Types of orthopedic insoles. How to choose orthopedic insoles.

The feet, which support the body when walking, are exposed to high loads every day. With age, as well as in connection with the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, deformities, pain, and gait disturbances occur. To combat such problems, orthopedic insoles are used - special devices with anatomical properties. Previously, they were intended for people with disabilities; today, earbuds are actively used by adults and children to take care of their own health.

What are orthopedic insoles?

An orthopedic insole or orthosis, as doctors call it, is a special insert for shoes. Its shape exactly follows all the curves of a healthy foot. The products were created specifically to restore the normal structure of the legs, which can be disrupted due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, poor nutrition, and the development of diseases.

In appearance, orthopedic insoles differ from standard ones in that they have a curved, textured surface. This is where the beneficial effect lies. The insert supports the foot in the correct position and provides full shock absorption when walking. The legs are protected from displacement and other troubles. The shape, design features and materials are aimed at performing several functions:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • protecting muscles from overstrain;
  • ensuring the correct position of the legs and joints;
  • uniform load distribution;
  • reduction of fatigue;
  • prevention of the appearance of corns, chafing and calluses.

Thanks to the beneficial effects of insoles, pain is reduced and swelling goes away. Reducing loads and the massage effect prevent the development of arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Features of children's individual insoles

Children's insoles eliminate pathologies, form a healthy arch position, and also provide the necessary conditions for proper distribution of the load on the joints and muscles. The advantages of creating personalized products for children are:

  1. Possibility of creating full-footprint insoles with full contacts.
  2. Materials of various densities have a beneficial effect on children’s own muscles.
  3. The doctor prescribes the duration of wearing and carefully monitors the process.
  4. The products promote proper development of the feet, place the heels in the correct positions, shape the arches of the lower extremities and relieve pressure on the spine, hip, knee and ankle joints.

By design

According to their design, insoles are divided into hard - frame and soft - frameless. To figure out which of them are suitable for a particular person, you should know the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

To create rigid orthopedic insoles, special frames made of plastic, graphite or steel are used. Used to support the arch of the foot during prolonged standing or developing flat feet. Suitable for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. Pros: absorb moisture well, protect against calluses and corns. Cons: not very convenient to use.

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  • Orthopedic insoles with unloading elements “Concept-Antishock” TALUS 69


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The advantages of soft orthopedic insoles include unloading the foot, uniform distribution of the load, eliminating discomfort, protecting tendons and ligaments. The main disadvantage is the lack of enhanced shock absorption, which is provided by hard liners. Used only in cases where there are no violations. Suitable for pregnant women and diabetics.



Indications for the use of “FormTotics” insoles

Indications for use can be divided into 3 conditional groups: correction of defects of the musculoskeletal system, treatment of diseases and prevention. By using custom orthotics, the pressure distribution of the foot on the ground can be adjusted, resulting in improved posture throughout the body.

Orthopedic insoles are also used in the treatment of systemic diseases that accompany diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid foot disease), diabetes (diabetic foot - insoles minimize the formation of calluses).

Insoles are an excellent solution if you experience symptoms and disorders such as:

  • back pain;
  • joint pain;
  • feeling of stiffness in movements;
  • curvature of the spine and gait disturbance;
  • heel spurs;
  • painful calluses;
  • inflammation and injury of the Achilles tendons;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • weight gain, obesity;
  • varicose veins;
  • post-traumatic rehabilitation;
  • flat feet, etc.

“FormTotics” can also be used for preventive purposes. If your lifestyle involves activity and you spend more than 8 hours a day on your feet, purchasing one will help prevent the development of a whole range of pathologies.

“FormTotics” provides stabilization while running, even during fast starts and braking. These insoles are indispensable for athletes. Thanks to their flexible structure, they absorb shock very well, thereby protecting the ankles and knees from injury, which has a positive effect on the stabilization of the entire spine.

The use of orthopedic insoles for children is also recommended. According to statistics, in the absence of proper influence on the feet, flat feet develop in every third child. This, in turn, increases the load on the spine and leads to the development of intervertebral hernias.

