Goosebumps down my spine. Causes on the left, right side, treatment

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The spine is literally the support of the human body.
And any unpleasant or unusual sensations, including tingling in the back, make you wonder whether everything is okay with this most important part of the skeleton. Most often, tingling in the back is indeed a sign of osteochondrosis or its complications.
However, this sensation may also be one of the manifestations of some other diseases not related to the spinal column. —>

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Possible reasons

Goosebumps (the causes depend on existing diseases, physical and psychological state) are closely related to the central nervous system. Discomfort or a tickling sensation occurs due to compression of the sensory fibers. But this is not always caused by pathological reasons. For example, temporary paresthesia can occur after surgery and plastic surgery.

Discomfort occurs due to irritation of nerves (receptors). When impulses diverge along the myelin layer of fibers, this is accompanied by a feeling of goosebumps, slight tingling and burning, and sometimes loss of sensitivity. Paresthesia usually occurs below the irritated part of the nerve.

Paresthesia - goosebumps on the back and body. Causes

Goose bumps are classified according to the place of occurrence. They can cover the entire body, but more often only one part. This helps in diagnosing disease delineation. If goosebumps appear for no apparent reason, you need to remember their location and duration of sensations.


They appear due to an imbalance in the psycho-emotional sphere. For example, during stress, anxiety, anxiety. Goosebumps can be triggered by fear of animals or objects that cause horror. The sensation occurs not only during negative emotions, but also during positive ones.

For example, pleasant excitement, sexual arousal, anticipation of some event. With temporary paresthesia, a person does not feel pain, numbness, or cramps. Treatment for these goosebumps is not required; they go away on their own.


Physiological include paresthesia, which is caused by external causes. Goosebumps can be temporary or chronic. Periodic, short-term ones arise from maintaining one position for a long time without movement, with legs tucked in. Then the nerves get pinched. But as soon as the movement begins, the tingling begins, and the goosebumps quickly disappear. They can also appear after drinking large amounts of alcohol.


Chills on the back are chronic, periodically recurring if nerve fibers are damaged or affected. Diseases often cause paresthesia. Goose bumps on the back on the right or left indicate pathologies of the spine, ischemia or vascular disorders.

But we can identify the main reasons when paresthesia appears most often:

  1. Calcium deficiency. It occurs against the background of metabolic disorders, hypoparathyroidism (an imbalance in the functioning of the thyroid glands). With a slight deficiency, only goose bumps run, without additional symptoms. The manifestation of paresthesia increases with hypoparathyroidism.

  2. Thiamine deficiency. It is responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Failures in it provoke the development of cardiovascular pathologies, which is often accompanied by the appearance of goosebumps.
  3. Magnesium ion deficiency. The first sign is the appearance of goosebumps on the body, then other negative symptoms appear.
  4. Atrial fibrillation. At the same time, goosebumps and chills appear. Most often, symptoms appear at night.
  5. Brain stroke. In addition to its inherent symptoms, goosebumps and numbness appear, mainly on one side of the body (right or left).
  6. Traumatic brain injuries. Paresthesia extends to both sides of the back.
  7. Diabetes. With this disease, goosebumps occur due to an increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood. First, goose bumps appear on the hands. It may then spread to the back.
  8. Hyperemia. In this case, goosebumps appear on the stomach and lower back. This is more often the case with herpes zoster.
  9. Neuropathy. The localization of goosebumps depends on the location of the affected nerve fibers.
  10. Follicular hyperkeratosis. In this case, only goosebumps appear, without additional symptoms. Pathology occurs due to skin irritation. As a result, its upper layer becomes thicker, and the mouths of the follicles become inflamed.
  11. Costoclavicular syndrome. In this case, compression of the nerve fibers in the area of ​​their brachial plexus occurs. Then pain appears and as an additional symptom - paresthesia, which can spread to the middle of the back.
  12. Osteocondritis of the spine. The disease is not always accompanied by pain and may manifest itself in the form of temporary goosebumps. More often they appear with complicated osteochondrosis.
  13. Paresthesia appears with tumors of any nature.
  14. Cervical or lumbar radiculopathy. Goosebumps occur in the upper or lower back and are rarely the only symptom. More often they appear only on the left or right side.
  15. Intervertebral hernia. It is accompanied not only by pain, but also by paresthesia. Localization of goosebumps - near the damaged area.

  16. Spinal stenosis, spondylosis. This is a narrowing of the canal, which leads to pinched nerves and, as a result, goosebumps appear.
  17. Heart rhythm disturbances. This is often accompanied by chills and goosebumps. The condition can last from 10 minutes to an hour, most often occurring at night.
  18. Multiple sclerosis. Paresthesia can appear on any part of the body.
  19. Lhermitte's syndrome. It is often associated with multiple sclerosis. Attacks of pain and the appearance of goosebumps last for several seconds, but are often repeated.

