Using pepper cough plaster: gluing diagram

Colds occur throughout the year, and not just during cold weather. In the off-season, aggravation occurs, and dosage forms become scarce. In the summer, the problem with tablets and syrups also arises, as pharmacies work hard for the seasons.

But there is a way out for productive treatment of a cold or other inflammatory process of the respiratory tract: purchasing and using a pepper patch for coughing is an ideal method of treatment.

The possibilities can be called unlimited, as it has a warming effect, anti-inflammatory, antiviral. The cost of the patch will also please you. After all, most medications are either expensive or do not provide the desired result.

Action and description

Pepper cough patch can be purchased at any pharmacy. This is a guarantee of quality, shelf life, and use. The production is different, but the method of application, composition, and action are no different.

How productive the patch will be depends only on the expiration date: the closer to the end, the less chance of quickly getting results.

Many patients claim that even after the end of the period, the pepper patch works and helps eliminate cough. You can determine how high-quality a product is by additional characteristics:

  • no odor;
  • the material from which the patch is made is white;
  • the substance should be sticky and not spread.

Since the time of King Pea

In ancient Russian alphabet books (dictionaries of foreign words), a plaster was defined as “a cloth smeared with a doctor’s potion and tied to body ulcers.” Already under Ivan the Terrible, the production of “healing Velcro” was put on a large scale: butcher shops and aisles were obliged to supply lard for it, candle factories – wax, manufactories – thin fabric. Vegetable gardens were planted where medicinal plants were grown, from which a medicinal base was prepared according to folk recipes. They opened pharmaceutical laboratories, where healers conjured up the production of plasters for almost 100 ailments (purulent wounds and ulcers, abscesses, migraines, burns, hernias, lichen, aching joints, restorative effects, etc.). Resin, wax and lard were cleared of foreign substances by melting them over moderate heat or a water bath, and then filtering through canvas. The medicinal base was added to the half-cooled plaster mass.

A mixture of resin and medicine was spread on husky, canvas or calico with a spatula, and later with a special plaster machine.

The finished products were delivered to the main Sovereign's pharmacy, located on the territory of the Kremlin. The size and shape of the patches were indicated on the recipe: 0.25 or 0.125 sheets of paper, the size of a large or small palm, the size of a playing card, the shape of an ear.


The adhesive plaster contains not only hot pepper extract (only dry substance is used) up to 8%. Although it is the main component, and the ratio is selected in such a way as to prevent burns and blisters after gluing, the composition contains 6 more components that help the patient quickly get back on his feet.

Vaseline oil1%Essential for gluten. It also protects the skin from burns, softens, prevents irritation from forming, and has healing abilities.
Lanolin20%Provides double protection of the skin from burns, irritation, and redness
Pine rosin25%Serves to create a base for the adhesive layer for peppers. Provides the patch with additional healing properties
Rubber20%Necessary for the viscosity of the substance, but does not have healing capabilities
Arnica (tincture)0,5%Promotes the dilation of blood vessels in the skin, through which the medicine penetrates the body. Used as an expectorant and bronchodilator
Belladonna (thick extract)1%It is required to relieve spasms in blood vessels, and at the same time expands them. Due to the component, pepper works better in the event of myositis and radiculitis

The ingredients are natural and gentle. At the same time, they are excellent for therapeutic effects on pathogenic microflora. Suitable for treating adults and children.

When to use

The use of a pepper cough patch makes it possible to warm the chest and numb the location of pain. This happens due to the content of essential oils, medicinal plants, and natural components.

Due to irritation of skin receptors, active blood flow occurs and blood circulation increases. Which means:

  • gas exchange improves;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • the flow of oxygen increases;
  • negatively influencing substances are eliminated from the body faster;
  • rapid cell renewal occurs.

All this leads to an improvement in the body’s protective functions, which will ensure an active independent fight against the disease.

A pepper patch is prescribed to an adult or a child (as needed) in the presence of a dry and wet cough when diagnosing:

  • bronchitis and whooping cough;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • tracheitis and influenza;
  • myositis and radiculitis;
  • neuralgia and lumbago.

Easy and quick to apply. It is not noticeable under clothes and does not interfere with movement and leading an active lifestyle.

Need to know! A special children's pepper cough patch has been created for children. It is not recommended for use by adults, as keeping it for the prescribed time will cause burns and an allergic reaction.

A child's skin is much thinner and there are fewer toxins in the body. Therefore, if urgent use is necessary, parents are required to find a special patch.

How long can you hold

The patch can be kept in one place for a maximum of 48 hours. Then the product loses its effectiveness, or severe burning/itching begins. If unpleasant sensations began to bother you earlier, you shouldn’t wait. Remove the patch and assess the condition of the skin. Be careful and stay awake to prevent burns. This is especially true for people using the application for the first time, or those who have sensitive skin.

After two days, the patch must be removed, and if necessary to continue treatment, a new one must be glued. During the replacement process, you should let the skin breathe, remove the glue, and lubricate it with cream. While wearing the pepper patch, water procedures are not limited. If seven days of using the product did not give the desired result, recognize the product as ineffective in this case and begin to look for the cause of the pain together with your doctor.

