Diffuse osteoporosis: how to identify and what to fight with?

Diffuse osteoporosis is a severe lesion of the spinal column and all bone tissue. The disease is not curable; it can only be contained with certain techniques and special medications. Since the disorder affects all bones, it is important to pay attention to the symptoms of osteoporosis and its diffuse stage in time.

Diffuse osteoporosis

Features and causes of the violation

Diffuse osteoporosis is a complex incurable disease that affects skeletal bones. In the presence of this disease, the total mass of bone tissue decreases. Usually the disorder forms in the spinal column, but with its complications it affects the entire skeleton of the patient.

When diffuse osteoporosis appears in patients, bone density decreases several times, which can lead to bone fracture.

After 65 years of age, osteoporosis should be regularly prevented.

The etiology of the disease is varied. The main causes of the problem are the following.

  1. Patient age after 60-65 years.
  2. Excessive consumption of coffee and caffeine-containing products.
  3. Nicotine addiction and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Long courses of steroids, diuretics and medications needed to stop seizures.
  5. Insufficient levels of minerals, calcium and vitamin D.
  6. Changes in hormonal levels, including during pregnancy, menopause and diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Insufficient metabolic rate.
  8. Very low body weight, especially against the background of improper and low-calorie nutrition.
  9. The patient is short.
  10. The presence of malignant neoplasms in any system of the body.

More details about the disease can be found in the video.

Video - Symptoms of osteoporosis

Attention! Most often, this type of osteoporosis affects female patients, usually after menopause. In men, the symptoms of the disorder are usually associated with severe damage to the endocrine system and the presence of malignant tumors in the body.

Osteoporosis has a direct impact on posture


Preventive measures taken to prevent the development of osteoporosis imply changing the usual lifestyle:

  • You should completely give up smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • follow a certain diet for a long period;
  • visit specialists (endocrinologist, neurologist, traumatologist, etc.) and get tested at least once every 12 months;
  • transition from heavy physical activity to lighter ones: running, race walking, swimming and others;
  • wearing comfortable shoes: women should avoid high, uncomfortable heels;
  • normalize body weight if you are overweight to reduce the load on the spine and bones;
  • wearing special corsets during long walking and physical activity;
  • arrange your home in such a way as to reduce the risk of injury: slipping in the bathroom, tripping on the carpet, hitting a sharp corner of a table, etc.

Diffuse osteoporosis is very insidious with its complications, because they can chain a person to bed forever. Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent serious diseases.

Main types of osteoporosis

The diffuse stage of the disorder is practically the final form of development of the disorder. In addition, doctors identify several other types of osteoporosis:

  1. Collar osteochondrosis . The development of the disease is affected by prolonged immobilization. Dysfunction of metabolic processes in the bone apparatus can also contribute to this disease.
  2. Patchy osteoporosis . With such a lesion, skeletal tissue is destroyed in several areas. Typically, a disease of this type is formed due to the spread of severe infectious lesions of streptococcal and gonococcal nature in the body. Often spotted osteoporosis occurs in patients with extensive burns and phlegmon.
  3. Homogeneous osteoporosis . This type includes the disease of the uniform, vitreous and diffuse types. The disease is formed in the presence of chronic infections in the body, including tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

An example of a diseased bone due to osteoporosis

Attention! Conventionally, such types of diseases as postmenopausal, formed in women after 55 years, and senile, diagnosed after 70 years, are also distinguished.

Hormonal imbalances

Osteoporosis has a direct connection with hormonal levels, so the disease is often included in the list of endocrine pathologies. Factors that provoke fragility of guests due to hormonal imbalances include:

  • thyroid hormone therapy for thyroid disease;
  • ovarian dysfunction, leading to decreased production of sex hormones;
  • chemotherapy for certain cancers

Osteoporosis often develops in patients with hyperfunction of the adrenal glands. Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

The bulk of nutrients are absorbed in the intestines. If this process is disrupted for any reason, a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other components vital for the body occurs. Digestive disorders provoke the development of many chronic diseases that negatively affect the condition of bone tissue.

Symptoms of diffuse osteoporosis

Usually the disease does not produce any symptoms for a long time, which makes timely diagnosis difficult. In most cases, the disorder is detected in the event of injury or during a random examination.

The existing symptoms of osteoporosis are rarely taken as serious, but they may indicate the presence of other disorders in the body.

