Psychosomatics of shoulder pain: what causes the discomfort

Psychosomatic pain is a form of physical pain that occurs due to an unstable psychological state. Emotions that have not been processed remain in the body and affect a person, his life and cause negative thoughts. Bad emotions have a higher energetic frequency than positive thoughts. Because of this, they damage vital organs and tissues in the body and cells in the body.

If a person feels good emotionally, he is balanced, he experiences negative emotions - the body also thanks him and expresses positive energy. Good emotions and a feeling of contentment produce hormones in the brain that help the body feel good. But this concerns not only positive emotions.

If a person experiences negativity, it also affects our state and body - this is due to the fact that the brain produces toxic levels of cortisol. When we experience stress (emotional, physical or mental), burnout often occurs and is noticeable to others. Physical sensations that are associated with high levels of this hormone can be noticed in a huge number of people. Emotional stress can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Many people tolerate chronic emotional stress normally; often people do not even understand that they are in an unstable emotional state. They think that they feel physical pain without associating it with psychosomatics. So they try to figure out the cause of the physical pain, but they think it might be due to emotions. For example, this often happens when people think that their back or head hurts because they have some kind of physical illness. But in reality it may be an emotional decline. A huge number of diseases are directly related to the emotions we experience. Once the cause of the pain is determined, treatment for the disease can begin.

What do shoulders mean in psychosomatics?

The shoulder girdle symbolizes the direct transition of a person from birth to the embodiment of his own “I”. There are a sufficient number of idioms and phraseological units such as “I carry it on my shoulders”, “where do your arms grow from”, “titans hold the sky on their shoulders”, which literally indicate that he is responsible not only for his life, but also for his actions , their consequences.

Based on the state of the shoulders, one can tell whether a person is coping with the burden of responsibilities that has fallen on him. They express emotions that are carried by the energy of the heart, which passes into them through the hands, their wrist part. In turn, arms and hands are a symbol of self-expression, creation, affection, hugs. It is for this reason that if a person does not want to touch something, he becomes stooped and there is a feeling of stiffness in the shoulders.

By the position of the shoulders, you can easily understand what a person is currently feeling. So, for example, squeezing them is a sign that he is currently not interested in what is happening. A push on the shoulder is a kind of hint that it’s time for the other to move forward. Shoulders that have come to a “frozen” state indicate the person’s insensitivity or her desire to protect herself from external unpleasant factors.

Raised shoulders are a signal that a person is worried about something. In the event that they are always pulled back, someone lacks recognition of his real self, which is what he strives to show. However, at the same time, he deprives himself of protection from the environment, and therefore back pain may soon begin. It is important to listen to the signals that the body sends in order to prevent the condition from worsening in time.

Shoulders from a psychosomatic point of view

Shoulders and their condition are a reflection of the moral dilemma “would I want or should I?” Psychosomatics of the shoulders helps to identify a personality conflict: “I want or I need.” If problems arise with the shoulders (pain, stiffness, drooping and curvature), then this indicates that the person lives for others. He lives as society and his environment require, and not as he himself wants.

Straightened shoulders and straight posture, on the contrary, are an indicator of inner satisfaction and harmony. This means that a person lives in harmony with himself and follows his destiny. In psychosomatics, shoulders always reflect what a person is carrying. In a broad sense, their condition reflects the self-realization of the individual. And also the shoulders reflect the ability to create, express oneself, create. If a person betrays himself, then his shoulders become constrained.

What does the neck symbolize in psychosomatics?

The neck is an indicator of psychological flexibility and mobility. Neck pain indicates suppressed emotions: resentment, anger, fear, unwillingness to do anything. This “fetters” a person’s hands. First mentally, and then physically. Pain and spasms in the neck are an indicator of stagnation of vital energy.

Shoulder position and psycho-emotional state

The shoulders and arms help us transmit the energy of the heart. With their help, we hug, stroke, caress. If a person is not used to showing his emotions, opening his arms and accepting the love of other people, then his shoulders lose mobility over time.

Not only this is reflected in the position of the shoulders. Guilt and chronic fatigue are the second most popular reasons for drooping shoulders. If a person constantly slouches (subconsciously wants to be unnoticed, to appear smaller), bends under the weight of life’s problems, then over time his shoulders become deformed and become stooped.

There are other deformities of the shoulder girdle. What psychosomatics says, shoulders:

  • Tense, high-raised shoulders are a sign of uncertainty, uncertainty, and confusion. A person often worries, does not find answers to tormenting questions (he spreads his arms and raises his shoulders up).
  • The chest in a wheel and the shoulders laid back are attempts to close off from others, hide the soul and demonstrate the outer shell.
  • One shoulder lower or higher, turned - a person prefers to avoid solving unpleasant situations, avoids the answer or really does not know it.
  • Fixed shoulders are an indicator of emotional coldness, emptiness, and indifference. This suggests that a person suppresses desires or has completely forgotten how to desire.
  • An involuntary twitch of the shoulder is a sign of internal doubts, a desire to “shake off” something.

In the case of emotions, everything is simple: remember what your shoulders and posture look like when we are happy, angry, sad, etc. The more often a person experiences some emotion, the more firmly the corresponding position of the shoulders is fixed.

Have you ever wondered why your shoulders hurt between the shoulder blades? This speaks of the fear of being bad, of not pleasing others. People with such pain are prone to self-criticism and often suffer from perfectionism and excellent student syndrome.

Definition of psychosomatic diseases

In other words: how a person’s emotional state can affect his physical state.

Psychosomatic causes include:

  • conflicts at work and at home;
  • suffering;
  • stress;
  • feelings of fear and aggression.

Moreover, the person himself may not even be aware of the presence of one or another factor, but when he experiences negative emotions in his soul, his body experiences tension. This state is a kind of response of the body to an irritant, which relieves psychological stress for some time.

And then destructive changes begin in tissues and organs. A long stay in a state of stress or depression can ultimately result in a serious illness of an organ or even an entire system. This is due to the fact that part of the negative energy from the area of ​​consciousness goes to some part of the body and degenerates into illness.

  • What causes pain in the shoulder joint after exercise?

Serious negative transformations begin to occur at the physiological level in those people who are constantly under emotional stress. Their adrenal glands intensively synthesize adrenaline and release it into the blood. An excess of this hormone leads to changes in the body:

  1. Blood pressure rises.
  2. There is a disruption in blood circulation.
  3. Immune cells stop being produced.
  4. The water-salt balance is disturbed.

Taken together, all these disorders create conditions for the development of joint pathologies.

With a psychosomatic problem, people go to a psychotherapist, who helps the person cope with the disease by healing consciousness, but can also prescribe medications.

During psychotherapeutic sessions, the patient must reconsider his attitude towards his state of mind, the world and the people around him.

What is psychosomatic pain?

This disorder is caused by chronic and physical symptoms that do not have a clear and complete medical explanation. The meaning of “psycho” refers to our mental health, and “soma” means the body. Psychosomatic pain is a characteristic type of physical pain that occurs due to a psychological condition.

Bad emotions are not always our fault. The body cannot perceive the difference between the negative emotions that we cause in ourselves and those that come from the outside. Emotional abuse in childhood can affect chronic and psychosomatic pain. In this case, even if there is a slight emotional stress, pain may occur in different parts of the body. The pain can last for several years and move from one part of the body to another. At the moment, doctors cannot offer complete treatment for this condition either with medications or psychotherapy.

