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Shock wave therapy (SWT) is an excellent treatment for cervical osteochondrosis. It quickly stops the manifestations of the disease by reducing bone growths, accelerating metabolic processes, blood circulation, and tissue regeneration. The patient notices an improvement in well-being after one or two sessions. At the end of the course, he feels practically healthy, and if he follows the doctor’s recommendations, remission lasts for several years and even decades.

The essence of the method

The impact is carried out by a low-frequency acoustic wave, which has a high pulse pressure, the ability to create a rarefaction zone, and fast speed. Thanks to these characteristics, it does not damage soft tissues, working only in the desired area.

There are 3 stages of impact:

  1. calm - no radiation;
  2. high pressure, which can reach 500 bar;
  3. rarefaction - that is, negative pressure after the wave subsides.

First, the sound wave compresses the cells in the area of ​​effect, and then they stretch under the influence of vacuum. The cells receive mechanical stimulation, come to life, and begin to synthesize useful substances. At the same time, angiogenesis and microcirculation improve.

Table 1. Effect of shock wave therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Organs and tissues Effect of UVT
Muscle fibers. Elimination of spasm, restoration of ion exchange in the cell and intercellular space.
Nerve endings. Blocking the reflex pain arc.
Blood vessels. Improved microcirculation, growth of new blood vessels.
Tendons. Anti-inflammatory effect, increased elasticity.
Leather. Collagen synthesis.

As a result of the complex effect of shockwave therapy on the body, adhesions, fibrosis, and calcium deposits characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis decrease or disappear. The main action occurs in the area of ​​inflammation, the affected cells are destroyed.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out comprehensively, taking into account the age, build, profession, level of physical fitness of the patient, his lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases. Therefore, the appropriateness of specific therapeutic measures in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women and men should be determined by the attending physician.

Effective treatment of neck osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach and compliance with doctor’s prescriptions.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis

To relieve pain, relieve inflammation, improve nerve conduction and nourish the brain, the following physiotherapeutic methods for treating cervical osteochondrosis are used:

  • ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis - have a warming effect, improve the effect of external medications;
  • electrophoresis - enhances the effect of administered medications, has a stimulating and warming effect;
  • shock wave therapy (SWT) - activates blood supply, relieves inflammation and improves the processes of regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • electromyostimulation - improves mobility and endurance of the neck and arms, relieves pain;
  • cold and ozone therapy - reduce pain and inflammation, help reduce the dosage of corticosteroid drugs;
  • physical therapy and kinesitherapy - strengthens the neck muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, maintains neck mobility;
  • manual therapy and mechanical traction (traction) - helps get rid of tension and pain;
  • acupuncture - helps maintain mobility and nerve sensitivity;
  • paraffin applications - stimulate metabolic processes, reduce pain.

Sanatorium methods for treating cervical osteochondrosis are effective and advantageous - for example, balneotherapy (hydrogen sulfide, radon and turpentine baths) and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

Massage in the treatment of neck osteochondrosis

Therapeutic, lymphatic drainage massage and physiotherapy have a positive effect on the intervertebral discs, bone tissue, muscles and ligaments of the cervical spine. Some movements can be performed independently - for example, rubbing the cervical-collar, parotid area and shoulders, kneading the neck with fingers and the edge of the palm, tapping, stroking and upward movements along the back of the neck. In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra, a circular massage of the back of the head, as well as a warming one for the clavicular area, shoulders, and upper back, will not be amiss. Massage before exercise therapy exercises is especially effective. You can combine it with applying ointment to treat cervical osteochondrosis.

For osteochondrosis of the neck, hydromassage is also recommended - a physiotherapeutic technique that improves metabolism, inhibits fibrous growths, helps get rid of headaches and improves nerve conduction.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Lack of adequate physical activity on the muscles of the neck and back is the main reason for the development and further progression of cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, daily exercises are used both for the prevention and treatment of this disease (but not for the treatment of exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis!). Remember that the exercises must be performed at least 3-5 times a day (1 time in the morning, after waking up). All movements should be smooth, without jerking. If you feel pain while performing the exercise, stop it, and if performing the entire complex is painful for you, contact an orthopedist for drug treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, and also visit a physical therapy instructor.

