Hormone replacement therapy patch is safer than pills

All wounds, regardless of their origin, must be protected from dirt, dust, friction and other types of external influences. Untimely treatment and lack of regular dressings are fraught with suppuration and the development of secondary infection. This is especially true for open wounds. Medical product manufacturers produce a wide range of wound healing patches. These are, for the most part, hypoallergenic bactericidal products in the form of strips with adhesive edges or liquid formulations.

A classic wound patch is a porous strip with an adhesive base, in the center of which there is a gauze pad with antiseptic (bactericidal) impregnation. Depending on the company, silver ions, analgesics, helium, herbal extracts and wax are used as impregnation.

A hypoallergenic adhesive plaster for wounds is similar in its characteristics to a bactericidal one, but the gauze area is impregnated with compounds that prevent the appearance of irritation and rashes on the skin. Suitable for particularly sensitive skin, children and people prone to allergic reactions.

According to their purpose, all products are divided into:

  • postoperative healing sutures;
  • fixing the edges of wounds;
  • from purulent wounds and burns;
  • from corns and calluses;
  • for resorption of scars;
  • fixing medical bandages.

Correct application of wound plaster

The use of medical plaster for wounds is possible both at home and in medical institutions and does not require specific knowledge - you just need to remove the protective film and press the tissue part to the wound. It is only important to choose the right type of patch for the wound so that the effect is maximum.

Blisters and calluses on the feet and toes are caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes. To reduce discomfort, relieve pain and prevent infection of the callus if it ruptures, you need to tape the damaged area. For these purposes, there are different products, each of which has its own characteristics.

  1. Against corns - protection from moisture and friction, prevention of skin roughening. The keratolytic substance included in the impregnation softens dead skin, and the remaining components disinfect, relieve pain, and stimulate healing.
  2. From wet calluses - protection from mechanical damage, pain reduction, prevention of infection. Hydrocolloid material stimulates the resorption of the blister, tissue regeneration, and the growth of healthy cells.
  3. For core and dry calluses - the rough layer is absorbed due to special impregnation, old calluses are softened and peeled off. The products adhere well to the skin.

A wound healing patch is used to treat trophic burns and diabetic skin lesions. Damaged skin must be protected from bacterial penetration. To do this, manufacturers impregnate the fabric portion of the product with special compounds. In contact with the wound, the product creates a gel layer and numbs the area. Skin cells receive an optimal environment for accelerated regeneration.

The length of time to wear a burn dressing differs from the recommendations for a regular antibacterial wound patch. After fixing, you need to leave the product on the wound until it heals, and there is no need to remove it while bathing in the shower and change it regularly. This treatment is indicated for 1st-2nd degree burns. More serious injuries require specialist intervention.

Correct use of a wound healing patch guarantees accelerated cell regeneration, destruction of harmful microorganisms, and elimination of edema. The impregnation contains mainly natural plant-based ingredients. The therapeutic effect has a prolonged effect.

Magnetic patch MaoZheng for the musculoskeletal system (1 pc.)


  • the patch combines the advantages of Chinese traditional medicine with the achievements of modern technology;
  • the effect is based on magnetic therapy and herbal medicine, enhanced by transdermal nanotechnology;
  • unique production technology allows nanoparticles of herbal composition to penetrate the cell membranes of the skin and muscle tissue;
  • relieving pain and inflammation;
  • magnetic induction flows make the healing process more effective;
  • allows you to accelerate blood flow to the affected area, eliminating swelling and “eroding” microthrombi, which lead to loss of sensitivity and decreased joint mobility;
  • gives good results in the fight against bone, joint and muscle pain of any etiology.

Main cast:

  • ginger root (lat. Zingiber officinalis) - 36.58%, cinnamon (lat. Cinnamomum verum) - 24.39%, mint (lat. Mntha) - 12.20%, thin-leaved schizonepeta (lat. Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq) - 24 .39%, chili pepper (lat. Capsicum frutescens) - 2.44%.

Supporting materials:

  • hypoallergenic medical glue, spunbond, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), silicone paper, magnetic element (neodymium -NdFeBo).

Indications for use:

  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine;
  • dysfunction of the facial nerve;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • various arthrosis and arthritis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • bruises with the formation of extensive hematomas;
  • various rheumatoid and neuralgic manifestations;
  • trophism of tissues after fractures, when callus has already formed;
  • healing of the skin without the formation of rough connective tissue scars;
  • has an anti-inflammatory analgesic effect;
  • healing of wounds in the granulation stage;
  • recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle or working in jobs involving static postures and repetitive mechanical movements;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs (for example, decreased potency of various origins);
  • decreased joint mobility caused by inflammatory processes or congestion in the muscles;
  • useful for people who often work outdoors and are prone to colds.


  • prepare the problem area of ​​the body - rinse and dry the skin;
  • if necessary, remove hair;
  • make sure that the individual packaging is not damaged;
  • open the individual packaging and remove the silicone paper from the working layer;
  • stick the patch on the problem area of ​​the body with the working surface on the skin;
  • leave the patch on for 2-3 days;
  • then remove the patch;
  • wash the surface of the skin;
  • Dispose of the used patch;
  • It is recommended to apply the next patch after a few hours;
  • apply until symptoms disappear.


