Treating joints with chestnuts: recipes for tinctures and decoctions

Horse chestnut is a luxurious tree that adorns the streets of cities and villages. With its spectacular inflorescences, it symbolizes the approach of summer, and its fruits serve as material for original crafts. But not everyone knows that this plant also has healing properties. Thus, tinctures from chestnut fruits treat many diseases and contribute to overall improvement of health. We will tell you further about how to prepare and take them.

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Benefits of horse chestnut

The healing properties of chestnuts for treating joints have long been known in folk medicine.

The medicinal properties of horse chestnut make it possible to treat joints with its help. For these purposes, use a tincture or decoction based on the fruits of the tree. They are also suitable for combating other diseases that may affect a person.

The flowers of the medicinal tree can boast of containing a huge number of useful components. They are enriched with choline, rutin, escin, purine derivatives, tannins and mucus. This composition explains the presence of the following positive properties in chestnut:

  1. Helps reduce blood viscosity;
  2. Eliminates signs of the inflammatory process;
  3. Relieves swelling of soft tissues;
  4. Increases the tone of lymphatic vessels and veins;
  5. Reduces lymph flow;
  6. Strengthens the capillary structure;
  7. Copes with venous stagnation;
  8. Increases the amount of dry lymphatic residue.

Having learned about these valuable properties of chestnut, people began to use it in the fight against various diseases, including joint pathologies.

After receiving permission from the attending physician, the patient can begin to treat joints with chestnut. It is used not in its pure form, but in cooked form. Homemade decoctions, tinctures, teas and solutions for compresses are made from different parts of the tree.

Application of chestnut fruit tincture

The medicinal properties of chestnut fruits are varied; we described them in detail in the previous article, so now we will pay attention only to some aspects. On our website you can also read reviews about chestnut fruits.

Horse chestnut fruits are widely used to thin the blood, which helps prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, and avoid serious complications. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, horse chestnut fruits normalize digestion, accelerate the healing of the intestinal mucosa, prevent bleeding, and relieve pain.

In the treatment of varicose veins, horse chestnut fruits increase the tone of blood vessels, strengthen their stacks, reduce capillary permeability, activate venous blood circulation, relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs, and eliminate night cramps. They will be of great benefit during the recovery period after surgery. In addition, the use of horse chestnut for the legs allows you to relieve pain and inflammation and increase joint mobility.

The use of horse chestnut for men provides the body with minerals, activates testosterone production and stimulates the outflow of venous blood, which helps treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma. As a result, sexual function normalizes, depression goes away, and mood improves. Chestnut fruits will also help women: they normalize the menstrual cycle, restore hormonal levels, relieve pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and inhibit the growth of benign tumors.

Let's look at how to prepare chestnut fruit tincture for various diseases.

Tincture recipes

Alcohol tincture is the most effective remedy for treating various pathologies. It is obtained by infusing raw materials from chestnuts. Afterwards it is suitable for combating joint diseases.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes according to which a tincture of fresh chestnuts is prepared for joints. The patient can choose the most suitable method for preparing home medicine.

A tincture from harvested horse chestnut for treating joints is prepared as follows:

  1. You will need 0.5 liters of alcohol and 50 g of chestnut fruit. They must first be washed and placed in a glass container. Afterwards the fruits are poured with alcohol. They need to be put in a warm place for 2 weeks. The container should be shaken from time to time. The finished composition is taken in 30 drops, which must be dissolved in 1 glass of drinking water. The procedure is carried out twice a day for a month;
  2. This recipe calls for the use of 60 g of flowers and 0.5 liters of vodka. The components of the infusion must be placed in a glass container. Keep the medicine in a dark place for 2 weeks. Upon completion of preparation, the tincture must be strained. Take it 30 drops 3 times a day. The medicine must first be mixed in 200 ml of water. This course of treatment is followed for 2 weeks, after which a break is taken for 7 days;
  3. You will need 5 chestnuts, 2 tbsp. l. tree flowers and 0.5 liters of vodka. All these ingredients are placed in a glass container. The medicine should be infused for a week. It should be shaken periodically. After straining, the folk remedy is drunk 20-30 drops mixed in a glass of water three times a day for 1-2 weeks;
  4. Another way to prepare chestnut tincture. It requires 10 tree fruits and 0.5 liters of alcohol. Chestnuts must first be ground in a blender to a powder state. The resulting mass must be filled with alcohol. Infuse the medicine for 3 weeks. After filtering, it is taken 10 drops, which must be diluted in a glass of water. The procedure is carried out 4 times a day for a whole month.

This chestnut tincture for joints shows good results if you use it regularly and do not deviate from the recommended dosage.

Important components

Chestnut is used for the treatment and prevention of various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, muscle tissue, and gastrointestinal tract. The prepared products relieve pain, are able to relieve inflammation, relieve unpleasant symptoms that appear during serious diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout), and improve the condition of blood vessels and the brain. Chestnut contains:

  • vitamins - A, E, P, C;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • magnesium and manganese;
  • selenium and phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • organic substances - saponins, glycosides, bioflavonoids, escin, esculinfraxin;
  • pectins;
  • escin.

