Honda Glucosamine maximum, 30 pcs., 1.3 g, tablets

Honda Glucosamine maximum, 30 pcs., 1.3 g, tablets

Under normal conditions, the cartilage in each joint produces sufficient amounts of substances to provide “cushioning and lubrication”, constantly replenishing their loss resulting from natural wear and tear. But for various reasons (age, sports activities, work specifics, injuries, obesity, heredity), the cartilage in one or many joints cannot produce a sufficient amount of “lubricant”. This accelerates the wear and tear of the joint cartilage, causing the joint to become unable to function fully. Recently, chondroprotectors – literally “protectors of articular cartilage” – have been used all over the world to maintain healthy joints. One of the main chondroprotectors is glucosamine.

The pharmaceutical company has developed a biologically active food supplement Honda Glucosamine Maximum, 1 tablet of which contains 750 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride and a daily dosage of B vitamins.

Honda Glucosamine Maximum promotes:

  • maintaining the cartilage tissue of the joints and spine in a healthy condition;
  • natural renewal of cartilage tissue of joints and spine;
  • maintaining joint mobility.

Properties of active components

Glucosamine hydrochloride is obtained from the chitin of marine crustaceans. It is a natural component of articular cartilage; in the body it is used by chondrocytes as a starting material for the synthesis of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, and stimulates the synthesis of collagen - substances that are so necessary for the normal functioning of joints. Additional amounts of glucosamine promote the process of natural renewal of cartilage tissue.

B vitamins (B2, B6, B12, folic acid) contribute to the normal functioning of cartilage tissue.


glucosamine hydrochloride; microcrystalline cellulose, maltodextrin (carriers), film coating components (food additives): hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (thickener), titanium dioxide (color), Tween 80 (emulsifier), polyethylene glycol (glazing agent), talc (anti-caking agent); croscarmellose and polyvinylpyrrolidone (carriers); amorphous silicon dioxide, stearic acid and calcium stearate (anti-caking agents), corn starch (carrier), vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, folic acid.

Content in 1 tablet (daily intake) and % of the recommended daily intake (adequate level)
Glucosamine hydrochloride, no less750 mg107,2%1
Vitamin B6, no less2 mg100%
Vitamin B2, no less1.8 mg112,5%1
Vitamin B12, no less0.003 mg300%1
Folic acid, no less0.2 mg100%
Recommendations for useAdults: 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. Duration of treatment is at least 3 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.
Contraindications Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Before use, you should consult your doctor.
Certificate of State Registration (SoGR) No. RU. dated January 30, 2015
Release formPills
Number of tablets per package30 tablets, 1.3 g each
Best before date3 years
Storage conditionsStore at a temperature not exceeding 25°C

1 Does not exceed the upper permissible consumption level.

For additional information, materials used:

  1. Radar. Encyclopedia of drugs. 2006;
  2. E. Alekseeva “Dona - a new era in the treatment of osteoarthritis”, Remedium, January-February 2003;
  3. V.A. Frolov, Associate Professor of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, “Problems of modern medicine and nutritional supplements in the complex therapy of certain diseases of the joints and spine,” BAD, No. 2(6) 2001;
  4. V.A. Tutelyan, B.P. Sukhanov, A.N. Avstrievskikh, V.M. Pozdnyakovsky “Dietary supplements in human nutrition”, Tomsk, 1999;
  5. Michael Risman “Dietary supplements: the unknown about the known”, Moscow, 1998.

HONDA (capsules)

ointments based on herbs, but until you try everything, you won’t immediately understand whether it helps, and they act slowly.
Therefore, the first thing I did was ask my mother-in-law how she treats her legs (I see that she began to run quite vigorously at 85, and a few years ago she was limping). It turned out that the doctor recommended that she rub the joint with Honda cream from Evalar and take a related drug with a similar composition. The cream seemed a little expensive at the time, but I took it, especially since I read the instructions in advance and realized that if the manufacturers did not deceive when indicating the composition, then at least there would be some benefit from it. The bouquet is not bad - chondroitin and glucosamine, in fact, “our everything” for joints and cartilage. The box, of course, contains instructions - it contains the composition, the effect of the components, and the method of use.