  1. A slight decrease in height, in severe cases it becomes pronounced, as the patient loses more than 5 cm.
  2. Formation of a hump due to weakness of the spinal column.
  3. Incorrect posture and constant pain in the spine.
  4. Deformation of bone tissue and ribs in the chest.
  5. Smoothing the waistline.
  6. Loss of physical fitness, which negatively affects the patient's performance.
  7. Increased fatigue.

Eating calcium-containing foods protects against osteoporosis

Attention! Gradually, the patient develops symptoms such as severe swelling, impaired joint mobility and leg cramps.


A blood test is the first diagnostic method for suspected osteoporosis. The doctor pays attention to such indicators as the specific gravity of total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, DPID (a hormone that is a marker of bone resorption), osteocalcin. Deviations from the norm are a reason for prescribing in-depth diagnostics.

Loss of up to 30% of bone tissue is an invisible, often asymptomatic process. Therefore, it is important after 40 years to be examined by an endocrinologist for early detection of pathology.

Features of the treatment of diffuse osteoporosis

The disease is treated by an endocrinologist, neurologist and rheumatologist. A specialist is appointed taking into account the cause of the violation. In the presence of diffuse osteoporosis, a large complex of medications is prescribed:

  • eliminating inflammation and pain;
  • eliminating swelling and stiffness of the joint apparatus;
  • restoring calcium and vitamin D levels;
  • stimulating the work of osteoblasts;
  • preventing bone tissue degeneration;
  • highly specialized medications to eliminate problems with the endocrine system, neoplasms and other body systems.

Back pain is a common sign of osteoporosis

At the same time, massage sessions are carried out, and the most gentle complex of physical therapy is selected. It is important to normalize proper nutrition, which includes a large amount of dairy products with a high calcium content.

Attention! Only properly carried out treatment, which will include a whole range of drugs, will help contain the destruction and prevent disability. In other cases, destruction always leads to disability.

More about body weight

Excess weight is the cause of many age-related diseases, since obesity leads to persistent metabolic disorders. However, osteoporosis is an exception to the generally accepted pattern. The lower the body mass index, the higher the risk of changes in bone structure and fractures. This phenomenon has a completely logical justification. In obese people with a large layer of adipose tissue, female hormones (estrogens) are more actively produced, which are involved in the synthesis of osteoblasts and thus protect bones and joints from pathological changes. The fat layer puts pressure on the skeleton, promoting compaction of bone tissue, and in the event of an accidental fall, the fat acts as a shock-absorbing cushion.

However, this state of affairs should in no case serve as an incentive to gain extra pounds. Obesity provokes diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the vascular system and many other pathologies that are difficult to treat. Without completely getting rid of the main problem, you will acquire a lot of other ailments.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


For osteoporosis, the medication is used in tablets and solution for injection. Injections are required only for the first 2-3 days during the exacerbation period, after which the patient is transferred to enteral treatment. The solution is injected deep into the muscle in an amount of 7.5-15 mg of the active ingredient. Injections are given strictly once a day.

The drug Movalis in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration

The tablets are taken at an individually selected time, strictly during meals, since the active substance can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. The dose is 7.5 mg also once a day. If necessary, the amount of Movalis is increased to 15 mg and reduced after achieving an adequate result.


The medication is also available in the form of injections and oral tablets. Treatment involves intramuscular administration of 7.5-15 mg of Revmoxicam in the morning. The drug is administered strictly once a day and no more than three days in a row. After an acute attack of osteoporosis is relieved, tablets are taken with meals at a dose of 7.5-15 mg. The tablets are taken daily in an individually selected course.

The drug Revmoxicam in tablets


A classic anti-inflammatory, taken during an exacerbation of the disease. Take the medication in the form of tablets at a dose of 75 mg of Diclofenac. For severe pain, treatment can be prescribed with injections, which are given intramuscularly. The dosage is also 75 mg daily. The duration of treatment is always negotiated separately for each patient.

Anti-inflammatory drug Diclofenac

Attention! Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to patients with diffuse osteoporosis at any stage of development.

Porosity of bone tissue is the main sign of osteoporosis on x-ray


What are the main methods for diagnosing osteoporosis? urine and blood analysis, as well as hardware examinations: densitometry, radiography, bone biopsy, MRI.

The most informative and simple way to diagnose the disease is ultrasound densitometry. The diagnosis is based on the speed of propagation of ultrasound waves in bone tissue. The wave overcomes denser structures faster. The examination data is displayed on the computer screen, then the indicators are compared with the physiological norm. The diagnostic process takes no more than three minutes, and a conclusion is issued immediately after the end of the session. The results data are stored in the memory of the electronic database, so it is advisable to carry out repeated diagnostics (after treatment) at the site of the initial examination. The doctor will evaluate the effectiveness of therapy based on the condition of the bone tissue, comparing the results. Modern devices record bone loss in osteoporosis within one percent.

