What is kinesiotherapy and when does it help?

Statistics show that more than 70% of the population of our planet suffers from back and joint pain. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are second only to cardiovascular pathologies in prevalence. Injuries and various diseases (inflammatory, infectious, degenerative-dystrophic) can provoke such problems.

Clinic for the treatment of spine and joints named after. ak. N.N. Burdenko provides high-quality medical care at an affordable price. We will help you get rid of pain and discomfort, increase flexibility, and return to an active life.

Basic concepts of kinesiotherapy

To understand what kinesiotherapy is, it is necessary to turn to the terminology, which is traditionally formed on a Greek-Latin basis. The term comes from a combination of 2 ancient Greek words: kinesis and therapy. The particle kinesis (Kinesis) means movement, so this word is literally translated into Russian as “healing with movement.”

Kinesitherapy (equally, in scientific and methodological sources there are also options: kinesitherapy and kinesitherapy) - what is it in medicine? This is a branch of physiotherapy. In Russia, the concept of “physical therapy” or exercise therapy for short is widely used to denote a direction.

Kinesitherapy is an independent practical discipline that resolves medical issues and should be distinguished from chiropractic techniques and other forms of alternative medicine. The treatment process is based on practical skills and theoretical knowledge about the mechanics of human movements. Kinesiology, a science that incorporates the experience of many areas of medicine, deals with a comprehensive study of motor function and the condition of muscles. In Russia, the founder of the movement treatment method is Doctor of Sciences Sergei Bubnovsky, professor, author of books and owner of patents in the field of medical technologies. Kinesiotherapy according to Bubnovsky in our country is recognized as the most effective and scientifically based method of treating injuries and pathologies arising in the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment methods

In most cases, the disease can be managed using conservative methods. Complex treatment of the spine and joints usually includes:

  • taking medications (analgesics, NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants, vitamin-mineral complexes);
  • therapeutic blockades - injections of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs into the site of inflammation;
  • use of local funds;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (electrical stimulation, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, shock wave therapy, ultrasound therapy);
  • reflexology;
  • physical therapy;
  • massage, manual techniques;
  • diet therapy;
  • use of orthopedic devices.

The orthopedist selects therapeutic measures for each patient individually, taking into account the diagnosis, stage of the disease, the patient’s age, his activity, and the presence of other diseases. They are aimed at relieving inflammation, eliminating pain, restoring blood circulation, and improving tissue nutrition.

If conservative therapy is ineffective, which happens in advanced cases, the doctor will recommend surgery. At our hospital, surgeons prefer minimally invasive operations. They minimally injure the body, promote rapid rehabilitation, and minimize the risk of developing postoperative complications.

The specialists of our clinic for the treatment of the spine use in their work classical techniques that have proven themselves, as well as innovative technologies that have proven their effectiveness. During the examination, they use modern equipment, which ensures highly accurate results. And many years of experience of doctors, combined with extensive knowledge, allows you to choose the optimal treatment that ensures a quick recovery. Make an appointment at the Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. ak. N.N. Burdenko and find out the cost of therapy by calling the numbers listed on the website.

How it works

The essence of the method becomes clear based on the very definition of the term “kinesitherapy”. The effective therapeutic factor is physical exercise - gymnastic programs, training on simulators, exercises performed with various devices (expanders, elastic balls, gymnastic sticks, dumbbells, etc.).

Treatment is based on the principle of activating nature’s internal reserves, which leads to a natural restoration of body functions. The effect is achieved through repeated adaptive load - its intensity and duration are dosed. According to Bubnovsky, only correct movement can heal, while incorrect movement can cripple. The methods used must have specificity of impact. A set of exercises is selected and prescribed to the patient individually in accordance with the treatment objectives.

The following must be taken into account: the causes and conditions for the occurrence of disorders, the mechanism of development of the pathological process, the clinical features of the disorder, the functional state of the patient, and the ability to perform the given work. To receive the expected help, you should carefully select a specialist.

Kinesiotherapist - who is he? This is a person with a higher medical education in the relevant profile - a practicing kinesiologist, kinesiotherapist, and rehabilitation trainer.

