Pine cone decor: order of execution and ideas for inspiration

Have you noticed that you have a lump on your hand? Has it been going on for quite some time now without you hitting anything or receiving any injuries? And is this uncharacteristic formation really bothering you? What could it be? And how to treat this same bump on the hand?

The appearance of this neoplasm can have several reasons and be a characteristic sign:

  • Pathologies in the joints;
  • Oncological processes;
  • Benign formations (hygromas).

What is it?

The word is formed from two parts: hygro- means liquid, the ending -oma is added if we are talking about a tumor. In principle, this term describes quite well the essence of what is happening, that is, a neoplasm filled with liquid. When this ball or lump is isolated, the surgeon receives a thin translucent shell with gel-like or liquid contents.

There are also other terms for hygroma:

  • synovial cyst
  • ganglion
  • ganglion
  • tendon ganglion
  • ganglion cyst
  • synovioma
  • bursitis

With one amendment or another, all these words can be considered synonyms.


Reducing the lump that develops under the skin on the inside or outside of the hand is not the goal of this course of treatment. No physiotherapeutic procedure can give such a result.

Physiotherapy is carried out to reduce compression of peripheral tissues by tumor formation and relieve aseptic inflammation. The procedure is used to eliminate residual effects of the inflammatory process.

Types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • UHF;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnet therapy;
  • soda, salt baths.

With UHF, tissues are heated, resulting in improved blood flow. This manipulation gives a good anti-inflammatory effect. Up to 10 procedures lasting 10-12 minutes are carried out.

Ultrasound has a muscle relaxant effect on smooth, striated muscles, improves blood microcirculation, and enriches tissues with oxygen. There are 8-10 sessions of 10 minutes each.

Magnet therapy is considered as local heating of soft tissues. With its help, they reduce inflammatory processes in cartilage and bone tissue. It is carried out daily or every other day.

Salt baths have an anti-inflammatory effect. They affect adhesions, soften and lengthen them. Tendons and joints are developed. The doctor prescribes 30 procedures lasting 20 minutes. Daily use is recommended.

The causes are not entirely clear

We cannot say with absolute certainty why a synovial cyst appears in a particular place in a given person. From the point of view of structural changes in tissues, mucoid degeneration of the joint capsule or tendon sheath is described; microtubules are formed in this area through which fluid from the joint or tendon sheath is pumped into the formed cavity (this is how the “bubble” grows). The fact is that the connection between the joint and the hygroma occurs only unilaterally from the joint to the cavity of the neoplasm. The greater the load, the greater the pressure and the faster this hygroma can grow. In case of immobilization or rest, the volume of the tumor gradually decreases. I would compare this process to how a balloon is deflated.

Most often, young women come with such complaints with some tendency towards increased elasticity of the connective tissue (good stretching).

What is the danger of neoplasm

As a disease, hygroma does not pose any threat to the life of the body. However, it should not be taken lightly.

It is necessary to contact the clinic immediately after detecting a lump:

  1. If the formation is located in an open place, it leads to psychological discomfort.
  2. When neglected, the cyst grows to large sizes, and the mobility of the joint or the entire limb is limited.

  3. Although rare, the formation is accompanied by pain. Their intensity increases during movement, which significantly interferes with normal life.
  4. The neoplasm contributes to the development of other diseases, often more dangerous than the hygroma itself. However, serious complications are very rare for this disease. Only in the most advanced cases can concomitant diseases appear.
  5. Possible complications also arise as a consequence of surgical intervention. The operation itself is absolutely safe. Risk represents the likelihood of contracting an infection. If this happens, repeated surgery is performed.
  6. A complication can occur when the hygroma membrane is accidentally damaged. The fluid enters healthy tissue. There is a possibility of new seals forming.

Where can it appear?

In principle, hygroma can appear on any joint or tendon sheath. There are characteristic localizations on the hand:

  • Hygroma of the wrist joint can appear on the dorsal (most common) side. In this case, its source is the capsule above the lunate-scaphoid ligament.
  • On the palm it comes out near the radial artery (this is where the pulse is felt) from the space between the radioscaphoid and long radiolunate ligaments.
  • On the finger, it usually sits at the base on the palmar side in the projection of the skin fold. There it is very small and dense, like a bead. Less commonly, hygroma occurs on the finger in the projection of the proximal interphalangeal joint on the back.
  • Mucoid cysts also form on the finger, which are also essentially hygromas, but grow from the distal interphalangeal joint, and not from the tendon sheaths, like the previous two “finger” variants.

