Psychosomatics of joint diseases according to Louise Hay

It is generally accepted that joint diseases most often occur after injuries. In athletes, arthrosis is caused by frequent overloads; in overweight people, it is caused by heavy weight. Treatment of osteoarthritis may be necessary for diabetes and osteoporosis, against the background of hormonal changes or unfavorable heredity. All this is true, if not for one “but”.

Recent discoveries by scientists indicate that one of the main causes of degenerative changes in joints is psychogenic in nature. We are talking about chronic stress in which the patient lives. Why does this happen and can it be avoided?

Do you live in constant stress? Expect joint problems

The mechanism of arthrosis development due to stress

With prolonged experiences in the human body, the level of corticosteroid hormones increases. Biochemists are convinced that their excess stops the production of hyaluronic acid, an important component of synovial fluid, or joint lubrication. Gradually, dehydration and drying out of the cartilage occurs, which becomes thinner and cracks - arthrosis is evident!

A large amount of stress hormones worsens the permeability of capillaries, and with it the blood flow in damaged vessels. If, against such a hormonal background, trauma or microtrauma to the joint occurs, this accelerates the deformation of the cartilage.

Start thinking positively, get rid of chronic stress - it will be easier to cope with arthrosis!

Which negative emotions are especially harmful to joints?

Medicine does not give an exact answer to this question. The information presented below is the result of individual studies and can be excellent food for thought for those who are concerned about their health.

  • Coxarthrosis

Scientists have noticed that treatment for arthrosis of the hip joint is usually required by people who are pleasant in communication, not prone to conflicts, restrained and calm. Irritation, anxiety, and suppressed anger provoke the release of corticosteroids into the blood, which interfere with the production of synovial fluid. Internal tension in the nervous system causes spasms and hypertonicity of the skeletal muscles, especially strong in the hip area, which strongly “pinches” the damaged joint. This accelerates its deformation.

In Western countries, where it is customary to smile to hide your weaknesses, the percentage of people with coxarthrosis is constantly growing. After all, suppressing emotions often leads to a severe depressive-stressful state.

Coxarthrosis often affects reserved, non-conflict people who tend to suppress their emotions

  • Gonarthrosis

Knee arthrosis occurs, according to researchers, as a result of severe stress or difficult experiences. This happens, for example, after a divorce, dismissal from work, loss of loved ones or other difficult stages in life.

Gonarthrosis is diagnosed in people who are emotionally tired, who instead of interest in life have fatigue accumulated over the years. This category includes, for example, women “50+” who are forced to work, manage the household and deny themselves everything. Even when they do not yet need treatment for osteoarthritis, since their knees are still healthy, they still walk with difficulty, as if “with weights on their legs.”

How to become energetic and cheerful again? How to regain your vital energy? We present 10 ways to get rid of lethargy, laziness and apathy, and therefore give a worthy rebuff to arthrosis:

A person without vital energy stoops, his legs swell, blood circulation in them is disrupted - vascular thrombosis or varicose veins occurs. The knee joints gradually lose flexibility, and the cartilage in them loses moisture (due to the lack of normal blood supply). The cartilage tissue dries out and cracks - arthrosis begins.

Gonarthrosis in men develops against the background of hyper-responsibility. However, since representatives of the stronger sex more often allow themselves “little joys,” they face the problem of treating severe arthrosis less often than women. In turn, it has been noted that the final stages of this disease are observed mainly in intelligent but critical people prone to chronic dissatisfaction.

Osteoarthritis of the knee often develops against the background of emotional fatigue or hyperresponsibility

Louise Hay teeth. Dental disease. Psychosomatics. Liz Burbo. Louise Hay

Toothache.Psychosomatics.Liz Burbo

According to Burbo, health includes the following dental problems (physical blockage):

  • Caries and carious pain
  • Damage to enamel or tooth
  • Grinding of teeth.

Liz Burbo considers uneven teeth a problem of aesthetic perception, but not health.

Emotional blocking (in terms of Liz Burbo)

Since teeth are needed for chewing, essentially the first stage of digestion, problems with teeth symbolically indicate that a person does not want to accept someone or something. Metaphorically, teeth show how a person “chews” new things in life or ideas for their better assimilation. Often, teeth hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. The condition of the teeth can also symbolically demonstrate the ability to “bite”, i.e. stand up for oneself. Dental problems may indicate that a person feels helpless and unable to “bite” someone.

Liz Burbo cites the opinion of dental surgeon Michelle Caffen about the relationship between teeth and a person’s state of mind.

Psychosomatics. Teeth. Right side (upper jaw)

The right half of the teeth on the upper jaw (eight teeth on the upper right) signal a desire to express oneself outwardly. A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

Psychosomatics. Teeth. Left side (upper jaw)

The left teeth of the upper jaw, on the contrary, speak about the inner world of a person, about the desire to express one’s feelings and desires. A problem with any of these teeth shows that it is difficult for a person to reveal himself, his personality.

Psychosomatics. Teeth. Right side (lower jaw)

Right mandibular teeth correlate with the ability to concretize. Problems with one of these teeth demonstrate that a person is having difficulty making decisions in life.