Our brain and body work in tandem. Mental pain can directly cause damage to the nervous system and physical pain. In order to heal the body, we need to find out where negative emotions came from and what kind of negative emotions were developed.

Why does muscle deformation begin?

It is not for nothing that many psychologists advise to “close yourself away” from minor stress, grievances, and quarrels, since taking them to heart does not allow you to program the body to a relaxed position. Otherwise, there is a feeling of tightness in the shoulders, which means a person is trying to protect himself from negative factors that provoke his disorder.

Muscle compression in the shoulder girdle indicates that the person has been experiencing guilt and fear for a long time. His deformation and stoop means that a man or woman cannot remove the burden of guilt for what they once did. In order to release life energy and give it free rein, it is enough to forgive yourself all minor and major sins. Over time, your shoulders will straighten as they begin to respond to the harmony of your internal state.

Possible psychological causes of shoulder pain in men and women

Pain in the shoulders and muscles of the shoulder girdle indicates a feeling of depression. People with such problems, as a rule, ignore their desires and needs and live without harmony with themselves. At the same time, they are forced to carry a lot on their shoulders. The more a person endures and restrains himself, the stronger the tension and pain in the shoulders.

Which side does the pain come from?

When understanding the psychosomatics of pain, you need to take into account which side the pain originated from. Different parties are responsible for the release of male and female energy. According to another psychosomatic theory, the right shoulder is responsible for relationships with society and professional self-realization. And the left shoulder is for harmony in your personal life. Pain on the left indicates living with an unloved person and the fact that the patient does not want to close the distance with the interlocutor in the process of conflicts and discussions.

Injuries and chronic illnesses

Do you know that even injuries have psychosomatic background? For example, a broken shoulder indicates that a person has lived incorrectly for years, against his nature. He gave himself completely to other people and nipped personal desires in the bud.

Let's take a closer look at other injuries and illnesses:

  • Scoliosis is the result of high expectations from others and the inability of the individual to meet them.
  • Arthritis is an indicator of unresolved problems that prevent you from moving forward.
  • Arthrosis is an indicator of sacrifice, the habit of doing your own and others’ work, helping others when you yourself need help.
  • A dislocated shoulder is a reaction to a life-threatening situation, conflicts with others, or an individual’s inability to fulfill his promises.
  • Stretch – fear of making decisions and unwanted consequences.

This is interesting! The more serious the injury, the more tired the person is, and the more internal contradictions have accumulated. Sick leave following an injury allows you to rest and relax. At this time, a person does not need to pull the entire burden of responsibilities. On the contrary, they listen to his desires and needs and look after him.

Muscle tension in the neck as a ban

Clamps on the neck are an internal protest against the fact that someone is “sitting” or “hanging” on the neck. The person is carrying too heavy a load. Moreover, the person himself feels the weight of obligations or circumstances, but he is convinced that he is unable to get rid of it (“this is my cross, I must bear it”). However, most often you can get rid of this, but the problem is far-fetched.

Right and left side of the neck

Every person, regardless of gender, has feminine and masculine energy. The left side of the neck is responsible for feminine energy. What does it mean:

  • In women, pain on the left is caused by suppression of femininity, living with an unloved person, and sexual dissatisfaction.
  • In men, pain on the left indicates problems in relationships with women, suppression on their part.

The right side is responsible for male energy. What do tense shoulders mean?

  • For men, it is an indicator of aggressiveness and power, which is caused by an excess of responsibilities (takes on too much, but cannot cope).
  • For women, it is an indicator of victim thinking (the woman is being taken advantage of by other people or she is in the hands of a tyrant).

It is important! Shoulder pain is a serious symptom. The longer you ignore him and live someone else's life, the worse the consequences will be. Remember: personal development is impossible in such conditions.

Traditional methods of treatment

For pain in the shoulder joint, therapeutic exercises :

  • sit on a chair and place your hands behind your back. Firmly grab the wrist of the one that hurts with your healthy hand. Smoothly stretch it as far as possible to the side for 15 seconds. When you feel pain in the muscles of your arm, slowly return to the starting position of your arm.
  • sit on a chair, keep your hands on your waist and slowly begin to rotate your shoulders: with one hand, then with the other, then with both at the same time. Return to the starting position. Push both shoulders forward all the way and hold this position for a couple of seconds. Then repeat the same movement backwards. Perform each movement 8 times.
  • medicinal tincture: mix 4 tsp in one liter of alcohol. burdock root, 2 red peppers and 5 tbsp. lilac flowers. Leave it for 5 days and you can rub it on sore joints.

"Psychological energy" of the shoulders

Tension in the shoulders is the first signal that a person’s mental energy, which acts as his engine, is blocked. It is more difficult for him to achieve what he wants, and dreams remain just dreams for a long time. Most often, tension in the left shoulder pain occurs in women. It arises for the reason that representatives of the fair sex are trying to suppress their femininity and solve too many problems in a short time.

  • Legs hurt from the knee to the foot: what causes discomfort in the legs

When a man begins to complain of pain in his left shoulder, they talk about his problems in his personal life. He just can’t find a common language with women and ultimately build a family, although he strives for this. Constant thoughts about how to solve such a situation do not allow you to exist in peace. Also, if the left side of the shoulder girdle hurts, experts recommend paying attention to discovering your own creative abilities.

Causes of psychogenic back pain and how to treat them

Spread of pain throughout the back - this condition of the patient is called psychogenic pain. It is impossible to escape from it with ordinary painkillers. But even an MRI examination does not determine the source of this condition.

When your back hurts

, it is difficult to determine the causes of this condition. Rarely are they physical. Most often, pain occurs “from nerves.” That is, spinal diseases are associated with psychosomatics. The trigger mechanism for this disease is human problems of a psychological nature. Such diseases require a special approach to diagnosis and treatment.


Symptoms that can help identify nerve pain:

  • the tailbone or the whole leg hurts;
  • legs go numb, they seem to give way;
  • even a light touch or pressure causes pain, which sometimes spreads from the back of the head to the tailbone;
  • no improvement for a long time, even with constant treatment the pain does not go away;
  • requirement to be hospitalized “by ambulance”, but the painful area is not clearly indicated;
  • inadequate reaction of the patient to any doctor’s manipulations, even painless ones;
  • manipulating others using your condition.

When severe pain occurs repeatedly, “pain behavior” occurs. In ordinary life, such people try to move with the help of sticks, crutches, and walkers for adults. Most of the time is spent in bed. They always need help, even to perform ordinary activities: putting on shoes, dressing and hygiene procedures.

Briefly about the physiology of the process

The medical field, which is called psychosomatics, is on the border of physiology and psychology. It studies the occurrence of diseases under the influence of general psychological causes. If after all examinations no changes in the body are detected, the disease is recognized as a psychosomatic disorder. And the symptoms are only a consequence of certain psychological conditions:

  • stress;
  • tension;
  • conflict;
  • anger, resentment, etc.

Louise Hay spoke about the fact that the psyche is connected with physiology. In his most famous book, You Can Heal Your Life, the American psychologist seeks to show people that strong experiences destroy health. A person can heal himself by changing his thoughts.