I realized that you need to not just smear it on the skin, but massage the area around the sore joint for several minutes. This will increase blood circulation and the cream will be absorbed better. I began to perform these simple manipulations twice a day, and the pain, of course, did not go away immediately, but became duller every day. The tube lasted me about a month, and although by the end of it, I no longer felt any discomfort in my knee, but I used the cream to the end. At the same time, I did not take anything internally. It was in the fall and my leg didn’t bother me all winter. And in the spring I remembered the golden rule that the best treatment is prevention, and I bought the cream again and repeated the course of knee anointing. I did this every six months - everything was fine with my leg, and I relaxed... last fall I slipped. And then there was an unsuccessful jump from the minibus, plus the weather was very damp, and it was cool in the house - my leg hurt. But my expectations that it would resolve on its own were not justified. Yesterday I went to the pharmacy to buy a Honda. By the way, surprisingly, the price has practically not changed during this time. I really hope that the cream will help me out this time too, and that no strong drugs will be needed.

I squeeze out approximately this amount from the tube and begin massaging my unfortunate knee. The cream is quickly absorbed, so, to be honest, I would not use it for a long massage of any large area - there is practically no slipping after a couple of minutes. Another tip is to wash the joint with warm water each time before the procedure to remove the previous, already oxidized portion of the cream. In addition, clean skin will absorb new skin faster and more efficiently. I’m starting the course and in a month I’ll share my impressions of what the result will be this time. In the meantime, I recommend the cream to those whose disease is not too advanced, but whose legs are constantly under increased stress. Summer residents, oh! Feed your knees with chondroitin and glucosamine!) PS: I would not have remembered my promise to talk about the treatment that began in May if I had not sat down to write a review about another healing balm. And the reason for my forgetfulness is that my knee no longer bothers me. Moreover, this happened a week after using Honda, and from that moment on, I didn’t even remember every morning about the need to rub in the cream, I only realized it in the evening. Therefore, I dealt with the tube for a very long time. Now I wouldn’t miss the autumn course of prevention, otherwise, when it doesn’t hurt, you know...))

Honda Forte - reviews


There were no problems when taking it, the joints began to work better, but I took it for 3 months. The effect is cumulative! not instant


I alternate courses of taking Honda Forte with Honda Glucosamine Maximum. They have different compositions. The second does not contain chondroitin. Contains 750 mg of glucosamine hydrochloride and B vitamins. I am sure that alternating these tablets helps to move actively, without experiencing stiffness and especially pain!!!


Recently, with this remedy, my knees began to fail, but with my weight it’s understandable, I’m trying to lose weight but it’s become difficult to walk. When I started taking Honda, the situation became a little better, but I’ve only completed one course so far.


The work is sedentary. I noticed that by the end of the shift there was stiffness in movement. I've heard a lot of useful things about chondroprotectors. I decided to strengthen my joints too. Due to affordability and price, I chose Honda Forte. This drug has a good dosage: chondroitin and glucosamine - 500 mg each. I took the first course in the fall. I was pleased with the result. The stiffness is gone. My knees stopped creaking. There is no unpleasant sensation in my wrists when working in the evening. Now I have started another course as a preventive measure.


I don’t have any serious problems with cartilage tissue, I just started to notice as I got older that my joints weren’t the same anymore. Therefore, I started taking Evalar Honda Forte as a preventive measure. I didn’t notice any side effects, I was also pleased with the price, so in my opinion this is an excellent product.