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Contraindications and adverse reactions

Applying the pepper patch correctly is only half the battle. Before use, each person should carefully study the possible consequences. Only after that glue it.

To be on the safe side, conduct a test yourself for an allergic reaction, which is expressed in the form of itching and burning, redness, and swelling. A burn is often observed.

But such a threat arises if you keep the patch for more than the specified time. As for allergies, it can be caused not only by pepper extract, but also by other plant components included in the medication.

Contraindications include:

  • diagnosis confirming circulatory disorders;
  • at the place where the patch is placed, there are moles, wounds, pimples, boils and even birthmarks;
  • allergic reaction to one of the ingredients of the drug;
  • warming up is prohibited at elevated body temperatures;
  • a child under 14 years of age.

During pregnancy, the use of pepper patch is not prohibited.

But permission to warm up must be obtained from a gynecologist, since if the woman in labor has problems (threat of failure, uterine pathology), the application can increase the problems and become a threat to the life of the baby and the expectant mother.

Effectiveness of cough patch for children

Warming patch Magikoplast, generating heat, improves blood circulation. This thins the mucus and makes it easier to clear. In this way, the respiratory organs are cleansed of viscous and difficult to separate secretions, the cough becomes productive and goes away faster. In addition, warming the body during hypothermia prevents the further development of the disease.

It is worth noting that Magicoplast goes well with medicinal treatment methods. Many parents note a reduction in the period of illness of their children when using Magicoplast. If there is no improvement or if the child’s condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Efficiency of the treatment process

Each age group requires certain rules of use and application methods. Unites groups of rules of application, skin treatment, allergy testing.

To ensure that normal treatment is possible without harm to health, a small piece of plaster is glued to the back of the wrist. Leave for 10-15 minutes. If symptoms characteristic of allergy sufferers appear, the pepper patch should not be used.


A special form for the treatment of cough “Sopelka” is designed for a child over 2 years of age. Infants and children under one year of age are not allowed to use. It looks the same as an adult pepper patch: protective film, silicone base.

The composition of the product differs not in ingredients, but in the percentage of components, so as not to burn the bronchial mucosa or damage the child’s skin.

The action of the Nozzle, application methods are identical to the adult pepper plaster. The skin is treated with alcohol before fixing.

The maximum wearing time is no more than 8 hours. After which the properties of the product disappear. It is also recommended to use Ekstraplast.


The period of bearing a baby is the most difficult in terms of selecting medications not only for cough. If a cough reflex appears, it is prohibited to use pepper patch on your own.

Even after the doctor’s permission, it is advisable to buy a children’s patch – Sopelka, Ekstraplast. They will definitely help in eliminating cough and have no side effects. The maximum harm is the presence of unaccounted intolerance to the components.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women apply a patch to their stomach or lumbar region. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding the use of Chinese pepper plaster.

In the absence of contraindications or chronic diseases, an adult can use a cough remedy without fear and count on a positive result. The main thing is to monitor for the presence of adverse reactions and take into account the gluing schemes.

For what purposes is pepper plaster used?

The benefits of using the patch have been proven in cases where a local irritating, warming, analgesic effect is required. It is useful for sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough, mononeuritis, osteochondrosis, myositis, gout, radiculitis, lumbago, neuralgia... Although many women use this product for home cosmetic procedures: it turned out that the patch helps cope with cellulite. It increases blood circulation in problem areas.

For weight loss

Does the patch help you lose weight? Yes, however, it does not work as a standalone method. The patch will increase blood circulation at the site of use, be it the stomach, sides or thighs, and you need to start metabolic processes in the body with the help of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity. It is advisable that this be a set of exercises. You can lose weight without the patch, but with it, the process of burning extra pounds will go at an accelerated pace.

For cough and bronchitis

For coughs, the patch will be a useful addition to general therapy. The product is glued to clean, dry skin, degreased with alcohol or vodka. Then you need to choose the right place on your back: the area between the shoulder blades and the spine. Often, during inflammatory processes, this area is painful on palpation. Do not neglect the opportunity to stick a patch on your feet. There are points associated with the organs of the respiratory system. A patch, like a mustard plaster, is applied to the chest, which promotes the discharge of sputum.

For runny nose and sinusitis

Our grandmothers could not do without pepper plaster in the treatment of a runny nose and even sinusitis, not having modern potent drugs in their home medicine cabinet. If you start to have rhinitis, cut off a strip of the plaster and apply it to your nose from the forehead to the very tip. Place the second such strip on the maxillary sinuses. For sinusitis, this method will relieve or reduce pain. Just don’t neglect your doctor’s advice and face-to-face consultations.

For osteochondrosis and back pain

Osteochondrosis often worries people whose work involves spending time inactive.
The load on the back is prolonged and not correctly distributed. The spine suffers in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region. The patch copes well with pain from osteochondrosis of any type. Here it is important not to forget about the main therapy and not to delay treatment. Find out what to do if your neck hurts.

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