By shape

According to their shape they are divided into longitudinal, transverse and combined. The first types of insoles are designed for people suffering from flat feet. Longitudinal instep supports are used to correct disorders. This is ensured by maintaining the arches of the feet in the correct position. As a result, contact with the surface does not occur with the entire sole, but only in certain areas.

The transverse liners are equipped with two wedges - in the front of the foot and on the heel. Serve to neutralize the longitudinal arch. The higher the degree of flatfoot, the more rigid the instep supports should be.

Combined models are intended for the treatment of flattening of the transverse and longitudinal arches. Inserts are used mainly in closed shoes. To get a positive result, you will have to wear them for a long time. The products help maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system and reduce destructive loads during movement.

The advantages of longitudinal, transverse and combined insoles include effective correction of flat feet. The disadvantages are that they are not suitable for treating advanced forms of foot disease.

It is combined flatfoot that is most common these days. Properly selected orthopedic insoles restore the normal shape of the foot at almost any stage of the disease.

Transverse orthopedic insoles:

Longitudinal orthopedic insoles:

Combined orthopedic insoles:

Orthopedic insoles: how to choose the right one

11/23/2014 An orthopedic insole is a modified insole for shoes. Its main function is to correct foot disorders and maintain its arches. Today there are a wide variety of orthopedic insoles on the market, and how to choose them is not an easy task.

As a rule, orthopedic insoles are prescribed for various foot pathologies. The most common are insoles for the treatment of longitudinal or transverse flat feet. But there are also longitudinal transverse orthopedic insoles that solve the problem of flat feet in a comprehensive manner.

Please note that there are no insoles for prevention. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase orthopedic insoles only if disorders and deformities of the arch of the foot are identified. You should also choose the right shoes.

Orthopedic insoles for the treatment of flat feet

All insoles that are used in the treatment of flat feet are similar in structure. The arch support is modeled in the place where the inner arch of the foot is located; there is a notch in the heel area. A metatarsal pad is placed in the area of ​​the transverse arch, and in the area of ​​the roll, the insole is slightly raised. Only the back part of the insole performs a correction function. The front part, called the strap, has no therapeutic effect. Therefore, in some products it is removed and a half-insole is obtained.

“Wedges” are considered one of the important functional elements of the insole. These are parts of the insole that change the angle of the foot relative to the surface. For example, planovalgus flatfoot causes the heel to deviate outward (relative to the leg). In this case, you should place a wedge under the heel, which will thicken towards the center of the insole.

This will give your heel the correct position while walking. If the longitudinal arch of the foot is flattened, then two wedges are built into the traditional insole, which is prescribed for flat feet - under the heel (inner) and under the forefoot (outer). The effectiveness of the insole will depend not only on the location of the wedges, but also on their height. As a rule, all the necessary characteristics of the structural elements of the insole are prescribed in the recipe.

Some pharmacies and specialty stores sell a variety of insoles, including Dr. Khoroshev’s orthopedic insoles, which are intended for the treatment of flat feet. But if possible, it is better to make such products according to individual measurements. Only in this case will they take into account all the characteristics and features that a particular person’s foot has. In addition, there are often cases where a person’s two feet may differ, even in size. Therefore, standard insoles from a pharmacy will not work. As for ready-made insoles, they are recommended for use only in rare cases, prescribed to children 7-8 years old, the elderly and those who suffer from diabetes.

Diabetic insoles are essentially soft cushions. They have completely different functions compared to insoles that are used for flat feet. They are usually made from a synthetic material with a gel inside. While walking, the gel can take the shape of the foot, this helps distribute the load. And to support the arch, there are soft cushions in the insole.

How are insoles made?

The production of orthopedic insoles can take place using a variety of technologies, but the entire process usually consists of 4 stages:

  • diagnostic procedure and prescription preparation;
  • making insoles;
  • patient fitting;
  • correction of the insole and its adjustment as it is used.

Diagnosis of the foot and drawing up a prescription for orthopedic insoles should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, who is an orthopedic doctor. The insole can be made from a variety of materials. This could be leather or modern polymer compounds. An orthopedic insole is made from a plaster cast of the foot or from an image in a special program - this is not significant.

