PSYCHOSOMATICS OF THE LEGS (sciatica, dysplasia, knees, ankles, feet)

The whole truth about feet

Heavy legs may indicate the development of a serious disease in the body. Often the disease does not yet have time to properly “manifest” itself, but the legs are already strongly calling for help. This is exactly the moment when early diagnosis increases the chances of restoring the body’s internal resources. But why exactly can the legs be a kind of barometer of well-being in the body? The legs experience perhaps the greatest load in the body, supporting throughout the day the entire weight of our body, which is often excessive. On a typical working day, a person takes about 6,000–8,000 steps, which means he walks around the Earth several times in his entire life!

Throughout evolution, humans have had to pay for walking upright with many diseases. After all, blood stagnation and swelling are associated with the fact that fluid (blood, lymph) cannot overcome gravity and rise up to the heart without outside help. Therefore, the veins and lymphatic vessels must work, contract, and muscles actively help them in this. What's stopping you? This is a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothes and shoes, standing on your feet for a long time, and of course, excess body weight. In addition, throughout the body, it is the legs that are so “unlucky” that they are the furthest away from the heart. And if an unfavorable situation arises, or, more simply put, heart failure, it is not difficult to guess which part of the body will suffer first!

Psychosomatics – Toes

If you remember from the article on Psychosomatics of foot problems, the foot is connected to the mother .

Foot – stop, connection with the earth, Yin energy, Mother. (Whereas the hands are control, yang energy, Father).

Psychosomatics of problems with a bunion (Hallux Valgus)

I think many people are familiar with the problem of a bunion (bone) on the foot, which in medicine is called Hallux Valgus - a hallux valgus deformity of the foot.
Very symbolic : the joint of the big toe moves away from the foot, as if trying to move away.

True, the tip of the thumb moves even closer to the other fingers. What always happens: by resisting and running away, you become closer to the one you are running from.

Who is the thumb trying to “escape” from? Looks like it's from my mother.

People who have trouble proving to their mom that they are worth something often have a bunion.

Moreover, if criticism from the mother settles deep in the heart, even surgery does not save, the deformation continues in the same direction.

The way out is to first recognize the game of rejection, undervaluation, and then treat.

Moreover, when a person begins to grow in confidence that he can cope very well in this life without his mother’s approval, severe pain appears in the joint, as the recovery phase begins (according to “New German Medicine” by R.G. Hamer)

If you are worried about whether you are a good mother to your children, it may be the same story. Now you have finally spent time with your children, you feel that not everything is so bad in your relationship, and then a bone may begin to ache, like resolving the conflict.

We matter from the top of our heads to our toes. The author of the article is psychologist Elena Guskova

Psychosomatics – Big toe

As already written above, the big toe is connected to the mother.

Bruises, arthritis, fractures of the big toe are an attempt not to give mom an account for your actions, not to wait for her approval.

If you worry about what kind of mother you are, it’s the same story. You are the mother of the family, the hearth.

Why can't you be perfect for everyone? Is it difficult to cope?

Questions familiar? It's time to find an answer to them, so that it is truly embarrassing or painful.

Psychosomatics – Second toe

The big toe is different in appearance from the others, and so is the little toe.

But the three fingers - the three brothers in the middle - are very similar. These are symbolic brothers and sisters. Accordingly, problems with these fingers are the result of worries about how to assert oneself in front of the closest blood relatives - brothers and sisters.

Psychosomatics – Third toe

To the conflict with siblings indicated above, a conflict on the topic of sexuality is added (the same topic with the middle finger).

Psychosomatics – Fourth toe

Like the ring finger on the hand, the fourth toe is associated with the theme of union and fidelity. But in this case it is a problem with relationships with brothers and sisters.

Psychosomatics – Fifth toe

Secrets, territorial conflicts - in this respect the fifth finger is also similar to its fellow little finger.

For example, after resolving a conflict within the family (and the conflict involved intrigue and whispers behind one’s back), a woman broke her smallest toe when she hit the door.

Psychosomatics - curling your toes

1) There is a movement of Tourette's syndrome, when, when nervous, a person curls his toes.

As if he was grouping himself, toning his muscles for a subsequent attack (if his counterpart is unpleasant to him).

2) If a child curls his toes (doctors diagnose hypertonicity), then you need to ask the mother why she tenses and “shrinks.”

Or, as an option, the mother herself wants to be freed from her mother’s care. In this case, standing on your toes and tucking your toes is a symbolic desire to separate from the mother, to rise above the ground (the ground is a symbol of the mother).

