How to work on a computer correctly: body position during sedentary work (Part 1). Review of recommendations.

This article - first of several lengthy articles on workplace ergonomics, and in it we will talk about how to create the most comfortable conditions for working at a computer in order to significantly reduce the risk of many diseases associated with sedentary professional activities. In one article you will immediately learn how to reduce the strain on your back, neck, eyes, legs and arms when working at a PC. Enjoy reading!

Attention! A continuation of the material has been released - read practical recommendations for preventing diseases when working at a computer!

During long-term sedentary work a static load occurs on the entire spine , an unnatural posture for human anatomy causes muscle pain - in addition, the joints of the hands suffer, the muscles of the legs become numb, and a considerable load falls on the back and neck. All this can cause considerable discomfort and deterioration in overall well-being.

Ergohuman expert's opinion:

Diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system are only a small part of the problems that arise when sitting at the computer incorrectly. Discomfort can occur even with breathing - a prolonged cramped posture significantly complicates the functioning of the lungs, as a result, very little oxygen enters the body, which directly affects mood and performance.

Anatomy of sitting at a computer: from A to Z

An incorrect position in the workplace is a direct step towards possible serious illnesses. The situation is complicated by the fact that over time a person gets used to the wrong posture when working at a computer and does not feel some serious symptoms.

While a person “adapts”, the disease only progresses - as a result, you can get a serious complication completely unexpectedly. Therefore, it is important from the very beginning to get used to the correct posture , which in the future will become an automatic skill that allows you to maintain health and feel good even with prolonged sedentary activity.

Many problems can be solved by the right computer technology - a good modern monitor will significantly reduce the load on your eyesight, and an orthopedic chair will correctly distribute the load on the back muscles. As a result, in combination with special gymnastics, many problems can be avoided. But it is important to maintain the correct anatomical posture recommended by experts, because it is not for nothing that instructional posters are the recommended office safety requirements.

Working at a computer requires high concentration and processing of a significant part of information - this can lead to general fatigue of the body. Therefore, it is important to alternate sedentary activity with at least a little physical activity and be sure to find moments of rest.

Some recommendations, such as the correct position of the back when working at a desk, the optimal position of the legs and arms, taking care of the neck and lower back, are the main aspects of the correct distribution of the overall load during sedentary work. Following them will help you maintain your own health and prevent many of the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

Let's talk in more detail about how to properly place your feet and position your hands for comfortable work at a computer desk , as well as how to hold your back correctly to maintain posture and generally reduce the load on the entire musculoskeletal system. Some rules are very relevant and can help avoid many of the problems that are sure to arise if you sit at a computer desk incorrectly for long work and “game” hours.

♦ Support your back

Statistics say that pain occurs in approximately 30% of office and other workers whose day is spent sitting. Experts clarify that anything can get sick - not only the back, but also the neck, shoulders, arms, legs and even feet. The reason for this is the lack of movement and constant sitting in one place. Because of this work, acid accumulates in our body, which provokes muscle atrophy. In itself, the substance is safe; on the contrary, the body needs it to release accumulated energy. But during the working day we do not need this energy. To avoid “stagnation” and pain in the back and neck, first of all, you need to at least minimally change your position every 20-30 minutes. The chair must have a comfortable back, with a natural curve. There should be no gap between the back of the chair and your back. You need to keep your back straight; it’s even better to lean back in the chair, it will take on part of the load of the spine. Shoulders should be straightened.

1.1. Foot position when working at the computer: use stands!

Orthopedists are sure that good posture cannot be maintained if you place your legs incorrectly in a sitting position. Even if you try to constantly keep your back straight, you won’t be able to create ideal conditions for supporting the spinal column without the correct position of your legs .

Doctors advise under no circumstances to cross your legs during long-term sedentary work - this can bend the spine in a short time. Also, the incorrect position of the legs contributes to “squeezing” the blood in the veins, and this is a direct path to oxygen starvation, because blood circulation will not occur correctly. As a result, concentration will be lost, and general fatigue will set in very quickly.

Opinion of ergonomics expert ERGOHUMAN:

The legs must be bent at a right angle - 90 degrees (a little more is possible, but not much). In this case, it is important to place your feet directly on the floor. Also, you should not take the “leg over leg” pose that seems comfortable at first glance - this can lead to stagnation of blood, as well as muscle overstrain, which over time will lead to obligatory diseases not only of the legs, but of the whole body.

If you constantly sit at a computer, it is important to purchase a high-quality orthopedic footrest . An ergonomic device allows you to keep your legs in the correct position - the muscles will not become stiff, and the blood will circulate correctly. At the same time, it is recommended to purchase the stand only from trusted manufacturers - it must be made according to all the rules; a simple design will not work here.

Your legs should be in the most comfortable position possible— no need to cross them or try to tuck them under you. It is important to immediately get used to holding your feet correctly - either on the floor or on a special stand . If there is no special device in the form of a stand, it is important to adjust the chair correctly so that the height is optimal for a comfortable position of the legs.

