8 best chondroprotectors for spinal osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors have appeared in pharmacology relatively recently, so this type of drug is controversial among medical professionals. Some are in favor, considering this method of treatment the most effective, while others are against, expressing their assumptions that they do not bring any benefit for osteochondrosis.

This article contains information about the mechanism of action of chondroprotectors on the body, their benefits and contraindications, and also provides a list of the 8 most effective drugs.

Description of the pathology

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common back diseases. The cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs wears out and cracks, as a result of which the nucleus pulposus leaks out, forming protrusions. And if the disease is neglected, intervertebral hernias may even appear.

The causes of the development of the disease are factors such as:

  • sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of exercise;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • heredity.

Previously, people after the age of forty were susceptible to osteochondrosis, but with the development of computer technology and gadgets, the mobility of young people has decreased significantly, so young organisms are now also susceptible to osteochondrosis.

Main symptoms

The localization of osteochondrosis largely determines its symptoms, which is directly related to protrusion of intervertebral discs and, as a consequence, pinching of blood vessels, which disrupts blood flow to nearby tissues and organs.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine

Lumbar osteochondrosis is the most common type. Due to the fact that the lower back acts as a shock absorber in most activities performed by a person, symptoms of this disease may include:

  • aching type of pain in the lower back, intensifying when performing various types of exercises. Sharp pain may be observed, but this already indicates the formation of an intervertebral hernia;
  • shooting or aching pain in the legs, resulting from pinching of the roots of the spinal cord;
  • limited mobility caused by pain that accompanies any bodily movements.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Cervical osteochondrosis is not a rare case in modern medicine. It causes displacement of the vertebrae, which leads to pinching not only of nerve endings, but also of blood vessels, which causes various types of pain.

The main symptoms include:

  • mild dizziness and increasing headaches are the most characteristic symptoms. Often the pain is constant, pressing in nature and is characterized by intensification with head movements that require the inclusion of the cervical spine in work;
  • sharp shooting pain, felt even in the tips of the fingers;
  • pain in the arms and chest. Sometimes patients may confuse this type of pain with heart pain, but unlike them, the unpleasant sensations accompanying osteochondrosis persist for several hours;
  • numbness of the tongue and slight tingling in the fingertips.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Thoracic osteochondrosis is the rarest form, the main cause of which is scoliosis (spinal deformity). Due to the peculiarities of the location, it is quite difficult to diagnose this type of disease, however, among the probable symptoms are the following:

  • girdle pain in the chest, aggravated by movement and bending;
  • pain in the area of ​​internal organs (heart, liver or gastrointestinal tract);
  • feeling of numbness in the chest;
  • disruption of the reproductive system.

Symptoms of common osteochondrosis

Due to the fact that common osteochondrosis is a combination of several forms of the disease, I also diagnose it by the combined symptoms characteristic of thoracic, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis.

The effectiveness of chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis

The course of treatment with a chondroprotector is determined by the doctor, since it will directly depend on the stage of the disease. If, for example, this is the initial stage, then most likely the doctor will limit himself to a course of vitamins and prescribing physical therapy and manual therapy. But if the stage of the disease has passed the initial level, then the treatment should already be comprehensive, and chondroprotectors will be an integral part of it.

The patient intending to take chondroprotectors is informed by the doctor regarding the duration of the course of use. It's long-term. The minimum use for minor damage to cartilaginous structures is three months. But on average, the course usually lasts six months.

In advanced stages of the disease, these drugs are no longer used. Their effectiveness depends on the damage to the cartilage. If the cartilage tissue is already completely destroyed, then taking these medications will no longer make sense.

Diagnosis of spinal osteochondrosis

A neurologist diagnoses osteochondrosis. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a medical examination, which is based on various methods and principles for recognizing spinal diseases and making a clinical diagnosis.