Have you read the entire article but haven't found your solution?

There may be two problems here.

1) First. The biology of finger diseases in your case is not obvious, but it is present. It's just sometimes hard to see what the problem is.

In this case, the advice will still be the same. It’s better not to try to pull any of the reasons you read in this article onto yourself. If it doesn’t “click”, then you shouldn’t try on what is written that is close to you. You should not create an extra meaningless thought form.

2) Your personal history does not fit the biological logic of loading experiences into the body. Then you need to use certain psychotechnologies to determine this information.

Table of psychosomatic diseases

Psychosomatics of arthritis

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Psychosomatics of colds

Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children and adults

Psychosomatics of a runny nose

Psychosomatics of anemia

Psychosomatics of acne on the face

If difficulties arise, I will be happy to help with consultations and teach you how to find the causes of diseases in Satori Healing SEMINARS

List of psychosomatics of OTHER diseases

Comments after the text below ↓↓↓

They complement the article well. Plus, I will be glad to answer your questions.

The best question is not the name of the disease, but a description of your feelings.

Schedule of seminars of the Satori Healing method, which I use in therapy:


When the ground disappears from under your feet

Often, pain in the legs is a manifestation of diseases of the arteries or veins of the lower extremities (diseases of “inflow” and “outflow”), but it can also be caused by diseases of the spine, nervous system and metabolism. Pain can occur when bones and joints, muscles and tendons, lymph nodes and blood vessels are affected. Such a dangerous disease as diabetes sometimes begins with pain in the legs. And only then are elevated blood sugar levels and other manifestations of diabetes detected. At the beginning, the legs hurt, muscle cramps, weakness in the legs, and dry skin occur. But a terrible complication is not far off - “diabetic foot”. But in advanced cases, this pathology can lead to amputation of the lower limb.

The legs swell, the skin on the legs becomes dry, irritated, constantly itchy and flaky. It happens that pain in the calf muscles and cramps bother you, especially at night. Often the legs become numb, cold, and so-called paresthesia occurs - abnormal sensations associated with damage to nerve endings. This may be a feeling of “crawling goosebumps”, tingling, pinching, etc. The greater the vertical load during the day, the more pronounced the painful manifestations in the evening. But the pain can also be constant, regardless of the time of day. It happens that pain, having already become a familiar companion of life, suddenly suddenly changes its character. Acute pain in the leg may indicate a vascular accident when a blockage of a large artery develops. In this case, there are only a few hours during which there is a chance to save the leg deprived of nutrition and oxygen.

What is a sprained leg?

When a leg is dislocated, very strong excruciating pain appears in the affected area. They appear not only when an injury is sustained, but also later when a person tries to move his leg. In the damaged area, the joint shape changes, swelling appears, as well as the area where there are multiple bruises and swelling. This will then become a hematoma. If you do not seek treatment from a specialist, numbness and paralysis will occur.

When trying to change the position of the affected limb, a person will experience severe pain. The victim is given absolute rest, therefore, after first aid has been provided, he must be provided with care until a team of specialists arrives. It is necessary to take into account that if the nerve endings are compressed, the damaged limb may lose its sensitivity.

There are some complications of this type of dislocation:

  • The muscles of the tendon ligament are torn.
  • Nerves and blood vessels are damaged.
  • Increased likelihood of recurrent leg dislocation.
  • Arthritis forms in the place where the joint is dislocated. The presence of such complications is observed after many years.

During diagnostic procedures, the doctor determines what type of dislocation has occurred in the person. Dislocation is a complete displacement of the joint capsules and the absence of points where they touch. Incomplete dislocation, subluxation is characterized by partial contact of the joints. It should be remembered that with such an injury the joint capsule always ruptures. In some cases, the tendon may rupture.

Let's take our feet in our hands soon!

Traditional medicine is replete with advice that is mainly aimed at reducing swelling and improving nutrition of the skin of the legs. Unfortunately, in most cases, this helps only in the very initial stages of the disease. But the early manifestations of the disease are the “golden” time for its timely, correct and complete treatment. What a shame that in almost 95% of cases this moment is missed!

Before trying out a new foot cream, you need to ask yourself: “Isn’t it time to see a specialist?” After all, the sooner the examination is started and the true cause of “heavy” legs is established, the greater the chance of quickly starting treatment for the underlying disease and thereby preventing the development of serious complications.

