Bursitis in dogs affects the elbow, knee and hip joints

Bursitis is considered a fairly common disease in dogs. Bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the synovial bursa and accumulation of exudative fluid in its cavity.

The synovial bursa is called a connective tissue pocket. Its localization is in places where there is a lot of friction and mechanical pressure between tendons, muscles and bones.

For chronic bursitis

Adequate and timely treatment of the disease in dogs leads to a decrease in inflammation and gradual resorption of exudate. In the chronic form of bursitis of the elbow joint, the formation of connective tissue bridges and their growth are noted. Characteristic is the thickening of the villi and the germination of the walls of the bursa and peribursal tissues with young connective tissue.

As the disease progresses, the exudate becomes yellow. The appearance of “rice bodies” occurs in it. They contain fibrin and epithelial cells. In the absence of treatment, ossification of the walls of the joint capsule occurs. This is due to the deposition of calcium salts.

When is surgery necessary to treat hygroma?

Hygroma is called "complicated" when it is infected or ulcerated. Ulceration means the presence of a sore, hole, or open wound in the skin. You can think of it as a sore. If this happens, surgery may be required to correct the problem. Currently in veterinary practice, surgery is typically used when all other options have failed.

After surgery, your veterinarian will need to clear the elbow of any possible infection and possibly place a drain to keep fluid draining until the area heals. Bandages may be placed to protect the surgical site. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the dressing.

Eventually, the body will create a natural callus at the tip of the elbow to provide protection.

The occurrence of bursitis of the knee joint

The occurrence of bursitis of the knee joint is often associated with mechanical damage and prolonged exposure to the floor. The onset of acute bursitis is sudden. There is an excruciating pain that increases with movement. In some cases, the pain intensifies at night. This is manifested by the dog’s forced position and the impossibility of proper rest. The growth of connective tissue around the joint causes joint stiffness. This leads to difficulty in the animal's movements.

Read: FCM tumors of the breast.

Preventive measures

To avoid such an unpleasant disease as bursitis, you need to follow some rules that will protect your pet. Among them:

  • good living conditions (the dog should not sleep in a cold place or in a draft);
  • the place to sleep should be soft and warm (it is undesirable for the dog to sleep on cold tiles or linoleum), avoid dampness in the room where the animal is located;
  • for large breeds, the diet must contain chondroitin,
  • glucosamine and other supplements that affect good joint function; dry food or food must be balanced and appropriate for the weight and characteristics of the animal. Food should contain plenty of grains and protein products. Do not use fatty foods and bones in your diet;
  • physical activity as the dog ages. Even large breeds should not get carried away with activities that involve overcoming high barriers. Combine active games and long walks. In the cold and damp seasons, avoid walking in the rain, and also ensure that the dog does not become hypothermic.

Bursitis in dogs is a disease that requires immediate treatment and sometimes surgery. And although the consequences after treatment are not always positive, with proper care the dog will feel comfortable for a long time. To avoid disease, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist and properly care for the animal. But if you notice symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Remember that home treatment can only make the problem worse.

Currently reading:

  1. Thyroid dysfunction in dogs (hypothyroidism)
  2. The whole truth about the treatment of joint dysplasia in dogs
  3. Games to choose for training a dog
  4. What to do if your dog sprains a paw or sprained ankle

For chronic bursitis

For chronic bursitis, irritating ointments are rubbed into the skin. In addition, diathermy, iodine electrophoresis, etc. are indicated. If the cause of chronic bursitis is trauma, they are subject to surgical treatment. In some cases, calcium deposits that interfere with the animal's normal movement are removed. In case of proliferation of connective tissue, you can use forced development of the joint under anesthesia. Diseases and recommendations for the bulldog

How does my vet diagnose a hygroma?

Hygroma is suspected based on breed, age and appearance. Your veterinarian should make sure that the mass on the elbow is not a tumor. Confirmation of this diagnosis can be made by collecting a sterile fluid sample using a needle and syringe. Care must be taken to prevent bacteria from the skin from entering the formation, otherwise an abscess may develop. A sample of the fluid may be sent to a laboratory for further analysis if warranted.

What care is needed at home after hygroma surgery?

Painkillers and antibiotics will need to be given to your dog at home. If a dressing was applied after surgery to protect the drainage, it will need to be changed several times. It is important to understand that surgery eliminates the problem, but does not prevent relapses. Therefore, you have a critical role in protecting your dog's elbow from future injury. The type of flooring and bedding is very important. Again, the goal is to prevent contact with hard surfaces and reduce pressure on the elbow.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The disease occurs in the form of recurrent polyarthritis (affects several joints). In the acute phase, the course resembles serous-fibrous synovitis; during chronicity, it resembles deforming arthritis, but with the slow development of destructive processes.

The dog lies down a lot; you can visually notice swelling of several joints at once. The disease is symptomatically manifested by fever, pain on palpation of articular surfaces, and lameness.

As the process becomes chronic, signs of deforming arthritis appear, and a crunching sound is heard when moving. To treat and alleviate the dog’s condition, it is placed in a warm, dry room, and anti-inflammatory, desensitizing agents (steroids, salicylates, ACTH, etc.) are prescribed.


If the owner closely monitors the condition of the recovering dog, final recovery may take from a couple of weeks to a month and a half, depending on the severity of the disease. Pain and swelling go away in the first days, however, even after significant improvement, the owner must not lose vigilance: healing of the joint takes time and patience.

