Choosing chairs for correct posture: description, models, features

We all want to be beautiful and healthy.
And we know that posture and spinal health are the key to the health of the whole body. But official statistics are inexorable:

  • 73% of children have a deformed spine due to incorrect posture.
  • Modern schoolchildren are three times more likely than their peers from the 70s of the last century to have spinal curvature. (according to Rosminzdrav statistics)
  • Spinal dysfunction was detected in 30% of preschool children and 95% of high school students (according to the portal about spinal health
  • From 80 to 100% of adults know firsthand about back pain.

Thus, the number of those who already have problems with the spine in childhood is growing, in middle age - chronic diseases, and after 60 years - weakness of the back muscles and spinal atrophy.

Who needs an orthopedic chair?

Everyone! It turns out that 99% of chairs cripple us! Despite the “medical” name, the orthopedic chair is intended for absolutely everyone. And for those who already have back problems, and for those who want to maintain good health and beautiful posture from an early age.

Sitting on a regular, non-orthopedic chair (with a horizontal seat) is a real test for our spine. At this time, the load on it increases 11 times compared to the “standing” position (from the book “Diseases of the spine. Complete reference book” Eksmo 2008) and we injure our spine every day. And in the evening, the back tells us about its fatigue with pain. You develop the habit of slouching, which is oh so difficult to fight.

This is how we get a whole “bouquet” of new diseases:

  • osteochondrosis, scoliosis
  • protrusion, hernia
  • piriformis syndrome
  • compression of the abdominal cavity negatively affects the digestive system and blood circulation of internal organs
  • lung function is impaired
  • overstrain of the neck muscles leads to deterioration of blood supply to the brain
  • the outflow of blood and lymph in the legs worsens, which threatens varicose veins.

Of course, few people can urgently change their job and field of activity. However, today everyone can eliminate back pain.

Who is to blame for slouching? Passive lifestyle

Man was created for movement and, from an evolutionary point of view, began to sit quite recently. The design of standard seating products has never before involved doctors to determine what type of seating is truly safe for long-term, regular use.

Today, one thing is clear: sitting on a horizontal surface is not physiological for our body and takes away health resources. And if we cannot eliminate the process of sitting from our lives, then we need to look for solutions for sitting that will allow us to maintain maximum health.

Orthopedic chair: if you sit, then sit correctly

The fundamental difference between the right chair for working at a computer and training the spine:

  • The position of the body and hips is at an obtuse angle (approximately 135 degrees) in relation to each other.
  • The point of application of gravity (1) is located exactly above the fulcrum - the ischial tuberosities (2). This makes it very easy to keep your back straight on the orthopedic chair.
  • The natural deflection (lordosis) in the lower back is preserved, the chest straightens and a beautiful posture is imperceptibly formed.
  • Back pain disappears (if there was any).
  • The support is on the ischial tuberosities, therefore the adjacent tissues of the legs are significantly less pinched. Full blood circulation is maintained and varicose veins are prevented
  • The stabilizer muscles of the back are activated and gain healthy tone.

Back pain is not a death sentence. Solution: orthopedic chair

Surprisingly, when chiropractors, osteopaths and massage therapists no longer help, people finally come to choose the right computer chair (without back or with support) and thus eliminate the main cause of back pain. Many, before coming to us, have already tried a variety of chairs, even very expensive and supposedly anatomical ones: with supports for the lumbar and neck. However, alas, they all do not work.

After all, in order to work at a computer, we need to sit with a vertical back, and not half-lying. As a result, when sitting on a regular chair or a chair with a horizontal seat, tension, fatigue and pain inevitably arise in the back. On the contrary, a knee chair is a very comfortable chair for working at a computer; it is indispensable for those who are already experiencing spinal pain or discomfort. Read the real stories of our customers: Reviews of Smartchairs.

Is the child slouching? Corrective chair for the back to help you

“Straighten your back!”, “I’ll tie a stick!” - do you know these words? An orthopedic chair is a real godsend for those parents who care about their child’s impeccable posture and are upset when they see their child slouched at a desk.

