatment of bruises and injuries. The following plants have an anti-inflammatory effect on affected joints:

  • wheatgrass;
  • rose hip;
  • horsetail;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • capsicum.

Contraindications and restrictions

Like any technique, Vitaly Gitta’s therapeutic gymnastics has some contraindications and limitations. Exercises are strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Independent selection of exercises without consultation with your doctor. For various pathologies, certain types of movements are not recommended - they can aggravate the clinical picture;
  • Arterial hypertension - even small loads can provoke a hypertensive crisis. With this disease, you can perform certain exercises, but to prescribe them you must consult a doctor;
  • Heart defects - with this diagnosis, some restrictions arise in the course of therapeutic exercises;
  • Aortic aneurysm and recent stroke or heart attack are an absolute contraindication; some exercises are allowed after a few months under strict medical supervision.

Duration of treatment

Treatment using the Vitaly Gitta method requires the desire and diligence of the patient. You should not expect recovery after a few weeks of doing gymnastics. Complications of arthrosis take years to form, so the process of reverse development will take the same time. In addition, the body is constantly aging, and to maintain it in the right shape, chiropractors recommend performing therapeutic exercises for life.

Arthrosis is a serious disease that leads to disability. Not all pathologies can be cured with medications. A course of therapeutic exercises using the Vitaly Gitt method is a good addition to the main treatment, which allows you to avoid surgery.

Causes of the disease

The first step on the path to recovery from arthrosis is the correct diagnosis. It is important to establish the cause of the disease. It could be:

  1. Flat feet, sole deformities;
  2. Severe curvature of the lower leg;
  3. Obesity;
  4. Intensive sports, including professional sports;
  5. Work that requires constant standing or standing;
  6. Suffered leg injuries - these can be bruises, sprains, torn ligaments, fractures;
  7. General hypothermia of the body or frostbite of the extremities;
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of endocrine organs;
  9. Polyarthritis.

In addition, hereditary predisposition, affecting the structure of bones and joints, can play a big role in the occurrence of arthritis. The shoes we wear play an important role. If it squeezes the fingers, then sooner or later the person will develop arthrosis or arthritis. This is especially true for women who constantly wear high heels.

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