The main thing in the process of making insoles for the treatment of flat feet is a correctly and accurately drawn up recipe, and its full compliance when designing the structure and shape of the insole. In addition, each patient, upon receiving the finished product, must familiarize himself with the recommendations for caring for the insoles. Otherwise, they may deteriorate and cease to perform their functions.

If you order orthopedic insoles, how to choose the material for manufacturing? It is best to use leather - this natural material can wear out a little, so the insole will take the shape of the foot. At the same time, the service life of the insole will increase significantly. And all internal elements are made of polyethylene foam or ethyl vinyl acetate, which are both durable and safe. Article taken from here

Further adjustment of the insole can be performed by a doctor or by the patient himself - some insoles provide this option.

To size

Full-size models replace standard insoles and are suitable for any shoe. Pros: used to improve comfort, treat and prevent various foot diseases. Cons: not suitable for open shoes and sandals.

Half insoles are small products whose action is aimed at a specific area of ​​the foot. Pros: suitable for high-heeled shoes where standard orthoses do not fit. They are used to correct feet, reduce stress on the spine, and treat flat feet. Cons: does not affect the entire surface of the feet.

Inserts are small products that are placed under problem areas. Pros: provide comfort when walking. Cons: only affects certain areas.

Heel pads. Universal models of insoles for shoes, placed under the heel. Pros: increase shock absorption, have a preventive effect. Relieves the symptoms of heel spurs, promotes the healing of corns and cracks. Used for rehabilitation after operations and injuries. Cons: do not fit into shoes.

Full size:

Half insoles:


Heel pads:

Harm from orthopedic insoles

With all the beneficial properties of orthopedic insoles, can wearing them cause harm?

As a negative effect of using orthopedic insoles, you can hear about the feeling of discomfort that appears when wearing them.

It should be noted that sometimes it does take some time to get used to orthoses. The duration of adaptation varies from person to person, but on average it lasts no more than a week. After this period, slight discomfort and the sensation of a foreign object in the shoes disappear.

If the orthosis continues to cause discomfort or the sensations border on painful, this indicates that the orthopedic insoles were chosen incorrectly. In this case, you should immediately stop using them so as not to worsen the situation.

What could be the reason for a mistake when choosing an orthopedic product, in what cases can it cause harm?

  1. An orthopedic insole does not correspond to the individual structure of the foot. Each orthosis includes several important structural elements: instep supports to support the arches, a metatarsal pad, and shock absorbers for the heel. It is important that each of these elements coincides with the desired area of ​​the foot. Otherwise, this threatens not just discomfort, but the risk of exacerbating the existing disorder. If, due to the structural characteristics of the foot, it is not possible to select a suitable orthosis from among ready-made products, you should choose the option of manufacturing individual orthopedic insoles.
  2. The orthopedic insole does not fit the shoes. It is important to consider that you cannot wear the same orthoses with all types of shoes. The ideal pair to complement with an orthopedic product is one with a flat sole, a closed hard heel and a fairly high instep, preferably with laces. Model narrow shoes, and especially shoes with heels, require their own type of orthopedic products.
  3. An orthopedic insole does not take into account the stage of development of the existing pathology. Ready-made orthopedic products are intended for use only in the initial stages of the disease, when prevention or minor correction is sufficient. When the disorder progresses, serious treatment is required with individual selection of insoles parameters and their periodic correction throughout the entire therapeutic course.

Depending on the type of shoe

Special models are created for different seasons of the year. Winter ones are the thickest and can be supplemented with fur. Summer ones are light and invisible, fixed to the sole using an adhesive composition. Insoles for open backless shoes should have a therapeutic and preventive effect. Pros: correct defects, maintain an aesthetic appearance. Cons: not suitable for treating heel spurs.

Sports models have a cup-shaped heel. Advantages: provide shock absorption and protection against microbes. This also includes antibacterial products containing silver ions, activated carbon, and genuine leather. The components protect feet from unpleasant odor, sweat, and fungal infections. Disadvantages: there is a risk of buying a fake.

For closed, dress shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes, thin orthopedic insoles or semi-insoles are ideal. These liners are made from combined materials. The latex base is covered with natural leather.