I was surprised when I learned that in France hygroma is a disease that we all know in Russia as bursitis of the elbow joint. Well, in fact, they are right, bursitis and hygromas are, in general, the same thing.

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About decorating ideas using pine cones in the following video:

Home decor

Decor made from pine cones for the home does not fit into every style, but it will add coziness to many modern trends. Outside of the winter holidays, your home interior can be diversified with interesting designer items:

  • Candlestick. Use a glass or small glass vase. The candle is placed in the center, along the edges there are several cones without any decoration. Simple, stylish and all-season.

Grace in simplicity Source 1.bp.blogspot

  • Decorative jar. Choose a jar of unusual shape and fill it with pine cones, painted in the color palette of the room - white, black, gray. A container of a more original shape (for example, a vintage candy bowl with a lid) can be filled with pine cones painted in an acid color. Option: the jar is filled to a third with pine cones, a skein of garland is placed on top, which is powered by a battery hidden at the bottom.

For owners of glass containers Source i.pinimg

  • If you are lucky enough to get a particularly large specimen of a cone (for example, from a Coulter pine), no additional decor is required. Designers prefer to use such specimens in their natural form - natural motifs are now in trend.
  • Frame. Small cones of cypress or larch can be used to frame a photograph or a child’s drawing, and hang the finished composition on a ribbon. The craft is left in its natural form, or painted in a suitable color - it will be cute and original.

Particularly large specimens Source media.angieslist

  • Decor in a pot. The pot is filled with moss (or, for example, straw). Cones are laid out in rows on top and secured with glue for reliability. The structure can be given any shape - spherical, elongated, cone-shaped.

Simple and elegant Source xn--80afdb0cbapl


It is best seen on an ultrasound. This is the most accessible and effective way for objective visualization of a tumor.

X-rays of hygroma do not show any changes. The exception is specific mucoid cysts, which may be associated with arthrosis and exostoses of the distal interphalangeal joints.

In rare cases, MRI may be used, especially to look for very small hygromas on the dorsum of the wrist and differentiate them from Kienböck's disease.

What can a hygroma be confused with: lipoma, fibroma and other formations

Thanks to the use of x-rays, it is possible to exclude other diseases associated with joint changes.

Special studies and tests make it possible to establish the nature of the compaction and make an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Hygroma often occurs in the form of a small ball. At the site of dislocation, it stretches the skin and fat layer. The location of the seal is no different from other parts of the hand; slight roughness is possible. Hygroma is benign in nature, appears on the hands, and does not cause pain.
  2. Lipoma forms on the skin surface, sags if it is large. It does not respond to conservative treatment methods. Next to one tubercle, others grow.

  3. Fibroma resembles a colorless, raised mole. Usually causes only cosmetic discomfort. It develops slowly, which makes it different from other seals.
  4. Atheroma is formed due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. The cause is a metabolic disorder in the body. The atheroma is soft to the touch. It differs from other formations in its high risk of infection and leads to suppuration.

The main difference between the described neoplasms is their origin and methods of treatment.

Treatment of hygroma without surgery

The safest thing you can do with a hygroma is to do nothing. This option often leads to success. The probability of spontaneous self-healing reaches about 40%.

One historical method is to crush the synovial cyst. A classic zemstvo doctor, with his strong finger, despite the grimace of pain on the patient’s face, can crush this bottle of gel-like liquid. Earlier sources describe the indispensable participation of a heavy and weighty object, namely the Bible, for the successful crushing of a hygroma. In principle, it can rupture on its own under any sudden movement or load. If the hygroma of the wrist has burst, then there is nothing to worry about in this situation, the hand has the right to ache for several days, instead of a neat round ball there will simply be widespread swelling under the skin. The likelihood of the hygroma returning after such manipulations is very high.

