Effective exercise therapy for scoliosis in children and adults

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Kyphoscoliosis is a pathological curvature of the spine that combines two diseases - scoliosis and increased kyphosis.
It manifests itself simultaneously as a curvature of the spine with a convexity backwards and sideways, as well as rotation of the vertebrae (turning relative to each other). Teenagers are the most susceptible to kyphoscoliosis; according to statistics, this type of pathology occurs four times more often in boys than in girls.

The presence of kyphoscoliosis in an adult indicates a gradual process of spinal deformation under the influence of scoliosis or kyphosis that was not cured in childhood.

What is kyphoscoliosis

An anatomically correctly developed spine has an S-shape, with 4 natural curves. Their main task is depreciation and proper distribution of the load on all parts of the spinal column. This form ensures stability and mobility of the body, protects organs from unnecessary shocks.

With kyphoscoliosis, curvature of the spine occurs in two directions - anteroposterior (in the thoracic region) and lateral. At the beginning, a stoop occurs, then a lateral curvature of the spine joins it.

Suggested set of exercises

From a standing position

Here are some exercises that can help with complex, regular implementation:

  • alternately swing one and the other leg upward, with an angle of no more than 45º; repeat the exercise up to 12 times with each leg;
  • rotating your legs in a clockwise direction - this helps strengthen the muscle structure of the lumbar region. The movements gradually accelerate and are repeated up to 12 times;
  • similarly, in the other direction. Also performed up to 12 times.

From a supine position

The following exercises continue from the position lying supine on your back:

  • the leg is fully raised, bent at the knee joint and pressed against the body. It is important that the second one does not come off the floor. Gradually brought to the starting position. Perform up to 12 repetitions;
  • the foot is raised to the level of the knee. After this, the leg is turned in one direction and the other. The repetition is performed 12 times;
  • the leg rises to an angle of 45º, then lowers behind the other, and again up, moving in a circle. The exercise is performed 12 times for each;
  • in a straight position, the leg rises vertically, then lowers outward relative to the other, the foot should touch the floor with the inside. The number of repetitions of the exercise is up to 10 times for each leg;
  • you should keep your leg raised at an angle of 45º; thus, maximum load is created on the muscles of the lumbar region. It lowers after holding in this position for up to 10-15 seconds;
  • First one leg rises, then the other joins it, then both, simultaneously and slowly, lower down. The exercise is repeated, starting with the other leg;
  • The scissors exercise is performed with the legs from a lying position. The latter make characteristic counter movements without touching the floor. Duration – about a minute;
  • straight legs are raised up to 45º, slowly moved apart, brought together and lowered to the starting position. Repeated 10 times;
  • "bike". Raising your straight legs vertically, they alternately bend and straighten. Duration of execution - about half a minute;
  • The legs rotate in a small radius. Number of repetitions – up to 10;
  • similar rotations, but in the other direction, with the same amplitude and number of repetitions.

From a side lying position

You should continue doing the gymnastics by turning over on your side:

  • the hand located below is stretched out in front of you, palm facing down, free hand parallel to the body;
  • The free leg is raised and lowered. Number of repetitions – up to 12;
  • after raising the straight free leg, it is raised in front of itself, touches the foot to the floor and lowers to the starting position. Performed about 12 times;
  • the free arm is bent at the elbow, the foot of the free leg is brought to the knee. At the same time, the elbow joint of the free hand is brought back, it performs elastic movements, the elbow and knee joints synchronously touch the floor. Repeated 10 times;
  • the leg, in a straight state, is raised and placed frontally and sideways, at the same time the free arm is placed behind the back and upward. Repeated up to 10 times;
  • both legs rise simultaneously to a small height, about 7 times;
  • the leg, bent at the knee joint, is raised and then brought towards the body. Afterwards it returns to the original one. Performs up to 10 times;
  • the leg is brought back, it is necessary to touch the heel to the floor, and returns to the starting position through the upper position. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

From a prone position

The gymnastics is continued by turning over with your stomach down, your arms are positioned along your body, your palms are facing the floor, your legs are closed, your feet and chin are resting on the floor:

  • the legs alternately rise, with a deflection in the lower back, the head turns towards the leg making the movements. Number of repetitions – up to 12;
  • the hands are closed at the back of the head, the elbow joints are spread as far apart as possible. The body rises, the gaze is turned forward, the legs are in the starting position. Performs up to 10 times;
  • A bench press is performed from a lying position (palms rest on the floor at shoulder level) with a simultaneous bend in the lower back. Repeated up to 10 times;
  • all limbs rise above the floor at the same time, with a bend in the lower back. Number of repetitions – up to 10 times;
  • the body rises, you should touch your foot with your hand, your gaze turned to the hand performing the movement. Repeated with both hands in turn, turning the head, up to 12 times;
  • straightened legs are raised, the lower back bends and returns to the starting position. Repeated up to 10 times;
  • holding your feet with your hands, the knee joints and body are lifted off the floor. Swings are performed in both directions, returning to the starting position. Repeated up to 7 times.