The half-insole is suitable for open sandals. Pros: thanks to the arch-supporting shape, reliable support for the foot is provided, and the impact load on the spinal column and joints is reduced. An adhesive sticker is attached to the sole, so the products are completely invisible. Cons: do not always fit tightly in shoes.

When choosing insoles for open shoes, you should give preference to colorless products.



Insoles for open shoes:


For closed shoes:

Medical indications for the use of orthopedic insoles.

The selection of orthopedic insoles is made on the basis of diagnosed pathologies. The most common ones include:

  1. Flat feet. The disease is more common than others and mainly affects women. Advanced forms of the disease lead to the development of arthrosis and spinal deformation.
  2. Clubfoot. A congenital defect in which the feet turn outward or inward.
  3. Finger deformities. The most common problem is hammertoes; the disease often develops due to regular wearing of tight shoes.
  4. Heel spur. It can accompany flat feet and is a bony protrusion that is painful when pressing on the heel.
  5. Diabetic foot. A complication of diabetes mellitus manifests itself in the form of ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the skin, soft tissues, and in advanced cases, bones.
  6. Calluses. Rough areas of skin caused by increased pressure or friction.
  7. Corns. Thickened round spots form on the soles, toes or between them.
  8. Hyperhydrolysis. Increased sweating due to disruption of the sweat glands. Often accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Foot insoles help get rid of the listed defects or significantly improve the condition of patients’ feet. Used as prescribed by a doctor.

Types and features of medicinal products.

All models with therapeutic properties are designed to eliminate certain foot defects. Let's look at the features of different types of orthopedic insoles and why these products are needed:

  1. Corrective. In addition to liners, they are supplemented with instep supports, pronators, and high sides. They are used to combat hallux valgus, hollow deformities, and the consequences of surgical operations and injuries.
  2. Unloading. Equipped with recesses for corns, ulcers and other painful areas, pelota. Thanks to the benefits of orthopedic insoles, discomfort is reduced and foot function is improved. Used for the treatment of heel spurs and diabetic feet.
  3. Arch-supporting. The height of the instep supports for the outer and inner arches depends on the individual characteristics of the feet. Suitable for the treatment of all types of flat feet, relieve pain, increase endurance.
  4. Arch-forming. They differ in that the height of the liners for the internal arch is almost the same as for the external one. Used for slow formation of bends.

Therapeutic insoles help correct many diseases that affect the feet. The main condition is full compliance with the characteristics of each person. For example, corrective insoles intended for obese people weighing more than 100 kg are made from durable materials - graphite, steel, and special plastic.



Arch supporting:

Arch forming:

How to choose an orthopedic pillow?

A large number of orthopedic pillows have now been developed to help you sleep in the correct position.

Types of orthopedic pillows

According to the classification, according to the nature of the fillers, pillows are distinguished that contain polyurethane foam, latex, polyester, and buckwheat husks. Latex products cannot bend much, but they follow the contours of the body, so spinal injuries will not lead to severe pain. They are hypoallergenic, so they will not cause irritation to the body. Another useful feature is that latex will not harbor bugs.

As for polyester, it is represented by small balls that begin to diverge when pressed. In order for the pillow to return to its original position, you will have to shake it off a little. The service life of such a product is usually up to 10 years.

Polyurethane foam also makes good pillows. This material is considered a synthetic analogue of latex. The product is not only flexible, but also soft. In addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Pillows are also made from buckwheat husks. This filler is characterized by springiness, purity and lightness, which indicates high orthopedic characteristics. However, a person will feel a slight aroma of buckwheat.

Also included in a separate group are pillows that have a memory effect. They are made from special foam that can remember body shapes. This substance is called memorix. Thanks to this, the blood vessels will not be squeezed.

How to choose a pillow for sleeping?

