Psychosomatics of injuries (arms, legs, knees, head) - who is to blame and what to do

10.29.2018 · Pro Psychosomatics · Comments: ·

Each of you has heard the phrase “Accidents are not accidental.” There is something bewitching and mystical about it... It is true that not only luck is a pattern in a person’s life, but also accidents. Everything that happens to us is a natural process. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how and why psychosomatic injuries (arms, legs, knees, head) arise.

In fact, all injuries have one reason or another. Of course, no one consciously wants a “brick on their head”, a car accident or a fracture.

And if you ask such a person: “How did it happen to you?” - you will receive the answer: “It was by chance, I didn’t do it on purpose!”

It is very difficult for the average person (who does not work in a hospital) to understand the statistics and causes of injuries. But such statistics accumulate among specialists in helping professions (psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors). And, of course, from insurance companies.

They clearly monitor this, especially when it comes to insurance claims. For example, a less experienced driver with little experience pays a much higher insurance amount than an experienced driver.

Foreign studies have found that many people tend to get into accidents not because they were distracted and tired, but because they have a certain personality structure within them.

It is the structure, and not a separate character trait, such as slowness in action, for example.

Then the question naturally arises:

“If I have a structure within myself that “drives” me into various “alterations,” then can I influence it and change it?”

And another question: “How did it happen that I have such a personality structure?” And another question: “Is it possible to do prevention?” Let's figure it out further.

Psychosomatic significance of the upper limbs

The hands are responsible for holding and performing. Accordingly, hand diseases indicate worries about doing something or a fear of losing and letting go of something. Physical problems with limbs arise at a time when a person mentally “gives up.”

Psychosomatics of the hand:

  • shoulder – intake of energy from the outside world;
  • forearm – accumulation of energy;
  • the elbow is a symbol of power, the ability to push forward, clear the way to success and wealth;
  • joints – freedom and smoothness of movements, relaxedness and confidence in actions;
  • hand and fingers - action, doing and completing something.

Moreover, in the area of ​​the hand, energy is redistributed in different directions in accordance with the value of each finger.

According to another psychosomatic theory associated with traditional Chinese medicine, there are points (projections) on the palms that are responsible for all human systems and organs. For example, the last phalanx of the thumb is responsible for the brain.

In addition to medical theory, there is also psychological and pedagogical theory. She gives this explanation for the upper limbs:

  • thumb - father;
  • index – mother;
  • unnamed - relationships with brothers and sisters, other relatives;
  • the middle finger is you;
  • little fingers - relationships with the whole world, other people.

With our hands we receive impressions and information from the world around us, and also express our attitudes and feelings. Remember how we wave our arms during an emotional conversation, how we hug someone or push them away. Hands are a means of communication, a bridge between a person’s inner world and the outer world.

A person’s internal state is even reflected in the nature of his movements:

  • smooth and graceful actions speak of self-confidence and one’s actions;
  • sharp and clumsy movements symbolize uncertainty and nervousness.

However, it is worth considering the nature of the movements of each hand. For example, weakness and clumsiness of the right limb indicates a deficiency of masculine qualities (courage, determination, toughness, rationality) and a person’s lack of self-confidence. And the weakness of the left hand speaks of the individual’s inability to express feelings, problems in showing love, tenderness, that is, a deficiency of feminine qualities.

The hand is directly connected with a person’s thoughts. People with beautiful and pure thoughts and positive thinking also have beautiful hands. In addition, the brush is connected with the past. Losing an arm speaks of the aggression you once showed. Congenital hand defects should be considered even more broadly: this indicates your aggression in a past life or that you are paying for the sins of your relatives (esoteric theory).

This is interesting! Hand mobility is related to brain activity. Exercises to develop fine motor skills improve memory, attention, and flexibility of thinking. Therefore, old people and children definitely need to work with their hands and sort through small objects. But it will also benefit other people.

Left arm pain

The left hand is associated with the ability to receive. Pain in the left hand indicates that a person does not know how to accept help, does not trust the world and does not know what he needs from the world. To get rid of pain, you need to think about why you are afraid to accept help. What thoughts usually torment you? Gratitude or a sense of obligation and the feeling that you will be called selfish if you don’t help in return? Learn to value yourself and gratefully accept help.

Right arm pain

The right hand is associated with the ability to give. Pain in the right hand indicates that it is difficult for a person to part with something. To heal, you must lower your level of claims and stop expecting gratitude from others in response to your help. Or, conversely, you should trust people more and learn to help. If your kindness is clearly taken advantage of, then learn to say “no.” You yourself should enjoy helping someone.

