A set of exercises for the treatment of hallux valgus

Hallux valgus is not a one-time lesion of the musculoskeletal system, leading to inconvenience and limitations in physical activity. “Wrong” development occurs gradually. Surgical intervention is rather a necessary measure to completely eliminate the problem in the later stages of foot deformity.

If we promptly monitor the appearance of disturbing symptoms, what measures will help? It has been proven that special exercises have become one of the best treatment options for hallux valgus.

They are aimed at strengthening and supporting cartilage and joints, normalizing metabolic processes, correcting the position of the foot and counteracting the development of curvature.

Physical therapy, or exercise therapy, is the most important component of the treatment of hallux valgus, which is fraught with complications when walking.

This gymnastics itself is shown at any age:

  1. Babies under 8-18 months will benefit from specialized therapeutic massage.
  2. Children who have already begun to walk should be introduced to a set of exercises and do it with them.
  3. Adults should psychologically accept the need for change - and constantly perform therapeutic exercises to prevent deterioration.

A set of exercises for the prevention of hallux valgus

Specially selected exercises (provided they are performed regularly and completely) will “work” simultaneously in two directions: gradually eliminate the deformity and ensure the prevention of valgus.

  • Starting position: lying on the floor. Exercise – “bicycle” (imitation of riding, try to keep your legs parallel to the floor).
  • Starting position: sitting on the floor, emphasis on arms outstretched, legs straightened, gradual flexion at the ankle.
  • Spread the toes as far apart as possible. Next, open and close them as quickly and as forcefully as possible.
  • Starting position: sitting on a chair, move your feet only with your fingers, spreading your legs.
  • Insert and hold a pen between your thumb and index finger (it can be a stick, pencil, etc.). With a clamped object, make circular movements, draw numbers or letters.
  • Starting position: standing. Walk several circles, alternating steps on your toes, heels, and the outer and inner ribs of your feet. The arms are raised vertically, straightened.
  • Starting position: sitting on a chair, collect a ribbon, rope or piece of fabric with your toes. Also sort through small items.

Adults will have to perform the complex in the mornings and evenings (repeating each movement 5-7 times) according to the scheme: course from 2 weeks to a month - a month break. Your doctor will help you choose exercises, as well as additional therapy.

Physiotherapy for hallux valgus

Physiotherapy is an additional component designed to reduce or completely stop pain syndromes, restore mobility of the foot joints, activate basic metabolic processes, and reduce the risk of complications. It is important to remember that procedures are ineffective if you try to be treated only with their help. Rehabilitation will provide improvements when the right set of measures is selected.

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The range of physiotherapy methods for severe foot deformities is unusually wide. A patient with a hallux valgus may be recommended shock wave therapy, mud therapy, correction with a laser, treatment with ultrasound, magnets, electrophoresis, and sinus-modulated currents. The maximum physiotherapeutic effect will be for stages 1 and 2 of hallux valgus.

Shock wave therapy (SWT) is based on the use of waves of an acoustic nature according to the principle of harmless “impact-repulsion”. Penetrating through the tissues of the muscular system, the waves have a positive effect on bones, cartilage, and joints. They are able to remove congestion, hallux valgus, and increase metabolism, blood flow and oxygen saturation.

Laser is a relatively new procedure. It is based on the effect of laser radiation and heat on the cells of the damaged area of ​​the foot (calcium ions are released, fibrin protein is more actively absorbed from the blood plasma, and blood circulation is stimulated). Helps eliminate swelling and inflammation, promotes the disappearance of growths.

Ultrasound is also widely used to get rid of this type of deformation. The desired therapeutic effect is achieved by local heating under the influence of the device; increased collagen production is stimulated in the muscles and joints, swelling and redness disappear.

Treatment of hallux valgus with mud is based on thermal effects. Therapeutic mud is heated and applied as a compress to the affected area. The method gives greater effect in combination with massage. The mechanism of action (like a warm compress on a hallux valgus) is similar to paraffin and ozokerite applications.

Magnetotherapy – a physiotherapeutic effect is carried out using a magnetic impulse, which accelerates blood circulation in certain areas, reduces pain, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Electrophoresis is a combined injection of a medicinal substance (for example, calcium needed by the body) to the desired area through current.

Electrical stimulation is a treatment method using muscle stimulation with currents. Helps relieve pain and normalize muscle function.

It is impossible to choose the appropriate type of physical therapy for types of foot deformities on your own. The fact is that each method is effective in different ways, and, in addition to healing elements, it also involves contraindications. The choice of the type of influence, duration of the course, and correction of treatment remains with the physiotherapist.

Health Benefits of Walking

Hiking is carried out under conditions of complex muscular activity of the torso and limbs. Walking is characterized by biomechanical and neurochemical processes that have a beneficial effect on the human body. When moving, different muscle groups are involved, their activity tones the whole body.

Walking promotes movement of the legs in three different planes:

  • Vertical;
  • Longitudinal;
  • Transverse.

The more intense the rhythm of movement, the stronger the amplitude of vertical movements, the higher the performance of the ligamentous-muscular system, and significant energy consumption occurs.

The activity of the feet when walking helps to activate blood flow: the blood better saturates the internal organs with oxygen and stimulates metabolic processes.

Frequent walks can improve health and have a positive impact on a person’s overall well-being. In addition, walking is a good prevention of musculoskeletal diseases.

