The use of potatoes for the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis

Treating joints with potatoes is an effective traditional medicine that helps relieve the main symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis, relieve pain, reduce swelling, and stop inflammation.

Many parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes - tubers, fresh inflorescences, juice and even potato shoots. When preparing potions, it is important to carefully observe the proportions, since some substances in potatoes can be toxic.

In this article we will talk about how to treat joints with potatoes - the beneficial properties of the vegetable, methods of use, possible contraindications.

Composition and beneficial properties

Potatoes for arthritis and arthrosis are effectively used to cleanse and heal joints due to their healing composition and beneficial properties:

  • Vitamin C is found in abundance in our usual jacket potatoes. This valuable substance helps the body absorb calcium, a building material for bones and joints, and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, ascorbic acid normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the production of collagen, which provides articular cartilage with density, elasticity, and a healthy structure. Such properties of potatoes help in curing arthritis of various types - rheumatoid, gouty, reactive.
  • Diuretic effect and potassium saturation. Thanks to the diuretic effect, the body is cleansed of harmful salts, which is very important for gout, without the side effect of potassium leaching. Therefore, even people with heart failure can be treated with potatoes for arthrosis and arthritis without the risk of worsening their health.
  • Mineral salts provide an alkalizing effect. With metabolic disorders, excess uric acid salts accumulate in the joints - gout. These salts cause severe pain, swelling and inflammation. The use of potatoes for gouty arthritis helps to neutralize the destructive effects of uric acid salts, reducing the symptoms of the disease.

According to traditional healers, potato sprouts can bring the greatest benefit to joints. They are a source of solanine, a toxic substance that, if used incorrectly, can cause poisoning, and if used correctly, can accelerate the healing of joint tissue.

Methods for preparing a tincture of potato sprouts for joints and other medicinal potions will be discussed below.

What is the benefit

Traditional medicine has long appreciated the positive effects of different parts of this culture on the joints. The following useful properties can be identified:

  1. Tubers contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb calcium. It is known that calcium is a building component for bones and joints; in addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Ascorbic acid contained in potatoes also helps normalize metabolic processes. With its help, collagen is actively produced, making cartilage denser and more elastic. By starting this process, potatoes help in the fight against various types of arteritis (reactive, gouty and rheumatoid).
  2. Potatoes are rich in mineral salts, which have an alkalizing effect. When metabolic processes are disrupted, uric acid salts begin to accumulate in the joints (gout). They provoke the appearance of swelling and inflammation, accompanied by acute pain. Uric acid is neutralized by using potato tinctures and compresses. Thanks to compresses, the symptoms are relieved, pain and inflammation are reduced.
  3. Potato-based products for internal use have a diuretic effect without leaching potassium. This way, when urinating, excess salts are removed, and the joints begin to function normally.

Decoctions for oral administration

For medicinal purposes, use only fresh potatoes, without green barrels. Green tubers contain solanine, the use of which internally can cause gastrointestinal disorders and disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

There are several recipes for preparing potato decoctions to heal sore joints.

  1. Take a few fresh chopped potatoes, add water without salt and boil until completely softened.
  2. Fill the potatoes with water at a ratio of 1:3. Cook until the amount of water is reduced to half. Mash the prepared tubers together with water and leave to infuse until the morning, then filter the infusion.
  3. Fill several potato tubers with water so that it completely covers them. Cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, then drain the starchy broth into a separate bowl.

In all cases, the tubers must be immediately filled with boiling water to maximize the preservation of their healing properties.

Potato decoctions are taken three times a day, every other day, 30-40 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after it. The recommended dosage is 100 ml per dose.

Salt, potatoes, honey - “grandmother’s” methods of treating cough and runny nose

If you are wet, chilled and have generally tasted all the delights of the coming autumn, and now you suffer from a stuffy nose and a severe cough. Don’t rush to calculate how much money from your salary will be spent on treatment. has collected folk methods that sometimes work more effectively than drugs. But remember that everything has contraindications and, of course, it is better to consult a specialist. Compresses

If you have a severe or dry cough, you can make your life easier with a compress. This is the most gentle procedure that does not have any negative effect on the body.

But remember that you should not resort to this method of warming up if

  • the patient has a high temperature;
  • damaged skin: ulcers, wounds, cracks);
  • the patient is less than two years old;
  • have cardiovascular diseases;
  • have problems with blood pressure;
  • you are allergic to any component of the compress;
  • there is a malignant tumor.