  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • acute cardiovascular and renal failure;
  • damage and diseases of the skin where the patch is applied;
  • oncological diseases;
  • do not apply to open wounds;
  • Use with caution for people with particularly sensitive skin;
  • Do not use in children under 3 years of age;
  • If discomfort occurs, stop using the patch and consult your doctor.

No negative side effects have been registered.

Overdose - not registered.

Interaction with other medications and procedures - no negative effects have been recorded.

Special instructions: for external use only. The use of the patch does not reduce the ability to drive a car, control other mechanisms, or the speed of mental and physical reactions.

Storage conditions: the patch is stored in sealed individual packaging, in a dry, cool place, protected from direct sunlight, out of the reach of children. Long-term storage of the patch with the individual packaging opened is not allowed.

Terms of sale: the patch can be sold without restrictions and without prescriptions.

Magnetic patch Miaozheng (Magnetic therapy plaster) with a specially processed magnet for the musculoskeletal system helps with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, it is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle or in work associated with static postures and repetitive mechanical movements. Phone number for ordering +7 (495) 972 00 39.

Magnetic element neodymium (NdFeB) in medicine and in Miao Zheng plaster

NdFeB (neodymium) magnetic material consisting of neodymium, iron and boron (NdFeB) are often called NEO magnets. Neodymium, chemical, simple body, metal from among rare cerite and gadolinite minerals, bluish-red salts, chemical. zn. Nd = 143.6

The development of a new magnetic material – neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) – began in the 80s. 20th century, and its use in defense and civil industry since 1984. Developers were looking for a magnetic material that would have high magnetic properties and be relatively inexpensive. Thus, the magnetic material NdFeB was developed which can be considered a material of the 21st century. It absorbed all the achievements in the development of permanent magnets, the enormous efforts of scientific teams and broke all records of magnetic characteristics. The discovery of this material raised the magnetic industry to a fundamentally new level. Neodymium magnets retain their magnetic properties for 50 to 100 years.

Rare earth magnets made by pressing or casting.

The advantages of this class of magnets are their high magnetic properties.

In the medical industry, the leading consumer of neodymium magnets (NdFeB) is the production of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners. To create them, high-power permanent magnets are used; they allow you to achieve a uniform magnetic field without consuming electricity. Neodymium magnets are also very often used in the creation of diagnostic equipment.

Miao Zheng's patch uses neodymium (NdFeB) to create a magnetic field and harness the beneficial effect of magnetic therapy.

Description of the plaster: Miao Zheng: a spunbond plaster impregnated with medical glue with a black herbal composition applied. The composition is applied to a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) substrate, the working surface of the working layer is insulated with silicone paper with the manufacturer’s logo. A micromagnetic element is located on the substrate. The insulating layer is silicone paper, which can be removed before use.

Release form (production form): patch with herbal composition and micromagnetic element.

Patch size: 8cm*10.5cm

Consult your physician before use.

What types of postoperative sterile patches are there?

Surgery requires the subsequent application of a sterile medical post-operative plaster. It can replace a sterile dressing, providing the same functions - protecting a fresh wound from infection and subsequent problems. If the incision is small, it is possible to fix the edges of the wound. Manufacturers offer products with different impregnations, the effect of which is selected taking into account the need.

  1. Antibacterial patch for wound healing with silver. Accelerates skin regeneration. The absorbent base allows for repeated dressings much less frequently. There are products for children and adults, standard and waterproof.
  2. A postoperative non-woven bandage is made of elastic materials and is designed specifically for moving areas of the body. The microporous surface provides air exchange, which eliminates irritation and diaper rash. During dressing, the adhesive composition is easily separated from the skin, and no traces remain.
  3. Product for resolving sutures after surgery. Indications for use: epithelization of wounds and protection against re-infection. The material absorbs wound secretions well and protects the surface from mechanical and other impacts. Due to the transparent base, you can observe the process without peeling off the film each time.

Popular Chinese patches

Today's market offers a large assortment of Chinese magnetic patches. The most common ones are listed below.

  • "Dasezi." Chinese magnetic patch, created in the best traditions of traditional medicine. The active substances are medicinal herbs, bee and scorpion venom, and ant powder. Treats diseases of the lower back and back, as well as osteochondrosis, rheumatic arthritis, cervical spondylopathy and intervertebral disc prolapse. Relieves pain and inflammation. Stimulates blood circulation in the problem area.
  • "Xinyi 03". Eliminates pain in the neck, sternum and lower back. Prevents its occurrence. The product stimulates metabolism, lymphatic drainage, and blood circulation. Used for osteochondrosis and joint pain. Recommended for bursitis, swelling and hematomas. A Chinese magnetic pit patch helps. The basis for its creation was medicinal herbs popular in Chinese medicine. Made from microporous non-woven fabric that allows the skin to breathe and does not cause irritation. The fabric has transverse stretch, so the patch is convenient to use on different parts of the body.
  • "Mao Zheng." It combines the knowledge of Korean and Chinese medicine. Its action is based on a powerful magnetic field and the healing properties of herbs. Made from pure polymer material - spunbond. It is durable and breathable. Impregnated with a medicinal herbal mixture, to which a micromagnet is added. The transdermal effect of the patch improves the penetration of the active ingredients. Relieves pain, inflammation, swelling. Removes microthrombi, stagnation. Stimulates blood circulation. The patch is used for osteochondrosis and for its prevention. Recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle. It is not used for cardiovascular diseases. Contraindications include renal failure and oncology.

