Stress hits your back. How our emotions affect the spine

The number of people diagnosed with osteochondrosis increases every year. This disease is characterized by different symptoms depending on the affected part of the spine. Thus, when the pathological process is localized in the cervical region, the patient may experience an unreasonable feeling of fear or panic attacks.

Panic attacks with cervical osteochondrosis are a serious symptom that requires immediate treatment. In the multidisciplinary Yusupov Hospital, experienced neurologists, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists work with patients. Treatment, carried out according to European standards, is aimed at eliminating both the underlying disease and associated pathologies.

Don't piss him off!

It is not for nothing that 100 years ago doctors diagnosed their patients complaining of back and neck pain as “irritable spine.” After all, the most significant negative emotions associated with back problems are anger, anger, fear, as well as suspiciousness, anxiety and indecision. It has been proven that in many cases, in order to relieve people from pain in the spine, it is necessary to correct not only physiological disorders, but also to influence social and psychological factors.

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Cervical osteochondrosis and panic attacks

There is a definite connection between osteochondrosis and a panic attack that occurs suddenly and without reason. But the patient will not be able to identify his increased level of anxiety, which increases with the course of the initial illness.

Signs of causeless panic may include: trembling of the limbs, nausea, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, increased sweating, painful sensation in the chest, dizziness. Often, symptoms are combined under the definition of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Cervical osteochondrosis and panic attacks do not occur in every patient. There are a number of factors that stimulate the development of panic:

  • weak type of nervous system;
  • frequent stress;
  • heredity;
  • dysfunctional family and living conditions;
  • infections, complex operations;
  • mental disorders.

Diagnostics will reveal whether there are any pathologies that significantly worsen the course of the disease.

Some features of the disease

Panic attacks with osteochondrosis of the neck can be internal and external with clearly defined changes in the functioning of the body.

Painful osteochondrosis of the cervical spine provokes the development of causeless anxiety. There are breathing problems, intense sweating, and confusion in thoughts.

If the panic attacks that accompany cervical osteochondrosis are not treated, then psychological problems will begin to develop: severe phobias, loss of spatial orientation, sleep problems, splitting of the “I”, difficulties in perceiving reality.

An attack of causeless anxiety usually lasts from a minute to an hour or longer. If it appeared previously, then with osteochondrosis of the neck there is a high probability of repetitions and intensification. The patient lives in anticipation of the next pain and panic, as a result the disease becomes more complicated.

Panic attacks in close connection with osteochondrosis

The basis of this connection is the deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. With osteochondrosis, disturbances occur in the intervertebral discs and the appearance of bone growths. Brain hypoxia also occurs, which disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels. If a hernia appears, bone growths interfere with nerve endings - this contributes to the development of panic attacks.

How to treat?

With the constant nature of the panic state with cervical osteochondrosis, an integrated treatment approach is necessary. Not enough oxygen reaches the brain, which is why the first symptoms occur. Therefore, the cause of the disease must be eliminated. However, it is not possible to completely cure neck osteochondrosis, but there are measures to reduce the rate of its development.

To avoid concomitant psychological problems, be sure to consult a psychotherapist.

Various methods are used to control attacks:

— Cognitive behavioral therapy is aimed at teaching the patient how to reduce panic, recognizing the unreasonableness and lack of reason for fear. This therapy has a positive effect on perception and thinking, eliminating any causes of triggering the panic mechanism.

— Suggestion and hypnosis form a mindset for new reactions to physical symptoms characteristic of attacks.

The use of medications is necessary during exacerbation of the disease. In other cases, psychotherapy is indicated. Tranquilizers and antidepressants are used. But they only eliminate temporary symptoms and do not cure completely.

Some have doubts that spinal disease is associated with panic attacks, because causeless anxiety is not characteristic of all patients, while osteochondrosis is a fairly common phenomenon.
But in fact, it is one of the manifestations of side symptoms of neck osteochondrosis, along with noise in the head, numbness of the limbs, and vision problems. It is necessary to immediately, without delay, select the correct therapy to stabilize the disease. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Vicious circle

Long-term experiences with a minus sign are by no means something ephemeral that affects only the mental state, but also a very real physical threat. And the main target of chronic stress is muscles. If in a healthy state they strain only to perform physical efforts, then in a person mired in negative emotions, they remain overstrained and rigid as long as the stress continues. If its effect is long-term, then over time the muscles lose elasticity and, even in a calm state, remain rigid and compressed. At the same time, they compress nerves and blood vessels, causing blood circulation and tissue nutrition to deteriorate. And chronic, so-called stress back pain occurs.

Being under prolonged stress, a person often ceases to control his muscle tension and seems to lose the ability to relax. This becomes noticeable even externally. A neck pulled into the shoulders, a bent back, a shuffling gait - this is what people who are overcome by misfortune often look like. An incorrect motor stereotype, which forces a person to take and maintain unphysiological postures, leads to even greater muscle overload. And this makes the pain even more noticeable. Well, severe pain, in turn, leads to even greater muscle strain. Vicious circle…

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

When the nervous system fails, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) occurs. VSD is often diagnosed together with cervical osteochondrosis, since these diseases have similar symptoms. Sometimes it is difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis, because... VSD and cervical osteochondrosis can provoke each other. Therefore, when carrying out drug treatment of VSD, therapy does not bring results. Cervical osteochondrosis can lead to compression of the spinal vessels, and as a result, to the formation of VSD.

The main causes of cervical osteochondrosis, which usually provokes VSD, are:

  • incorrect posture, curvature of the spine;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • sedentary work;
  • severe physical activity associated with lifting weights or professional sports;
  • genetic (family) predisposition;
  • spinal injuries resulting in circulatory problems;
  • metabolic disease.