Kinesiotherapy by Dr. Bubnovsky is a treatment and rehabilitation program that does not require pain relief. The main advantage is that all movements performed are balanced and absolutely safe for injured joints, damaged tissues and the spine. This allows movement therapy to be carried out at home, rehabilitation centers and other institutions.

Basic requirements and rules:

  • regularity - long repetitions allow the formation of behavioral acts, which triggers correct (lost due to illness) behavioral reactions. Movements brought to the point of automaticity proceed smoothly, at a reflex level, and no longer require conscious efforts and expenditure of resources by the body;
  • correct execution (visuality and examples), availability of necessary equipment;
  • gradualism - from simple power actions to complex combinations;
  • special breathing - a therapeutic technique involves using 3 types of breathing simultaneously during training, which allows you to optimize energy consumption and save energy. The thoracic and clavicular types are involved (shallow breathing), abdominal type (with the least muscular effort, maximum oxygen enters the lungs);
  • control - supervision by a specialist is necessary to monitor all stages of treatment, the dynamics of functional restoration, so that it is possible to adjust the scheme or change the load. A psychological approach to the patient is also important, giving him confidence in his own abilities and the ability to control the processes in his body.

Kinesiotherapy in veterinary practice


(kinesitherapy) - treatment with the help of movement (cinesis - movement), a generalized name for various rehabilitation methods, which consist in performing specific exercises for animals aimed at forming correct movement patterns, restoring proprioception, strengthening muscles, training balance, endurance, accuracy of movements.

The equipment for performing therapeutic exercises is varied and includes: fitballs of various shapes; cavaletti; balancing blocks and disks; balancing boards; tunnels; various weighting agents. However, in general, kinesiotherapy does not require complex expensive equipment and is as accessible as possible.

All therapeutic exercises are designed to solve specific problems and correct individual musculoskeletal disorders. There are no exercises - standards, the implementation of which can be described in detail. Each case, each animal is very individual, and the primary task of the rehabilitation doctor and instructor is to develop an approach and the necessary set of exercises for a particular patient.

Physical exercise should not cause discomfort or pain in the animal; the load should be moderate and controlled - this is one of the basic principles of successful movement therapy.

Kinesiotherapy is divided into the following types according to the type of movements performed by the patient and the rehabilitation physician:

  • passive (PROM);
  • active:
  • with outside help;
  • active with resistance;
  • active free.

It is recommended to start rehabilitation as early as possible, in the first hours and days after surgery. Kinesiotherapy is a method that helps prevent the degradation of muscle mass, ligaments and joints, problems that seriously affect the effectiveness of rehabilitation in general.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of kinesiotherapy, the main ones being unstabilized dislocations and fractures, severe pain, that is, problems that need to be solved surgically. For early rehabilitation, passive kinesiotherapy, or passive mobilization, is used.

Passive mobilization

(PROM) is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of joints and ligaments without significant muscle contraction, by moving bone structures relative to the joint using external force applied by a rehabilitation therapist.

This is the most relevant technique for use in the first hours and days after surgery or the occurrence of a neurological disorder. Passive mobilization is indicated for animals that have contraindications to active exercise, or those that cannot yet perform productive movements.

In addition, passive movements in the joints help the patient relax, make it easier for the dog to take the desired position, and help build trust in the hands, which is important for animals that have experienced pain or painful manipulations.

Passive mobilization helps:

  • maintain (or re-develop) joint mobility (including by enhancing the production and diffusion of synovial fluid);
  • increase blood supply;
  • prevent the development of contractures and pathological shortening of muscles;
  • reduce the formation of edema;
  • reduce the risk of bedsores;
  • increase serotonin production;
  • prepare the patient for active exercises (including sometimes used for overly active or nervous animals to calm and relax).

The physiotherapist performs flexion and extension (as well as abduction and adduction) of all joints of the injured or paralyzed limb in turn.

One type of passive mobilization is stretching, an exercise in which pressure is applied at the end of abduction or adduction, as well as flexion or extension.