Diagnostic steps:

  1. Taking an anamnesis (implies the study of the patient’s main complaints, clarifying the characteristics of the disease history).
  2. Physiological examination (includes assessment of the patient’s body position, determination of range of motion, palpation of deep and superficial layers of muscle tissue, as well as the use of a number of techniques to determine radicular tension).
  3. In-Depth Study

The following procedures may be prescribed as the main methods:

  • radiography;
  • CT (computed tomography);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Mechanism of action

The “health” of the cartilage tissues of the spine depends on many factors. The main one is the replenishment of cartilage with the beneficial enzymes that make up them:

  • chondroitin;
  • glucosamine

The content of chondroitin in intervertebral discs affects the performance of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for elasticity. The less chondroitin there is in the vertebrae, the less moisture there is, which means the less space between the vertebrae, which must be maintained for the spine to be mobile.

Glucosamine is also important. It is responsible for lubricating the joints; it is a thick liquid, the loss of which causes wear and tear of the joints.

Chondroprotectors replenish reserves of chondroitin and glucosamine. They will not grow you new cartilage, but will help restore damaged ones, slowing down the progression of osteochondrosis and preventing further destruction of the discs.

How to choose chondroprotectors

In pharmacies, chondroprotectors are presented in a wide range. These are not only pharmacological drugs, but also biologically active additives (dietary supplements). The latter differ from drugs in their low concentration of ingredients with chondroprotective activity. They also contain a large number of other components - phytoextracts, vitamins, microelements. Dietary supplements are relatively useful, but their ability to regenerate cartilage tissue is highly questionable.

When choosing chondroprotectors, the doctor must take into account the clinical effectiveness of the active substance. In most cases, treatment regimens include drugs with chondroitin and glucosamine.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid, when taken orally, are partially broken down in the gastrointestinal tract, and then “dispersed” throughout the body, without reaching their destination - damaged intervertebral discs. And when used externally with collagen and hyaluronic acid, only the condition of the skin improves, but not the cartilage.


The most popular chondroprotectors are the well-known Teraflex, Chondroxide, Artra. The clinical effectiveness of these drugs has been confirmed by numerous studies, so doctors often include them in the therapeutic regimens of patients with any location of osteochondrosis.

Of the solutions for parenteral administration, the most popular are Alflutop, Chondroguard, and Chondroitin. In neurology, homeopathic remedies are in demand - Traumeel, Discus Compositum.


The cheapest chondroprotectors are drugs from the Chondroitin-Acos therapeutic line, which are produced at a domestic pharmaceutical factory. Their cost is relatively low; for example, the price of a gel rarely exceeds 120 rubles.

Dietary supplements for internal and especially external use can also be purchased inexpensively.

Low cost for dietary supplements from the red and blue Artro-Active line. They are intended for the treatment of osteochondrosis during exacerbations and at the stage of stable remission. The imported bioactive supplement Glucosamine-Maximum costs about 500-600 rubles. But it contains the same number of ingredients as pharmaceutical drugs with a significantly higher price.

Natural remedies

Every day, a small amount of substances with chondroprotective properties enters the human body with food. They are necessary for proper metabolism and maintaining the optimal composition of synovial fluid. It is she who supplies all vertebral structures with nutrients. Therefore, there is an opinion that to restore intervertebral discs, it is enough to eat a lot of aspic, jelly, jellied meat, soufflé, that is, dishes with a high content of gelatin - a natural source of collagen.

Doctors warn that such dietary changes will do more harm than good. Firstly, the bulk of collagen is broken down during the digestion of food. Secondly, these dishes are quite high in calories, so their consumption can cause an increase in body weight, and, consequently, stress on damaged discs and vertebrae.


There is no need to worry about the quality of pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements if they are purchased in pharmacies. But preference should be given to medications. They undergo careful control not only of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the ingredients, but also of their safety. The clinical effectiveness of dietary supplements is not tested as thoroughly. When assessing them, it is important that there is no harm to the person during treatment.

Therefore, doctors prefer to include only pharmacological drugs in therapeutic regimens - Donu, Structum, Teraflex, Chondroxide, Chondrogard.

Indications for use

After diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment plan, which depends on the severity of the disease and usually consists of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors.

Chondroprotectors are indicated:

  • people who have suffered spinal injuries;
  • for osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions;
  • with calcium deficiency;
  • patients with spondylosis;
  • after operations;
  • during inflammation processes in the spinal column.

A plan for taking chondroprotectors is developed by a specialist in this profile; their independent use is prohibited and dangerous.