I don’t know who it didn’t help, but for me the effect was amazing. My knees have hurt all my life. As a child, in the winter I fell from the high fence of the veterinary institute, where my friend and I were looking out for dogs to give them our breakfasts. Two huge lumps grew on my knees. The doctor said that it would go away over time, but they remained that way. With age, they began to get sick more severely and more often. It got to the point where I started dragging my left leg behind me. I drank the Honda Forte and it became as good as new. I didn’t even believe it myself. This was 5 years ago. Now I want to ask again, because... I feel like my legs are starting to hurt again. I think everything will be fine.


I am 32 years old, but my knee joints started bothering me about 3 years ago. I went to the doctor. In my case, the cause of joint pain is that I played sports for a long time, and then suddenly quit. Plus smoking. All this is very unpleasant and I had to resort to the drug “Honda Forte” in tablets. I needed the cartilage tissue renewal process to take place. I didn’t really believe that there would be an effect. But still, after a month I felt a difference. My legs stopped hurting, even though I have to run all day at work. I will definitely repeat the course of treatment in half a year, and maybe earlier.


This is a good drug, it really helped me solve all my joint problems. After taking these pills for two weeks, I no longer complained of any pain. There were no side effects either, because the drug is completely natural and safe, and does not hurt at the price, especially when compared with foreign analogues



  • valid
  • inexpensive
  • good result


  • did not find

I have arthrosis of the knee joints of the 1st degree. Unfortunately, I have had problems with my knees since I was 23 as a complication after suffering from a sore throat. And despite my age, I already know what joint pain and limited mobility are. I lead a fairly active lifestyle and love to dance. And I don’t really want to limp on both legs. And arthrosis is such a nasty thing that cannot be treated and only progresses with age. But it can be slowed down if you take chondroprotectors. I was prescribed different drugs, including expensive ones, but I discovered Evalar a long time ago, because their Honda is ideal for me in terms of price-quality ratio.

1 tablet contains 500 mg of glucosamine and 500 mg of chondroitin, as well as extract of willow bark and burdock roots, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. You need to take 1 tablet per day. During periods of exacerbation, I take 2 tablets, and then the pain goes away quite quickly, joint mobility is restored. Cost-447 rub. Per package, which is much cheaper than the same Teraflex, where the active substances are in the same dosage. Previously, I drank regular Honda, where the dosage was 2 times less and two doses were needed. At the price of the course, 2 doses of Honda and 1 dose of Honda Forte are approximately the same. It's a matter of convenience. Personally, I find it more convenient to take the entire dose at once.

In general, I am very pleased: inexpensive and effective. I will only change Evalara with a supplement from iHerb, where sulfur is added to glucosamine and chondroitin for digestibility. But while I’m waiting for the package, I’m drinking Honda Forte.



  • compound
  • price


  • you have to wait for the effect

Before purchasing, I read about the composition of this dietary supplement on the Internet; it contains chondroitin and glucosamine - they help in renewing cartilage tissue. Chondroitin sulfate protects cartilage and helps reduce pain. I felt the first noticeable improvements after 2 weeks - the pain became quieter and less frequent. After a month and a half, the joints became more mobile. Of course, I haven’t allowed myself to ride a bike yet, but I’ve started walking more per day. I'll try to repeat the course in a couple of months.



  • Natural
  • accessible
  • helped


  • No

I never thought that I might have problems with my joints... During the New Year holidays we went skiing and fell on my knees. Not to say that there was severe pain, it was tolerable. Then everything went away, but then this blow made itself felt - my knees began to react painfully to any physical activity, especially cycling, elliptical (I work out regularly in the gym). I went to the doctor and they prescribed physiotherapy and this dietary supplement for Honda Forte. My course of treatment lasted 1 month - my knees almost stopped hurting and no longer reacted to the weather. I think that everything together had its effect. By the way, I did not find any side effects from using the dietary supplement. It is also always a plus when the composition contains natural ingredients, in this dietary supplement it is willow bark extract and burdock roots.