BEFORE and AFTER surgery on a deformed foot

Patients often ask when it is more beneficial to do exercises - before or after surgery. Doctors here are unanimous: it is optimal to perform gymnastics constantly. If surgery has taken place, classes should be excluded in the first two weeks. The body needs to recover during the healing period of wounds and stitches. From the third week, daily exercises are added to the rehabilitation course, the load increases moderately. After a month and a half, you are allowed to switch to the full volume. The complex includes a number of exercises:

  • collect and mix small objects with your toes;
  • lift and move a ball or similar, not heavy, rounded element;
  • “caterpillar” - imitate the movement of a given insect with the sole and fingers;
  • “draw” simple contours, for example, numbers, with your toes;
  • roll the ball with your foot in different projections: back and forth and in a circle.

How to do gymnastics

Therapeutic exercise is aimed at getting rid of valgus. It is highly effective in therapy at the initial stage of the disease, as well as as rehabilitation after the use of a conservative method of eliminating the problem.

When performing exercises, you should follow simple rules:

  • Classes must be regular. Treatment will not be beneficial if gymnastics is carried out occasionally;
  • Exercise therapy will bring maximum results with daily exercises in the morning and evening hours. However, it is important to avoid overtiring;
  • The load should not be made too low. Muscles should work during exercise. If the exercise is too easy, you need to increase the number of approaches.

Team of Doctors

Experts recommend performing a set of exercises for hallux valgus for children barefoot or wearing thin cotton socks.

It is important to form the right attitude towards exercise in your child. So that he does not refuse classes, it is preferable to conduct them in a playful way (or introducing a competitive element), in a positive way. Don’t be afraid to help him at first, give him hints, hold him a little if it’s difficult to fix himself in the right position. I advise you to give pleasant and understandable names to the exercises. For example, call the steps on the outside of the sole “bear-toed”, imitation of the gait of a bear. They will be replaced by walking on a relief surface (place a tape or a special mat). It is useful to restore motor skills by lifting small objects with your toes: these can be small toys, Lego or similar bricks, handkerchiefs, pens and pencils. You can complete the exercise with squats: keep your feet parallel to each other and not lift them off the floor.

Monitor the load and adjust it; the complex can be divided into several approaches. In the first days, sessions should not be long; increase the duration gradually, under the supervision of the attending physician or exercise therapy instructor.

When is correction needed and what kind?

In the practice of pediatric orthopedist Vera Sergeevna Kachurina, the most common complaint from parents is flat-valgus foot placement. However, this term is already outdated, and this condition is usually called benign mobile flatfoot in children. And although this condition is benign, parents are very worried about it: with it, the child’s gait may be impaired, he tramples on his shoes, and his heel falls off. It’s no wonder that parents at doctor’s appointments ask for advice on how to correct this problem.

“This is exactly the case when individual orthopedic insoles, for example from the FormTotics Medical System, can help. – explains Dr. Kachurina. – Thanks to personally made insoles, the heel will be in the correct position, and the muscles of the foot and ankle will be able to function and develop normally. As a bonus, wearing insoles relieves possible discomfort and pain when walking or running.”

In what other cases are orthopedic insoles needed?

  • With excessive valgus position of the heel
  • For joint hypermobility
  • For signs of connective tissue dysplasia
  • For muscle dysfunction
  • If you complain of pain, for example in the knees or ankles
  • For posture problems

The effectiveness of exercise will increase in combination with other measures

Daily exercise strengthens ligaments and muscles, eradicates pain, and returns joints to their natural position. What can be supplemented with it?

  • Take care of the comfort of your feet and make it a rule to wear only comfortable shoes, avoid tight pairs. Recommendations for women: choose stable street and casual shoes (especially shoes and boots) with low, reliable wedges. Ideally, of course, choose orthopedic shoes.
  • Also talk to your doctor about what type of corrective orthotics you can wear. Patients with more pronounced changes are prescribed special rehabilitation means - pelota and orthoses.
  • Do an additional massage of the feet and legs.
  • Brew foot baths with sea salt or pine extract.
  • Prevention of hallux valgus should include diet. Proper nutrition, selected and fit into your schedule, will help maintain the proper balance and metabolism of minerals, vitamins, microelements, and proteins. It is advisable to consume less foods high in purines (organic compounds, the breakdown of which forms uric acid): these include tea, chocolate and coffee, strong broth, legumes, meat and seafood. They cannot be excluded, but it is quite possible to balance the intake.
  • Separately, discuss exercise with your doctor: reasonable maintenance physical activity is needed. Swimming and cycling are recommended for almost everyone; other disciplines are best assessed from the point of view of their impact on the lower extremities - whether they will provoke complications of valgus deformities of the foot.

We hope that the general recommendations were useful. It is much easier for doctors and patients to work together to cope with the manifestations of deformities in the early stages and prevent their more severe course! The specialists at Dr. Begma’s clinic are ready to conduct a consultation about the health of your feet and choose the most effective and suitable set of therapeutic or preventive effects for you.

Who should I contact for help?

The desire to cure a bulging bone in your foot is in itself commendable. But solving this problem on your own is a risky business. The most competent solution in this situation is to contact a specialist. An orthopedic traumatologist and surgeon can help in the treatment of hallux valgus. It would also be useful to consult a therapist and an endocrinologist, which will help identify problems with the endocrine system. Only qualified medical care will not only eliminate a cosmetic defect, but also prevent recurrence of the disease by treating its cause. To eliminate a protruding bone, you should contact a surgeon, who in a fairly short time will help restore your foot, and you will be able to wear your favorite shoes again.

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