Dog with a bandage on the elbow joint

Most likely, the veterinarian will prescribe a special brace for the dog (especially if it has had fistulas), which will fix the position of the limb in the correct way. Under no circumstances should this corset be removed from the animal ahead of time, even if it interferes with the dog, or if the owner seems that his pet has already recovered. Aseptic bursitis goes away in two to four weeks, while purulent bursitis requires treatment for five to six weeks.

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Strengthening the immune system

Regardless of whether the pet has undergone surgery or not, most specialists, along with a corset and compresses, prescribe immunomodulators that will help strengthen a weakened immune system. The most popular immunomodulators these days are presented in the table below.

Table. Immunomodulators for dogs

NameMethod of administrationDescription
"Glycopin"Oral (tablets)This product has a wide spectrum of action and is used for many pets. The drug is effective in the treatment of various inflammatory processes (both chronic and acute). It has no significant side effects, but veterinarians do not recommend giving it to females during pregnancy. For dogs weighing more than twenty kilograms, it is enough to take one tablet per day for 4-5 days
"Ribotan"Subcutaneous or intramuscular (injection)A transparent solution containing low molecular weight peptides and fragments of yeast RNA. Accelerates the regeneration of the body and has an antitoxic effect. Used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Available in ampoules of different sizes. For dogs, depending on their size, 1 to 2 ml of the substance is instilled at a time
"Maksidin"Subcutaneous or intramuscular (injection)“Maksidin” is most suitable for dogs with bursitis, since it not only provides general support to the body, but also provides an antitumor effect. The drug promotes the production of interferon in large quantities, which helps protect the animal's open wound from various viruses. An injection is given to a sick animal twice a day for five days.
"Gamavit"Intramuscular (injections)A complex immunomodulator used by dog ​​breeders for a variety of purposes - from helping a dog recover after surgery to preventing toxicosis. The drug is administered no more than three times a day for five days for therapeutic purposes. For preventive purposes, “Gamavit” is also used orally, by feeding the pet

You can also add vitamins to your dog's diet, but only after consulting a doctor.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The list of possible causes of arthritis includes:

  1. Weakened immunity. The inflammatory process in the joint can begin when an infection enters the body, or when the internal pathogenic microflora that is already “sitting” inside the pet’s body is activated.
  2. Injuries. When a joint is traumatically damaged, the integrity of the articular cartilage and capsule is compromised. The reason for this may be dislocations, ruptures and sprains of ligaments, fractures, incl. incorrectly fused and changed the configuration of the joint.
  3. Placing the pet on a hard, cold floor (concrete). Lying on such a surface for a long time provokes thickening of the joints and the development of an inflammatory process in them.
  4. Regular stress factors.
  5. Unbalanced diet.

At risk for arthritis are pets with obesity, physical inactivity, over the age of 6 years, especially large breeds (Rottweilers, Great Danes, Shepherds, etc.). With excess weight, the load on the articular surfaces increases, metabolic disorders provoke poor absorption of macro and microelements. The blood supply to the cartilage becomes worse.

Main symptoms

There is no single clinical picture for bumps on a dog’s body, since they can be caused by different diseases, each of which has its own characteristic signs.

So, with an abscess that occurs under the influence of a bacterial infection that enters the body through a bite, puncture wound or scratch, the dog experiences swelling, fever, and pain. The lump swells for several days, after which it begins to fester.

Smooth-haired dogs often develop papillomas and warts on their bodies. The cause of their occurrence is considered to be a viral infection. The growths on the skin are usually brown in color and are painless, but it is still worth consulting a veterinarian.

The dog may develop a hematoma as a result of bruises or fluid accumulation when blood vessels are damaged during surgery. It is a formation that changes the shape of the part of the body where it is located. It does not cause discomfort to the dog, however, if the hematoma does not go away for a long time, consultation with a specialist will also be required.

A cyst can appear anywhere: both on the body and on the dog’s face, for example, at the junction of the jaws. Upon inspection, it is quite easy to detect. It appears as reddish, painful abscesses that the dog tries to lick.

Pyoderma is a purulent inflammation of the skin in dogs, which is accompanied by a rash and papules. Swellings can form all over the body, paws, in folds of skin, and on the face.

Insect bites (bees, ticks and even mosquitoes) can cause painful swelling. The most dangerous bites are to the face and mouth.

There are two types of tumors in dogs: benign and malignant. Benign tumors grow slowly and, as a rule, do not cause discomfort to the dog. Unlike malignant tumors, they do not metastasize. However, this does not mean that they do not pose a danger to the health of the animal, since over time they can degenerate into cancer.

Malignant tumors appear as a result of cell mutation. Cancerous tumors are characterized by rapid growth, absence of symptoms at the initial stage, and metastases. Sometimes the bumps break through the skin and bleed. As the disease progresses, an increase in symptoms is observed.

What can I expect after hygroma surgery?

Simple hygromas usually heal well within a few weeks. Complex hygromas can be much more difficult to treat successfully, making the outcome more difficult to predict. Your veterinarian can refer you to a board-certified surgeon when reconstructive surgery is necessary. In the vast majority of cases, we can achieve good and even excellent results.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always visit or call our veterinarian - this is your best opportunity to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

What if my dog ​​won't use soft dog beds?

Of course, some dogs can be a little stubborn. Some companies sell a special device that is designed to protect the elbow. You should discuss this with your veterinarian first. This is great because this device protects the knee from re-injury. However, the more you protect your elbow, the less likely you are to develop a protective callus.

There are also several bed options:

  • Sheepskin bedding;
  • Thick fleece;
  • Orthopedic beds;
  • Thick rubber mats.

And so on…

It is best to cover any type of dog bed with an easy-to-clean coating.

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