Settings that can help:

  • I keep peace in my soul.
  • I am happy with myself and my partner.
  • Peace and tranquility reign in my soul.
  • My married life suits and makes me happy.

Suggest your version of a positive attitude in the comments.

If a person is able to adequately answer questions, the Cheat Sheet for working with psychosomatics will also help solve the problem with this illness on a spiritual level. She takes you step by step to the main cause of the disease and opens up the possibility of how to improve your health and interaction with the world around you.

In addition to this, a scientifically based method of transformational drawing can help: neuro-graphics. It allows you to relieve tension in an environmentally friendly way, level out blocking moments and create the desired state. It is built on the connection between the brain, central nervous system and hand motor skills.

Hand problems in childhood

What does a person do with their hands:

  • caresses,
  • holds,
  • hugs,
  • gives away
  • reaches out
  • moves away
  • hits
  • picks up
  • pushes away
  • closes,
  • protects.

In the psychosomatics of hand diseases, it is believed that we protect our heart with our hands. The same meaning applies to childhood hand diseases. With only one difference: children can pay for the sins of their parents and suffer from their actions towards the child. For example, a child’s health may be affected by parental criticism (the mother points her index finger at the child and says how unlucky their child is) or a parent’s ban on creativity (painting wallpaper or stools is also a creative impulse).

In addition, children's problems with their hands arise in situations of parental divorce or discord in their relationship. Especially if the spouses begin to “divide” and “pull” the children, turning them against one of the parents.

It is important! Parents should listen to the child and guide him. Creative energy can always be directed in the right direction, and a child’s reluctance, for example, to take up ballet, must be accepted and a different direction for personal development and self-realization must be chosen. Unfortunately, parents often try to make their dreams come true in their children, forgetting that the child is a unique personality with a completely different set of psychological properties.

What are the causes of psychosomatic trauma?

Working as psychologists, we have seen firsthand that accidents are not accidental. (We will agree with our colleagues and insurance companies on this).

Let's tell you a situation from practice.

A young woman came for a consultation with a request to work with a psychosomatic illness. We started working with the disease. We dug deep.

In addition to the disease and related causes, information was discovered about broken arms and legs, as well as incidents involving life and death. Moreover, in the latter, she received disability.

If we describe the client’s personality structure, we can notice the following features.

She likes to injure herself, such as cutting her arm with a sharp object, feeling and observing pain (thus punishing herself and getting injured).

Reasons from childhood.

Her parents raised her strictly. They ignored the girl’s personal needs for attention, care and love. As a result, she accumulated aggression towards adults (responsible for her).

Parents have power over their child. And this protest against parents transferred to other people with power (for example, the boss). On the one hand, we have a passionate desire to receive attention, on the other, there is protest.

Protest is caused by any rules, even self-control and discipline.

Loves “sharp” experiences.

Very determined and very impulsive. Reacts instantly, impulsively and emotionally to the current acute moment in the relationship.

He never shows caution or doubt (for example, he boldly hitchhikes with truckers to the south, to the sea).

Every person involved in an incident had an unconscious motivation to get into it.

Important: some children have the following saying: “I’ll die and you’ll regret it!” (“Then you will understand how much you needed me”). This is an attempt to earn love and attention.

Such motivation enters the unconscious part and remains there for a long time. This leads to cases in which a person is injured. Therefore, it is important to get rid of it.

Psychosomatics: fingers

When exploring the psychosomatics of the limbs, one must take into account not only the general meaning of the hands, but also the metaphysical meaning of each finger. Let's take a closer look at the psychosomatics of the fingers.

Little finger

The little finger reflects a person’s worldview, his attitude towards himself. Look at your finger, what does it look like to you? If weak and small, then that’s how you see yourself. If you're nice and neat, that means that's how you perceive yourself.

And the little finger is also responsible for secrets, mysteries, something hidden and intimate. Remember how in childhood we played “make up, make up and don’t fight again,” interlocking our little fingers. If a person constantly lies, then this is reflected in the little finger. And if a person hid something for a long time, and then the truth was revealed, then a fracture of the little finger may occur. In the case where a person is constantly faced with lies and deception, the little finger may also suffer.

Ring finger

The ring finger is responsible for love and family relationships. All difficulties, conflicts, quarrels, resentments, betrayals between lovers are reflected in his health. If a person does not notice obvious things in a marriage or deliberately turns a blind eye to betrayal, cruelty, or misunderstanding, then this will also be reflected in the condition of the ring finger.