Active kinesiotherapy

is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of joints and ligaments through active muscle contraction. Depending on the patient’s condition and the stage of his rehabilitation, active kinesiotherapy can be either with external assistance or free, in some cases additional resistance is used. Kinesiotherapy is used not only to restore animals in need of physical rehabilitation, but also to maintain and develop physical fitness in show, sports or working animals.

Assisted kinesiotherapy is used in cases where the patient's free movement can cause muscle hypertonia, reducing range of motion, and for patients with unrecovered motor function who need additional support. This can be both exercises in water and in the air, with a standing or moving animal, the main difference is that the rehabilitator helps the patient maintain the correct position in space and perform the correct movements. For support, both the doctor’s hands and additional devices can be used - walkers, strollers, supports.

Additional support is also used during exercises on fitballs and balance boards - animals are helped to maintain correct balance, re-taught to stand in a quadripedal (anatomical, supported by four limbs) position.

Kinesiotherapy with outside help is an intermediate stage between passive and active kinesiotherapy, during which the animal relearns how to maintain the correct position in space, how to balance correctly, and gradually begins to perform exercises without external support. As motor function is restored, balance balls can be used as support to make proper movements a little easier for the animal. You can gradually make the exercises more difficult by using additional bars or balls to transfer weight to the desired part of the body.

When performing assisted exercises, it is very important to dose the load correctly and carefully monitor the patient’s condition. All exercises should be started with a minimum load, which depends on the patient’s condition, including before injury. If the load is too great the first time, this will lead to regression, as the animal may experience pain and discomfort due to excessive tension.

Active joint movement is achieved during normal walking. However, joint movement is limited, especially in animals with chronic osteoarthritis, as well as in animals with severe muscle tissue atrophy. To develop correct, full movement in such animals, there are a number of special techniques that increase the range of motion of the joints. The most popular exercises are in the aquatic environment - water creates additional resistance, forcing the animal to perform movements with an exaggerated amplitude, and at the same time reduces the weight load on the joints. Additional weighting agents may also be used.

The following techniques are used both in the field of rehabilitation and recovery, and for healthy animals - preparation for exhibitions, improvement of physical fitness. A separate area is training with obese animals.

Exercises on fitballs and balancing disks

– exercises on special devices – elastic balls, which, depending on the task, can be large, small, round, bean-shaped (this shape is more often used for animals than round fitballs), with spikes or smooth.

The use of fitballs and balancing discs is primarily necessary for athletic dogs, especially those actively involved in jumping sports - agility, Frisbee. For such dogs, the likelihood of injuries and sprains of joints and ligaments increases. Exercises on fitballs allow you to:

  • improve stretching;
  • maintain muscle tone;
  • improve coordination;
  • train your sense of balance.


(Italian cavaletti) - an obstacle in the form of a series of parallel posts with adjustable height. This technique is also successfully used both in rehabilitation and for healthy show animals.

One of the most important indicators for show dogs is a beautiful gait. The basis of correct movement is a number of indicators, all of these indicators are trained using cavaletti:

  • increased reach of limbs;
  • increasing the height of paw lift;
  • development of a uniform rhythm;
  • increased push by the pelvic limbs;
  • firmness and precision of attack.


– this is a sports trainer primarily for healthy dogs that need to develop a beautiful gait, dry out their muscles or get sufficient physical activity (especially important for working and hunting breeds of dogs living in a city apartment with a lack of exercise). However, in some cases (when dogs have contraindications to exercise on a water treadmill or at a stage when the load needs to be increased), it can be used in rehabilitation.

All of the above methods are used to solve the following problems:

  • painless improvement in active range of motion;
  • increased muscle mass and strength;
  • restoration of proprioception;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • weight loss;
  • reduction of lameness and restoration of full range of motion;
  • increasing aerobic capacity (cardiovascular stability);
  • increasing the efficiency of daily activities;
  • preventing recurrent lesions.