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About the New Year's wreath made of natural materials in the following video:

For the New Year holidays

Homemade New Year's decor is a common thing in all countries where family holidays are valued. Cones occupy one of the main places in it; many original decorations are made from them:

  • Fairy lights. The main condition for an excellent result: the denser (more crowded) the cones are collected, the more impressive they will look. To collect the garland, use a thread or fishing line; the holes at the base are pierced with an awl or needle. The finished ribbon is decorated with snow. Garlands are used to decorate the upper part of the room (beams, hangers), where they have a solemn appearance and do not disturb others.

Garland at the entrance Source hgtvhome.sndimg

  • Christmas decorations. An owl, a hedgehog, a mouse, a gnome and Santa Claus, sprinkled with sparkles and equipped with loops, will take their rightful place among purchased toys. Your children will remember fabulous evenings spent decorating the Christmas tree for the rest of their lives.

For the forest beauty Source modernplace

  • Wall decor. The easiest way to organize decor from pine cones in the country is to hang them in clusters of five to ten pieces and decorate them with everything that is at hand: ribbons, serpentine, fabric bows.

It couldn't be simpler Source xn--80afdb0cbapl

  • Christmas wreath. A traditional decoration for the front door in Catholic culture, it has also taken root in our country. As a frame, choose strong branches, cardboard or wire twisted into a ring (the base can be purchased at the store). Balls and cones are strung on a fishing line and wound onto a base. Optionally add ribbons, figures, sweets, dried fruits.

Wreath with fir and pine cones Source dizain

  • Single decorations. If you don’t have time at all, hang individual cones, painted and covered with artificial snow. To make them look truly festive, coat them with a thin layer of gold or silver spray paint or glitter varnish.
  • Candlestick decor. The combination with sprigs of pine needles, beads and glass balls looks festive.

New Year's candlestick Source mirlandshaft

  • Three-dimensional star. Five pine cones are placed around the sixth, secured with glue and fishing line. The star can be painted at any stage and hung in a doorway or on a chandelier.
  • Holiday table decor. Cones on a ribbon are useful for decorating the back of a chair (from the outside), decorating a napkin, a candlestick, or a small gift (for example, in combination with a candy cane).

Table decoration Source web-studio.pp

  • Composition. One of the fastest ways to decorate your interior. The basis will be a tray, box, dish or three-tier candy bowl. An attractive art object is obtained from a combination of candles, balls, tangerines, fir branches and, of course, pine cones.

There is never too much gold Source tapeciarnia


Hygroma puncture is a quick and safe way to get rid of it. Also, a puncture can be considered as a diagnostic procedure: if you get a gel, it means it’s definitely a hygroma. The probability of relapse after puncture is about 80-90%. Injecting any medications into its cavity does not reduce the likelihood of relapse. It is worth remembering that the entry of steroid hormones (they are sometimes used in the hope of influencing the possible return of hygroma) into the subcutaneous fat or articular cartilage can cause very serious irreversible destruction of these structures.

Medication method

They resort to it in the event of an inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues. The lump itself rarely becomes inflamed. This happens due to inflammation of the joint cavity in which it is located.

There are 2 types of inflammatory process:

  • purulent;
  • aseptic.

The first requires immediate surgical intervention. The second is treated with medication.

Groups of drugs used:

  • non-steroidal;
  • antihistamines;
  • corticosteroids.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs block the enzyme cyclooxygenase and reduce the concentration of pro-inflammatory substances. Antihistamines block the release of histamine into tissues and strengthen the mast cell membrane. They accelerate the capture and destruction of histamine.

Corticosteroids have a general anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive effect. If side effects occur, you should stop taking the medications and seek help from a clinic.

When is surgery needed?

Most people with hygroma want a clear answer to this question. However, the doctor cannot answer it. A synovial cyst is not a dangerous disease; it has a chance to go away without any treatment; surgery (like any intervention) has its own possible complications and risks. Whether to operate on a hygroma or not is a patient’s informed decision. When a person understands the situation and is ready to share responsibility for the decision made with the doctor, then one can choose the time and place to perform the intervention.

How is the operation to remove hygroma performed?

I will describe the basic principles using the example of the most common dorsal hygroma on the wrist.

