Stretching the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle - a set of exercises

© Africa Studio -

We have prepared for you the most effective exercises for stretching the muscles of the arms, forearms and shoulder girdle. Remember that the main thing in stretching is not to do the exercise until pain occurs. You always need to know when to stop and progress gradually.

For the front of the shoulders

Stretch the front deltoid:

  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands behind your back, one clasping the other's wrist.
  2. Raise your wrists as high as possible and bend your elbows. The chest needs to be arched forward. Shoulders tense. You will feel the front of your shoulder stretch.

For the middle part of the shoulders

This exercise allows you to stretch your middle deltoids:

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Press one hand to the body in a position as in the photo below. With the fingers of your other hand, grab your elbow and pull it to the side and down. Do not move the shoulder itself to the side; it should be fixed in one place.
  3. Repeat with the other hand.


  • Most often, exercises are performed at the end of strength training.
  • Body tissues are better able to stretch after they are warmed up. To do this, you need to do a light and simple warm-up before stretching.
  • It is important to perform stretching sequentially: starting with the head and neck, gradually moving on to exercises on the chest, back, and lastly the legs.
  • It is important not to forget about breathing. Evenly, calmly, with deep breaths and exhalations.

For the back of the shoulders

The exercise is aimed at stretching the posterior delta and rotator cuff:

  • The body position is the same.
  • Raise one arm until it is parallel to the floor and, without bending, reach across your chest to the other shoulder. Use your other hand to help at the elbow at the end of the movement. The body remains motionless.
  • Repeat the movement for the other hand.

© Jacob Lund —

How to increase your progress with sports nutrition?

Inelastic, tight muscles can be susceptible to injury caused by overstretching or tearing tissue in the muscle or tendon. These injuries can occur during sudden, violent movement. Symptoms of muscle strain include pain, muscle spasms, swelling, and limited movement. Several nutrients play an important role in the healing of your injured muscles.

Amino acids

The amino acids that make up protein are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Protein helps repair damaged muscle tissue and build new one. Insufficient protein intake can slow muscle growth and lead to fatigue. Athletes are advised to add additional amino acids to their diet.


Vitamin A helps repair tissue and is an essential nutrient for muscle healing. It is recommended that adult men consume 900 units of vitamin A and women 700 units per day. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, an important substance that allows your cells to form new tissue. In addition to healing damaged muscles and tendons, this vitamin helps strengthen your bones and other tissues.


Various minerals help in muscle recovery. Your cells require iron to help them take in oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide. This mineral helps your body produce myoglobin, which is an important element for muscle health. The recommended amount of iron is 8 mg for men and 15 milligrams for women. Magnesium is a mineral that helps the body use protein. It helps maintain the tone of your muscles, which can affect their ability to contract and relax. It is recommended that men consume at least 400 milligrams and women consume at least 310 milligrams of magnesium per day. Calcium, found in dairy products, vegetables and fortified foods, works closely with magnesium to relax muscles.

We recommend: sports nutrition website with delivery throughout Russia.

Triceps stretch

You can stretch the triceps brachii muscle in the following way:

  1. Stand straight, bend your knees slightly.
  2. Place your arm bent at the elbow behind your head. The shoulder should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. With your other hand, grab your working elbow and press, trying to bring it even further behind your head. The elbow of the hand you are pulling should be bent as much as possible, the palm reaching towards the shoulder blades (towards the spine). The torso remains straight.
  4. Switch hands.

© ikostudio —


When stretching your shoulders and arm muscles, if there is no sharp pain, you should feel a tolerable and comfortable stretch. But any discomfort after exercise should pass quickly, of course no later than thirty minutes after stopping the exercise. If it still hurts after this, you probably overdid it. Keep in mind, if you endure the pain of an arm stretch that results in injury rather than flexibility, you may be doing more harm than good. Always follow the directions of your doctor or trainer.

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Discussion: 3 comments

  1. Alkar says:
    If I stretched at the beginning of the workout, is it wrong? The instructor in the gym advised me to warm up and stretch, but everywhere they write that this is prohibited and you can get injured.
  2. Joseline says:

    Don’t even think about stretching your shoulders with circular movements)) I’ve already reached the point of crunching, and now my shoulder has been hurting for 2 years due to the weather. Although I don’t feel pain during training.

  3. Victor says:

    I still don’t understand what progress I need to increase with the help of sports nutrition, in stretching or what? Anyway. The remaining blocks are informative and useful, but nothing about sports nutrition. And it’s even better to stretch the whole body, just like kneading. If you want to see overall improvements in flexibility.

Biceps stretch

Exercise for the biceps brachii muscle:

  1. Hook your fingers on a doorframe or other similar surface with your elbow facing up and your thumb pointing down. The hand is parallel to the floor.
  2. Move your body forward a little.
  3. Repeat for the other hand.

Triceps and Shoulder Stretch

This is a complex exercise that allows you to stretch both the triceps and shoulders at once:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent.
  2. The hand of one hand is placed behind the back from below. The palm turned outward is pressed to the back.
  3. The other hand also goes back, but over the top. The elbow looks up, with our fingers we reach the tips of the fingers of the second hand. Try to close your fingers into a lock. This may not work at first; a simple touch will be enough. If this doesn’t work, use a rope and “crawl” along it with your fingers towards each other. Over time you will be able to touch them.
  4. Switch hands and repeat the movement.

© bnenin —

Great for a day of relaxation

Am I the only one who gets bored on a non-fitness day? I just can't stand idleness. But you won’t be able to work out in the gym every day; one of the best options for filling “empty” everyday life is yoga. It's ideal for a light workout when you want to get something done, but don't overload it. Another bonus: some asanas are especially pleasant for post-workout soreness.

Wrist Extensor Stretch

This exercise stretches the muscles on the front of the forearms:

  1. Sit on the floor on your knees. Place your hands forward so that the backs of your palms rest on the floor and your fingers point toward each other. Hands shoulder width apart.
  2. Strive, clenching your fists and leaning forward with your whole body, to transfer the weight of your torso to your hands.

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