The therapeutic effect of gymnastics is facilitated by a subsequent hot bath and relaxing massage. But, if pain in the spine or other discomfort occurs, you should immediately stop doing the exercises and seek advice from a specialist.

The above complex is recommended in general cases, but in some situations it can be adjusted, taking into account individual characteristics and problems.

See the video below for one of the treatment options for stoop.

Why is kyphoscoliosis dangerous?

With kyphoscoliosis, the spine loses its natural position. This leads to overload of muscles and internal organs. The back is under constant tension. As a result, the following complications arise:

  • early osteochondrosis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • myositis and other pathologies.

The progressive disease limits the movement of the chest and diaphragm. As a result, there is a decrease in the elasticity and stretchability of lung tissue. This leads to a decrease in lung volume. As a consequence, there is a lack of oxygen in all systems and organs. An even greater deformation of the chest has a negative effect on the heart and impairs the mobility of the diaphragm.

In severe forms of the disease, deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract occur. Further progression of the disease can lead to disability.

Implementation principles

When treating and doing gymnastics aimed at kyphosis of the thoracic spine, patients should follow some rules, which boil down to the following:

  • the exercise therapy program must be compiled by a person with the appropriate qualifications;
  • training should not exceed 30-40 minutes;
  • Before exercise, the muscles should be warmed up;
  • During the exercises, you should maintain correct posture;
  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • Exercise therapy should involve various exercises: both active and passive.

The above principles should be adhered to, regardless of the severity of the pathology.

Static and dynamic exercises

When doing therapeutic exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine, a sick person should combine exercises of varying degrees of mobility. So, dynamic ones will help improve blood circulation and also increase muscle tone. While static gymnastics helps strengthen the spinal column and pectoral muscles.

Increase in amplitude and strength of movements

You should start exercising with light loads, gradually increasing the range of movements. This will allow the body to get used to new stress. If you perform all the elements of physical therapy in one session, the muscles will quickly get tired, and it will not bring the expected effect.

Taking a bath or relaxing massage

In order to enhance the effect of exercises for kyphosis of the thoracic spine, it is recommended to first lie in a relaxing bath or do a relaxing massage. This will help relax the muscles and also better prepare them for the upcoming load.


It is impossible to treat kyphoscoliosis without the help of a specialist. At the first suspicion of pathology, you should contact a neurologist or orthopedist. It is important to conduct a comprehensive examination here. A specialist from the Noosphere clinic will assess the degree of spinal deformation in different positions, check tendon reflexes, and assess muscle sensitivity and strength.

A patient with kyphoscoliosis is prescribed an X-ray of the spine. To accurately establish a diagnosis, our doctor conducts a comprehensive examination and uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  3. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  4. Laboratory research

Pathology analysis

The disease is recognized as widespread. It is much more common (about four times) in men (boys) than in women. Formed in an overwhelming number of episodes during puberty. During this period, the proportion of bone tissue growth is disrupted, and anomalies appear in the structural development of the vertebrae.

Kyphoscoliosis is most often diagnosed in boys during periods of increased bone growth.

By the way. At the initial stage, kyphoscoliosis can cause permanent fatigue and mild pain in a teenager. Then severe pain, neurological problems will arise, and the functioning of the pulmonary, cardiac and digestive systems will become difficult.

Orthopedic chair for children

To characterize this anomaly, it is necessary to turn to anatomy. The human spinal column is not perfectly straight. It has curves that are normal and provided by nature. That is, there are “normal” kyphosis and lordosis (bending back and forth) that are not an anomaly. One of them is thoracic kyphosis, two more lordoses are in the cervical and lumbar zone. They are designed to play a compensatory role when vertical loads are placed on the spinal column.

Physiological curves of the spinal column perform compensatory functions under vertical loads

Important! A curve of the spine forward or backward no more than 45 degrees is normal. If the bend exceeds this indicator, it is an anomaly.

As for lateral bends, nature does not provide them for the spine, so any sideways curvature, called scoliosis, is not the norm. Usually, pathological kyphosis first forms, then scoliosis joins, and a diagnosis of kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spinal zone is established.

Lateral curvatures are not normal and are considered pathologies both independently and in combination with kyphosis

Treatment of kyphoscoliosis at the Noosphere clinic

Kyphoscoliosis is treated with surgery or non-surgical methods. Surgery is a last resort and is prescribed in severe cases. Doctors at the Noosphere clinic treat kyphoscoliosis using non-surgical methods. They help cure the disease in the early stages and return the spine to its normal position.

Patients at the Noosphere clinic are individually prescribed a course of treatment. The doctor takes into account the degree of curvature of the spine, age, gender and characteristics of the patient’s body. The course includes at least five different procedures, the patient undergoes them 2-3 times a week. Treatment takes 3–6 weeks. The course consists of the following procedures:

  • Resonance wave UHF therapy

Resonance wave therapy is a method of therapeutic effects on the aquatic environment of the body with low-intensity, high-frequency electromagnetic waves.