Before applying the compress, you need to lubricate the skin with sunflower oil so as not to damage it; after the procedure, use a nourishing cream.
The compress is placed on the back or chest (not on the heart area). It is ideal if you leave this heating pad on all night.

Honey compress

Spread a small amount of honey on your chest. We moisten a clean handkerchief with vodka or alcohol, place it on top of the honey, and put cling film on top. Tie the patient with a warm scarf so that the compress does not slip off.

Honey cake

Another option for a honey compress, it is suitable for pregnant women and children. Helps with bronchitis, colds, coughs.


  • Flour - 20 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 20 g.
  • Honey – 20 g.

Mix everything in one container and form a cake. We wrap it in a bandage and apply it to the chest, remove it after at least three hours.

Potato compress

Less allergenic than honey, but just as effective.

Boil the potatoes in their jackets. When it is ready, transfer it to a bag, pressing down lightly. Wrap the bag in cloth and place it on your chest.

Salt compress

Dissolve 90 grams of salt in a liter of warm water. We dip a scarf into the resulting solution, apply it to the chest, cover it with cling film on top and tie it with a scarf. It is better to apply this compress at night and remove it only in the morning.

Cabbage compress

We separate several leaves from the head of cabbage, heat them in a steam bath, apply them to the chest and tie them with a warm scarf. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

Warming up

In principle, this is a type of compress, but is used to treat a runny nose.

This method of treating a runny nose also has its contraindications:

  • heat;
  • purulent discharge from the nasal cavity or throat;
  • long course of the disease and unclear causes;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • nasal polyps.

Salt warming
This warming should be carried out for about 10-15 minutes daily. Heat two tablespoons of salt in a frying pan, then wrap the hot salt in a soft cloth. The patient lies down without a pillow on his back. We put the compress on the sinuses. After the procedure, you need to lie down in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Buckwheat warming

We perform the same steps as with salt, only with buckwheat.

Egg warming

Boil the egg hard. Until it cools down, wrap it in a soft cloth and place it on your sinuses for 10-15 minutes.

Potato warming

The principle is the same as the egg one. Boil the potato, wrap it in cloth, and apply it.


Inhalation is an effective method of treating a runny nose. The contraindications are the same as for heating. The main advantages of this method are that the beneficial components go directly into the nasal sinuses. Inhalations should be done 1.5-2 hours after eating. Make sure the water temperature is no more than 70 degrees. When inhaling, you should breathe slowly to avoid getting burned.

Potato inhalations

Boil the potatoes in their jackets, as soon as the heat is turned off, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam from the pan. You can add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a saucepan with water and potatoes. We take 8 breaths through the nose, then exhale powerfully through the mouth.


Essential inhalations
Buy essential oils of tea tree, fir, pine, sea buckthorn or eucalyptus at the pharmacy. Put a liter of water on the fire, heat it to 70 degrees, add 1-3 drops of oil. We breathe in the same way as over potatoes. Herbal inhalations

Dry herbs: yarrow, chamomile, calendula, sage, raspberry leaves - add 15 g per 1 liter of water. We insist for an hour. Then heat the mixture without bringing it to a boil. Let's breathe.


If the previous methods did not work for you, you can try putting drops in your nose; you don’t have to run to the pharmacy for medicine, everything you need can be at hand.

Vegetable juice

This method is suitable for children up to one year old. Take beetroot or carrot juice, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2 and drop it into your nose.

For children under one year old, drop 1-2 drops of beetroot or carrot juice diluted with water into the nose.


If you have a Kalanchoe plant at home, consider that you are protected from the common cold. The main thing is to catch the very beginning of the disease.

We tear off a Kalanchoe leaf and lubricate the nose with its juice. You can also drip - 3-5 drops into each nostril.


We tear off a leaf of this plant, rinse with boiled water, squeeze out the juice, mix with chilled water in a ratio of 1:10. Instill the resulting mixture 3-4 drops into each nostril 3-5 times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil also helps with a runny nose; you can instill 4-6 drops of it 3 times a day.

Mint with honey

Honey is an excellent antiseptic, and mint easily “breaks through” a stuffy nose. Pour a tablespoon of mint into 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap it up and leave for an hour. Strain the broth and add honey to it. Rinse your nose with this infusion.