The main thing when practicing kinesiotherapy, as mentioned above, is the absence of pain during any exercise. To achieve this, it is necessary, among other things, to choose the right set of exercises for a specific patient. However, owners can practice according to the recommendations at home - this method does not require expensive additional equipment.

(c) Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of animals “Zoostatus”. Varshavskoe highway, 125 building 1. tel.
8 (499) 372-27-37

Kinesitherapy methods

A kinesiotherapist has a whole arsenal of techniques at his disposal. There are 2 directions:

  1. Passive kinesiotherapy does not involve direct activity of the patient; recovery is carried out exclusively by a specialist. This can be manual manipulation: all kinds of massage, a kinesionics session, or with the help of specially designed programmed devices and mechanical devices: electromagnetic stimulation, the use of mechanotherapeutic devices with fixed levers, electric exercise machines, a traction table for stretching the spinal column. During kinesiotherapy of the spine without the participation of the patient, an underwater variation of traction and the use of weights are also practiced.
  2. Active kinesiotherapy involves the active participation of the patient himself. This includes therapeutic exercises, special walking, sessions on active therapeutic devices, and training with free weights. Children are recommended to undergo kinesiotherapy in the form of outdoor games.

The main goal of kinesiotherapy is to gradually increase the body’s adaptive capabilities. Therefore, artificially facilitated conditions (passive methods, exercises in water, supporting devices, etc.) will not contribute to a speedy recovery.

Strength kinesitherapy - individually selected (close to the limit for the current condition), gradually increasing load, is considered more effective. It is carried out under the supervision of a trainer, most often in a special room.

The peculiarity of this type of strength training is:

  • inclusion in the complex of isolated exercises that allow you to qualitatively work out all the muscles of the group (impact on the external muscles and deep muscles);
  • using dynamic stretches consisting of controlled springing movements through a range of possibilities. They are selected depending on the diagnosis and are designed to improve the trophism of the intervertebral discs and relieve the load on the lower back;
  • ensuring muscle relaxation after tension of even low intensity, which is close to the natural regime.

These principles are especially important for the prevention of complications of osteochondrosis.

Kinesiotherapy for a child - what is it: this method of influence helps to treat a disease (impaired posture, cerebral palsy, polyneuropathy, etc.) and has an additional effect, expressed in the following:

  • communication in groups with other children, overcoming psychological barriers;
  • teaching proper breathing;
  • the habit of adequate physical activity, development of endurance, coordination of movements;
  • switching, directing motor activity in the right direction;
  • formation of a conscious attitude towards one’s strengths;
  • adaptation to the social environment, living conditions;
  • positive motivation for improvement, the opportunity to see changes, evaluate the results of your work.


Kinesiotherapy - the name comes from Kinezio (movement) + Therapy - “treatment”, or treatment through movement. Kinesiotherapy is the general name for physical rehabilitation techniques that involve performing active and passive movements on animals and certain therapeutic gymnastics exercises, with the help of which a specific therapeutic result is achieved.

The objectives of kinesiotherapy are to counteract the harmful effects of physical inactivity (inactivity), which not only increases the risk of developing many diseases, but also complicates their course; adaptation of patients to dosed physical activity and maintenance of their physical activity; restoration (partial or complete) of impaired body functions.

Kinesiotherapy allows not only to increase the overall stability of the body and its adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions, but also to restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system, develop the correct movement pattern, restore proprioception, strengthen muscles, as well as increase endurance, accuracy of movements, and improve balance.

Physical activity is the safest and most natural treatment method for the body. The impact of muscle movement on the entire body is multifaceted: stimulation of the processes of growth and development of the body, activation of the nervous and endocrine systems, increased vascular tone, strengthening of the protective functions of the body, improved blood circulation, improved nutrition and gas exchange in tissues.

Specialized expensive equipment is not required for this method of physiotherapy, but it is important to have a specialist who understands and knows the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of body processes.

Our department presents the basic equipment used to perform therapeutic exercises:

— fitballs of various shapes and sizes;

— balancing disks and blocks;

— various weights, massage mats and hemispheres.