Pathological causes include taking certain medications (for example, Ofloxacin, Cycloserine, Isonazid). The list also includes drugs taken for epilepsy to lower blood pressure.


A patient who complains of tingling in the legs is examined by several specialists: a therapist, a neurologist, and a vascular surgeon. During a physical examination, attention is paid to the preservation or absence of pulsation in the arteries of the legs, signs of venous stagnation, and trophic disorders. Pathognomonic symptoms (Lasega, Dezherina, Bekhterev) help to establish neurological problems. To make a clinical diagnosis, the following are used:

  • Vascular ultrasound.
    Duplex scanning of the arterial and venous network of the lower extremities is an informative and safe method that shows the degree of preservation of blood flow, the width of blood vessels, and the presence of collateral circulation. The method reliably detects atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, and pathological vascular spasms that cause tingling in the legs.
  • CT angiography.
    Examination of the leg arteries with a contrast agent is considered the most accurate method for detecting signs of atherosclerosis and thrombus formation. The method is also recommended for suspected diabetic angiopathy, vasculitis, arteriovenous shunts. The results of CT angiography are needed to prepare for endovascular interventions.
  • ENMG.
    Electroneuromyography data are indicative in the diagnosis of peripheral polyneuropathies. The study evaluates the speed of response of nerves to stimulation, based on the results of which the characteristics of neuromuscular impulse transmission are judged. The method shows the localization of the lesion and the extent of the pathological process.
  • X-ray of the spine.
    An x-ray in 2 projections is performed to identify signs of osteochondrosis, vertebral subluxation, curvature or abnormal development of the spinal column, leading to tingling in the legs. To clarify the diagnosis, an MRI of the lumbosacral spine is performed.
  • Blood tests.
    A glucose test is needed to exclude diabetic neuro- and angiopathy; the level of cytolysis enzymes is measured for possible hepatic neuropathy. To diagnose thromboangiitis, the results of a coagulogram and analysis of acute phase parameters are required.

Ultrasound of blood vessels of the lower extremities

Treatment methods

Goosebumps (the reasons determine their location) are a reason to consult a doctor if they appear frequently and do not disappear for a long time. The first examination is carried out by a therapist, after which he refers you to the right doctor. Most often - to a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

You should be concerned if the skin in the area where the goosebumps are spreading does not react to hot or cold, or does not feel the touch of objects. You also need to make an appointment with a vascular surgeon when, at the site of paresthesia, the skin turns pale, hairs disappear, and body temperature drops.

Treatment of goosebumps due to physiological reasons

If goosebumps appear for physiological reasons, then it is enough to remove the provoking factor. For example, with paresthesia caused by an excited state or fear, you need to calm down, take a warm bath, drink an infusion of motherwort or valerian.

If goosebumps appear after hypothermia, just warm up. When paresthesia is caused by being in one position for a long time, you need to move around and stretch the stiff muscles. If the cause of goosebumps is muscle stiffness or pinched nerves, then you need to stay in bed for two days. Physical activity is completely excluded.

Traditional methods of treatment

For paresthesia and tingling, apply cold or hot compresses. You can take ice, wrap it in a rag, or fill a heating pad with hot water. They are applied to the damaged or sore area and held for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The goosebumps will gradually pass. If they are accompanied by pain, then first apply cold compresses, and when the pain goes away, apply a heating pad.

If the cause of paresthesia is poisoning, wash the stomach. To do this, the patient is given 2-3 liters of slightly salted water to drink. You can reduce the intensity of paresthesia by using baths with chamomile, sage and string. Brew 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. mixtures of dried crushed plants. Strain and pour into a bath of warm water. You need to lie in it for 15-20 minutes. Decoctions and infusions help remove nervousness, fear, and fatigue.

Mixtures are prepared for them (any choice of herbs) from:

  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • chamomile;
  • adonis;
  • mint.

Infusions and decoctions are drunk throughout the day. The herbs listed can also be added to tea. To reduce the intensity of goosebumps, massage with special rollers (they are sold in pharmacies or medical equipment stores).

Physiotherapy methods

Goosebumps (the causes of the disease are described above) disappear after treatment of the underlying disease. Physiotherapy methods are included in the complex treatment scheme. For diseases of the spine, exercise therapy (therapeutic gymnastics) is often prescribed. This helps strengthen your back muscles and improve their flexibility. Exercise therapy supports the spine not only in a static state, but also during movement.