Chestnut tinctures and rubs for joints are used in the treatment of various diseases, but self-medication can be harmful. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out adverse and allergic reactions.

Benefits of chestnut

Medicines can also be prepared from the flowers of the plant.
Healing medicines for joints are prepared from all parts of the tree: bark, leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits. Many pharmaceutical ointments and creams contain horse chestnut extract - escin. The advantage of treating and preventing joint diseases with chestnut tinctures is their powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and regenerative effects. Such medications quickly relieve swelling, redness, pain and heal existing wounds. It is important to understand that chestnuts for joints are not a panacea for joint pathologies and pain, so you need to combine traditional treatment with conservative methods.

Infusion on water

Horse chestnut infusion has found widespread use for the treatment of joints.

Chestnut tincture with alcohol is not suitable for all patients. If a person has contraindications to it, he can start using water infusion for medicinal purposes.

To prepare a home remedy, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. dried or fresh chestnut flowers and 200 ml of water. Plant materials must be poured with boiling water. Infuse it for at least 3 hours in a dark place. Afterwards the composition needs to be filtered.

The infusion is taken before meals 2 times a day, 2-2 tbsp. l. This treatment regimen must be followed for a whole week.

You should not expect a quick improvement in your condition after a course of treatment with infusion of water. Noticeable results appear after several months of using the remedy.

Useful properties of horse chestnut

A large number of recipes indicate that you can use not only kernels, but also flowers, since both contain a huge amount of valuable substances. Their action is aimed at:

  • decreased vascular permeability,
  • relieving inflammation,
  • preventing the development of edema,
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Often, preparations based on horse chestnut are taken to relieve swelling of soft tissues. In addition to vitamins and pectins, the composition also contains microelements. This entire kit is also aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency, reducing the development of inflammatory processes, and reducing bleeding.

Here are the most important components of the product based on the fruits and flowers of the tree:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening cell membranes and increasing immunity, restoring the skin and preventing the development of cancer;
  • ascorbic acid will help strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammatory processes, help the production of hormones, fight viruses and bacterial microflora;
  • B vitamins will help improve the functioning of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems, strengthen the skin, nails and hair, stimulate the production of hemoglobin and improve metabolism;
  • improves kidney function and prevents bleeding; vitamin K;
  • saponins will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their tone, prevent the formation of blood clots, and relieve venous congestion and swelling.

INTERESTING fact: Tincture of aloe, honey and Cahors against cancer

And this is not a complete list of useful substances and properties that chestnuts have. Often, products based on them are used to achieve such effects as:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • decongestant,
  • antitumor,
  • anti-sclerotic,
  • painkiller,
  • antioxidant,
  • astringent,
  • venotonic,
  • diuretic,
  • hemostatic.

Most often, remedies from this plant are used to solve joint problems. The use of chestnut tincture in alcohol for joints has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. The tincture is mainly used for the following diseases:

  • as a result of joint injuries,
  • gout,
  • rheumatic diseases,
  • infectious arthritis.

The use of this substance will help to obtain an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic effect.


Positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of chestnut-based decoctions in the treatment of joints. They help cope with swelling and pain in the areas of movable bone joints.

To prepare a decoction, the main component of which is horse chestnut, you will need 10 g of crushed fruit. They need to be poured into a frying pan in which 200 mg of water has been previously heated. Boil chestnuts for about 10 minutes. The water will gradually evaporate during cooking. Therefore, you will need to additionally pour in a little more liquid to bring the product to its original volume.

The finished decoction must be drunk for 3-10 weeks. In the first 7 days it is taken 1 time per day. In the second week, the frequency of administration increases to 2 times. The same applies to the following weeks.

In order to enhance the effect of the treatment course, it is recommended to additionally apply compresses to the sore knee or other place where the joint is located. Such therapy can be carried out only after obtaining the approval of the attending physician.

Tinctures on chestnut peel and rind

To prepare a mixture for a compress, use the green peel along with the spines. Add 2 glasses of water to 50 g of raw material and boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. When warm, it is applied to diseased joints.

An infusion of bark is made like this. You need to take 40g of young bark, add vodka or 70% alcohol (half a liter) and keep for 21 days in a dark place. Drink 20 drops before meals.

Important! A doctor should tell you how to treat joints with chestnut, since the method has a number of contraindications.


To prepare a compress based on chestnut, you will need several fruits.

Compositions are made from chestnuts, which are subsequently used to apply compresses to sore joints. There are many recipes for their preparation. The most popular options are:

  1. 5 fruits must be peeled, then crushed and poured with alcohol (0.5 l). The product must be infused in a cool room for 7 days. In this composition, you need to thoroughly moisten a piece of gauze, which is then applied to the problem area. The compress must be secured on top with a bandage. Leave it on the joint for 2 hours;
  2. Chestnut flowers and bark (50 g each) must be thoroughly chopped and poured with 0.5 liters of water. Infuse the product for 3-4 hours. Afterwards it needs to be boiled over low heat. Upon completion of the preparation stages, a piece of gauze is moistened in the composition, which must be applied to the sore joint. From above it is wrapped with film and a woolen scarf. It is recommended to keep this compress for 3 hours.