  • Fermatron injections

Fermatron intra-articular injections are an effective method of treating various diseases of the musculoskeletal system by introducing a drug (chondroprotector) into the affected joint.

  • Rehabilitation on the Thera-Band exercise machine

Treatment of the spine and joints using the Thera-Band simulator will restore limb mobility in a short period of time without expensive treatment in specialized sanatoriums.

  • Block of joints and spine

Joint blockade is a type of drug treatment of the spine and joints aimed at relieving acute pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.

  • Drug treatment

Drug treatment of joints and spine at the Noosphere clinic is used in a wide range and in combination with physiotherapy. Intra-articular injections, blockades and droppers.

Specialists at our clinic in St. Petersburg use the latest conservative techniques to correct the shape of the spine and eliminate body asymmetry. Kinesiotherapy is aimed at correcting posture and strengthening the paravertebral muscles. Therapy with medicinal leeches, acupuncture and physiotherapy block pain, relieve spasms, and improve blood circulation.

Wearing a corrective corset allows you to develop correct posture. Only a specialist can select an individual corset and determine the period of its use.

After completing a course of treatment in our clinic, patients can receive a free consultation with a specialist for another year. The doctor will give recommendations on maintaining the health of the spine and a manual with exercises that need to be performed at home.

Features of treatment

The success of treatment largely depends on how timely the disease is detected. Grades 1 and 2 allow for the effective use of conservative techniques. But when the disease takes serious forms, the problem can only be solved by surgical intervention.

Remember! If the disease is not eliminated at the initial stage, serious abnormalities may require surgical intervention.

Conservative methods include massage using manual manipulation, physiotherapeutic procedures, and, of course, physical therapy.

Causes of kyphoscoliosis

The causes vary depending on the type of kyphoscoliosis. The congenital form is the result of abnormal intrauterine development.

A number of factors can provoke the disease in a healthy child:

  • congenital pathology of connective tissue;
  • injury to the spinal muscles and discs;
  • surgical intervention;
  • impaired bone formation as a result of rickets;
  • excess weight;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • poor posture.

In addition, the provoking factor may be polio, cerebral palsy, congenital hip dysplasia or hip dislocation. The growing body of a teenager can be negatively affected by heavy load on the spine and heavy physical labor.


You should know that exercise therapy prescribed and developed for you with kyphosis of the thoracic spine has a number of contraindications. As a rule, they are associated with acquired or congenital diseases that are present in the patient.

Infectious pathologies

As you know, when an infection (flu, RVI, etc.) enters the human body, the immune system begins an active fight against pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens. During this period, it is important that the person is completely at rest. The immune system is already under a lot of stress, and additional efforts can only worsen the situation.

Mental health problems

If a person experiences an exacerbation of any mental condition (for example, schizophrenia, neurosis, psychosis, etc.), then during this period it is recommended to refrain from excessive physical activity.

Rise in body temperature above 37.5 degrees

As a rule, an increase in body temperature above the established norm (36.6-37.5) is the body’s reaction to a certain disease, the nature of which must be determined by a doctor. In this situation, it is better to refrain from performing exercises with thoracic kyphosis, since the body may perceive the effect on the muscles as an irritant. As a result, headache, vomiting, and deterioration in the patient’s general condition may occur.

Increased blood pressure

You should know that static exercises are contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension. This is explained by the fact that with prolonged muscle tension, blood pressure can jump. Of particular danger are the possible consequences and complications of hypertension. So, heart failure, stroke may develop, blood circulation in the head may be impaired, etc.

Degrees of kyphoscoliosis

The disease is divided into the following degrees depending on the degree of spinal deformity:

  1. First. Difficult to visualize. A slight lateral bend is noticeable.
  2. Second. The curvature is noticeable. The deformation angle is 55-60 degrees. Significant twisting of the vertebrae.
  3. Third. The curvature angle is up to 75 degrees. The costal hump is visualized.
  4. Fourth. Dangerous stage of the disease. The angle of curvature is more than 75 degrees. The result is severe compression of internal organs. Serious deformation of the chest, pelvis, formation of a vertebral hump.

Prevention of kyphoscoliosis

Underdevelopment of the back muscles plays a major role in the development of the disease. This is why doctors recommend spending less time at the computer and in a sitting position. The best prevention is to engage in various sports (swimming, dancing, going to the gym, etc.). It is important to strengthen the muscular corset of the chest and back. A contrast shower tones the muscles well.

It is important to properly organize your sleeping area. An orthopedic mattress is purchased for children and teenagers. You should sleep on your back.

It is necessary to teach a teenager to correctly distribute the load on the spine - not to carry a backpack or a heavy bag on one shoulder. Take the correct posture during exercise - keep your back straight.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in preventing the development of kyphoscoliosis.
Fresh vegetables, fruits, and foods rich in calcium must be present in the daily diet. Children must wear proper shoes. The required heel height is 3-5 cm.

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