The same applies to the form of taking medications. Sometimes the doctor uses a combined form, prescribing the patient oral intake and ointment of the same type of chondroprotectors, hoping that the tablets will act from the inside, and the ointment will help from the outside. It is impossible to calculate this on your own, so we constantly focus on the instructions of doctors.

Types of osteochondrosis

Today, medical specialists usually distinguish four main types of spinal osteochondrosis, each of which has a name, symptoms and treatment corresponding to the location:

  • lumbar (develops in the lumbar spine);
  • cervical (develops in the cervical spine);
  • thoracic (develops in the thoracic spine);
  • widespread (affects two or more parts of the spine).

The localization of the disease in a certain place is due to its progression in particularly mobile areas that bear the greatest pressure.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Progressive dystrophic-degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs of 1-7 vertebrae, leading to disruption of normal blood supply and nerve conduction in areas innervated by the nerve roots of the cervical spine.

Possible complications include:

  • formation of protrusion (a pathology of the spine in which the intervertebral disc protrudes into the spinal canal without rupture of the fibrous ring);
  • compression of the spinal cord (even death);
  • damage to the roots and the formation of spines on the vertebral bodies, with the probable manifestation of paresis and paralysis.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

The most likely cause is previous injuries, but the disease occurs in people with different medical histories and is observed under conditions of constant load on the thoracic spine.

The most likely maltings include:

  • myositis (inflammation of skeletal muscles), radiculitis (a complex of pain syndromes that occurs when the nerve endings of the spinal nerves are pinched or compressed) of the chest muscles;
  • fracture, displacement of the chest bones;
  • cancer diseases.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Loss of the ability of intervertebral discs to function normally in the lumbar spine.

Among the most dangerous complications, it is customary to highlight the development of:

  • compressive vascular ischemia (circulatory disorders);
  • compression myelopathy (spinal cord lesions);
  • compression of the artery of the lumbar enlargement.

Both traditional and non-traditional methods can be used to treat any type of osteochondrosis. Self-medication is excluded. All procedures are prescribed only by the attending physician.

The duration of treatment is determined by the degree of neglect of the disease.


Despite the fact that drugs in this group are very well absorbed, they still have contraindications for use. Cannot be used if:

  1. You are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.
  2. You have an individual intolerance to these drugs.
  3. You suffer from problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Taking medications is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.
These contraindications should not be neglected, as the result can be disastrous. It is better to spend time visiting a clinic than to spend a long time being treated in a hospital.

Combination of chondroprotectors with other drugs

With the simultaneous use of several drugs, the therapeutic effect may change due to the interaction of the drugs with each other.

During the course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the coagulogram and general blood test.

When selecting treatment, the following points must be taken into account:

  • chondroprotectors reduce the absorption of chloramphenicol and semisynthetic penicillins, but increase the absorption of tetracycline;
  • combination with glucocorticosteroids and non-narcotic analgesics is possible;
  • when used together with anticoagulants, bleeding may develop.

Release form

Pharmacists have tried to produce this type of drug in various forms that are convenient for use in different conditions by different people.

Chondroprotectors are available in the form of tablets, injections and ointments, which are used for cervical osteochondrosis and other localized pathologies.


Injections of chondroprotectors are considered the most effective form of application, because the medicine is delivered precisely to the target. A medical employee administers the drug.

The only disadvantage of this form is that the injection procedure itself is quite expensive.

Tablets and capsules

When tablets enter the stomach, they are absorbed into the blood through it or the intestines, therefore slowing down the process of action; also, the delivery of the medicine can be hampered by spasms of blood vessels that were pinched by damaged vertebrae.
Therefore, there is a lot of controversy about the effectiveness of this form.

Gels and ointments

Ointments are considered the least effective form of release, since the active components are practically not absorbed into the blood. For example, chondroprotectors for cervical osteochondrosis in the form of an ointment can be applied by rubbing into a sore spot, but this will only relieve pain, so this type of chondroprotectors should be used in a group with other drugs.

Probable causes of osteochondrosis

Among the most likely causes of osteochondrosis are:

  • hereditary factor (if one of the parents has osteochondrosis, the person automatically falls into the risk group, since the structure of the intervertebral cartilage is often inherited);
  • high level of load, work associated with increased severity;
  • static stay in the same position;
  • diseases and injuries of the spine leading to curvature;
  • lack or excess of vitamins and minerals;
  • previous infectious diseases;
  • congenital spinal defects;
  • overweight;
  • stress;
  • hypothermia.