Psychologist Leslie Krohn identified the following sources of psychosomatic illnesses:

  • Language of the body. When a person expresses pain in specific words, a certain part of the body becomes ill.
  • Conflict. Disagreements occur between two parts of the personality.
  • Conditional benefit. A person with his illness attracts the attention of others.
  • Self-identification. There is an identification of oneself with another person who has a similar disease. Often this is the result of emotional dependence.
  • Past experience. The cause of the disease is an unfavorable situation that occurred in childhood.
  • Suggestion. People, succumbing to the influence of others, discover diseases that do not exist in themselves.
  • Self-punishment. A person considers himself guilty, and considers his illness to be a punishment for his sin.


Psychosomatic diseases are difficult to diagnose. First, it is necessary to exclude any pathologies of the body.

There are no somatologists in our country, so a psychiatrist deals with such patients.

The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • Conversation with the patient. A psychiatrist identifies hereditary mental illnesses. Clarifies traumatic situations. After all, problems often stretch back to childhood.
  • Survey tasks. Using this method, the patient’s emotionality and predisposition to depression are revealed.
  • Projective drawing test, “unfinished sentences”, Luscher test - they are used to diagnose children.


It is necessary to treat back diseases associated with psychosomatics comprehensively, combining psychotherapy with pharmacotherapy.

  • Psychotherapy. It is performed on an outpatient basis, but complex cases have to be dealt with in a hospital. The task of a psychotherapist is to reduce the level of anxiety and help the patient understand his problem. The unconscious will become conscious if the patient can, with the help of a specialist, overcome the conflict between mind and body, remove the “clamps” that prevent one from truly feeling and experiencing.

Specialists conduct classes in groups or individually. The use of Gestalt therapy, psychoanalysis, and hypnosis gives positive results.

  • Pharmacotherapy. The choice of medications depends on the clinical diagnosis. There are many effective traditional medicine recipes, dietary supplements, and aromatherapy. They are recommended to be used as additional means.

For serious psychosomatic disorders, the use of psychotropic drugs is suggested.


In many cases, psychosomatic diseases are acquired in early childhood. Parents do not pay due attention to the fact that the child often complains of headaches, rapid fatigue, and poor sleep. All this turns into a serious problem in adult life.

Particular attention should be paid to adolescents. In case of deviant behavior, its correction is required. It is necessary to play sports, attend clubs, and communicate in children's groups. Everything matters. It is necessary to increase the child’s self-esteem, approve of successes, and provide support in difficult moments.

Prevention of any spinal disease

consists of a proper daily routine, proper sleep, rest, and from time to time you should change the environment.

If a person learns to build personal relationships, deal with stress without suppressing, and experience negative emotions, he will under no circumstances encounter the problem of psychosomatic diseases.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

General information

The shoulder is a movable segment of the arm that attaches the limb to the torso through the complex shoulder joint. When talking about the shoulder, the doctor imagines not only the joint itself, but also two groups of muscles - the anterior and posterior ones, which provide mobility to the joint. There are also many deep blood vessels and nerve endings in the shoulder, including the radial and median nerves.

The most common injuries are to the shoulder. They can happen at any age. When injured, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and bone tissue are often damaged. Common diseases are neuralgia, arthritis and arthrosis, instability of the shoulder joint.

Problems with shoulders are manifested by pain, crunching in the joint, limited movement (a person cannot raise an arm, bend it, grasp and hold an object), pain can spread along the nerve to the neck, back, hand.

They talk about psychosomatic shoulder pain when there are no visible causes for it: there was no injury, there were no prerequisites for arthritis or arthrosis. It’s just that at some point pain appeared that intensified or subsided in a certain sequence, depending on the psychological state, the level of stress; during certain events and situations in which a person finds himself.

Body-motor asymmetries in psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders

“Somatic map” of emotional and psychological problems of the individual; description of a psychotherapeutic case)

(fragment of the chapter “Psychology and philosophy of the body” from the monograph by V. Mozhaisky “Ecological psychotherapy of psychosomatic and somatopsychological personality disorders)

The idea of ​​bodily-motor asymmetries, as a diagnostic material for working with psychosomatic disorders, was born in the process of my professional collaboration with neuropsychologists and neurologists who studied the functional and organic asymmetry of the child’s cerebral hemispheres in his ontogenesis (B. A. Arkhipov, A. V. Semenovich , 1996). In modern science, the concept of “asymmetry” is rooted in physics, as well as the research of V.I. Vernadsky and the conclusions he made after meetings with physicists Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie, who were developing the problem of symmetry and “dissymmetry”. In his work “The Principle of Symmetry in Science and Philosophy,” Vernadsky argues that the ideas of L. Pasteur and P. Curie require not only scientific and philosophical development. In the process of studying this physical phenomenon, the scientist comes to conclusions about the universality of the principle of symmetry, extending it to the phenomena of the microworld, as well as the macroworld - the space of the Cosmos[1].

The patient’s body in this case can also be viewed from this position, as a kind of matrix, where the physical characteristics of a person are captured, expressed in their symmetrical or asymmetrical location relative to certain points and axes. These features, in particular, include hyper- or hypo-tonicity of muscles in various parts of the body. Features of this kind are often not realized by the patient or are perceived by him as something self-evident, familiar, even if it causes physical discomfort. In a body-oriented psychotherapeutic approach of this kind, a problematic (blocked) area of ​​the body is considered as a physical symptom, noticeable during an external examination of the somatic expression of the client’s unresolved emotional and psychological problem.

An observed bodily symptom can be defined, among other things, as a somatic asymmetry of certain parts of the body relative to various axes of the body. Two main types of axes are considered, which are parallel and perpendicular to the line of the spine. Perpendicular axes are divided, in turn, into two types - “lateral” and “frontal”. The lateral axes (there are three of them) pass from one side of the body to the other at three levels - neck, chest, lower back. Frontal (there are also three of them) - from the front of the body to the back at the same three levels. Asymmetry in the leg area is considered separately. The primary goal of the psychotherapeutic process is to harmonize the emotional, psychological, and physical state of the patient and thus balance the geometry of his body.

Some patients, upon learning about these asymmetries, are initially surprised, because their complaints, if they relate to physical well-being, may relate to completely different areas of the body. For example, a patient’s complaint may be associated with unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, while his body has a pronounced shoulder asymmetry - one shoulder is significantly higher than the other, if you look at the patient’s body from the front - in the frontal projection. The back is hunched, the chest is closed for a full breath, when viewed from the side - in the lateral projection. Moreover, if the patient begins to pay closer attention to these areas of the body, he begins to feel discomfort in the corresponding and neighboring areas of the body. Diagnostic work can thus be directed both to the actual pain sensation and to other areas of the body that are in an asymmetrical state, if the patient expresses a desire and willingness to explore his body.

In both cases, it is important to present a complete picture of bodily blocks and asymmetries, which, as a rule, are interconnected and influence each other. These mutual influences are both negative and positive in nature, since in one case they increase the general painful state and lead to energy depletion. In another case, being physiologically related to each other, they disappear even when therapy is carried out with other blocked parts of the patient’s body according to the principle of a positive “chain reaction”, especially if during the process of research and therapy the root cause block is found and eliminated. This can happen, for example, when removing muscle tension in the neck-collar area, in the lower jaw, pelvic muscles, ankle joint, feet, after which the patient can feel general relaxation and pleasant sensations in various parts of the body.

The fragments of the therapeutic work protocol described below and comments to them illustrate the tactics and strategy of diagnostics and psychotherapeutic work, starting with an examination of the patient’s body.

The patient is a 30-year-old man with an understanding of body-oriented psychotherapy. Primary request: “I would like to better understand and feel myself, my body, ... how my physical problems are connected with emotional, psychological problems.”