You can perform the following exercises daily (5-7 repetitions):

  1. Press your palm to your forehead and strain your neck, trying to move your palm with your forehead. Repeat this exercise for the back of your head, and then, in turn, for your right and left temple.
  2. Tilt your head back, and then slowly lower it, pressing your chin to your chest.
  3. Stand up straight and turn your head as far to the left as possible. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
  4. Tilt your head back and try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Repeat on both sides.
  5. Lower your chin to the jugular notch and turn your head first in one direction (5 times or more) then, similarly, in the other.

Shoulder warm-ups, such as the “mill”, will also be useful. Daily exercises in the early stages of the disease help to do without pills for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Please note: if you have already been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, you should not describe your head in a full circle, because it can be traumatic.

When is shock wave therapy prescribed for osteochondrosis?

With osteochondrosis, the intervertebral discs become thinner. Their degeneration is accompanied by a whole complex of symptoms, especially if an intervertebral hernia has already formed.

  • Dizziness.
  • Pain in the neck, head.
  • Ringing or noise in the ears.
  • Periodic feeling of lack of air.
  • Nausea that occurs when turning the head suddenly.
  • Visual impairment: decreased visual acuity, floaters, fog before the eyes.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Fainting with a tendency to become more frequent.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat.
  • Shoulder pain.
  • Numbness in fingers.

Table 2. Characteristic syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis

Syndrome Manifestations
Vertebral. Decreased neck mobility, pain when turning the head.
Vertebral artery Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, pressure surges, decreased vision, fatigue, drowsiness, tendency to faint.
Cardiac. Chest pain, severe weakness, rapid pulse.
Koreshkovy. Pain and numbness in the occipital region, tongue, discomfort in the shoulder girdle, numbness of the fingers (except the thumb).

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops slowly over several years. The disease goes through several stages in succession.

  1. Mild discomfort in the neck after a long stay in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Pain may be present at rest, but stiffness may occur – difficulty moving the neck.
  3. Other signs of damage to the cervical spine are added.
  4. Turning the neck is almost impossible, the pain becomes exhausting, the patient often consults doctors due to a sharp deterioration in the quality of life, a pronounced dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

The principle of operation of a salt heating pad

The warming and healing properties of salt were discovered in ancient times. The substance was heated over a fire, poured into a bag and applied to the diseased area of ​​the body. It is this principle that underlies modern heating products.

Salt heating pads are powerful heat sources that can be used over and over again. Structurally, it is a self-heating helium container with a salt solution, located in a state of equilibrium.

Launching this simple “mechanism” consists of changing the position of a special starter (trigger) until a characteristic click is heard. Thus, the equilibrium is lost and the reaction of converting the liquid solution into a solid substance begins. The process generates a large amount of heat with maximum temperatures of 50 degrees above 0. Given this factor, it is not recommended to apply the heating pad to sensitive areas without first wrapping it in thick fabric to prevent burns.

Hot water bottles with salt, the benefits of which in the fight against diseases will be described below, are able to retain heat for 4 hours. Since the device can be used repeatedly, to “reset” you will need to wrap it in a towel or scarf, and then put it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes .

Thus, the salt will again absorb thermal energy and return to its original liquid state, which will allow you to continue using the heating pad.

Treatment of neck osteochondrosis with shock wave therapy

UVT is effective at all stages of the disease. The procedure for cervical osteochondrosis lasts no more than 30 minutes. The patient lies face down on a couch or sits on a chair, resting his elbows and head on a high bolster. The doctor lubricates the skin at the site of exposure with sound-conducting gel - this makes the penetration of acoustic waves more effective.

Then he places the nozzle on the patient’s body and turns on the device. All settings are pre-selected individually, taking into account the patient’s characteristics.