List of the most effective chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors are usually divided into three generations.

  • The first generation are drugs based exclusively on natural ingredients, such as animal and fish cartilage, gelatin, etc.
  • The second is synthetic drugs developed in laboratories.
  • The third generation is a successful mixture of natural ingredients and highly effective chemical laboratory derivatives.

It is believed that first-generation chondroprotectors are less effective than second or third ones.

Today, the best and most popular chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis are:

  1. "Teraflex".
  2. "Fermatron".
  3. "Dona".
  4. "Arthra".
  5. "Structum".

  6. "Alflutop".
  7. "Chondroxide".
  8. "Formula-S".

Let's talk about some of them in more detail, looking at the composition of the drugs and analyzing their release form.


The active ingredient of this drug is glucosamine sulfate. As mentioned earlier in the article, glucosamine is responsible for joint lubrication. “Dona” relieves inflammation well, restoring metabolic processes in cartilage tissues. It has two forms of release - orally in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water, and in the form of injections, injections must be administered intramuscularly. There are contraindications common to all types of chondroprotectors that were described above.


This is a combination drug that contains both chondroitin and glucosamine. This increases its effectiveness. But still, like all other chondroprotectors, this drug is designed for long-term use, so the result will appear after at least 6 months. A detailed scheme of use is in the annotation, but still, precise instructions from a doctor are required for its use.


This is a chondroprotector based exclusively on natural ingredients. It is made from extracts of four species of fish from the Black Sea. Relieves inflammation by improving metabolism in cartilage tissue. The list of contraindications corresponds to the one that exists for all chondroprotectors. Side effects were observed with intramuscular administration in the form of pain and redness at the injection sites.

Advantages of treatment at the Yusupov Hospital

The Yusupov Hospital is a modern medical institution that provides comprehensive treatment for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis are used in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy.

The advantages of visiting the neurology clinic of the Yusupov Hospital for osteochondrosis:

  • comprehensive diagnostics using European high-precision equipment;
  • optimal set of treatment measures in accordance with age and diagnosis;
  • attracting highly qualified specialists to draw up treatment programs for spinal osteochondrosis;
  • the use of effective remedies to eliminate symptoms that have virtually no side effects;
  • highly effective recovery programs for patients with complications of osteochondrosis;
  • personal involvement of specialists regarding each patient;
  • information support and the possibility of pre-registration for examination or appointment.

Making an appointment with your doctor in advance allows you to visit a specialist at a convenient time and avoid waiting in line. Employees care about the comfort of patients, so they make appointments by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Treatment of the disease

Intervertebral disc protrusion can be cured without surgery if you do not miss the early symptoms of the pathology, consult a doctor in time and follow all the recommendations of a specialist to eliminate the protrusion. For patients with this diagnosis, a whole complex is proposed aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating the cause of the pathology. This will help stop the process and return the patient to the ability to move freely without pain and restrictions.

Drug therapy

The use of medications is the use of several groups of medications aimed at treating disc protrusion. Various forms of drugs are available to patients - tablets, injections, gels and ointments, creams. The choice of drug form is primarily based on its effectiveness.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

This group of drugs performs several functions at once, so NSAIDs are one of the first prescribed when protrusion is detected. They have an analgesic effect, produce an anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieve swelling in the affected area. Medicines containing meloxicam, diclofenac, nimesulide and other active ingredients are effective. Since this group of drugs can cause intestinal problems, it is imperative to take medications that minimize damage to the gastric mucosa.

Combined analgesics

For severe pain, the doctor will prescribe non-steroidal drugs that are part of combined analgesic drugs. They not only have an analgesic effect, but also have an anti-edematous effect. The composition contains components that help quickly get rid of pain. Diclofenac with paracetamol, ibuprofen with paracetamol have a good effect, and Neurodiclovit is also enriched with vitamin B.

Local preparations – gels, ointments, creams

With protrusion, it is possible to treat with drugs for external use, rather than taking pills, but the effect of local remedies alone is often insufficient. According to statistics, only 10% of the substance applied superficially reaches the desired place, so ointments and creams are used not as the main means in the treatment of intervertebral disc protrusion, but as an additional one.