This request at the first stage can be attributed to the field of self-research, initially caused not by a specific expressed problem, illness, discomfort, but by the desire to better understand oneself. And although it is obvious from practice that behind such a request there may be certain, unconscious motives of the patient for contacting a psychotherapist, the therapist’s forced “opening” of these motives can provoke in the patient, a kind of “caisson disease”, strong resistance to therapy, even to the point of abandoning it.

Therapist (T) : Try to move around a little, walk with the usual gait that you usually walk with (the patient begins to move around the room and stops)

T .: I will “mirror” you, imitating your movements, slightly strengthening them - exaggerating them. If, looking at me, any associations, images, thoughts arise, you can share (the man continues to move and stop, looking at the therapist and at the real mirror located in the office).

Patient (P) (smiling): Yes, it looks like me, my gait, my posture!

T: Okay, keep moving, trying to enhance what you see with your posture and movement. I will continue to “mirror” you (the patient actively and enthusiastically follows the instructions, exaggerating the posture and movement).

T .: It seems that you are interested in the process. How do you feel about what you see? Try to give any characteristics of what you feel in such a movement, what image you have when looking at yourself from the outside.

P .: I feel tightness in my body, especially in the neck area, and when I look at these poses I get the image of a timid and indecisive person, this is mine, I know about this, I have had this for a long time.

T .: How do you like it?

P .: I take it normally. I have already adapted, and these problems do not really interfere with my life and do not worry me very much (In this case, the patient outlined his “boundaries”. In addition, there was no objective need to work with these problems of “timidity and indecisiveness” at the moment, because they were sufficiently conscious of the patient and did not cause him significant discomfort.At this stage, an attempt to enter the procedural work was carried out through bodily postures, voluntary and semi-voluntary movements, using psychotechnical techniques “mirror” and “exaggeration of poses and movements.”

T .: We can continue the research work (after explaining the essence of this work, the patient agreed to continue the research).

T.: In what position are you most comfortable now, standing, lying, sitting, in motion? (the patient thinks for a while and tries to listen to his sensations in the body, chooses the “standing” position at the first stage of such a study, then “lying” at the second).

During a visual examination of the patient’s body, the following asymmetries became apparent, relative to the vertical central axis of the spine, in the frontal and posterior projection of the body, as well as relative to the horizontal axes at three levels in the lateral projection.

“Standing” position - frontal projection, along three axes, from top to bottom:

- the neck is shifted to the left;

- left shoulder lower than right;

- the body is tilted more to the right from the lower back;

Lateral projection , also in three axes:

- the head, together with the neck, protrudes noticeably forward and is pressed into the shoulders;

- shoulders are stooped, covering and as if squeezing the chest;

- the pelvis is tucked forward.

From the side, the torso resembles an arc with a concave, even depressed, middle part of the body in the chest area, while the chest practically does not move when inhaling and exhaling.

“Lying on your back” position - frontal projection:

- the same asymmetries appeared in the upper body as in the standing position;

- the left hand is more compressed than the right;

- curvature of the body to the right in the lumbar region of the body, as if the patient is bending the body to the right while lying down;

- the right leg appears shorter than the left;

- the feet are at different angles to the plane of the floor;

- breathing is barely noticeable, and there is no respiratory movement in the chest area at all.

The patient had the opportunity, with the help of mirrors, to independently verify the presence of these asymmetries, many of which were unconscious to him, in connection with which surprise arose, which became a motivating emotional background for further work. The patient showed the greatest interest in asymmetry in the shoulder girdle. At the same time, the muscles, especially the left shoulder, even with a superficial glance and touch, were diagnosed as overstrained and were in a state of pronounced hyper-tonicity. The shoulder seemed to be pressing, “repressing” the left side of the chest - the area of ​​the heart.

T : Find a comfortable, convenient body position in which you feel most relaxed (the patient chooses a comfortable position, sitting on a chair).

T .: I will touch the left shoulder area very carefully, if you have any sensations, tell me about it (in this case, the principle of homeopathy “like with like” is used - pressure on the compressed part of the body).

P . (after a light touch and pressure on the shoulder from top to bottom): I began to experience discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the heart area.

T. (stopping the pressure): The discomfort in the heart area has increased, and I see that my breathing is also changing.

P .: It seems to freeze, it’s familiar and unpleasant...

T.: What would you like now?

P .: Change the position (the patient makes several movements with his shoulders, freeing and opening the chest, starting to breathe more deeply).

T .: Looks like something has changed.

P .: Yes, the discomfort has decreased significantly.

T .: How familiar are you with discomfort in the heart area?

P.: I had this as a teenager, my parents took me to doctors, they diagnosed me with “cardioneurosis.”

T .: It seems that this discomfort is manifesting itself at the present time...

P .: Sometimes, mainly when conflicts occur with my wife, but previously the pain arose during conflicts with my mother.

T .: Conflict situations in the past with your mother, and now with your wife, cause you this unpleasant state...

P .: Yes, especially conflicts with my wife, I feel very bad when we conflict, especially when I hear demands and accusations addressed to me... Every time I feel guilty, irritated, angry at myself and at her...

T .: This is an unpleasant situation for you, there are many different feelings when she demands something from you or accuses you...

P .: Yes, I seem to freeze, I don’t answer, I don’t say anything (you can remember how the patient’s breathing froze when he felt cardiac discomfort). I feel a pain in my heart, similar to the one that has arisen now.

T .: Similar feelings...

P .: Even now I am starting to feel this irritation and again discomfort in the heart area, I remembered the last conflict with my wife...

T .: A similar state and similar sensations when you remembered the last conflict... You somehow understand that this state is now “with you”...

P .: Yes, I’m restraining myself again, I’m trying not to show feelings outwardly, it’s like it’s inside me...

T .: And again discomfort...

P .: My usual state, and I don’t feel good...

T .: It’s common for you to be in such a state, to experience unpleasant feelings and hold them back, without outwardly expressing them...

P .: I always behaved like this with my wife and with my parents...

T .: And now in our contact you behave as you are used to...

P. (irritated): Yes! I told you I'm so used to it!

T. (calmly): It seems that now you have allowed yourself to show your irritation...

P. (somewhat embarrassed): I was very irritated when you said that I still behave the same way as always.

T.: And you allowed yourself to show this irritation now...

P .: It’s somehow unusual, I’m a little worried that I poured it on you, it became easier, but there is still a little tension in the body.

T .: This is natural, and it’s normal for me that you allow yourself to show your irritation here. What else would you like now if you continue to listen to yourself?

P. (begins to shake his hands, while breathing becomes deeper): My discomfort in the heart area has disappeared; for me this is a very unusual experience of outwardly showing my irritation. I usually don’t show what I’m worried about, it’s an old habit... I understand that when I allowed myself to show my irritation in words and movements, it became much easier for me.

Subsequently, the process was aimed at working with the feelings of anger and guilt that the patient experienced towards his wife, as well as at understanding the reasons - psychological attitudes and bodily blocks that interfere with emotional expression. The latter concerned his history of relationships with his mother. At the end of the session, the body was re-diagnosed, the geometry of which had clearly changed towards greater symmetry, which was clearly combined with a more balanced emotional and psychological state.