No less popular are the patches:

  • "Tiger" Contains 17 different medicinal components.
  • Bang De Li. Its effect is aimed at eliminating joint diseases.
  • "Hayao's Dog Skin." It has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vikola. Used in the treatment of the cervical spine. It also heals other pathologies of the spine, including osteochondrosis.
  • "Tianhe Zhuifeng Gao." It is considered the best and most effective. Used for headaches and joint pain. The composition contains more than 35 medicinal plants.
  • "Jizhen." Created based on an ancient Chinese recipe. Its effectiveness is enhanced by modern innovations.
  • "Shangshi Zhitong Gao." Quickly and effectively eliminates pain of any origin. Heals wounds and other skin lesions.

These are just a few of the magnetic products that are widely used these days. Patches for weight loss, hemorrhoids, hypertension and other diseases have also become widespread.

How to properly fix the edges of a wound?

Special adhesive-based healing dressings are used to fix the edges of wounds that are small and deep cuts. The purpose of the product is to prevent sloppy edges and the subsequent formation of an unsightly scar.

The most common area of ​​application is plastic surgery, where it is necessary to tighten the wounds of damaged areas on the face. It is here that the facial muscles cause special mobility of the skin. If you do not fix the edges of the wound, scars will remain. Specialized products are more functional than regular dressings. Strip strips will ensure the formation of an even scar, which will subsequently resolve without leaving marks. At home, such strips are used for minor cuts. If the wound is deep, you should contact a specialist who will carry out proper treatment and then fix the wound for speedy healing.

About Chinese Hyperosteogeny magnetic patch

Particularly noteworthy is the Hyperosteogeny product, which eliminates bunions that have caused pain and inconvenience for many years.

The Chinese Hyperosteogeny magnetic patch contains more than thirty medicinal plants. The action is enhanced by a magnetic field and infrared radiation. Thus, the patch combines ancient folk recipes and modern technologies.

The product effectively relieves pain and inflammation, normalizes blood circulation, and prevents the development of deformation processes in the joints.

Indicated for bunions, hallux valgus, hyperostosis and other diseases. In addition to the above diseases, the patch treats cervical and lumbar hyperostosis. Helps with hypertrophy of cartilage and connective tissue. Relieves joint pain. There are good reviews about the Chinese magnetic pit patch. The result can be achieved by using the product throughout the entire course. The patch helps straighten the toes and affects the cause of their appearance.

It can be used by persons regardless of age.

The course of treatment is 18 patches. The product is worn continuously for two days, then a break is taken for a day.

Do not use the drug during pregnancy, lactation, or if you are allergic to elements in the product. Do not glue it to damaged areas.

Expert advice on proper wound treatment

Even the best dressing materials will not give the expected effect if used incorrectly. It’s not difficult to remember the recommendations of experts. All that remains is to remember them at the right time and promptly replenish your home first aid kit with everything necessary for first aid.

Before bandaging and dressing the wound, the damaged area itself and the skin around it must be treated taking into account a number of rules. Particular care is taken when treating wounds after surgery. The rules for using adhesive bandages are as follows:

  • Before opening the package, wash your hands with soap, dry them with paper towels and treat them with an antiseptic;
  • the next step is to make sure that the expiration date indicated on the package has not yet expired;
  • When opening the packaging, you should avoid touching the product in those places that will come into contact with the wound;
  • Having taken the dressing product out of the packaging, you should hold it only by the outer side;
  • remove the polyethylene or paper strips covering the adhesive layer by holding the product by the free fragment;
  • a strip is applied to a dry and clean wound so that its central impregnated section covers the entire wound, and the glue is located outside the damaged skin;
  • unless otherwise provided, bandaging is done at least once a day. Exceptions are made for burns, when the bandage remains in place for a long time;
  • To make a dressing, you need to grab the edge and hold the skin nearby with your free hand. Considering that you will need 2 hands at once, it is advisable that the person who is injured does not do the dressing.
  • Among the useful tips given by experts, there is often a recommendation to shave the skin around the wound. This is necessary because hair can cause infection of the wound surface even under a bandage and after treatment. In addition, the presence of even vellus hair makes dressing painful.

    The recommendations listed in the article will help you pay due attention to the process of treating and dressing wounds. All that remains is to buy the necessary dressings, choosing medical products from trusted manufacturers. The range of products is quite wide, and prices vary depending on the brand and country of origin.

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