All doctors are of the same opinion - only a high-quality chair and the correct posture when sitting will help keep muscles toned and avoid many diseases that are associated with the musculoskeletal system - serious curvature of the spine, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

Pay attention to the chairs with footrest from ERGOHUMAN. They take into account all the advice of doctors and experts on workplace ergonomics. A person always chooses a position independently, based on his own comfort, but it is important to get used to following just a few recommendations, which in the future can become a successful way of a “sedentary” life.

♦ Neck

Place the monitor and the windows on it directly in front of you. Try not to twist your neck in any direction. Sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax. When you open them, there will be a point directly in front of you where the center of the screen will be located. Use monitor stands if necessary. To avoid “stagnation” and pain in the back and neck, first of all, you need to at least minimally change your position every 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to stretch your neck and shoulders - you can simply rotate your head and bend over a little.

1.5. Correct table setting when working at a computer

To create truly comfortable conditions when working at a computer, adjusting the chair is not enough; adjusting the height of the table depending on your height is very important. Unfortunately, the height of most office, computer or desk tables varies from 72 to 78 cm, in rare cases there is the possibility of adjustment, plus or minus 2-3 cm. But this is clearly not enough for people whose height can be as high as 150, and all 200 cm. Below is a size table with recommendations for adjusting the height of the chair and table depending on the height of the user.

Desk height refers to the distance from the floor to the work surface on which the keyboard is installed. Auxiliary devices can be placed not only on the desktop, but also, for example, on a shelf (tray) for the keyboard, which, depending on the design, can not only move out from under the table, but also change the angle of inclination and even height. It is important to sit as deep as possible in the chair and as close to the edge of the table as possible, so that you do not reach for the keyboard, in which case any backrest will not be functional, because the load should be evenly distributed, and this is only possible in a slightly tilted back position. It is also important to adjust the display height to eye level and arm's length distance.

Recently, many different add-ons for office desks have appeared: converters, adjustable stands, platforms for sitting-standing work, desktop brackets for monitors and keyboards. All these innovations can be used in conjunction with a regular, non-height-adjustable table, so that the user can easily change the position from sitting to standing. Alternating work modes and periodically redistributing the load allows you to stay in good physical shape even after a long working day. Experts recommend paying special attention when creating a comfortable working environment, a convenient workplace in order to maintain health, which of course should not be saved on.

Adjust monitor height

The main parameter for the correct location of the monitor is eye level. You want your gaze to fall on the top third of the monitor. If it is located higher, you will have to look up, straining your eyelids, so it will be more difficult for you to blink, and as a result, computer vision syndrome may develop: redness of the eyes, pain when moving the eyeballs, a burning sensation in the eyes. If the screen is positioned too low, you risk developing text neck syndrome. Your head reflexively follows your gaze, so you will begin to hunch, stretching your neck unnaturally. With prolonged tilting of the head, the cervical vertebrae will become strained due to the increased load. Even after an hour of working in this position, you will get very tired.

If your primary computer is a laptop, keep in mind that research shows it's not the best option for long-term work. The problem is that the laptop screen itself usually cannot be positioned so that you look at it directly, rather than from top to bottom. But you can use a special stand that allows you to set the correct display angle. Another good solution is to connect your laptop to an already height-adjusted desktop monitor if you plan to work for a long time.

Orthopedic and ergonomic chairs ERGOHUMAN

Orthopedic office chairs fully comply with the concept of dynamic sitting, which makes it easier to maintain good physical shape, this is especially true for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

The use of orthopedic chairs allows one to stabilize the spine and maintain the spinal column in a physiologically correct position, especially when the muscle tone of the long back muscles is weakened. Clinical studies have proven that using a split-back computer chair reduces pressure on the spine by up to 50%.

Due to the uniform support of the back muscles, curvature of the spine and concentration of tension in the lower back, neck and sacral region are almost completely eliminated, which has a positive effect on metabolism, blood circulation and the nervous system. Computer chairs are the best prevention, and in special cases, an indispensable treatment for scoliosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and osteochondropathy.

Orthopedic computer office chairs are highly rated by consumers and recommended by leading physiotherapists, osteopaths and doctors working in the corporate health insurance sector around the world.

1.8. Computer working conditions (temperature, humidity, light)

There are some optimal microclimate parameters that need to be created when working at a computer for a long time. The standard conditions are:

  • optimal indoor air temperature (19-20 degrees);
  • air humidity should be from 62 to 55%;
  • the desk should be equipped with a good desk lamp that provides quality lighting.

The best option is artificial lighting, since bright sunlight can cause strong glare on the screen; it is not recommended to place the desktop directly next to a window.

If these parameters are observed, you can create fairly comfortable conditions for constant work at the computer - if you properly organize the workplace and lighting, there is a possibility of significantly protecting the body from harmful factors.

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Order in the workplace

Try to keep only necessary items on the table. Minimalism increases focus on the process. Here is an example of obvious overkill.

If you don’t print documents too often, you can place the printer on a nearby table - it will be an extra reason to get up and stretch.

Avoid the habit of eating and drinking in front of a screen. This has been shown to interfere with the normal absorption of food. And, of course, it’s dangerous for technology (especially sweet tea for laptops).

Do not forget about timely cleaning using special napkins.

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