Pillows are divided depending on the sleeping position. They can be for lying on the back, stomach and side, as well as universal. There are also pillows for the legs, the whole body and for sleeping. In addition, you should separately select pillows for children, pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as for newborns. There are also universal copies.

a healthy spine also needs the right pillow. If we consider pillows by size, the height will be individual. If a person prefers to sleep on his back, then a height of no more than 14 cm is recommended. If he sleeps on his side, then higher is possible. The width of the pillow itself should not be too large. As for firmness, this option is suitable for people who sleep on their sides. Moreover, in this case, generally choose a bolster, as in the case of sleeping on your back. If a person sleeps on his stomach, then it is best to choose an oblong version. Orthopedic pillows can also have oval, round, rectangular and square shapes.

Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows

Now there are many companies that offer orthopedic pillows:


This company is of Russian origin. It produces pillows that are hypoallergenic. They have a relief on the surface or will be completely soft. Pillows are also available in the form of a cushion. A massage is required. These options are perfect for people who constantly work in a sedentary position or suffer from osteochondrosis or migraines.


This company is Swedish-Russian. Has special methods and techniques that promote correct body position. Typically the filler is polyurethane. The product is purified, has a memory effect, removes spasms and stress, and relaxes a person.


The products are made on the basis of polyurethane foam. The pillow will help stabilize the neck, help treat illnesses, eliminate fatigue, and have a massage and memory effect.

Memory Pillow

Manufacturer – China. Polyester is used. The pillow helps support your neck and adjusts to your head. Great for people with asthma.

Doctor V.S. pillow Khorosheva

The filler is characterized by its reaction to heat, has bioactive nanoparticles, and protects a person from toxins.
By the way, snoring goes away and blood flow improves. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Advantages of making custom insoles.

Orthopedic doctors are sure that mass-produced inserts are not suitable for everyone. For most cases, orthoses must be custom-made. Individual models are made from natural materials and complemented with substrates with antibacterial properties. The design assumes the presence of high-quality support for the longitudinal and transverse arches, a shock absorber for the heel, and a rigid instep support.

The best custom orthotic insoles offer the following benefits:

  • maintaining the foot in an anatomically correct position;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • reducing the load on the joints and spine;
  • posture correction;
  • elimination of discomfort and pain;
  • positive impact on the activity of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The only downside is the high cost. But thanks to modern production technologies, finished products fully correspond to the characteristics of each individual person. Bends and places subject to the greatest pressure are taken into account. Specialists take into account the patient’s lifestyle and the types of shoes he wears most often.

The manufacturing process begins with diagnostic measures. The doctor assesses the condition of the feet and makes recommendations. To create insoles, plaster casts of both legs are used, and computer modeling is carried out. Upon receipt of the finished models, fitting is done, as well as the necessary correction.

Indications for ordering individual insoles

You should consider using special insoles if the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the soles of the feet (plantar fasciitis, arthritis, metatarsalgia, etc.),
  • knee pain,
  • lower back pain;
  • varicose veins;
  • flat feet,
  • sports (running, jumping),
  • increased professional stress on the feet (salespeople, teachers, etc.),
  • consequences of injuries and operations on the lower extremities,
  • leg length difference,
  • toe deformities (arthritis, etc.)
  • diabetes, etc.

For adults, insoles are modeled on the principle of arch support, in order to prevent further deformation of the foot and compensate for the lost shock-absorbing function of the foot. Wearing orthopedic insoles is recommended for all patients suffering from various foot diseases:

  • longitudinal and transverse flatfoot;
  • deforming arthrosis of the foot joints;
  • deformation of toes, corns, bunions;
  • arthritis;
  • heel spurs;
  • diseases of the Achilles tendon and plantar aponeurosis;
  • characteristic deformation of the foot in diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid polyarthritis, gout.

Production stages:

Prescribing to wear orthopedic insoles without a thorough examination is impossible - a full consultation with an orthopedic doctor is required, during which the following is carried out:

  • Examination of the patient and taking an anamnesis
  • Diagnostics using the plantoscope device
  • Assessment of external indicators - gait, shoes, joints of the lower extremities

Insoles are produced on a separate mold for each shoe size for precise fit and maximum comfort. They are made from a plastic material using biomechanics that, when heated, takes the shape of the foot.

The surface of the insole literally follows the contours of the foot and is modeled in accordance with the individual characteristics of its structure, the patient’s weight, the condition of the spine, knees, etc.

