How does scoliosis of the thoracic spine manifest itself and how to get rid of it?


: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich
: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Date of publication: 09.10.2014 Date of update: 12.11.2020

A very common and rapidly developing disease of the spine is thoracic scoliosis, which is practically invisible at an early stage of development. Most often, this disease occurs in children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years old, with 80% of cases diagnosed in girls. This may be due to the fact that active elongation in growth occurs at this time.

A disease such as scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in which the vertebrae rotate around a central axis. This disease, without proper treatment, is dangerous because the twisting spine can over time compress or displace internal organs.

Causes of thoracic scoliosis

An inactive and sedentary lifestyle, rare physical activity are the main causes of thoracic scoliosis. Many people sit incorrectly at the computer, which leads to incorrect rotation of the body and further deformation of the spinal column. Other common causes of this disease:

  • impaired muscle tone, weakening of ligaments;
  • genetic disposition;
  • received back injuries;
  • asymmetrical leg length;
  • asymmetrical sports also cause scoliosis - tennis, shot throwing, etc.;
  • incorrect posture.

Causes of the occurrence and development of the disease

Factors contributing to the development of scoliosis are varied. The congenital form is associated with abnormal development of the fetus inside the womb, which leads to changes in the vertebral bodies. These factors are mainly caused by the incorrect lifestyle of the expectant mother:

  • bad habits;
  • low physical activity;
  • poor nutrition.

During childbirth, the possibility of the occurrence and development of scoliosis is influenced by the narrow pelvis of the mother.

Despite the fact that there are many reasons influencing the occurrence and development of scoliosis, experts diagnose “idiopathic right-sided scoliosis.” This means that the causes of the deformation are unknown. In other cases, factors contributing to scoliosis are:

  • hereditary factor;
  • injuries to the limbs or spine, accompanied by bone displacement;
  • unbalanced nutrition, in which there is a lack of macro- and microelements responsible for the musculoskeletal system;
  • irrational physical activity. Excessive physical activity has the same effect on the occurrence of scoliosis as its lack;
  • complications of past diseases: rickets, polio;
  • staying in one position for a long time. For example, in children at a school desk;
  • pathologies leading to incorrect body position, for example, flat feet;
  • stooping, putting one part of the body forward;
  • professional activities associated with asymmetrical work - violinists, tennis players.

Symptoms of thoracic scoliosis

Good to know

  • A set of exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis
  • Massage for scoliosis

Fatigue, pain when sitting or standing are the main symptoms of thoracic scoliosis at the initial stage. Then visual changes appear: the pelvis is slightly skewed, the height of the shoulders turns out to be different, the waist is slightly asymmetrical. The higher the degree of the disease, the stronger and more dangerous the symptoms:

  • noticeable distortion of the waist and cervical region in the second stage;
  • weakening abdominal muscles, protruding anterior arches of the ribs in the third stage;
  • at the fourth stage, the disease causes a rib hump, a significant deformation of the spine, and the functionality of the lungs and heart is impaired.

Treatment methods for thoracic scoliosis

It is necessary to begin complete and high-quality treatment of thoracic scoliosis in the early stages, while the disease can be cured quickly and without complications. This is exactly how experienced clinic specialists act. We select an individual complex for each patient, consisting of the following techniques:

  1. Acupuncture – affects biologically active points of the body, improves metabolic processes;
  2. Therapeutic acupressure – stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of spinal tissues, improves the functioning of internal organs;
  3. Soft manual techniques – eliminate scoliosis by relieving pain and excessive tension in the spinal muscles;
  4. A set of physical exercises strengthens the back muscles and prevents repeated curvature of the spine.
  5. Kinesiology, which involves pinpoint palpation on individual points to straighten the spine and consolidate the results of previous sessions;
  6. Hirudotherapy, used to relieve inflammation caused by changes in the shape of the spinal column;
  7. PRP therapy is the latest method of stimulating recovery processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of scoliosis at the Paramita clinic

It is recognized that non-surgical methods are an effective way to combat the lesion. Everyone also knows that medications have many side effects. Certified doctors at our clinic use effective Eastern and Western methods for treating thoracic scoliosis.

Experienced doctors at the clinic will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and select a comprehensive treatment for scoliosis, which will make you feel better literally after the first procedures. By contacting our clinic, you will see how effective an individual approach to each patient is.

Specifics of muscle strengthening and exercises for scoliosis

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Diagnostic measures

The study begins with a visual examination in 3 positions: standing, lying, sitting. When the patient is standing, the doctor determines the length of the legs, their curvature, the position of the pelvis, and notices contractures (limitation of passive movements in the joint). And the specialist also pays attention to what level the shoulder girdles are located, how the angles of the shoulder blades are located in relation to the line drawn through the spinous processes.

When bending the body, the asymmetry of the body skeleton is clearly noticeable

During movement, the doctor evaluates the motor activity of the spine, the nature of muscle tension, and changes in the spinous processes. Then the patient is asked to sit down to determine the position of the pelvis, changes in the curvature of the spine, and notice asymmetry.

Reference. In the supine position, scoliotic posture (functional, normal sideways curvature of the spine) disappears, but scoliosis does not.

And the doctor can also identify PS using a marker; for this he makes marks on the skin in the area of ​​the spinous processes (from the neck to the sacrum), shoulder blades and iliac crests. A plumb line is fixed at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra. This will help to notice the curvature of the line of the spinal column and the displacement from a straight plumb line.

X-rays will help determine the degree of deformation. Instrumental examination is carried out in horizontal and vertical positions.

