What is agar-agar and how is it used in desserts

Chemical composition and calorie content of agar-agar

The agar-agar state of gelatin is only in a cooled state. When heated, the useful substance thickens, and at a temperature of +80...+90 C the substance passes into a liquid state of aggregation.

Calorie content per 100 g of product is 12 kcal. In this case, proteins – 2 g, fats – 0 g, and carbohydrates – 0.8 g.

The predominant vitamins are nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and B vitamins.

Agar-agar is rich in minerals, mainly calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and others. But 60% of it consists of iodine.

Polysaccharides in the product are represented by lactose, pentose and pyruvic acid.

How to choose and where to buy

Agar-agar is sold in the form of dried long strips or finely ground white powder or flakes. Powder is easier to work with, since it dissolves almost immediately, and it has a lower price.

Because agar is a popular vegetarian alternative to gelatin, it is commonly sold in health food stores. It can also be bought in supermarkets with a large selection of natural food products. Search among baking and dessert ingredients.

It is also one of the common ingredients in Asian desserts, so you can find agar-agar in specialized Japanese or Chinese stores.

Another option for those who live in areas without a large selection of similar products is to buy agar-agar from the IHerb online store:

The benefits of agar-agar for the body

The first to discover the beneficial characteristics of agar-agar were the Japanese people. They consumed gelatin daily because it accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

Health benefits of agar-agar:

  • control of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • due to thyroid-stimulating hormones, glucose and cholesterol levels are reduced, so the product is useful for atherosclerosis, diabetes and varicose veins;
  • prevention of gastritis and gastric ulcer by reducing the acidity of gastric juice;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, bacteria and harmful salts with the help of fiber;
  • promotes speedy recovery after fractures.

Important! The product has a selective effect, it does not remove mineral salts, and is also not addictive.

For men and women

The product is of great benefit to women. It accelerates cell regeneration through the production of collagen and elastane. These elements have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Agar-agar preserves a woman's youth.

Gelatin reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in girls.

Helps the fair sex lose extra pounds. This effect is formed due to the low calorie content of agar-agar and the presence of fiber, which swells in the stomach and causes a feeling of fullness.

Preserves and shapes a girl’s figure by absorbing fats from other foods that enter the body. However, it not only absorbs, but also quickly removes these substances.

As for the male body, there are no individual advantages, apart from the general ones, which are indicated in the previous section.

For pregnant and lactating women

Agar-agar is useful for pregnant women because the presence of iodine affects the production of hormones that have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

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During breastfeeding, a woman can include agar-agar in her diet. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, and due to the feeling of fullness, a young mother will be able to maintain her figure.

Advice! If after consuming gelatin your baby has an allergic reaction, you should consult a doctor and exclude this product from the diet.

For children

All children love sweets, but various high-calorie cakes and pastries are not beneficial, but, on the contrary, contribute to the development of caries and other ailments. Agar-agar is an excellent substitute. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy, due to the content of macro- and microelements in its composition, which contribute to the normal development of the child’s body.

For the elderly

For people of retirement age, agar-agar is considered a useful product. It regulates sugar and cholesterol levels in the body, and also normalizes the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. And the presence of vitamins and minerals in the product makes up for the lack of these elements in the body.

In addition, for older people, agar-agar is good for joints.

How a German housewife made an Eastern thickener popular in the West

Agar-agar was known in Japanese cooking in the 18th century, and later moved into Malay, Chinese and other cuisines of Southeast Asia. With its help, traditional ammitsu desserts were made in Japan, and in the Philippines, jelly and agar balls became part of drinks and sweets. By the way, the juice balls in Bubble tea are also agar-agar.

Agar would have remained an Asian specialty, popular only in Japan, China and Malaysia, if at the end of the 19th century Fanny Hesse, the wife of microbiologist Walter Hesse, who worked in the laboratory of Robert Koch, had not remembered it. The same one who first isolated and cultivated, and then defeated anthrax and looked for ways to combat tuberculosis, typhoid and cholera.

As a matter of fact, Fanny was not a housewife. She helped her husband in the laboratory as a technologist, was a talented illustrator and drew bacteria. When Hesse and Koch failed to grow a colony of tuberculosis bacilli on gelatin (it was melting in the summer heat), she remembered that friends in Southeast Asia were using a seaweed extract called agar-agar instead.

Recommendations for using agar-agar

You can buy it in any form: tablets, plates, powder. The latter is the most convenient form to use. The product in this form is used in cooking to create confectionery products.

The use of gelatin depends on various factors:

  • To use agar in its natural form, dilute the powder in water. To obtain a fibrous structure, hold the product for 20 minutes, and for a gelatinous mass - 3 hours.
  • To get jelly from agar-agar, you need to dilute the powder in water, juice or broth, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Continue cooking for 5 minutes and then cool.

Depending on the structure of the final substance, the amount of powder varies. For 500 ml of liquid, for a soft consistency you will need 0.8 g of product, for a dense one - 5 g, and for a very dense one - 7 g of powder.

Vegan chocolate mousse recipe


  • dark chocolate (minimum 70%),
  • plant milk - 150 ml,
  • agar-agar - ½ tsp,
  • tofu - 300 g,
  • agave syrup - 65 ml.


Place the chocolate (broken into pieces), milk and agar in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat until the mixture begins to bubble. Add tofu and blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into small glasses or jars and chill in the refrigerator for at least one hour, serving with your favorite fruit.

How to take agar-agar for weight loss

The product is suitable as a weight loss product. But to use it, you need to know the rules for its preparation.

Attention! The most important thing to remember is that the dissolution temperature of the product in water is 80 degrees.

Gelatin powder must be dissolved in water, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for no more than two minutes.