Preventive densitometry is indicated for women over 45 years of age, and for men after 50 years of age. The basis for prescribing an examination is hormonal disorders associated with the malfunction of the gonads. You should immediately undergo a hardware examination in the following cases:

  • with a minor traumatic impact, a bone fracture occurs;
  • the patient underwent long-term treatment using hormonal, anticonvulsant, drugs, anticoagulants and diuretics;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the parathyroid glands were detected.

Doctors recommend that all elderly people, men and women over 70 years old, sign up for an examination, even in the absence of unpleasant symptoms. The disease is extremely insidious and very common, but it can be stabilized in the early stages by blocking the process of bone destruction.

Drugs against bone destruction


The drug has a positive effect on bone tissue, producing new cells and stopping bone destruction. At the same time, there is a positive effect on joint tissue and intervertebral discs. The duration of taking Osteochin is at least six months; for diffuse type osteoporosis, the drug is usually prescribed for a course of at least two to three years. The dose of the medication is 200 mg three times a day after meals.

Osteochin has a positive effect on bone tissue, producing new cells


The drug is released in the form of a nasal spray. For osteoporosis, you need to take 200 IU/day. To get the maximum effect, it is recommended to take individually selected doses of calcium and vitamin D at the same time as Miacalcic. The duration of the course is long, determined and reviewed by a doctor every six months.

How to diagnose

To determine the presence of the disease, the doctor conducts an examination at the initial appointment. The patient is asked about presenting symptoms. After the examination, a preliminary diagnosis is made. For a more accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an x-ray and laboratory tests. The most effective way to determine the disease is densitometry. X-ray examination reveals:

  • transparency of the vertebrae;
  • changes in the skeletal system and skeleton;
  • vertebral deformity.

In addition, the patient is referred to:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • analysis that determines the level of calcium, fluoride and magnesium.

The disease often occurs without symptoms. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose it in the initial stages.

Drugs for bone regeneration and osteoblast growth


The drug stimulates the growth of bone tissue. For treatment, it is necessary to select individual doses of the drug. Ossin is recommended to be taken in an amount of 40 mg in the morning and evening. The course of taking the drug is at least four years. To prevent diffuse osteoporosis, it is recommended to take 40 mg daily for four years.


In addition to bone tissue regeneration, the drug helps eliminate cramps, strengthen muscle tissue and reduce pain. Teriparatide should be administered subcutaneously into the thigh or abdominal area. The dosage of the medication is 20 mcg once a day. The maximum duration of the course is one and a half years.

A healthy lifestyle helps control the disorder

Attention! Medicines for bone tissue regeneration and osteoblast growth slow down the destruction of the skeleton several times. They should be taken with the permission of a doctor and in a strictly selected course.

Secondary form

Secondary osteoporosis, which occurs in 15% of cases out of the total number of diagnoses, is a consequence of one or more serious diseases or long-term therapy using a certain number of medications. In medicine, there are several types of pathological conditions leading to the development of the disease:

  • genetic disorders;
  • dysfunction of the gonads;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • deficiency or excess of vitamins, microelements;
  • eating disorders;
  • diseases of the blood organs;
  • other violations.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that causes osteoporosis.


Consultation with a doctor on the treatment of osteoporosis of the footFrom 500 rub.
First treatment cycle (12 sessions)From 6,500 rub.
Second treatment cycle (12 sessions)From 5,900 rub.
One lessonFrom 700 rub.
Foot massageFrom 250 rub.
Simple zonal tapingFrom 500 rub.
Combined zonal tapingFrom 800 rub.

Based on the results of the consultation, diagnosis and/or treatment will be prescribed.
*Prices in different regions may vary; current information on the cost of services can be obtained from the center manager.

Reviews about


If I had the opportunity to go back a few years and give myself advice, I would say: Sveta, throw away your heels. These shoes are beautiful and expensive, but incredibly uncomfortable and narrow. The result was osteoporosis of the foot, so I began treatment. At first I took pills, then I realized that it was useless and took it more seriously here in the center. I see the result.



I have already had my back treated at this center, and it’s time to treat osteoporosis of the foot. The doctor says. I applied just in time; another couple of years and the pain would have been unbearable. But it’s not like playing sports; it’s impossible to put on boots. The staff and doctors worked at the highest level. Thank you!

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