You may experience some pain or discomfort during the first two sessions. In this case, the effect is interrupted. After the pain reaction subsides, it continues again. A total of 5–9 sessions are required with intervals between them of 3–10 days.

Table 3 Pros and cons of shockwave therapy for osteochondrosis

Pros of UVT Disadvantages of UVT
1. Quick feeling of the effect. Improvement in well-being is noticeable after the first session.

2. Can be used as monotherapy.

3. The session lasts no more than half an hour.

4. No need to visit the clinic every day. It is enough to come once every 5-7 days.

1. The likelihood of developing pain and discomfort during the first or second session.

Medicines and preparations for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Starting from the 2nd stage of the disease, medications are used to treat exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis. But taking the disease under control with the help of pharmacotherapy alone will not work - therefore, it is important to combine the medications and drugs listed below for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and wearing orthoses (for example, the Shants collar).

Chondroprotectors for cervical osteochondrosis

Chondroprotectors activate the processes of regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue, and therefore are excellent as a supportive treatment for osteochondrosis of the neck. They are taken for 3 to 6 months. They are produced both in the form of tablets for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and in the form of sachets, injections, and capsules.

To consolidate remission in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend drugs such as artracam, dona, structum, chondroxide, movex, teraflex, artron and other drugs based on glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for cervical osteochondrosis

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are divided into nonsteroidal (NSAIDs) and steroidal (hormonal) drugs. Both groups are taken in short courses as prescribed by a doctor - in the form of tablets for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis or intramuscular injections. Steroids are used in the later stages of the disease, when pain cannot be overcome otherwise.

NSAIDs: artradol, meloxicam, ibuprofen, paracetamol, nimesulide, indomethacin, ketorol, diclofenac, xefocam, celecoxib.

Corticosteroids: hydrocortisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, metipred, diprospan.

Antispasmodics and angioprotectors

When treating cervical osteochondrosis, it is important to protect the central nervous system, which is at risk with this disease. Therefore, for effective drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, doctors recommend taking:

  1. Antispasmodics: spasmalgon, no-shpa, trigan, spasmoveralgin.
  2. Angioprotectors: pyricarbad, trimenoside, bilobil, detralex, troxerutin, troxevasin, betaserc, actovegin, pentaxifylline.
  3. Nootropics, amino acid and vitamin complexes for the brain: piracetam, neurorubin, milgamma, neurobion, cerebrolysin, pramistar, phenotropil, vinoxin, biotredin, neurobutal and others.

External warming agents

Warming gels, creams and ointments for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis improve blood flow, relieve inflammation and distract the patient from pain. The top 6 for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis include diclofenac, ketonal, finalgon, capsicam, dolobene and voltaren.

Causes of osteochondrosis

The spine ages along with the entire body, and changes characteristic of osteochondrosis appear in all people. But some factors speed up this process:

  • load on the spine caused by incorrect posture, heavy lifting, prolonged sedentary work;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • injuries, constant presence in the vibration zone;
  • various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - developmental defects, ligament weakness due to collagen deficiency, tissue nutritional disorders.

What changes occur in the spine? There are discs between the vertebrae, thanks to which the vertebrae do not touch each other when moving, withstand loads, and the spine can bend in any direction.

Due to the development of osteochondrosis, the disc becomes flattened and cracks appear in it. The vertebrae are displaced from the central axis. The joints between them lose strength. Excessive muscle tension occurs as a compensatory reaction.

The result of all these changes is pinching of the spinal nerve, hernial protrusion of the intervertebral discs. Compression of the nerves and spinal cord is aggravated by pathological growth of bone tissue.


Physiotherapeutic procedures significantly improve the patient’s condition and make it possible to do without surgery.
They improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, restore cartilage tissue, due to which we observe pain relief and improved back mobility. It is important that the treatment regimen is prescribed taking into account the stage of the disease, general health, and later adjusted depending on the body’s response to treatment.

At the medical center, qualified doctors specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system will select your treatment. The clinic has everything for high-quality diagnostics and effective treatment.