The described case illustrates sequential - “layered” work with a psychosomatic disorder, which begins with an examination of the patient’s body, as well as various strategies for movement in the psychotherapeutic process [2]. Individual and group psychological work aimed at such research makes it possible to detect negative symptoms of the body-motor system at the first stage, correlate these symptoms with emotional and psychological problems at the second, and effectively solve the problem of treating psychosomatic personality disorder at the third stage.


[1]Rosov, V.A. Vernadsky V.I. and Russian orientalists. 34 c.

[2]Procedural work in this and other cases is also based on two important principles - homeopathic and allopathic: 1) like is influenced by like and 2) like is influenced by the opposite. The ideas and principles of homeopathy were outlined approximately two hundred and fifty years ago by Samuel Hahnemann in his work “The Organon of the Medical Art.” Similar ideas are expounded by George Gurdjieff in his teaching of the “fourth way” (“View from the Real World”).

What do shoulder dislocations and fractures mean?

When experts meet people who have had a shoulder dislocation or fracture, they indicate that it is time for them to figure out what they really want. The life of such patients does not correspond to their inner hidden desires, the fulfillment of which they cannot come close to. They do not “break” morally, the fracture occurs physically.

It is extremely important to feel any changes in your own body in order to solve internal problems in time. A person’s thoughts are truly material, no matter how absurd it may seem. Thinking about the good, enjoying one’s own life, strengthening one’s position, a person programs himself to improve his well-being.

  • Shoulder pain: causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Psychology of pain

According to psychosomatics, the shoulders are responsible for the accumulation and use of vital energy. They personify the ability to enjoy life and easily endure all the difficulties of fate. This area of ​​the human body is also the focus of the energy of the heart, which is responsible for the desire to create.

  1. If a person’s arm hurts at the location of the shoulder joint, most often this indicates that he has taken on an unbearable burden that does not allow him to do what he likes.
  2. Or a person worries too much about others, forgetting about his own desires . Such people work hard, but they do it not out of love for their work, but out of a sense of duty, constantly suppressing their emotions and experiences. A person suffering from frequent shoulder pain lives for society according to the rules imposed by society, without internally accepting them.
  3. If, due to strong unpleasant sensations, the patient is limited in movements and cannot raise his arm, this indicates an unwillingness and inability to accept another person or a new situation .
  4. The left shoulder is the personification of feminine energy, the right shoulder is masculine. If a woman has pain in the shoulder joint on the left, this means that she pays little attention to her appearance, does not accept her femininity and often clings to a relationship with an unloved partner, fearing loneliness and fearing being unwanted.
  5. If a woman feels discomfort in her right shoulder, her body is telling her that she is playing the male role in the relationship , taking on too much responsibility, or being manipulated by a stronger person.
  6. The left shoulder often worries men who have problems with the female sex due to the inability to defend their own position and are under constant pressure from their partner , yielding to her in everything. The right shoulder joint hurts in men who do not like to be responsible for anything or show aggression when trying to achieve power.
  7. The left shoulder is also responsible for the expression of creativity (regardless of gender). If a person, for one reason or another restrains his creative impulses , this leads to deformation of the shoulder joint and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in this area.

Improvement with the help of NPTsRIZ peptides

Series of articles. Continuation.

Catalog of psychosomatics of specific diseases with recommendations for their resolution at the mental level, using a cheat sheet for working with psychosomatics, and at the physiological level, using peptide products from NPTsRIZ.

Physiology of the shoulder

The shoulder includes the shoulder joint and the upper arm up to the elbow. This part of the body provides the widest possible range of movement of the arms. The shoulders also include those places that we usually call shoulders.

Psychosomatics of shoulder pain

The psychosomatics of shoulder pain is associated with an enormous burden, in a spiritual sense. Such a person cares more about others than about himself, and often to his own detriment. Over time, the burden becomes overwhelming. The soul begins to ache for everyone and everything. A person strives to help everyone and everywhere, taking upon himself an ever-increasing burden of worries. And these concerns are not always with sincere love, but more often out of a sense of duty. I owe it to no one but me - frequent phrases in his speech. Shoulder pain clearly shows that it's time to stop and take care of yourself.

When shoulder pain limits the movement of the arms, it indicates that a person cannot do something new or someone.

Also, the psychosomatics of shoulder pain is associated with the fact that a person cannot perceive difficult situations and endure them with love and patience. He seems to want to take on a lot, but at the same time he does not feel joy and does not have the strength to bring it to a specific positive result. There is no or very little joy in the life of such a person.

Recommendations for solving the problem

To solve your shoulder pain problem, you should reconsider how you “help” other people and start taking care of your own physical and mental health. It is important to understand and remember that each person has his own responsibility for his life. By interfering with the responsibility of other people, we do not help them, but we deprive them of the opportunity for personal growth and development. You should only do what you can, without sacrificing yourself. For example, no one would think of giving a one-year-old child a ten-kilogram burden. The same applies to our caring and helping other people.

It is important to calculate all your actions according to your strengths and capabilities. If you are really worried about something and cannot do otherwise, then redirect those people who can really help to this situation. For example, call the relevant authorities or organizations, or specific people.

The most important thing in the life of any person is a life of love and joy. If your care does not bring you joy, then it will not bring joy to the one for whom you show this care. Therefore, you need to learn to do everything with love, to the best of your ability.


Constantly suppressing one’s own desires, feelings and emotions to please other people, voluntarily taking on an overwhelming burden of responsibility and being forced to follow other people’s imposed rules lead to tension in the shoulder girdle and pain.

To get rid of discomfort in the shoulders, a person must first of all pay attention to himself and his preferences, learn to take care of himself, and love himself.

It is necessary to shed the heavy burden, start doing what you love and do what you want, not what you need.

Psychosomatics: Shoulders - Want or Need

“Marriage is a heavy yoke on a woman’s shoulders”, “Don’t give up”, “Keep your back straight, look confident”, “Titans hold the sky on their shoulders”, “Problems fall on your shoulders”, “Where do your arms come from?”, “I’ll hug myself by the shoulders.” Well, who hasn’t heard such statements! And note that few people say that their shoulders hurt from lack of exercise.

A healthy lifestyle does not harm anyone, but stress and the destruction of one’s Ego lead to illness more often than anything else.

Shoulders, from a psychosomatic point of view, are responsible for the eternal question “Do I want or do I need to?”

This is Hamlet’s main question: “to be or not to be.”

  • If there are problems with the shoulders, then the person lives as he should in society, his loved ones, completely forgetting and belittling his own desires.
  • If the posture is straight, and the shoulders strive to turn into wings, then the person lives according to his true nature - he lives according to the “I want” principle.

The shoulders are the transition from beginning, conception and origins to embodiment and to action. On his shoulders a person “carries” the weight of life, responsibilities and his own unfulfillment.

At the same time, it is the shoulders that are responsible for the flow of emotional energy of the heart, because With the help of our hands we are able to hug, stroke and caress.

It is in the shoulders that the desire to create, to accomplish, to express oneself and to create develops. If a person goes against his own desires, then his shoulders become tense and constrained. He seems to put the burden of self-betrayal on his shoulders.

The word “need” should appear in the lexicon along with other words and look something like this: “do I need it?”

A person must first love himself, even the Bible teaches this. And then love your neighbor as yourself. There is only one chain - at the beginning a person and his own desires, and then the desires of the environment .