The variety of therapeutic exercises that can be used in this area are designed to solve specific problems and correct individual disorders of the musculoskeletal system. There are no specific exercises for specific pathologies that can be clearly described. Each patient, his pathology, his character are individual. The task of the rehabilitation doctor is to select the necessary program and develop a set of exercises aimed at a specific disease, a specific patient.

Physical exercise should not cause discomfort or pain in the animal; the load should be moderate and controlled - this is one of the basic principles of successful movement therapy.

The rehabilitation program should begin as early as possible, in the first hours and days after surgery. Kinesiotherapy is a method that helps prevent degeneration of muscle mass, ligaments and joints, problems that seriously affect the effectiveness of rehabilitation in general.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of kinesiotherapy. The most common are unstabilized dislocations and fractures that require surgical treatment, as well as severe pain when performing exercises. For early postoperative rehabilitation, passive kinesiotherapy, or passive mobilization, is used.

The following types of kinesiotherapy are distinguished:

  • Passive (PROM).
  • Active: - with outside help. - active with resistance. - active free.

Passive mobilization (PROM) is a set of passive movements aimed at improving mobility in the main parts of the musculoskeletal system without active muscle contraction. It is performed using external force applied by a rehabilitation therapist.

This technique should be used as early as possible, in the first hours and days after surgery or the onset of neurological pathology. Passive mobilization is indicated for animals that have contraindications to active exercise, or those that cannot yet perform productive movements.

Also, passive movements in the joints and ligaments help the patient relax and make it easier for the animal to take the desired position.

Passive mobilization helps:

  • Improve joint mobility;
  • Strengthen blood supply;
  • Prevent the development of contractures and pathological shortening of muscles;
  • Reduce the formation of edema;
  • Reduce the risk of bedsores;
  • Prepare the patient for active exercises.

Active kinesiotherapy is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of joints and ligaments through active muscle contraction.

This technique involves the active and conscious participation of the patient in the treatment, who performs volitional movements. This includes all types of active physical exercise, walking, as one of the most automated skills, and performing basic and more complex commands.

Depending on the physical condition of the patient, active kinesiotherapy can be either with external assistance or independent, in some cases additional resistance is used.

Kinesiotherapy is also used to maintain and develop physical fitness in sports and show animals. Assisted kinesiotherapy is used for patients whose motor function has not yet recovered and who require additional support. Classes can be conducted in water or on land, with a standing or moving animal, the main difference is that a rehabilitation therapist or instructor helps the patient maintain the correct position in space and perform the correct movements. For support, any additional devices can be used - walkers, strollers, supports, as well as the doctor’s hands.

Exercises on fitballs and balancing discs are used both in the field of rehabilitation and recovery, and for healthy animals in preparation for exhibitions or to improve physical fitness. Classes are conducted with the help of special devices - elastic balls, which, depending on the tasks, can be large, small, round, bean-shaped (this shape is more often used for animals than round fitballs), with spikes or smooth.

The use of fitballs and balance discs is primarily necessary for athletic and working dogs that participate in sharp, jumping sports such as agility, dog frisbee or flyball. When practicing these sports, the likelihood of injury, as well as sprains of joints and ligaments, increases.

Exercises in the gym using fitballs allow you to:

  • improve coordination;
  • maintain muscle tone;
  • improve stretching;
  • train your sense of balance.

Cavaletti - Translated from Italian, Cavaletti means “small obstacles” and is a set of 4 to 18 small parallel poles with adjustable height. This training method came to rehabilitation from equestrian sports, where it is used to prepare horses, form the required stride width, balance movement, develop muscles and coordination. It is also successfully used for healthy, show dogs for whom a beautiful gait is important.

The dog, consistently stepping over the poles, forms the correct set of paws, a strong topline, strengthens the push of the hind limbs and lengthens the stride. Moreover, cavaletti training is a very useful physical exercise that develops coordination, flexibility, mobility and ensures the development of the main muscle groups of the animal.

Cavaletti training develops confidence and helps keep the dog focused on work. Repeated repetitions develop muscle memory and the correct rhythm of movement. Cavalletti encourages the dog to move in a balanced manner, significantly strengthens the back and makes the movements of the limbs clearer and more energetic.