  • The operation is outpatient. There is no need to stay in the hospital.
  • Local anesthesia. Anesthesia means unnecessary risks, as well as excessive preoperative examination. I use a mixture of lidocaine and epinephrine, this avoids discomfort from the tourniquet, reduces the likelihood of a toxic reaction to the anesthetic and prolongs the effect of pain relief to 4-5 hours.
  • Transverse access. Longitudinal access leaves rough, unsightly scars.
  • It is imperative to excise the fragment of the joint capsule from which the hand hygroma grows. Only the skin is sutured.
  • I don't use immobilization. For the first 2-3 days, a thick soft bandage is applied, which limits movement and makes the early postoperative period as comfortable as possible. Prolonged immobilization after surgery can lead to stiffness, but does not affect the likelihood of relapse.
  • The skin heals in about 2 weeks.

Surgical removal

The operation is performed in a hospital setting under the influence of anesthesia : local - for small formations, general - for large lumps.

The operation to excise a lump that has formed on the hand and develops under the skin requires careful preparation of the patient. It is necessary to normalize the number of platelets and glucose levels in the body. The doctor then chooses the type of anesthesia.

1 day before surgical removal, sensitivity to the injected drug is determined. On the morning of the operation, the patient is given a broad-spectrum antibiotic, and the area around the hygroma is carefully shaved.

The patient is placed on the operating table so that it is accessible from both sides. The surgical field is outlined and sterilized with antiseptics. An anesthetic is administered, its effectiveness and pain sensitivity are checked. The first incision is made.

There are two ways to implement it:

  • a diagonal cut through the apex;
  • outline of the tumor formation around the base.

The advantage of the first is smooth edges, an almost invisible post-operative scar. The second option will not damage the capsule of the formation, but the operated site will take longer to heal. After the first incision, the entire capsule is isolated, the base is fixed, and the incision is made.

The pathological formation is excised without opening. Finally, bandaging or suturing is performed. The method chosen depends on the width of the base. The surgical site is treated with antiseptic drugs. The removal procedure lasts about half an hour. The stitches are removed after a week.

What modern methods of getting rid of hygroma exist?

Removal of this bubble with a gel-like liquid is possible both from the skin and from the joint. There is a thin camera and special instruments that allow you to look inside the wrist joint through small punctures of 2-3 mm. This procedure is called arthroscopy from the words “arthro” joint and “scopy” to look. Through these punctures you can not only look into the joint, but also perform useful manipulations inside, for example, remove a hygroma. The advantages of the arthroscopic method are smaller scars on the skin, faster rehabilitation, and a relatively lower likelihood of relapse.

Indications for removal

Surgery is considered an effective method of treating the disease. The lump is removed along with the capsule; this action prevents relapse.

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • severe pain in the joints;
  • limited mobility at the site of the lesion;
  • the size of the cone changes quickly;
  • other methods of treating compaction did not produce a positive effect.

The purpose of the surgical intervention is to remove the protrusion with restoration of the joints and maximum tissue removal. Often, a tumor formation is only an aesthetic defect of the skin, so surgical intervention is of a cosmetic nature. It is carried out at the request of the patient.

Traditional methods

  1. Hygroma can be treated with an old copper coin. You need to put pressure on the tumor formation, apply a nickel to the hygroma and bandage it tightly. The bandage is not removed for three days. The principle of operation is explained by the properties of copper.
  2. An alcohol compress helps get rid of hygroma. It is made with 74% alcohol before bedtime. Apply a compress to the seal, wrap it with film or a towel. It takes a different number of days until complete healing, depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. An effective treatment for compaction is clay. Red clay is applied to the affected area, lying in the sun in the summer. A compress is made from it like this: the clay is combined with urine to a creamy consistency. Place the mixture on a cloth, apply it to the affected area, cover it well, and leave it on for a couple of hours. After removing the bandage, treat the area with iodine. During the day, the seal should be coated with beef bile.
  4. In a couple of weeks, the fruits of physalis will cure hygroma. They need to be ground in a meat grinder. The resulting composition is spread on a cloth, applied to the lesion, wrapped in cellophane on top and goes to bed. Remove the compress in the morning. Repeat the steps for several weeks until the lump disappears completely.
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