When a person goes against his “want”, but at the same time restrains himself and endures, the tension in the shoulders becomes even stronger. After all, a person feels guilty for the fact that a rebellion began inside him, which he suppressed and a feeling of fear - what if someone noticed it. If a person lives like this from year to year, then the muscles adapt to such emotions and, as a result, the shoulders become deformed. Remember the stooped women with string bags. Even if you take away their bags, their shoulders will still look down.

  • Sometimes people, on the contrary, keep their shoulders tense and raise them high. This indicates that a person often worries and does not know the answer to life's questions. That is why a person, during discussions, when he does not know what to answer, raises his shoulders up.
  • If a person deliberately pulls his shoulders back and sticks out his chest, then he wants to show only his outer shell and not let his interlocutor into his soul. And a soul closed to everyone will certainly lead to a weak and crooked back.

Often vital energy gets “stuck” in the shoulder area, because it arises here, but does not receive an outlet, as a result of the dissatisfaction of its own desires.

Tense shoulders on the left side are responsible for feminine energy.

  • a woman’s left side is tense , it means that she has “forgotten” her femininity, has denied herself sexual satisfaction, is not living with the one she loves, etc.
  • If a man has problems with the female sex, he may be a “mama’s boy” or a “henpecked” man. Tense shoulders on the right side are responsible for masculine energy, i.e. for strength, power and aggression.

If a woman’s right side is tense, it means she has become a toy in the hands of a tyrant and is being used by stronger people. If it is a man, he has taken on too much responsibility and cannot cope with it.

The shoulders work perfectly in the system of gestures and expression of one's feelings and emotions.

  • A person shrugs his shoulders if he finds it difficult to answer, turns away from a bad situation or an unpleasant person, and moves his shoulder as a sign of invitation.
  • A “frozen” shoulder or shoulders can symbolize coldness, indifference and devastation, because emotions “freeze” without having time to form.
  • But if a person breaks his shoulder, then this is a clear signal that he has been persistently living incorrectly for years, destroying his desires at the root and living entirely for society. At the moment when the “inner self” of such a person can no longer withstand being destroyed, his shoulder breaks.

Don't go against God and yourself and keep your shoulders healthy! published

Victoria Shtelmakh

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

What is the conflict about?

The main conflict that leads to problems with arms and shoulders is the conflict of self-devaluation as a general conflict of relationships. And the consequence: arthritis, fracture, dislocation of the shoulder or arm. And these diseases appear in the conflict resolution phase. For example, the psychological stress associated with the fact that a person feels underappreciated at work, after an unpleasant conversation with the boss, is resolved with the help of the body: “accidentally” this person hits the door with his right shoulder. The conflict in the soul is resolved by our rescuer, the body. Psychic energy did not disappear anywhere, but descended to a dense level - the body. The content and object of the conflict will be indicated by the side of the body (right or left) where psychosomatics arose.

PSYCHOSOMATICS OF THE HANDS (shoulder, collarbone, wrist, fingers)

Psychosomatics Hands

This is a good article about how the body bio-LOGICALLY unloads our experiences, our impulses into our hands. Seven years ago I took the basis of this article from Gilbert Renaud (Healing by Memories), and over these years the biology of hand diseases has been fully confirmed (see the link to the light version of the article with personal examples at the bottom of the article).

Psychosomatics of shoulder pain

Arthritis/fracture/dislocation of the shoulder of the dominant arm (for right-handed people - right)

The main topic of shoulder pain is: what value do I have from my point of view .

1) “I could do better,” the manager constantly thinks, and as soon as his boss praises him, he “accidentally” severely injures his right shoulder with an opening door.

2) “I am not valued, no one needs me,” an elderly woman thinks about herself in her family. After a wonderful anniversary, where many relatives gathered to congratulate her, the woman is convinced of the opposite, and the next morning she wakes up with pain in her shoulder.

3) “I’m a bad student” - the student is very worried about passing a certain exam, because she does not feel like an expert in the subject she is taking. When the exam is finally passed, she begins to experience shoulder muscle spasms for a while. This is a slightly different topic - muscles. But I’ll give an example specifically with the shoulder to make it clear what impact thoughts that you are imperfect can have on your health.

4) “I feel inner emptiness, I feel unworthy to carry out any activity.”

The author of the article is psychologist Elena Guskova

5) “What kind of woman am I if I abandoned my child?” (from Gilbert Renaud, “Memory Healing” method).

If the shoulder of the non-dominant hand is affected (the left in right-handed people), then the main topic is no longer “how I judge myself,” but “ how others judge me .

1) “What am I worth in the eyes of my family?” - this is how a father may think, worrying that he has lost his job and cannot yet find it.

2) “I’m some kind of worthless child in the eyes of my mother and father...” - for example, if parents sarcastically ridicule the actions of their child.

3) “What kind of a terrible mother am I if I raise my children so poorly and my children don’t respect me?” - such thoughts can come to an elderly lady, and arthritis of the shoulder joint will begin.

Of course, there are other options. Much depends on what images are in a person’s unconscious. For example, heaviness in the shoulder may be due to the fact that a person “codes” his problem as heaviness. Then the following questions will help you approach the core experience:

Am I coping?

“Who is the bag in life that you have to drag around with you?”

Or “Who doesn’t want to go, and you drag him along with you?”

The shoulder can also become sore if there has been some serious attempt to get out of some frozen situation. As if there was a need to make a passage for himself with his shoulder.

I had a case of shoulder pain with a client, when the shoulder began to hurt exactly at the moment of worrying about finances. I had to work with the poverty program and complete it (as in the Satori Healing method (examples of how the method works in the sections The Magic of Satori Healing or Money).


Psychosomatics Clavicle

(key to exit)

The topics of conflicts in which the collarbone is affected are associated with the words: block, unblock, close, open.

For example, a woman had problems with her husband and could not get a divorce for a long time for various domestic reasons, and then she finally managed to leave her ex-husband. Almost immediately after leaving, she breaks her collarbone.

I have the key to the exit

Another example about a broken collarbone. A woman gets into a car accident and breaks her collarbone. Time passes, but the bone does not heal, contrary to all expectations. It turns out that conflicts between spouses often occur in the family. At the same time, the very feeling of the situation sounds like “I can’t find a way out.”

That is, constant worries about “there is no way out”, “everything is blocked” do not allow the bone tissue of the collarbone to heal. (More about non-union of bones in fractures in the article Psychosomatics of fractures).

Psychosomatics Elbow

Dislocations, arthritis, bursitis, a rare option – fractures.

Psychological causes of elbow damage are conflicts, experiences associated with monotonous hard work. As well as experiences associated with obligations fulfilled to the limit of capabilities.

“I need to endure. I have no desire to do this work. I don’t want to, but I have to do it.”

It's unlikely that I can solve all this

Or: “I want to do something, but I can’t cope, it’s too hard for me.”

An alcoholic may have problems with elbows (when a person sits at a bar, he leans on his elbows). Or not even an alcoholic, but someone who sometimes drinks, and his wife reacts violently to this every time.

Psychosomatics Wrist

1) “I’m terribly clumsy”, “Everything falls out of my hands.” Helplessness in everyday life.

2) Inability to maintain previous connections in the family. If a person worries that his relationships with family members have deteriorated, and then reconciliation occurs, his wrist may hurt.

3) Mediator conflict. “I am between two people and have to constantly resolve issues related to this.”

Who can be an intermediary? Insurers, those responsible for negotiations at various levels, union workers, secretaries, those who work in the claims department. You can also be a mediator between two close people.