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Tuber compress

To make a natural remedy, we use raw potatoes with greenish skin. This vegetable contains the most solanine, which is effective for treating joint diseases. Thoroughly wash the required number of tubers, wipe and chop in any available way - on a grater, in a blender or meat grinder.

To use grated potatoes for joints, it should be heated. To do this, place the raw material in a pan, add water and heat it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. You cannot heat it more or boil it, otherwise the product will lose its healing properties.

Mix the warm mass along with the juice with a spoon of honey and spread it on several layers of natural fabric, under which a plastic film is placed. The layer of potato-honey mixture should be about 2 cm thick.

Now we wrap the bandage around the joints of the knee, toes and other joints, avoiding unnecessary leakage. We fix it on top with a bandage and leave the lotion until the morning. The recommended course of treatment is one week. Such a compress will help quickly relieve pain, relieve inflammation, and speed up the removal of salts from joint tissues.

Raw potatoes: treatment of joints

When treating with raw potatoes, it is necessary to choose slightly green root vegetables - those that, after rain, partially appear on the surface of the soil and turn green under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. They are not suitable for consumption, but for treatment they are exactly what is needed. The green color indicates that they have begun to produce corned beef, a substance considered poisonous. However, it has a beneficial effect on the joints.

How to use? You need to take several potatoes, wash them thoroughly under running water, dry and chop. A meat grinder, grater or blender is suitable for this. Then the resulting mass should be transferred to a saucepan and heated on the stove to a temperature of approximately 35-40 degrees. It is impossible to heat it up more strongly, otherwise the raw material will lose all its medicinal properties. You can add a little honey to this mixture.

Now you can prepare a compress for joints from potatoes. Any natural fabric is taken and folded into several layers. Polyethylene is laid under the material, and a warm potato mass 2 cm thick is laid out on top of all layers. In this form, the product is applied to the inflamed joint and fixed with a bandage. The compress is best applied in the evening and left overnight. The course of treatment is 1 week. During this time, a remedy made from warm raw potatoes will reduce inflammation, reduce tissue swelling and relieve pain.

Infusion for rubbing

Treatment of joints with potato sprouts involves making a tincture with alcohol, and in its absence, you can use good vodka.

To get sprouts that are as rich in solanine as possible, you need to germinate them up to 5 cm. Preparing raw materials for a medicinal infusion at home is simple: you need to take a few tubers and leave them to germinate in a warm and humid place.

Very short shoots that have managed to grow up to 1-2 cm are not recommended to be used due to their ineffectiveness.

To prepare a tincture of potato sprouts for joint diseases, we will need: 1/4 liter of vodka and potato shoots. Raw materials must be taken in such quantity that the liquid completely covers it.

Prepare the tincture like this:

  • We separate the required number of shoots from the tubers and thoroughly wash the raw materials.
  • Grind the shoots in a meat grinder or finely chop.
  • Place the mixture in a glass container and fill it with alcohol.
  • Cover the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a dark cupboard for 15 days.
  • We determine the readiness of the infusion by its color - it should turn rich brown. If the product has “reached”, strain it through several layers of gauze.

We use the medicine to rub the sore knee, hip and other joints. You need to rub the infusion twice a day, with moderately intense movements until completely absorbed.

At night, you can apply compresses with infusions based on sprouts of sprouted potatoes, soak gauze in the liquid and apply a bandage to the inflamed joint. For enhanced effects, the compress is insulated with a layer of polyethylene and warm fabric.

This therapy will help quickly relieve pain, improve joint mobility, and speed up recovery.

Potato sprouts: treatment of joints

The tuber sprouts have the most powerful healing effect. They do not contain enough solanine to cause poisoning, but there is enough of it to help the healing of joint tissue. Potato sprout tincture for joints is prepared with alcohol or vodka. It’s simple to make, but you need to properly prepare the raw materials. You need to take several tubers with the maximum number of eyes and put them in a bright, warm place for a couple of weeks. During this time, the eyes will sprout and shoots 5 cm long with a greenish tint will appear on them.

Potato sprouts have a rich composition, they contain:

  • sugar;
  • amino acids;
  • starch;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • alkaloid solanine.

Therefore, the medicine prepared from young shoots of tubers has excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

How to infuse potato sprouts for joints? The tincture is prepared in the following order:

  1. The shoots are separated from the tubers and washed with water.
  2. Cut into smaller pieces with a knife.
  3. Placed in a glass jar or bottle.
  4. The sprouts are poured with vodka or alcohol so that all the raw materials are immersed in the liquid.
  5. The container is closed with a lid and put away in a cool, dark place.
  6. Potato sprout medicine for joints is infused for 15 days.
  7. If the infusion turns dark brown, then it’s time to strain it through gauze folded in several layers.
  8. The prepared product should be stored in a cool place.