Psychosomatics. Teeth. Left side (lower jaw)

The left teeth of the lower jaw characterize manifestations of feelings. A problem with these (or one) teeth indicates the presence of a dysfunctional emotional relationship between a person and his family.

Moreover, according to Michelle Caffin, a sign of a problem is also the uneven arrangement of teeth.

Mental block

Since the right side of the body symbolizes the masculine principle, the presence of problems with the right teeth shows that the person has some kind of conflict with his father. This is a signal that it is necessary to change the attitude towards the father, to show greater tolerance.

The left side of the body is the feminine principle. Pain in the teeth on the left shows the need to improve the relationship with the mother.

Tooth wear (excessive wear of enamel) shows that a person allows himself to be used by his loved ones. Basically, people who actively criticize internally, but do not show this criticism externally, allow themselves to be used. These people want others to change, but not them. To prevent your loved ones from using you, Burbo recommends feeling sincere, unconditional love for them.

Grinding of teeth, usually at night, is a sign that during the day a person has experienced strong emotional stress and accumulated anger within himself. This so-called temporomandibular syndrome will be discussed further when we finish with Liz Burbo.

Any problem with teeth shows the need to be more active in life. Instead of having a grudge against someone, it is better to take care of your desires. Let other people help you. It is necessary to learn to objectively accept life situations. Allow yourself to “bite”—to defend yourself.

Toothache according to Louise Hay

Louise Hay's well-known psychosomatic table for dental problems has three points:

  • Teeth
  • Dental diseases + tooth root canal
  • Wisdom tooth with difficulty erupting

Teeth in general symbolize determination. Louise Hay does not have affirmations (a new stereotype of thinking) in the “Teeth” column.

The following emotions are especially dangerous:

  • internal irritation;
  • chronic resentment towards others, loved ones or the whole world;
  • discontent.

When a person feels these emotions, he experiences a spasm of the anterior thigh, which accompanies gonarthrosis in 100% of cases. At first, the spasm does not make itself felt, but then it “tightens” the knees and prevents their free movement. As a result, either a rupture of the meniscus or deformation of the cartilage occurs.

Knees often bother people who are prone to criticism, self-criticism and dissatisfaction.

Psychosomatics flat feet

In adults, flat feet develop when a person loses the support of people significant to him, most often family and friends, he does not feel that he can rely on someone, lean on someone.

That is, the fulcrum is lost and one feels the instability and precariousness of one’s position.

Psychologically, you can solve this problem by changing your destructive mental attitudes to creative ones.

Stop panicking in any case, learn to ask your loved ones for help and take responsibility for your life.

Analyze the situation, understand the reasons for everything that is happening to you, look for support and resources for healing in it. Write down what you trust yourself in, what you can rely on yourself for, and what you trust your loved ones and acquaintances in.

In addition, you can reprogram your destructive thoughts into positive ones with the help of affirmations. But this takes time. Minimum 3 months, if you repeat affirmations twice a day 10-15 times. Take 5-7 affirmations into your arsenal. For the first time they will be enough.

How important is psychological attitude in the treatment of arthrosis?

Practice shows that those who can restructure their thinking in a positive way succeed in treating arthrosis. Negative emotions increase the production of stress hormones, while positive ones, on the contrary, help activate the body's defenses.

The effect of any treatment largely depends on the patient’s mood. It is not surprising that even the highly effective intra-articular injections Noltrex have different effects on people with an identical diagnosis. For one person, two injections are enough to completely restore mobility and get rid of pain, while another needs 4-5 injections.

The disease recedes before the patient’s optimistic mood

Today, the theory about the connection between arthrosis and stress has not yet been scientifically substantiated, but scientists have every reason to believe that this factor is of great importance not only in the development of the disease, but also in its treatment. Learn to think positively, look for positive moments in life, say “no” to dissatisfaction, criticism and other negative emotions - you will be surprised by the results!

Flat feet in adults and children: psychosomatic causes of diseases

Feet are our support. All the difficulties of our life, the hardships of our Fate and all the traits of our character are taken upon by the support - the feet.

Based on this, based on the health of the feet and their characteristic diseases, we can draw conclusions about the state of our inner world, our thoughts, emotions, intentions, as well as how we go through life, how our affairs are.

Often, flat feet have psycho-emotional and psychosomatic causes. It may be associated primarily with the fact that a person loses trust in the World, in God, in the Universe.

As a result, support under your feet is lost. Such a person is afraid to live, afraid to move forward and most often goes with the flow.

His life is shrouded in fears, for the main reason for most fears in life is a lack of trust in the world.

And trust is the belief that in the world, according to the laws of the universe, the law of justice works and everything that happens to a person is the result of his activities, his free choice, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions. For it is given according to merit.

So, when there is no trust in the world, the foot looks for a fulcrum, a stable position and “spreads out”.

It has been noticed that infants have physiological flat feet, which is a variant of the norm. And this is understandable: the baby’s whole life depends on adults, his parents, mainly on his mother.

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