As a result, muscle tissue weakens and is unable to support the intervertebral discs, the load on the vertebrae increases and adjacent tissues are compressed. Another important reason is frequent stress, insomnia, and insufficient sleep. Such factors make the nervous system unstable.

Expert opinion


Elena Yurievna Panasyuk

Rheumatologist, doctor of the highest category, member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia

Neurological diseases have long occupied a leading place in the structure of people seeking medical help. Cervical osteochondrosis accounts for 30–40% of cases. VSD is diagnosed in 40–50%. The symptoms of both diseases have many similarities. This makes differential diagnosis difficult. Long-term course of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and VSD can lead to the development of complications. Timely therapy can minimize these risks. Disability as a result of advanced degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system occurs in 60% of cases.

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital carry out a differential diagnosis between osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and symptoms of VSD. For this, X-rays, ECG, EchoCG, MRI and CT are used. After identifying the disease, correct therapy is prescribed. The treatment plan complies with the latest European standards. Medicines prescribed by neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital undergo careful quality and safety control.

When joy is not enough

A prolonged illness, problems at work and in your personal life, chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep - any of these reasons can lead to stress. And prolonged emotional stress and depression disrupt the production of the pleasure hormone serotonin, which not only worsens mood, but also lowers the pain threshold. In this case, patients feel even a slight pain as significant. And stress itself becomes a trigger for pain.

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Against this background, psychalgia (psychogenic back pain) may occur, which is often a sign of hidden depression. Such pain can completely disappear without treatment against the background of positive emotions, but then it worsens again under the influence of new stress. To break this vicious cycle, patients with chronic pain whose cause cannot be determined are prescribed antidepressants (drugs that affect the production of serotonin). However, self-medication with these drugs is unacceptable. In addition to medications, hypnosis, various relaxation techniques, training, etc. can also be used.

Stress as a possible cause of osteochondrosis

Modern medicine attaches increasing importance to emotional breakdowns and nervous strain in the causes of many diseases. It has already been proven that they play a significant role in the development of many spinal diseases, especially osteochondrosis.

Emotional stress, which is a natural defense mechanism against harmful environmental influences and an essential survival factor, in some situations causes a breakdown in the body’s adaptation mechanisms:

  • the negative impact significantly exceeds the body's capabilities - in this case, reserve resources are activated, but they are not enough and the body rapidly depletes its strength, for example, an acute heart attack after unpleasant news;
  • the negative impact is equal to the body’s capabilities, but there is no opportunity to show an adequate reaction (flight, tears, fight), as a result, the body seems to burn its reserves from the inside (for example, when a boss makes a scandal, and a subordinate must listen to him silently), as a result, the work of many organs is disrupted and systems;
  • the negative impact is insignificant, but lasts for too long a period of time, internal reserves are gradually depleted, the functioning of internal organs and systems deteriorates, for example, in a chronic traumatic situation in the family or at work.

Psycho-emotional stress most often becomes a trigger for the development of cardiovascular diseases or gastrointestinal diseases. But such a common disease as osteochondrosis can also develop for emotional reasons.

In a stressful situation, when a person is overcome by strong negative emotions, the body can reflexively tighten the muscles and increase their tone. On the one hand, this tone can quickly pass, but, on the other hand, when a person lives in constant tension of negative emotions and stress, a physical stereotype of muscle tension is formed.

A person may not feel this tension until the muscles begin to ache due to the loss of their compensatory capabilities. The muscles respond to pain with even greater tension, and the process develops in a spiral.

If tense muscles are connected to the vertebrae, then their tone negatively affects the intervertebral discs and ligaments, which can lead to pathological changes, including destruction of the discs and displacement of the vertebrae.

The human body functions as a single whole, and the state of individual muscles is closely intertwined with reflex connections with other muscles and internal organs, so tension in certain places causes a response and obligatory tension in others, triggering the development of many spinal diseases.
That is why the diagnosis of osteochondrosis should include a study of the patient’s psycho-emotional state. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

What will help you overcome stress?

  • Breathing exercises

To calm down, you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach - so that the chest remains motionless. The exhalation, during which maximum relaxation occurs, should be twice as long as the inhalation. This will help reduce the excitement of the nerve centers. Yoga classes are very effective in this regard.

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  • Physical activity

Sports help burn off excess adrenaline. And after 30–40 minutes of exercise, endorphins, hormones of joy, begin to be released in the body. Any fitness routine and even a simple walk in the fresh air is suitable for this.

  • Water treatments

A bath with aroma oils, a sauna, a steam bath, or at least a regular shower will help cleanse the body of impurities and the soul of negative emotions.

  • Compliance with the regime

Daily 8-hour sleep is mandatory. Yes, and overworking is also harmful.

  • Rejection of bad habits

First of all, from excessive alcohol consumption, as well as from smoking and junk food (fast food, for example).

  • Diet enriched with magnesium

Cocoa, chocolate, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and flax are useful. Such food can be considered anti-stress.

  • Positive emotions

Anything that brings pleasure is suitable: hobbies, communication with children and animals, travel, reading, music, dancing, sex.

  • Work on yourself

You can develop stress resistance on your own. Meditate. Control your emotions, try not to get irritated. Learn to shift your attention from negative aspects and look for the good side in everything. Smile and be happy more. Be grateful. Notice even the small positive moments and focus on them.

  • Natural sedatives

A decoction of valerian root or motherwort herb, hawthorn berries, peony flowers, and verbena help to relax well.

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