You can speed up the process of preparing the infusion. To do this, the sprouts are crushed with a blender, the juice is squeezed through cheesecloth and diluted with an alcohol solution in the ratio: 1 part juice and 2 parts vodka. This infusion lasts only a week.

Treatment of joints with potato sprouts should be carried out during the period of inflammation. The infusion is applied to the sore joint, rubbed and immobilized until the medicine is completely absorbed. You need to rub twice a day, morning and evening.

The infusion can also be used as a night compress. To do this, the medicine is applied to gauze, applied to the inflamed joint and wrapped in several layers of warm fabric. This therapy quickly reduces pain, improves joint mobility and speeds up recovery.

Potato infusion

Raw materials for the medicinal drug must be prepared in advance. To do this, collect young, recently blossomed flowers, lay them out to dry in a dark, dry place, and then put them in canvas bags. You need to collect flowers only in dry, sunny weather, otherwise the raw materials may not be preserved and lose their beneficial properties.

Preparing a healing infusion is quite simple. Dry color is poured halfway into a small glass container, then vodka or alcohol is poured until the bottle is full.

The future medicine should be infused in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks in a row, without shaking.

You need to apply the flower infusion before going to bed, thoroughly rubbing the inflamed area. After this, the sore knee or elbow should be wrapped in warm woolen cloth and left until the morning.

You need to treat like this every day until the tincture runs out. If indicated, therapy is resumed after a month's break.

Potato flowers

The flowers of the plant are also used in folk medicine. They need to be prepared in time during the flowering period. Young, newly blossomed inflorescences are cut on a sunny day and dried in a shaded place. They should be stored in a fabric bag in a dark, dry place.

Potato flower tincture for joints is easy to prepare. First, dry flowers are poured into a glass container (up to half the container) and filled with diluted alcohol or vodka. Then the jar (bottle) is hidden in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. After this time, the product will be ready for use. The sore joint can be moistened with the infusion and rubbed thoroughly with your hands. Then the area of ​​the knee, elbow, hand or foot is wrapped in a warm woolen blanket or scarf. This procedure is repeated daily until the symptoms of the disease go away. To avoid side effects, you need to take a month's break.


Almost everyone can use potato rubs and compresses, in the absence of severe damage to the skin: eczema, deep wounds and cuts.

As for juice and decoction for internal use, in this case the list of contraindications is somewhat broader:

  1. The acidity of gastric juice is below normal - in this case, alkalization can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  2. Diabetes mellitus. Due to the abundance of starch, potato drugs can cause a jump in glucose levels, a malfunction of the pancreas, and a deterioration in the patient’s condition.
  3. Gastrointestinal dysfunction, kidney and bladder stones. For such diseases, the decoction or extract begins to be taken in small doses, monitoring the state of health.


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Patients who have used decoction, juice or potato sprouts to treat joints write encouraging reviews.

Tamara Maksimovna, 76 years old: “My husband and I are supporters of traditional treatment. He has chronic gout and I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Recently we started treating ourselves with potatoes - we drink raw juice to remove salts, and make compresses from sprouts. The next morning you get up and there is almost no pain. And my husband says that the bump on his leg has decreased, he even began to limp less, and the doctors say that the improvements are noticeable. When we started treating ourselves with potatoes, we even spent less on medicine!”

Potato sprouts: treatment of joints (reviews)

Those who have tried this folk potato remedy speak only positively about it. It has a number of advantages, the main ones of which are:

  1. Availability. You can prepare the product yourself at home from simple ingredients.
  2. Speed ​​of action. After just a couple of days, the pain subsides, swelling and inflammation are noticeably reduced.
  3. Efficiency. Many patients note the fact that tinctures help maintain not only joint mobility, but also the ability to move their limbs quite comfortably.

In the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, various parts of this vegetable crop are used - flowers, tubers, sprouts. Therefore, there is always a choice. But we should not forget about additional methods of therapy - nutrition and diet, medications, physical therapy exercises, restriction of motor activity in the area of ​​the diseased joint. An integrated approach will help, if not overcome the disease, then at least keep it in check.

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