Beauty is in the hands of the one holding it)

For example, a wife is a mediator between mother (mother-in-law) and husband, constantly reconciling them. The wife may begin to have problems with her wrists. A much rarer option is the husband’s mediation between the mother-in-law and wife.

4) “I am forced to break up with someone, but I don’t want to” (for example, I have to fire someone). “I want to be with someone, but they won’t let me.” For example, the girls have their own group, and another girl wants to join her, but she is unobtrusively or directly pushed out.


Psychosomatics Fingers

We, women and men, constantly do something with our hands. We arrange our life. If you can’t arrange your life, your fingers begin to get affected.

Were you worried that your guests would be unhappy with the food? – Arthritis of the finger joints. Couldn't convince your child that there is no need to make such a decision? – The index finger is broken (the index finger is the finger we use to point something to someone, including our children).

Has your mother-in-law arrived and been telling you for a couple of weeks that you are incompetent at home? – My mother-in-law is leaving, arthritis is starting.

Any nearly impossible task that we do with our hands can affect our fingers.

If we do an impossible task with our heads, then after resolving the conflict there may be headaches or neck pain. If with the hands, then the hands are affected.

With burnout syndrome - when a person is tired of doing everything - he gives up everything, and problems with his hands may begin.

The main thing here is not to panic, survive this pain and move on with your life. If a person begins to fear arthritis, he puts himself in a vicious circle. If a person is sick and afraid, then he is AGAIN helpless and unsure of himself, which means that the conflict of self-depreciation grows even more, and then the healing phase begins again, bringing with it inflammatory processes. Thus, arthritis becomes chronic.

If you allow yourself to accept that everything will work out, you will bring into yourself the energy of getting everything right in space.

Therefore, if you are experiencing arthritic pain for the first time, try to associate the pain with your experiences and wait for it to pass. No panic, no more worries.

You also need to understand that sometimes a woman takes on the role of a man, and the man is the hands. Therefore, if it seems to her that she is doing a man’s work and she is not very successful, then arthritis of the fingers may begin.

A detailed description of the experiences associated with each finger can be found here

And, as always, we need to remember that it is important not just to determine what experiences led to the disease. To heal, you need to completely transform your negative feelings, thoughts, sensations into something pleasant.

An article about the psychosomatics of hand diseases with personal examples at the LINK HERE.

Table of psychosomatic diseases

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Psychosomatics of arthritis

Psychosomatics of colds

Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children and adults

Psychosomatics of a runny nose

Psychosomatics of anemia

Psychosomatics of acne on the face

I can teach you how to find experiences that lead to illness in each individual case at Satori Healing SEMINARS.

If any difficulties arise, I will be happy to help in consultation.

List of psychosomatics of OTHER diseases

Comments after the text below ↓↓↓


Psychosomatic causes of pain

Among the main causes of psychosomatic pain, experts name:

  • Low level of self-esteem.
  • If the child was not loved in childhood. It doesn’t matter at all - it’s dislike on the part of parents, brothers, grandparents, etc.
  • Unexpiated guilt.
  • Lack of meaning in life.
  • Reluctance to become a burden to others and the fear that arises against this background.
  • Contained within oneself and not released outside, love and emotions.
  • Fear of being left without finances, that is, losing money.
  • Breakdown of close relationships and loss of a loved one.

This whole mass of accumulated psychological problems certainly contributes. The occurrence of an imbalance leading to painful conditions.

How to get rid of neck pain and eliminate the psychosomatic cause

To correct the condition, you need to cultivate healthy egoism and self-love. You need to remember your abilities and desires, find your purpose and follow it. It happens that a person is afraid to disappoint someone, not to live up to expectations. Then you additionally need to work with fear and anxiety.

Often, living for the sake of others is associated with dependent relationships. This is especially common in the parent-child system. In this case, it is necessary to “cut the psychological umbilical cord” and learn independence.

But at the same time, it is important to have support from loved ones and maintain trust in the relationship. To do this, you can try this exercise:

  1. Stand with your back to the loved one with whom you want to improve your relationship.
  2. Have him place his hand on your shoulder joint.
  3. Lean on your palm and maintain this position for three minutes.

It is important to do the exercise regularly and take it seriously. Then within two days the pain will subside. It is unacceptable for the second person to scare you, put you down abruptly, etc.

To correct your worldview, it is useful to analyze the problem situation:

  1. Write down everything that worries you on a piece of paper.
  2. Write down all the pros and cons of the current situation.
  3. Answer in writing the questions “What will happen if I do this?” and “What will happen if I don’t do this?” Evaluate and compare the possible consequences of activity and inaction.

Sometimes shoulders hurt because the desires of the individual do not coincide with the capabilities due to the inflated demands and expectations of the person himself. In this case, it is necessary to come down to earth and adjust the level of aspirations.

Getting rid of psychosomatic pain requires long work to correct self-awareness. You have to understand what emotions and living conditions interfere with personal happiness. And after that you have to decide how to deal with them. A complete rethinking and restructuring of life is necessary. You need to stop and think about what you are doing wrong, what energy you are suppressing. Maybe you should write music while you sit in the office on a 2/2 schedule, because it’s more stable there, or because your loved ones want it that way.

Right shoulder, forward!

Lesions of the leading hand in right-handers (right), and in left-handers - left, speaks of devaluation of oneself, of how a person judges himself. This is a conflict with yourself! If a woman complains of pain in her right shoulder, this may mean that in a relationship she plays the male role, or is being manipulated by a stronger and tyrannical person. Psychosomatic damage to the right arm and right shoulder indicates that there is a contradiction in the inner world of a person between “I want” and “I need”, which is resolved by forcing oneself. The left side reflects our relationship with our mother and those who are higher and lower in our perception, how others evaluate us.

Shoulder pain

The prevalence of shoulder pain in the population, according to various estimates, ranges from 7 to 26%. According to a Scandinavian study, shoulder pain is one of the most common causes of disability in the population, accounting for 18% of paid sick leave. Most often, pain in the shoulder is mild, aching or aching. But sometimes shoulder pain is so severe that it is comparable to toothache, depriving a person of sleep and peace.

Let's figure it out Why do my shoulders hurt? Most often, when a patient complains of pain in the shoulders, doctors will say that “it hurts because of the neck,” or they will diagnose “arthrosis of the shoulder joints.” In fact, arthrosis of the shoulder joints is quite rare - arthrosis accounts for only about 5-7% of the total number of all cases of shoulder pain. Can your shoulder hurt because of your neck? Yes maybe. We'll talk about this a little later. But this is also not the most common cause of shoulder pain. Let's look at the main causes of shoulder pain.

50% of all cases of shoulder pain occur due to glenohumeral periarthritis. This disease usually begins after unsuccessful movement of the arm, after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, or after overloading the arm with unusual physical work. Most often, with glenohumeral periarthritis, one shoulder suffers, but it often happens that both shoulders become inflamed at once. The main symptom of this disease is a significant limitation of movements in the hand. For example, the arm does not rotate well around its axis, it is difficult to move behind the back, or it is difficult to lift upward from the side. When attempting such movements, very sharp pain in the shoulder may occur.