Treatment procedures:

Shock wave therapyA shock wave of a certain frequency is applied. In one course you need to undergo 5-8 treatment procedures. In the clinic we use a German device from the Richard Wolf company.
Carboxytherapy (gas injections)Injection of sterile carbon dioxide using a special gun. Course – from 3 to 20 sessions.
Manual therapyManual impact on muscles and joints.
MagnetotherapyExposure to magnetic fields on the site of inflammation.
Electrophoresis with caripainIntroduction of medicinal substances into the body using electric current. We use caripain, a natural pain reliever that restores cartilage and improves blood circulation. The course consists of 15-20 procedures.
HirudotherapyUsing the healing properties of medicinal leeches.
AcupunctureOne of the types of reflexology in which special needles are inserted into reflexogenic points.
PlasmoliftingInjection of own blood plasma into soft tissues. Plasma is rich in substances that stimulate tissue repair processes.
Laser therapyA stream of light is used.

Disease prevention

Avoiding the appearance of deposits is quite simple. You just need to control your diet and monitor the balance of nutrients and minerals. It is advisable to do simple exercises in the morning or go to sports classes 2-3 times a week. It is important to exclude alcohol and cigarettes from your life - they have a detrimental effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Important! It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This will allow you to wash out at least slightly increased concentrations of salts.

Drink plenty of clean water

Treatment of this pathology is a long process. Salts sometimes accumulate for years, but you can’t get rid of them with the wave of a magic wand. But nothing is impossible, the main thing is to see a doctor in time.

Why is this happening?

The human body is thrifty, it has the ability to accumulate certain substances - thus, using these reserves, it will be able to provide itself with a source of nutrition or energy if it experiences a deficiency of these same substances - for example, a number of microelements. However, in order for some substances to be properly absorbed by the body, other compounds are sometimes necessary, otherwise the process will not proceed correctly. For example, a sufficient amount of vitamin D is extremely important for the absorption of calcium salts.

How is calcium absorbed in the body's cells?

Also, a high concentration of some salts can occur against the background of a lack of physical activity - only during physical exercise many of them are consumed. Otherwise, again, accumulation occurs - a stagnation occurs. Tissues that do not experience physical stress simply do not need such a large number of elements. And naturally, excess salts simply cannot be eliminated due to disruptions in metabolic processes.

There are many reasons why salts accumulate

On a note! A variety of substances can accumulate in many organs of the body. But excess salts are formed, as a rule, in cartilage or bone tissue. They often form in the spine area. The nutrition of the intervertebral discs occurs through the process of diffusion - they do not have their own blood vessels.

Table. The main causes of salt deposition in the cervical region.

Poor nutritionThis is perhaps one of the main factors provoking the appearance of deposits. If a person eats the same foods for a long time, and especially those that are overly spicy or salty, then various minerals will accumulate in the body especially actively. Deposits can also appear when there is an excess of protein in the diet.
Low physical activityThe cervical spine is quite mobile by nature, but in modern conditions the human neck does not move enough. Because of this, the following pathological processes occur in the area of ​​the cervical spine - the rate of metabolic processes decreases and muscle weakening. The result is salt deposits. When muscles are weak, cartilage tries to strengthen itself by accumulating minerals. By the way, it is people who lead a sedentary lifestyle who are most susceptible to the process of salt deposition in the cervical spine. And, above all, we are talking about office workers who are forced to spend a lot of time at the computer.
PredispositionThere is no evidence that salt deposits can be inherited. But, nevertheless, doctors do not exclude that this is still possible - there are examples of entire dynasties suffering from the same metabolic disorders.

On a note! Previously, salt deposits were usually observed in older people, who become heavier with age. However, recently this negative process has been detected in fairly young patients and even in children.

Today, salt deposits are also observed among young people

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Salt deposits in the cervical region can also be provoked by:

  • excess physical activity;
  • excess weight;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • injuries;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

About the causes of salt deposits on the neck

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