Usually, mild pain and minor swelling can be eliminated with such drugs. Among the well-known are Fastum, Voltaren, Nise. After the first improvements begin, you can additionally add medications with a local irritant effect and warming ointments.

Painkillers with narcotic components

Such drugs in the treatment of intervertebral protrusion are used only for severe pain that is not relieved by NSAIDs. Acute pain is eliminated by drugs with codeine, but they are not prescribed for a long term due to rapid addiction and psychological dependence on narcotic drugs.

Muscle relaxants

The muscular response to the processes occurring during protrusion brings serious discomfort to patients, because soft tissues swell, become painful when touched, and sometimes patients cannot even turn their back or bend due to spasms. Muscle relaxants - medications for relaxing skeletal muscles - will help in the treatment of protrusion of intervertebral discs. Some of them also include an anesthetic, the introduction of which allows not only to relax the muscles, but also to relieve pain.


In the presence of neuropathic pain, convulsive syndrome, paresthesia, or goosebumps, the patient should be prescribed anticonvulsants. They help relieve pain and have an anticonvulsant effect. Typically, such drugs contain pregabalin, so due to the rapid addiction to it, drugs are not prescribed for a long period.


This is a relatively new group of drugs that are actively used to treat protrusion of intervertebral discs. They produce a positive effect on the regeneration of cartilage tissue and improve joint mobility.

A spine with a protrusion needs a sufficient amount of cartilage tissue, which is erased due to abnormal movement of the vertebrae with a protruding disc. It is necessary to take the drugs for a long time. Chondroprotectors are prescribed for a period of 4 months to 2 years. A sufficient amount of glucosamine and chondroitin must accumulate in the body. Ultimately, these drugs relieve back pain and produce an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to abandon the use of other drugs.

Medicines to improve the conduction of nerve impulses

Medicines with B vitamins, which are part of the drugs, help restore the conductivity of the nervous system, eliminate the neurological manifestations of the disease that appear when the nerve roots are compressed. Usually included in the course along with muscle relaxants, they improve regeneration and metabolic processes.

Non-drug treatments

Non-drug methods of treating intervertebral disc protrusion relieve not so much the symptoms as they affect the causes of its occurrence and the prevention of further disorders. Strengthening the muscular corset of the back, activating blood circulation, restoring the conduction of nerve impulses are the main tasks in terms of treating the disease.

In order to get rid of protrusion with a minimum of medications, patients should pay due attention to the following treatment methods:

  1. Therapeutic exercise is a set of exercises for a specific part of the spinal column where a protrusion is found, which will make it possible to strengthen the muscles, avoid “subsidence” of the vertebrae, and eliminate pressure on the intervertebral disc. To do this, you need to perform physical exercises every day, which are tailored individually for each patient.
  2. Massage and manual therapy are excellent ways to directly influence the affected vertebrae and the entire spine in general. After the first session, patients note significant improvements, easing of back discomfort, and improvement in overall well-being. These effects are achieved by activating blood circulation and relieving muscle spasms. The results of a massage course in the treatment of disc protrusion will be confirmed by a chiropractor.
  3. Physiotherapeutic methods of influencing the body are non-drug treatment using additional methods - magnetic therapy, applications with ozokerite, mud therapy, paraffin therapy, electrophoresis or phonophoresis, laser.
  4. Injection of trigger points and novocaine blockade - direct injection of small doses of analgesic or glucocorticoids into areas innervating the spinal roots. Severe pain intensity is relieved with novocaine blockades.

If the patient has an exacerbation of the disease, a pinched nerve or muscle spasm has occurred, then any physical influence - exercise therapy, massage - is prohibited. Treatment of intervertebral protrusion is postponed until improvement occurs. The patient needs bed rest for 1–2 days to prevent aseptic inflammation, after which wearing supportive orthopedic structures is indicated until the exacerbation passes.


Surgical treatment of disc protrusion is used in exceptional cases if the patient has severe pain and complications from the protrusion have occurred that impair normal life activities and limit work. Today, percutaneous discectomy and nucleoplasty are used - the most effective and safe methods of minimally invasive surgery.

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