A treadmill is primarily a sports machine for healthy dogs. For show animals on the track, it is possible to put on a beautiful gait and dry out their muscles, for athletic dogs to get sufficient physical activity, this is especially true for active, hunting or working dogs living in apartment conditions, with insufficient quantity and quality of walking. It can also be used in the rehabilitation of patients if there are contraindications to exercise on a water treadmill or if it is necessary to increase the load.

To achieve success in kinesiotherapy classes, painless exercises are very important! To achieve this, it is necessary to correctly select a set of exercises for a patient with a specific disease or limitation. The exercises and movements performed are monitored by specialists, but owners can practice according to the recommendations at home - this method does not require expensive additional equipment.

The service is provided by appointment only! The instructor works with each animal individually. You can get detailed advice and make an appointment with a rehabilitation specialist by calling +7 (495) 995-50-30,

Positive effects

As a result of completing a course of kinesitherapy, a number of positive changes occur:

  • deep study of muscles (especially problem areas) is ensured, they are toned, the ligamentous apparatus is developed;
  • vicious motor stereotypes are destroyed;
  • the development of pathologies associated with atrophy, age-related weakening of muscle functions, and loss of muscle mass is blocked;
  • metabolic processes improve, structures receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen;
  • pain is relieved, spasms are relieved, elasticity, stretchability, and plasticity of muscles are increased, and the risk of injury is reduced;
  • the inflow and outflow of blood, the innervation of skeletal muscles and spinal tissues, and the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system are normalized;
  • activity and physical performance increase, the body adapts to everyday normal life.

Exercises at home

The home training program meets a person’s need to lead a healthy lifestyle and helps restore impaired functions. The specialist develops health-improving exercises (after examination and diagnosis) both for the whole body and for individual parts: feet, knees, hip joints, back, abdominal muscles, and other organs.

More than 100 exercises according to Bubnovsky are known. The treatment complex usually consists of 3 parts: introductory (warm-up), main exercises (functional and dynamic, 10-30 repetitions) and final part (relaxation).

>Important rule: To use all the muscles, 75% of the exercises (basic operations) should be repeated, 25% can be new, changing.

Adaptive joint gymnastics usually includes:

  • circular rotations with straight arms;
  • bending forward to reach your fingers to the floor or to the sides, or sliding your hand along the side of the body;
  • standing straight, pulling the knee to the stomach with the help of hands;
  • kneeling, squatting on your heels (it is permissible to place a bolster);
  • push-ups (can be done from your knees) from the floor, edge of the sofa, or other object;
  • various bending of the legs at the knee from a lying position;
  • “tail wagging”, standing on all fours, crawling;
  • walking on the buttocks.

Kinesiotherapy as a method of rehabilitation after stroke is designed to solve the following problems:

  • train fine motor skills (fine movements of the limbs);
  • prevent the formation of bedsores;
  • prevent muscles from stiffening;
  • fight excessive muscle tension;
  • improve microcirculation in tissues.

Indications and contraindications

The area of ​​application is wide; kinesiotherapy is prescribed to children and adults. A visit to a kinesitherapist should be planned for a person with problems in the field of orthopedics, neurology, traumatology - what exactly does he treat and in what cases does he help:

  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • spinal dorsopathy, dorsalgia;
  • separate types of arthrosis – gonarthrosis 1, 2 stages, coxarthrosis, glenohumeral;
  • osteochondrosis, instability of the lumbar vertebrae;
  • various types of polyneuropathies;
  • diseases characterized by paresis, paralysis;
  • vicious posture, scoliosis, flat feet;
  • pain in joints and muscles of various localizations;
  • period after joint surgery.

Absolute contraindications (due to the high risk of negative consequences) for treatment include:

  • malignant tumors;
  • hemorrhage;
  • pre-infarction condition, pre-stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fresh bone fractures.