Other physiotherapy methods:

  1. Acupuncture. The patient lies down on the couch on his stomach. The doctor inserts long needles into certain points (this depends on the cause of the goosebumps or the disease). The patient lies with them for 15-30 minutes. Then the needles are removed. This speeds up the treatment of diseases.
  2. Laser therapy. The procedure is performed using special devices. They create infrared or red radiation that penetrates to the affected area. As a result, inflammation and pain go away, and tissue metabolism improves. Blood viscosity decreases, immunity is strengthened, wound healing is accelerated. As soon as the cause that caused the paresthesia is eliminated, the goosebumps disappear.
  3. Electrophoresis. This is the effect of electric current on tissue. In this way, medications are injected under the skin. This helps eliminate pain, inflammation, and swelling. Electrophoresis improves blood microcirculation, relaxes muscle tone, and stimulates tissue regeneration. The method strengthens the immune system.
  4. Hirudotherapy. The method is based on the saliva of leeches, which contains many active substances and enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the body. The main component is hirudin, which prevents blood clotting, helps resolve blood clots, scars, and destroys connective tissue. Treatment with leeches helps get rid of the cause of paresthesia.

  5. Magnetotherapy. The method has two types. With local magnetic field, the magnetic field is directed locally – to a specific area. General magnetic therapy affects the body as a whole. The method helps reduce inflammation, pain, and has a hemostatic effect. At the same time, the elasticity of blood vessels increases. The procedure has a calming effect on the nervous system. This not only reduces the intensity of paresthesia, but also prevents the appearance of goosebumps.
  6. Mud therapy. Peat, sapropel, and sulfide-silt muds are applied to the desired areas. They are mined from the bottom of salty reservoirs. The mineral composition of mud acts in many directions. This helps get rid of goosebumps and treat many diseases.

Massage alleviates the condition of the patient with diseases of the spine and back. This helps relax muscles, reduces stiffness of movement, and relieves spasms. Massage also helps eliminate paresthesia, even if there are no other symptoms.

Drug treatment

In some cases, medication alone is not enough. For example, in case of hypovitaminosis B1, its synthetic analogue is prescribed and the diet is adjusted. Goosebumps that last a long time are most often a sign of illness. Therefore, drug therapy is aimed at the underlying pathology.

The most common ones include:

  1. Intervertebral hernia. It is necessary to increase the distance between the disks. This will reduce pressure on the nerve roots and slow down the degeneration process. For treatment, spinal traction without load, shock wave therapy, and electrophoresis are used. Diclofenac is used to relieve pain and inflammation. "Nise", "Ibuprofen". Muscle spasms can be eliminated with the help of muscle relaxants (Mydocalma, Sirdaluda). Additionally, chondroprotectors are prescribed (for example, Teraflex, Alflutop).
  2. Intercostal neuralgia. Acute attacks are stopped using novocaine blockade. After the pain has decreased or disappeared, Bystrumgel and Diclofenac gels are prescribed. The most commonly used painkillers are Nise, Ibuprofen, and Nurofen. To calm the nervous system, Glycine and Afobazol are prescribed, and to saturate with vitamins, special complexes with group B (for example, Milgamma).
  3. Osteochondrosis. Treatment must be comprehensive. To relieve pain and inflammation, take Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also eliminate tissue swelling and fever. The treatment regimen includes muscle relaxants (for example, Tolperisone, Tizanidine-Teva), relaxing muscles that prevent compression of nerve fibers. Chondroprotectors (“Artroglycan”, “Chondroxide”) help restore damaged tissue.

  4. Angina pectoris. If there is pain between the shoulder blades and a feeling of crawling, it is recommended to take nitroglycerin. Then you need to lie quietly for half an hour. Negative symptoms will disappear within 15 minutes.
  5. Diabetes. Treatment depends on the type of disease; the regimen is selected individually. It is important to control your blood sugar levels. If it is high, follow a low-carbohydrate diet. People prescribed insulin should not skip injections.
  6. Shingles. To relieve pain, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are prescribed. For severe pain, take Gabapentin or Oxycodone. But they are prescribed together with antiviral drugs. Antiherpetic drugs (Zovirax, Virolex) must be included in the treatment regimen. They can be in the form of tablets, ointments, gels. The average course of therapy is 10 days.

Many diseases (in particular intercostal neuralgia, lumbago, intervertebral hernia) are accompanied by severe pain. If painkillers (for example, Ibuprofen) do not help, then novocaine blockades are done. They quickly and permanently alleviate the patient's condition. During the treatment period, alcohol consumption is completely avoided. In case of circulatory problems, medications are prescribed that improve blood flow (for example, Aspirin). Actovegin helps restore metabolism.


Sometimes goosebumps along with other symptoms indicate serious illnesses that can only be treated with surgery. For example, surgery is performed if pinched nerves or intervertebral hernia cannot be eliminated using conservative methods.

Then a discectomy is performed (part of the tissue that compresses the fibers is removed) or laminectomy (pieces of overgrown joint bones that put a lot of pressure on the nerves are cut out). If paresthesia occurs against the background of tumors, then it is excised. But surgery is performed only in extreme cases, if other treatment methods do not help.