Production time does not exceed 30 minutes.

Insoles are placed inside shoes and have their own wear life, after which they must be replaced with new ones.

Important selection criteria.

The most pressing problem is how to choose the right orthopedic insoles. The main goal of these products is to reduce the risk of diseases and eliminate signs of pathologies. The choice depends on your goals:

  1. Prevention. The inserts are suitable for pregnant women whose spine suffers from increased stress. They are also recommended for athletes and people who often have to carry heavy loads due to their type of activity. The models will be a real find for heel lovers.
  2. Convenience. Insoles are optimal for those with crooked toes, wide feet, high arches, and advanced stages of flat feet. Inserts protect deformed areas and prevent the development of complications.
  3. Therapy. They are used for many diseases that negatively affect the condition of the feet: heel spurs, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes. You should first consult with an orthopedist.

You need to choose insoles according to your foot size. Products should fit snugly in shoes so that they do not move during walking. First, suitable inserts are selected, and then boots or shoes are selected.

Nuances of choosing orthopedic insoles for children.

Devices for the child must correspond to the individual parameters of the feet. It is worth giving preference to natural materials that allow air to pass freely. Like adult insoles with orthopedic properties, children's models are preventive and therapeutic. Orthoses must exactly match the size of the leg; they cannot be adjusted for growth.

Flat feet or club feet are easier to prevent than to treat. The formation of feet occurs before the age of 5, so doctors advise using orthopedic inserts from a very early age. The main requirements are lightness, reliability, strength. The arch supports should not be felt during movement and should not cause discomfort.

The insole corrects imperfections only if it matches the size of the feet. The inserts need to be changed periodically. This is not due to wear and tear, but to the rapid growth of children’s legs. Products that become small no longer perform their functions fully.

The foot grows fastest in children under 3 years of age. During this time, insoles should be changed approximately once every 3 months. Up to 7 years – once every 8 months. From 8 – once a year.

  • Children's corrective orthopedic insoles "Clubfoot" TALUS 24K

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The benefits of orthopedic insoles

Products for foot correction can provide numerous positive results, provided that the inserts are selected by a specialist and all medical recommendations are strictly followed.

First of all, the benefit of insoles is their preventive effect; they help the feet to withstand excessive loads and protect against possible disorders. But if the pathology is already present and causes discomfort, then orthopedic insoles perform a different function - they inhibit the development of the disease, and also fix and correct the foot, helping to reduce pain.

The benefits of orthopedic insoles include the following therapeutic effects:

  • They create comfortable conditions when walking and staying in an upright position for long periods of time.
  • Reduce pain from heel spurs, transverse and longitudinal flat feet and other disorders.
  • Evenly distribute the load over the entire surface of the foot, transferring it from overloaded areas.
  • Helps avoid the appearance of corns and calluses.
  • Reduce shock load when moving, increase shock absorption.
  • The anatomically correct position of the transverse and longitudinal arches is fixed.
  • Supports posture.
  • Protect weakened ankle ligaments in the elderly.
  • Reduce the risk of injury during physical activity.

Service life and care tips.

The duration of use of the devices is individual and depends on the person’s weight, gait characteristics, frequency of wearing, and physical activity. To maintain the functionality of the insoles, it is necessary to provide them with proper care:

  1. Do not wash the earbuds with running water or machine wash them.
  2. To remove dirt, simply wipe the surface with a soft cloth soaked in soapy water. Leather models are cleaned with alcohol. Detergents are not used because they contain a large number of harmful components.
  3. Drying is done daily and after wet cleansing, always in a natural way; products should not be hung on a radiator or placed in direct sunlight.
  4. If the insoles get wet along with your shoes, do not throw them away. The orthoses are made from waterproof materials, so this will not affect their functionality in any way. After drying, they will be ready for use again.

Hard insoles require careful care following the recommendations given. Damage caused by washing and drying will soon render the devices unusable.

Athletes can wear insoles for up to 2 years, ordinary people - up to 5 years. Gel and plastic products need to be replaced the fastest; they are designed for 6 months of use. Leather ones will last at least a year.

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