Sometimes the mobility of the arm during periarthritis decreases so much that the sick person cannot put his arm behind his back at all, cannot raise his arm, comb his hair, or get his hand into the sleeve of a shirt or jacket. Shoulder pain with glenohumeral periarthritis can be mild and aching, but often the pain is very severe. They can occur even at night, and in the most severe forms it is at night that they become completely unbearable.2). The second place is really “pain due to the neck” (about 30% of cases of shoulder pain), that is, pain in the shoulder caused by damage or herniation of the cervical spine, accompanied by a shooting in the arm or shoulder. Most often, pain from the neck shoots into only one arm; pain from the neck shoots into both arms extremely rarely. In this case, the affected arm often “shoots” not only in the shoulder, but along its entire length – to the very tips of the fingers. The key difference between pain in the shoulder coming from the neck, in contrast to glenohumeral periarthritis or arthrosis of the shoulder, is the preservation of normal mobility of the arm and only sometimes the ability to raise the sore arm above the head and fully extend it up is slightly reduced.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint, as we found out, is about 5-7% of cases of shoulder pain. Arthrosis mainly affects people over 45 years of age. Men who have worked in hard physical work for many years are more likely to get sick: builders, mechanics, blacksmiths, as well as professional athletes: weightlifters, tennis players, shot putters, etc. Often, when moving, a crunching sound is heard in the sore joint. The mobility of the shoulder joints does not suffer much.

Another approximately 5-7% are due to arthritis that occurs with inflammation of the shoulder joint. Of all arthritis, inflammation of the shoulder joints most often develops with ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis, less often with articular rheumatism and psoriatic arthritis, and very rarely with gout. A distinctive feature of inflammation of the shoulder joints in arthritis: usually some other joints become inflamed first. For example, knees or feet, fingers or toes. And only then do the shoulders suffer. Such patients may develop a fever, weakness, chills, and body aches. Be carefull! An unexpected sharp pain in the left shoulder, which began literally in a second against the background of complete health, may be the first symptom of a heart attack! See a cardiologist!

An unexpectedly onset of acute pain in the right shoulder, also occurring against the background of complete health, may be the first symptom of an attack of cholelithiasis!

Despite the variety of causes of shoulder pain, coping with them, no matter how severe they are, in the vast majority of cases is not too difficult. You just need to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, with which the specialists of our clinic will be happy to help you.

Possible causes of pain and injury

The main reason why shoulders hurt is the discrepancy between internal desires and the possibility of their implementation. From the point of view of psychosomatics, this joint is a projection of whether a person lives by the rules of society and strives to meet its expectations or goes his own way.

At first glance, you can determine a person’s character by the position of his shoulders and spine:

  • the back is straight, the head is raised high, the shoulders are straightened - a person follows his true nature, acts according to his desires and feelings;
  • stooping and tightness in the shoulders and neck indicate that he forgets about his own needs, trying to meet the expectations of society.

Raised shoulders high is a sign that an unbearable load rests on them. What exactly provoked such changes is worth analyzing on your own or with a specialist.

Shoulder position and psycho-emotional state

If vital energy does not have an outlet, it often accumulates and causes pain in the shoulders and neck. Natural needs and an understanding of one’s own purpose should come first, and then the posture straightens, becomes free and independent. Moreover, if there is a discrepancy with internal desires, a person often feels guilty before himself. This causes further accumulation of tension and fear of changing the situation.

It is worth considering a few examples of how tension in the neck and shoulders manifests itself:

  • raised shoulders high, a stiff and inactive neck - a person cannot answer questions that are important to him and often worries about this;
  • a demonstrably straightened chest is a sign that he does not want to close the distance with the interlocutor and demonstrates his external strength in advance so as not to show weakness.

Raised shoulders are a sign of uncertainty in your own decisions. It is worth remembering an obvious fact: if a person does not know how to answer a question in a conversation, he shrugs his shoulders.

On which side does the pain occur?

Depending on whether discomfort in the shoulder girdle appears on the right or left, one can judge about disturbances in the psycho-emotional state. The two poles are responsible for the manifestation of feminine and masculine energy, for the possibilities of their release and for the ability to create healthy relationships with the opposite sex.

Settings that can help:

  • I see around me and accumulate love and harmony with the world around me.
  • There is joy and happiness in my life.
  • My life experience every day is positive, joyful, pleasant.
  • I perceive difficult situations without suffering, but with hope and the possibility of a quick and effective solution.
  • I accept other people's responsibility for their lives.
  • All my burdens in life are over my shoulder and a joy.

Suggest your version of a positive attitude in the comments.

If a person is able to adequately answer questions, the Cheat Sheet for working with psychosomatics will also help solve the problem with this illness on a spiritual level. She takes you step by step to the main cause of the disease and opens up the possibility of how to improve your health and interaction with the world around you.

In addition to this, a scientifically based method of transformational drawing can help: neuro-graphics. It allows you to relieve tension in an environmentally friendly way, level out blocking moments and create the desired state. It is built on the connection between the brain, central nervous system and hand motor skills.

Raised shoulders

When we are confused, we spread our arms to the sides, as if demonstrating to others our lack of capacity. This is how we evaluate ourselves at this particular moment: I don’t know what to do, what can I say... At the same time, the shoulders rise up, drawing in the head, hiding it. That is, the outside world, society requires activity from a person, his self-expression, but the conviction of his inferiority slows him down - the psychosomatics of raised shoulders arises. Louise Hay, in her book Heal Yourself, writes that shoulders symbolize the ability to joyfully perceive the ups and downs of life. And only our attitude towards life turns it into a burden. The author recommends healing the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness with the following affirmations: “I have a straight and free posture. I love and approve of myself. My life is getting better every day!”

Psychology of shoulder and neck pain

In the case when pain, tension and muscle spasm appear in the shoulder joint, you need to understand that the left side symbolizes the feminine principle, and the right side symbolizes the masculine principle. It follows from this that, for example, any damage to the right limb may indicate disagreements with the father or with one of the members of his family. If a woman’s left shoulder hurts, psychosomatically, this means that she is dissatisfied with her sex life.

INTERESTING fact: Psychosomatics of adenoids in children

Traditional methods of treatment

For pain in the shoulder joint, therapeutic exercises :

  • sit on a chair and place your hands behind your back. Firmly grab the wrist of the one that hurts with your healthy hand. Smoothly stretch it as far as possible to the side for 15 seconds. When you feel pain in the muscles of your arm, slowly return to the starting position of your arm.
  • sit on a chair, keep your hands on your waist and slowly begin to rotate your shoulders: with one hand, then with the other, then with both at the same time. Return to the starting position. Push both shoulders forward all the way and hold this position for a couple of seconds. Then repeat the same movement backwards. Perform each movement 8 times.
  • medicinal tincture: mix 4 tsp in one liter of alcohol. burdock root, 2 red peppers and 5 tbsp. lilac flowers. Leave it for 5 days and you can rub it on sore joints.

Spiritual integrationism by Konstantin Dovlatov

A unique method developed by psychologist, coach, candidate of psychological sciences Konstantin Dovlatov allows you to quickly, in the shortest possible time, safely heal the conflicts that triggered the psychosomatics of the arms and shoulders. Having mastered this method, you will learn to see the causes of these conflicts, their participants, to know when these occurred episodes, and in a state of unconditional love and harmony, heal them. Moreover, in one session of Spiritual Integration it is possible to heal hundreds, or even thousands of causes of conflicts, even if they happened not only in your life, but also in the lives of your ancestors. As a result, a lot of energy will be released, which will be used to heal the body. After all, our savior - the body - will no longer need to hold the defense, support the disease, it will simply disappear! And there are a lot of such cases!


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