Goosebumps on my feet

The symptom of goosebumps “running” down the leg is caused by various conditions. Let's look at the main ones.

Lumbar plexus neuropathy

It appears due to compression of the plexus by altered upper lumbar vertebrae, hematomas, abscesses, phlegmons, and tumors in this area.

Symptoms: pain and pins and needles - in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area, on the thigh. They intensify when the extended leg is raised upward.

Varicose veins

The legs, especially when standing for a long time and at the end of the working day, itch, swell, and feel heaviness. Dilated veins and purple vascular networks are visually identified.

Restless legs syndrome

This is the name of a condition caused by various reasons, when a burning, tingling, feeling of bursting or squeezing is felt in the legs, due to which the lower limbs perform a frequent reflex movement of “throwing off”.

To clarify and eliminate the cause of such sensations, contact a therapist and neurologist.

Bernhardt-Roth disease

It manifests itself:

  • goosebumps, burning, numbness, tingling in the area from the hip joint along the anterolateral surface of the thigh to the knee;
  • pain and pins and needles intensify when walking, disappear if you sit or lie with your legs bent;
  • if you touch the skin in this area, it will hurt, you will feel a feeling of heat, a prick;
  • sensitivity here is increased;
  • There may be both dry skin and increased sweating in this area.

After lumbar puncture

Injury to the nerve roots during lumbar puncture can lead to pain, loss of sensation in the legs, and weakness in their muscles.

Operations on the spinal cord, spinal nerves, spine

If the nerve roots were injured during the intervention, the following occurs:

  • goosebumps in the legs;
  • weakness of the leg muscles;
  • decreased sensitivity in the legs.

Raynaud's disease

It manifests itself as pain and coldness of the fingers, then the fingers turn blue, which is accompanied by increased pain. Then the vascular spasm goes away, the fingers turn red, and the pain and goosebumps go away.

Femoral nerve neuropathy

It can be caused by a fracture of the pelvic bones with bleeding into the muscles surrounding this nerve. It may occur if the nerve was injured during puncture of the femoral artery, or if it was compressed by lymph nodes or a hematoma localized in the area of ​​the inguinal fold.


  • pain – in the groin area;
  • spreads to the lumbar region, to the thigh and lower leg along their anterior internal surface;
  • Here goosebumps are detected and sensitivity is reduced;
  • flexion-extension of the hip and knee may be performed in too small a volume;
  • climbing stairs is especially difficult.

Clamping of the saphenous nerve

Pins and needles, pain and loss of sensitivity are determined along the inside of the leg from the knee to the big toe.


The disease occurs as a result of the bite of an infected animal, which introduces the rabies virus into the wound. Pathology manifests itself as the appearance of goosebumps in the bitten leg. Subsequently, fear of light, water and sound develops.

Possible consequences and complications

Goosebumps (causes of a physiological nature pass without consequences) can appear due to a deficiency of vitamins, which disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems. For example, a severe deficiency of B1 often results in heart failure or paralysis.

A situation where goosebumps spread from the back to the body is considered dangerous. This may be accompanied by loss of sensitivity, impaired coordination, and motor abilities. This is called Guillain-Barre syndrome. It develops due to infection (herpes and enterovirus), with the formation of antibodies to the nerve fibers of the spinal cord.

Goosebumps require treatment if they are a frequent occurrence and are accompanied by additional negative symptoms. Physiological causes do not cause harm to health, go away on their own, and do not require treatment. In some cases, you can get by with folk remedies.

Goosebumps on the scalp

If you have goosebumps on the back of your head, it could be:

  • Neuropathy of the greater occipital nerve. At the same time, goosebumps, numbness and tingling are felt in the area of ​​​​the back of the head to the crown; here there is increased or decreased sensitivity. You can find pain points in the back of the head.
  • Neuropathy of the cervical plexus with compression of its sensory nerves. Here in the area of ​​the back of the head, neck, shoulder girdle and behind the ear, pain and goosebumps are felt.
  • Transient ischemic attack (ministroke). In this case, the tingling sensation is felt for 1-2 hours, then disappears, leaving no focal changes.
  • Bell's palsy. At first, goosebumps are felt on one side of the face, after which weakness of the muscles on this side appears, and then they completely cease to provide movement to one side of the mouth and facial muscles.

Goosebumps on the tongue

This is typical for:

  • rubbing with dentures;
  • changes in bite resulting from the removal of one or several teeth;
  • galvanization, when an electric current occurs due to the fact that the crowns are made of different metals;
  • getting filling material into the canal;
  • hypovitaminosis B12;
  • damage to the sensory fiber of the glossopharyngeal nerve;
  • inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain;
  • peptic ulcer of the upper digestive system;
  • diseases of the ENT organs: sinusitis, rhinitis.
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