Middle finger

The middle finger is responsible for intimacy, sexuality and freedom. Lack or excess of sex, dissatisfaction with its quality, non-acceptance of your sexuality - all this affects the health of the middle finger.


The index finger is responsible for silence and everything connected with it. Remember how we apply it to our lips when we ask someone to be silent. This finger is also responsible for the direction of activity. If a person does not know where to go and what to do, then problems with the index finger will not be long in coming. The third meaning of the finger is criticism and self-criticism. If a person blames himself or someone blames him, this will affect the health of the finger.

This is interesting! Limb fractures occur during the recovery phase after a conflict. Accordingly, a fracture of the index finger can occur after a person has finally decided on a direction in life.


Responsible for pressure and resistance. But the interpretation of the disease may be different. Perhaps the person himself is putting pressure on someone, or maybe he is being put under pressure. Maybe he is too firm in his beliefs or, conversely, overly compliant. Or maybe he puts pressure on himself. The second metaphysical meaning of the thumb is approval and condemnation.

Why do they end up in situations that lead to injury?

The client experienced a very difficult childhood.

My parents divorced early. Her father rarely visited, and every time she wanted to understand whether he needed her or not. Each time she looked intently into his eyes and “with all her locators” reacted sensitively to any tone of voice.

The mother remained cold and indifferent to the children.

The client, as a child, tried in every possible way to attract the attention of her parents, but to no avail. She told me that since childhood she had tried all kinds of behavior, including hysterics - nothing helped attract parental attention.

A hand fracture was used.

But even when she broke her arm and approached her mother for help, her mother, continuing to talk on the phone, gave her ice and left to continue talking.

Then another fracture of the arm and leg happened - again it didn’t work.

It ended with a broken spine.

There were other unconscious motives to attract the mother's attention. So, she almost drowned in a storm, was sick and tried to achieve great success.

The psychosomatic nature of the injuries became clear to the girl only during consultations. It’s just a pity that she received all her fractures before this moment.

Psychosomatics specialists about pain in the arm

Hands are the most sensitive and mobile part of the body. The most common hand diseases include: pain, fracture, arthritis, dislocation, rheumatism, eczema.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay believes that hands symbolize the ability to preserve life experiences. What diseases may be associated with:

  • holding and seizing something;
  • managing your life;
  • caresses and other manifestations of tactile communication.

Healing Affirmation: “I choose to deal with my past with ease, joy and love.”

V. Zhikarentsev about hand problems

According to the theory of V. Zhikarentsev, hands symbolize the ability to withstand life’s difficulties. Problems with the hands indicate that a person cannot accept the experience gained. Affirmation for healing: “I easily, with love and joy, endure and accept the experiences of life that I am experiencing.”

Liz Burbo about the psychosomatics of hand diseases

Lee Burbo believes that pain in the hands indicates a lack of love. A person’s love for himself or for the business he is engaged in. To determine a more precise reason, you need to understand what exactly you cannot do now. It is in that area that we need to look for a problem.

Pain in the left hand indicates that a person does not allow himself to receive, and pain on the right indicates that a person does not allow himself to give. One way or another, a person forbids himself to do what he wants. He doesn’t listen to himself and doesn’t understand what he really needs.

How to avoid an accident

In general, people who have already been in such situations are more likely to get into accidents.

If such situations have happened, and if they are growing in dynamics (each time more serious), then this is already a reason to think: “Maybe there is something in my personality structure that pushes towards such events?”

And this something - as a rule - is a desire to receive love and attention.

It is necessary to reconsider your childhood memories, what kind of upbringing you had, whether there are any traumas of rejection, whether there are any grievances left (by the way, read the article on how to work through grievances against parents here).

If the relationship was not warm, there were quarrels in the family, constant control and strictness, then such a person definitely received a traumatic experience. Even living on his own (or in his marriage), he will subconsciously pursue love until he heals his inner child. He will not become an independent source of love and support for himself. Will not accept himself (here is an article about how to accept yourself).

Our practice shows that it is easier to enter through child-parent relationships. Although this is not the only way to work.

In spiritual and religious practices, it makes sense to pay attention to vanity. It is this concept that will be the source of trouble for a person (the desire to receive attention from the outside, because the person himself does not have enough of it).

Hence the unstable self-esteem, dependent self-esteem, thoughts “what will they think of me” - everything can be worked out through childhood experience.

And this will help you find the causes of your psychosomatic injuries (both in the arms, and the head, and the legs, and the knees, and the fingers, and the back, in both the adult and the child).

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