Temporary conditions in which kinesiotherapy may be unsafe are:

  • early (less than 2-3 weeks) postoperative period;
  • ankylosis that appeared after injury;
  • rupture of tendons, muscle fibers;
  • neoplasms on the spine, joints;
  • diseases in the stage of decompensation.

In all cases, the question of the advisability of using kinesitherapy should be decided by a doctor.

Materials on rehabilitation programs in kinesitherapy


Basic rules and principles for the implementation of therapeutic actions aimed at rehabilitation and remodeling of lost or damaged functions, organs and systems of a person (S.M. Bubnovsky, Moscow)


1. Experience in preparation for surgery and rehabilitation after THA (E.Yu. Khramova, Center-Sochi)

2. Experience in preparation and rehabilitation after THA (A.U. Musainova, Center-Aktobe)

3. Preoperative preparation and rehabilitation after THA (G.Sh. Gridneva, Center-Leninogorsk)

4. Clinical case of patient rehabilitation after THA (A.A. Ospanov, Center-Astana)

5. Rehabilitation after corrective osteotomy of the hip joint (E.V., Kopylova, Center-Voronezh)


1. Experience of rehabilitation programs after operations on the knee joint (B.Zh. Sarzhanov, Center-Astana)

2. Clinical case of rehabilitation after bilateral TKA (A.E. Zhdanov, Center-Astana)

3. Experience in preparation for TKA and rehabilitation after (N.A. Guseva, Center-Naberezhnye Chelny)


1. Experience in the rehabilitation of a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta (S.A. Drobzhev, Center-Krasnodar)

2. Experience in the field of rehabilitation with people with disabilities (O.F. Rusinova, Center-Sochi)

3. Application of S.M. Bubnovsky’s technique together with hardware traction in the treatment of post-traumatic contracture of the elbow joint (A.I. Baranov, Center-Vladimir)

4. A case from the clinical practice of the Primorsky Center for Rehabilitation and Kinesitherapy (M.V. Bykova, Center-Vladivostok)

5. Possibilities of rehabilitation of patients who have undergone a cerebral insult using the method of modern kinesitherapy (S.V. Akimov, Center-Krasnodar)

6. Interesting clinical cases from the practice of the Center of Dr. Bubnovsky (G.N. Astafieva)

7. Methodological approaches to restoring walking functions in modern kinesitherapy for various neurological pathologies (T.Yu. Korchagina, Center-Rostov-on-Don)

8. Rehabilitation after compression fracture of the spine (I.I. Aksenova, M.V. Kharchenkova)

9. Experience in using shockwave therapy in the rehabilitation of a patient after a spinal injury (L.K. Kargaeva, Center-Vladikavkaz)

10. “AERO-boxing” - a circular flow method when working with athletes of the highest achievements (A. Podkopaev, Center-Anapa)


1. Shock wave therapy (SWT) in kinesitherapy

1.1. Analysis of the experience of using UVT when working with OBNChS and BNChS (V.S. Evstropov, M.V. Kharchenkova, Center-Moscow-Kashirka)

1.2. Shock wave kinesitherapy as an auxiliary technology for recovery (L.S. Bubnovskaya, D.G. Bobkov, Center-Moscow-Sokolniki)

2. Cryotherapy in kinesitherapy

2.1. Experience in using local cryotherapy with biofeedback in kinesitherapy (S.V. Akimov, Center-Krasnodar)

2.2. General aerocryotherapy as an auxiliary technology in combination with modern kinesitherapy by S.M. Bubnovsky (A.M. Kharchenkov, Center-Moscow-Kashirka)

3. The use of drugs based on dehydrated Moral blood in kinesitherapy practice (Matyukhin B.P.)


4.1. Standards for the application of the “Partern Gymnastics” program (S.M. Bubnovsky, L.S. Bubnovskaya, Center-Moscow-Sokolniki)

2. Health and preventive program “Kinesilite” (S.M. Bubnovsky, Center-Moscow-Sokolniki)

3. Health prevention program “AERO-MTB” (S.M. Bubnovsky, L.S. Bubnovskaya, Center-Moscow-Belorusskaya)

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