Chestnut compresses can be combined with pharmaceutical products for the treatment of joints.

Collection of preparations for tinctures

In order for the plant not to lose its medicinal properties during storage, you need to be able to correctly collect and prepare raw materials. All components of the chestnut tree have healing powers, but they need to be collected at different times.

Chestnut bark is harvested in early spring, when the juice begins to flow. Using a sharp knife, cut off a thin layer of bark from young branches. The raw materials are divided into small pieces and dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. Dry plates are placed in a cotton bag (the fabric needs to be “breathable”) and stored at room temperature for no more than two years. The raw materials are placed in a bedside table, making sure that the sun's rays do not fall on it and that it does not dry out.

Chestnut flowers begin to be harvested at the beginning of flowering. Only petals with stamens are collected; the entire “candle” should not be picked off. The collected flowers are carefully laid out in one layer and dried. You need to make sure that the room is warm and not humid, otherwise the raw materials will rot. If there are no necessary conditions for drying, then an electric dryer should be used. Flowers are stored in glass containers.

Preparation of flowers

The leaves are harvested during the flowering period of the tree. Only the leafy part is torn off, the petioles are not touched. The raw materials are dried in the same way as flowers, sealed hermetically and stored in glass jars.

Chestnut nuts are harvested in the fall when they turn brown, fall from the tree, and lose their green husks. The fruits should also be dried, since raw chestnuts in a closed container will spoil. If the skin of the fruit is required for further consumption, it is immediately removed and dried.

Important! For medicinal purposes, you need to collect raw materials from trees that bloom in white. Plants with red flowers are decorative and have no medicinal value.

Contraindications and precautions

Horse chestnut is a natural product. However, it still has contraindications for its use for medicinal purposes. This is due to the specific action of its active substance.

Experts recommend refraining from treating joints with chestnuts if you have the following contraindications:

  1. Atonic constipation;
  2. Hypotension;
  3. Menstrual irregularities;
  4. Poor blood clotting;
  5. Gastritis and inflammation of the digestive tract;
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  7. Liver or kidney failure.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the permissible dosage of chestnut or use it fresh, as this product contains toxic substances that lead to severe poisoning.

Benefits of the plant

This tree grows in many parts of the world. In the spring it pleases with its flowers, and in the fall it gives fruits. In folk medicine they are used to prepare various medicines. This active use is justified by the presence in its composition of such substances as:

  • minerals,
  • bioactive,
  • flavonoids,
  • various oils,
  • Beijing,
  • tanning,
  • vitamins.

That is why horse chestnut nut is considered an indispensable remedy for arthrosis. Such a component as esculoside is very similar in its effect to vitamin P. It helps to avoid capillary fragility and vascular insufficiency. These components constrict blood vessels, thereby toning the veins. It also contains high-quality protein, but the fat content is much lower than that of nuts.

In addition, there is magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamins, beta-carotene. A component such as escin helps relieve swelling. It has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect. Such abilities were recognized not only by traditional medicine, but also by pharmacological companies that produce drugs based on it.

You can buy horse chestnut tincture from us


Alexey, 41 years old I tried to treat sore joints with chestnut tincture. I took it according to the regimen indicated in the instructions. There were no side effects, which I was very happy about. As for the effect of the folk remedy, I was never able to evaluate it. After 2 weeks of treatment, no positive changes occurred.

Katerina, 39 years old, my mother told me about the beneficial properties of chestnut for joints. I decided to take a tincture of the fruits of this tree to supplement the treatment prescribed by the doctor. After completing the course I noticed a decrease in swelling. The joints themselves no longer hurt very much, so I can say that the folk remedy does its job well.

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Contraindications to the use of chestnut

To avoid negative consequences, consult a specialist before using folk remedies.

Since horse chestnut has a rich chemical composition, there are contraindications to its use:

  • people suffering from low blood viscosity and blood pressure (hypotension) are not recommended to use chestnut-based products, since the product helps lower blood pressure and makes the blood more fluid;
  • for diseases that impair the normal functioning of the kidneys (for example, renal failure);
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, acute gastritis);
  • the first trimester of pregnancy and the entire period of breastfeeding;
  • period of bleeding of various kinds;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to the components in its composition;
  • children's age (up to 18 years).

What are the benefits of chestnut?

Traditional healers recommend consuming horse chestnut. The most valuable substances in the fruit are considered to be esculin, which improves blood clotting, and escin, which eliminates swelling and inflammation. The plant is rich in flavonoids, necessary for the production of hyaluronic acid - the main component of connective tissue of joints. Horse chestnut kernels contain vitamin C, which is essential in the process of collagen synthesis. In addition, the plant contains many B vitamins, which normalize the connection between the brain and the spine. Tannins have an antimicrobial effect.

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