Reference. Moiré topography will help identify right-sided scoliosis. This is an optical research method that can be used to monitor the development of curvature over time.

Diagnosis of thoracic scoliosis

The difference between Eastern diagnostic methods is in relation to the human body. If Western medicine strives to identify a disease, our specialists try to determine its cause and interaction with the body. Therefore, at the first stage of diagnosis you will be asked to:

  • describe in as much detail as possible the history of the appearance of the first signs of the disease;
  • undergo pulse diagnostics (determining the state of the body);
  • tilt the body forward with your arms down - to determine the severity of the disease;
  • undergo neurological tests.

In the future, to clarify the details and characteristics of the disease, its effect on the body, research is carried out using Western methods:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which allows you to literally illuminate the human body and determine the condition of the skeleton and internal organs;
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess the condition of the heart muscle is required in the third stage of breast scoliosis;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a procedure that does not require lengthy preparation and reveals characteristic signs of spinal curvature (arch);
  • Lab tests.

Treatment can only be prescribed when the doctor makes a specific diagnosis. Timely contact with a specialist will relieve the disease before health problems arise.

Where does scoliosis come from?

In most cases, scoliosis is found in children and adolescents. It is a growing disease, as it progresses rapidly during the period of active skeletal development. Spinal curvature is a very common disease that affects about 30% of schoolchildren.

For reference! 8-9 patients out of 10 are diagnosed with “idiopathic scoliosis”, since the cause of its occurrence cannot be determined.

The greatest danger is presented by the stages when the child’s body grows rapidly: from 4 to 6 years and from 10 to 14. But especially rapid, “explosive” skeletal growth is observed in the puberty period, which in boys begins at 10-11 years old. and for girls - at 8–9. Puberty ends at 19–20 and 16–17 years, respectively. An increased risk factor is existing scoliotic changes, radiologically confirmed before the onset of puberty. Even a small scoliosis of 4 degrees can literally increase several times in 2–3 months, reaching a curvature angle of 30˚ or more. Forced growth is not the only cause of deformation. The spine can be curved due to connective tissue diseases, endocrine disorders, as well as after severe injuries and amputation of limbs. Back distortion is possible with different leg lengths and congenital vertebral defects. Pathological bending is caused by pathologies of the nervous and muscular systems.

Prevention of thoracic scoliosis

To reduce the risk of the disease and prevent recurrences after treatment of thoracic scoliosis, you need to follow preventive measures.

  • Be more physically active;
  • When working sedentarily, do not stay in one position for a long time;
  • Watch your posture;
  • Travel on foot more often;
  • Engage in water sports, swimming;
  • Take a massage course every six months;
  • Evenly distribute the load on the spine;
  • Organize a comfortable place to sleep.

Particular attention should be paid to prevention before the age of 17, supplemented by periodic examination by a specialist.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is performed in the following cases:

  • Severe deformity.
  • There is no effect after conservative treatment.
  • PS progresses (deformation angle is more than 30°).
  • Complications, such as neurological disorders, are present.

During surgery, the following techniques are used:

  • Spinal fusion is a change in the position of bones in an area of ​​pathological bending and connecting them using a bone graft.
  • Installation of rods. During surgery, metal rods are attached to the spine (above and below the area of ​​curvature). If you use a distraction rod, you will eventually have to undergo surgery to remove it.
  • Removal of a vertebral fragment. This procedure is performed to make the curvature less noticeable. Then you can install a metal implant.

After surgery, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, pain, and damage to the nerve roots.

Proper nutrition for scoliosis

Consumption of foods necessary for the formation of bone tissue and muscle nutrition helps both for prevention and in case of detected disease. The diet for thoracic scoliosis should include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in microelements and vitamins;
  • Peanuts, beans, peas, cottage cheese, meat - products containing proteins;
  • Fish, chicken eggs, dairy products containing vitamin D;
  • Nuts, dried fruits, spinach, sea buckthorn, sorrel, oatmeal (vitamin E);
  • Seafood;
  • Add various cereals to your diet.

Changing the diet for scoliosis is one of the components of complex treatment and prevention of the disease.

Exercise therapy for thoracic scoliosis

Exercise therapy or physical therapy for thoracic scoliosis of the spine is a set of exercises for recovery after treatment and prevention of the disease. Classes are conducted only if there are no contraindications. Exercises include:

  • While lying on your back, alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knee. Perform up to 5 times;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and arch your chest. Executes up to 4 times;
  • Lying on your stomach and stretching your arms along your body, inhale and raise your legs and torso, focusing on your arms. Executes 4 times;
  • Lying on your side, in the direction of which the curvature occurred, put your hands behind your head and inhale, then smoothly lower them, exhaling. Repeated slowly 4 times;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your pelvis up, bending in the thoracic area. Repeat smoothly up to 4 times.

Do not start exercises without consulting your doctor, it can cause serious harm! The specialist at our clinic treating you will develop a complex individually for you.

The most important

Right-sided scoliosis is a dangerous and insidious disease. With lateral curvature, not only a person’s posture is disrupted, but also the location of internal organs changes and their functionality is disrupted. It is quite difficult to identify PS at stages 1–2, when it is possible to correct the deformity and stop the development of pathology. Later, the disease manifests itself with severe symptoms, but it cannot be completely cured. In addition, in the later stages, conservative treatment is no longer effective, so surgery is performed more often. To avoid right-sided scoliosis and associated complications, it is recommended to carry out prevention at an early age.

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