The most effective diagnosis for discomfort or pain in the legs is a comprehensive examination that takes into account all possible causes of the disease. In addition to examinations of internal organs and laboratory tests, ultrasound scanning of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities is mandatory. With this study, the doctor can identify atherosclerotic damage to the arteries, determine the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, and identify areas of “blockage” of the arteries. Angioscanning allows you to visualize veins (superficial and deep) along their entire length, determine the degree of “blockage” of the vein, and identify the presence of such a dangerous complication of thrombophlebitis as “floating thrombosis,” in which there is a high probability of a blood clot breaking off with the development of pulmonary embolism.

It is also advisable to conduct a study of the endocrine system responsible for regulating calcium levels. After all, the lack of calcium in the blood is replenished by bones and teeth, which can lead to severe osteoporosis, cramps, pain in muscles and joints. An ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries) and prostate gland (in men) is also necessary. Ultrasound allows us to exclude diseases of these organs, because their enlargement can lead to compression of large vessels responsible for blood circulation in the lower extremities. A blood test for nonspecific inflammatory factors will help the doctor identify the presence of inflammatory processes in the veins (phlebitis) and arteries (arteritis).

What is a sprained ankle

A fairly common injury to the lower extremity is a sprained ankle. The likelihood increases among pensioners, athletes and women who prefer high heels. In most cases, this problem occurs in people in winter, during icy conditions. A telltale sign of a sprained ankle is when the ligaments are damaged and the bone is pushed out of the joint.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • the appearance of pain that is localized in the ankle. The pain is constant. Its strengthening occurs with additional loads.
  • Swelling appears. It can be noticed immediately after the injury has occurred.
  • A hematoma or subcutaneous hemorrhage appears.
  • The joint shape is disrupted.
  • The presence of a characteristic click that a person hears when a dislocation occurs.
  • Mobility of the foot is impaired.
  • Local temperatures rise.

How to recognize a dislocation

Symptoms depend on the type of dislocation a person has. For example, with congenital dislocation of the hip joint, a person’s gait is disrupted, asymmetry of the gluteal folds is observed, and over time, one leg will be shorter compared to the other, resulting in lameness. With bilateral hip dislocation, a duck's gait appears.

With congenital dislocation of the knee joint, a person notices the appearance of severe pain and gait disturbance. In addition, the joint becomes inflamed and immobilized. Traumatic dislocation is characterized by swelling, immobility and pain in the joint.

There are also general signs of dislocation:

  • The appearance of redness in the place where the joint is damaged.
  • The appearance of severe pain, which intensifies during any movement of the affected limb.
  • Visual determination of joint deformity. Dislocation provokes a change in both the size and shape of the joint.
  • The appearance of severe swelling in the place where the dislocation occurred.
  • If the nerves are damaged, the person will no longer feel the affected limb.
  • Motor function is impaired.
  • Body temperature rises (changes in heat and chills occur).

How to help a person with a dislocation

It must be remembered that self-medication for dislocation is strictly contraindicated. Otherwise, you can irreparably damage the joint that was damaged. As for the surrounding people, they can only provide first aid. Namely

  • Immobilize and fix the injured joint. For this purpose, a medical splint or any other available means is used.
  • If there are damage to the skin at the site of dislocation, it is necessary to treat them. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are used for processing.
  • Place cold water on the damaged area. This action will help reduce swelling.
  • The victim should take a position that will reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome.
  • A mandatory rule is to call an ambulance or independently transport the victim to a medical center. This must be done within the first two hours after the injury was sustained.

If a hand injury occurs, the victim is transported to the clinic while sitting. If the lower limbs are damaged, you should maintain a horizontal position.

What is a dislocated finger?

With a sudden and strong contraction of the muscles, dislocated fingers appear. With such an injury, the articular surfaces of the bone are displaced. This is a painful phenomenon. This is explained by the presence of a large number of nerve endings in the hands. Mostly the thumb is dislocated because it is removed from the rest and is overextended. The bones shift to the back of the hand, resulting in a change in the position of the articular head.

If we talk about the reasons, it could be any careless movement. With a strong external influence, the ability of the ligaments and muscles to hold the articular bone in a normal position is lost. People who play sports professionally (volleyball and basketball players) can also get such a dislocation. It is often found that a person likes to crack his joints. This also applies to the causes of dislocation. If the foot hits something hard, injury to the toes may occur. For example, a provoking factor may be an unsuccessful landing on the foot or a sharp turn of the foot.

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