  • Has a positive effect on joints


  • No

A new drug for me for the treatment of the back and lumbar region. My back hurts a lot. I take various medications, do back exercises, apply ointments and gels. Helps for a while. And everything is new. Once again I was looking for new medications, and the pharmacy recommended active supplements. I developed a complete distrust of supplements. I came home and started looking at similar medications and supplements. And I found out that the active substance in Evalar “Honda” tablets, sodium chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride, similar tablets are much more expensive than Honda, and have several times less active substance than Honda. I have respect for the Evalar company.

I bought it. Convenient packaging - you only need to take one tablet per day. The package of tablets is enough for just one course. Then you need to take a break before the next course.

Well, about your well-being - maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe not. My back felt much better after the first pill. I've been taking the pills for three weeks now.


Since childhood, I have had very weak joints and bones; breaking my arm at school was not a problem for me. I recently signed up for a gym, personal training, and decided to take up sports seriously and increase my endurance. After the first workout, I strained my leg and my whole body; it was in the joints that I began to ache. I bought myself a dietary supplement Honda Forte for prevention, took a tablet a day for 2 weeks, during which time my stretched leg went away, and then I went back to the gym. The first training was successful, I gave it my all, but all my joints remained intact)) And so far for two weeks there have been no problems, and believe me, this is an achievement for me. Now I’m ready for any load, my legs and back get much less tired. I'm even thinking about becoming a fitness trainer))


Honda Forte is now always with me in my purse, because once every 6 months I take a course for joint pain. The first time I noticed discomfort was when I was working out on an exercise bike at a fitness club. Then I didn’t attach any importance to it, I thought that I just overextended my leg or adjusted the seat awkwardly. But the pain recurred the next lesson and generally began to overcome me regularly. Since then I have been taking Honda Forte from the Evalar company and feel significant improvements in my health. I pedal the exercise bike comfortably, without remembering the pain and crunching.

Veronica Orlovskaya

My grandfather takes the drug Honda Forte from the company Evalar. The tendons in his hands have been tightened for a very long time, that is, the hand does not straighten completely (according to science - Dupuytren's contracture). Plus, there was a crunch when rotating the brushes.

My grandfather started taking Honda, but didn’t really believe in it; in the first month of taking it, no results were observed. There are 36 tablets in 1 pack, it costs 270-370 rubles (depending on the pharmacy). You need to take one tablet per day with meals, its size is quite large.

And so, after a month of taking it, grandfather happily shared the results - nothing crunched in his hands anymore, and the tendons became more pliable.

After his stories, I also decided to buy it (my knees and lower back are very bothersome - I dance a lot - I work as a trainer), I drank it for 1.5 months, and noticed improvements. The annotation also says that you need to take it for at least a month.

So the drug is good, it contains sodium chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride, which in turn has a positive effect on the joints.

I recommend.

Maria N.

I started jogging after a long break and my knees started hurting. I ran for a while, hoping that my body would cope, but the pain began to intensify, sometimes becoming unbearably stabbing, and I gave up. Instead of a rather traumatic run, I went swimming and stretching and started drinking Honda Forte. Not very cheap, of course, but a friend recommended this dietary supplement to me, so I decided not to risk it and trust a proven product. I finished drinking a pack (about a month), now I’ll take a second one. Of course, unpleasant sensations still visit me, but there is definitely a result, the sharp attacks of pain have stopped, aching sensations remain. I will continue on this course.

Zhuravleva Karina

Since my youth, I suffered from “clicking” in my knee joints, but it did not cause me any discomfort for the time being. With age, the clicking intensified and sometimes minor pain in the knees and fatigue appeared. I was afraid to get involved with serious drugs (and even without consulting a doctor), but at the pharmacy my eye fell on the Honda Forte dietary supplement. I felt a positive effect at the end of the month, at the end of the course, the “clicking” almost disappeared, there was no pain. Now I will regularly take the course 2 times a year and still see a surgeon.

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