It needs to be consumed when hot and very slowly. This product turns into a jelly state at a temperature of +45 C. Therefore, to get the maximum effect, you should consume it 20 minutes before the start of a meal.

general information

Agar is available in powdered or pressed into plates with a yellowish tint. The additive can only be dissolved in hot water – at a temperature of at least 95°C. When cooled, the water will gradually turn into a gel (jelly).

The additive is obtained through the extraction method. The raw material for E406 is certain red algae, which are mainly obtained in the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea.


  • general information
  • Receiving process
  • Calorie content
  • Areas of application
  • Effect on the body

In terms of chemical composition, it is worth noting the following components: mineral salts, water and polysaccharides. In percentage terms 4/15/80. With the help of this supplement, the human body also gets: folic acid, iodine, calcium and potassium.

The first description of agar was found in 1884, and was made public by the German microbiologist W. Hesse. The microbiologist used E406 as a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

The additive is practically not absorbed in the human body, and is actively eliminated naturally, taking with it all the waste and toxins. Thanks to this additive, a feeling of satiety is created, therefore, it is often used as a dietary supplement.

Today, there are two types of agar: the first (dark yellow or yellow powder) and the highest (light yellow, grayish or white powder).

Among the main properties of agar it is worth noting: a high level of gelation, significantly higher than that of carrageenan, pectin and gelatin; the ability to completely dissolve only in water with a temperature of ninety-five to one hundred degrees; forms a stable gel that can only melt at temperatures above 80°C; the gel, which is based on E406, does not interfere with the aromas and tastes of the main product; belongs to the category of low-calorie and vegetarian products.

Nutritionists recommend adding E406 to your diet, especially for people who are losing weight, people with gastrointestinal problems (coats the walls of the stomach, helping to cure gastritis, etc.).

Use of agar-agar in medicine

Agar-agar is widely used in medicine. He is capable of:

  • reduce stomach acidity;
  • control the amount of glucose and cholesterol in the body;
  • remove toxins, waste and bacteria;
  • saturate the body with all useful elements, including folates;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, the product is used to treat and prevent certain diseases:

  • Severe form of hemorrhoids. In this case, it is recommended to buy the product in the form of an emulsion or dragee. Dilute 1 teaspoon in 50 ml of water. You should drink before dinner.
  • Inflammation of internal organs. The powder has anti-inflammatory properties. It needs to be added ½ teaspoon to food.
  • Oncological diseases in women. In Japan, every girl uses this product daily for preventive purposes and for the treatment of breast cancer. It is recommended to add ½ coffee spoon to food.

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Why is agar more expensive than gelatin?

Agar-agar is synthesized from red and brown seaweed called gelidium, which grows at fairly great depths in certain conditions: they need a rocky bottom and cool water with abundant currents that bring oxygen. It is impossible to cultivate this algae; it is very expensive to obtain it using divers. As a result, they are simply collected on the shore after storms and sent for processing. At different times, the leaders in collecting gelidium were Japan and Portugal, but now Morocco and Spain are ahead of the rest of the planet.

The problem is that back in 2010, Morocco sharply reduced its gelidium harvest from 14,000 tons per year to 6,000 tons. And a little later it limited exports abroad to 1200 tons, and a shortage of agar began in the world. This is not very important for amateur cooks, since gelatin, pectin and carrageen exist, but it is important for scientists - microbiologists and bacteriologists. Only agar-agar is capable of creating special gels at room temperature that are used as nutrients for bacteria. Additionally, agarose, a component of agar, is used to make gels to separate DNA and protein molecules. Unfortunately, even carrageenan, which is also created from brown algae, cannot replace it.

How to use agar-agar in cosmetology

It has found its place in cosmetology. It is used to rejuvenate, maintain elasticity and beauty of the skin, as well as maintain healthy hair.

To make a face mask, you need to dissolve the powder in water and add crushed activated carbon. The resulting substance must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous structure. After this, place in the microwave for 15 minutes.

Then let it cool and you can apply it.

Advice! For best effect, apply the product to steamed facial skin.

The mask must be rubbed into the skin. After all the manipulations, leave it for 10-15 minutes until the mask dries.

Perform the procedure once or twice a week.

Areas of application

This additive is actively used in the food industry as a gelling agent. Can be used both in combination with other thickeners and independently. E406 is often used in:

  • confectionery production – filling for sweets, production of confitures, jams, jelly cakes, souffles, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade;
  • ice cream production;
  • sauce production - included in most mayonnaises;
  • in conservation as fillings;
  • as a clarifier for drinks;
  • as an inhibitor against the process of staling bakery products.

The additive can often be found in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. In medicine, agar is used as a natural and mild laxative.

In cosmetology, E406 is used in cosmetology as a thickener for creams, masks, and styling products. The additive stimulates hair growth, restoring the structure of each hair, and also helps to even out the tone of the skin, helps get rid of scars, abrasions and scratches.

How to dilute agar-agar correctly

Agar can be diluted perfectly both in water and in juice:

  • In water. A teaspoon of the product is added to a glass of cold drinking water and left to infuse for 20-25 minutes. Then the liquid should be brought to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 6 minutes until all lumps dissolve. You can add sugar and spices to the mixture to taste. Once the mixture is cooked, remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. After which you need to put it in the refrigerator to thicken.
  • In juice. Before adding the powder, the juice should be heated to 60-70 degrees, only then can agar-agar be added. It is necessary to mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. After this, put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Fruit jelly recipe


  • 7 g agar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • favorite fruits.

Cooking method

Mix the agar and water thoroughly and then cook for at least 10 minutes. Wash the fruit thoroughly, cut into pieces, place in bowls and pour the resulting “gel” onto them. Leave until it thickens.

Since "sea gelatin" is neutral in taste and smell, it is worth experimenting with other ingredients, such as vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, to create unusual combinations.

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