By the way, children perfectly feel how uncomfortable it is to sit on a regular chair with a horizontal seat and intuitively tilt the chair forward, providing a natural obtuse angle between the hip and the body. This position makes it easy to maintain a natural arch (lordosis) in the lower back and keep your back straight. But adults usually prevent children from swinging in chairs, and they have to lean forward to distribute their center of gravity. In a regular chair, they are simply forced to slouch!

It is simply impossible to sit crookedly on an orthopedic chair. Moreover, sitting upright on such a chair is easy and pleasant. Just read the reviews from our customers. A “smart” chair will be an excellent prevention of scoliosis, will allow you to get rid of back problems in the present and prevent their occurrence in the future.


Orthopedic properties are enhanced by high-quality upholstery materials:

Genuine leather
The upholstery of a chair made of genuine leather leads to an increase in price. The leather lasts a long time, but changes shape to suit your figure. In the heat, the body sweats from contact with natural upholstery. Caring for it is simple; you can wipe it with a damp cloth when it gets dirty.

Artificial leather or eco leather

It retains its appearance for a long time. Durability depends on the category of upholstery. Thick eco-leather with special impregnation is not inferior to natural materials in terms of wear resistance and durability. Leather, both artificial and natural, is easy to keep clean. It can be wiped with a damp cloth when it gets dirty. Modern furniture fabrics are treated with Teflon impregnation, which protects the upholstery from loss of shape and contamination. Teflon prevents moisture from entering the filler.


Among the beneficial properties of the fabric, it is worth noting its softness and affordable price. In addition, the body does not experience discomfort from contact with textiles and breathes. Textile coverings are more difficult to clean from stains; upholstery cleaning products will be required here.


Mesh chairs are not as soft as fabric or leather ones. If you sit on them during a 9-hour working day, your body becomes numb. However, the mesh does not deform, does not impede air circulation and creates a light springy effect. It is inconvenient to wash such a coating. You have to use a washing vacuum cleaner. The solution is to choose a practical color on which dust will not be noticeable.

Knee orthopedic chair

Kneeling chairs were invented due to observations of schoolchildren swinging on chairs. After all, while swinging, children intuitively try to take a more comfortable position! Thanks to the tilt of the seat, your back becomes comfortable and you have a beautiful posture. And the knee support prevents you from sliding off the chair. The knees take part of the load from the pelvis onto themselves. As a result, the back and pelvis are unloaded, and nearby tissues receive more complete blood circulation.

Kneeling orthopedic chairs can be with or without backrest, metal or wood. Many adjustments allow you to customize these chairs to suit a wide range of heights and builds, and are suitable for both first-graders and tall adults.

Orthopedic saddle chair

The equestrian pose is considered the most physiological of all sitting poses for humans. People have long treated diseases of the spine with horse riding.

On a saddle-shaped orthopedic chair, we take a position intermediate between sitting and standing. Legs are spread apart and standing on the floor. The back is in the correct s-shaped position. An open position physiologically lays the foundation for a good winning mood.

Orthopedic saddle chairs are more suitable for adults. They are especially indispensable for professionals: dentists, makeup artists, hairdressers. Wheels make the chair mobile and allow you to easily move the chair in any direction. Sitting on such a chair at the computer, you will need a higher than standard table. Read the special material “Tables adjustable in height.”

An orthopedic saddle chair without a back allows you to sit on it by simply throwing your leg over it, like on a bicycle. A saddle chair with a back allows you to lean back and even rock back and forth.

Doctors recommend

Posture correction is a complex, lengthy process. In good clinics for restoring spinal health, posture correction is carried out using a complex method, and doctors often recommend buying a posture corrector - an orthopedic chair (kneeling chair) - and replacing a regular chair at home so that the work done is not in vain. Massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercises, exercise therapy - all these active actions allow you to restore your posture and muscle corset. But how a person spends the rest of the day is important for the resulting effect of posture correction. And we spend most of the day sitting. Therefore, thanks to an orthopedic chair, the efficiency of the process of restoring spinal health increases significantly.

Doctor Yuri Vladimirovich says that sitting in the right position on the right chair plays a huge role in consolidating the therapeutic effect:

The video featured a kneeling chair for posture correction Smartstool KM01

Dynamic orthopedic chair.

This orthopedic chair combines two concepts at once: knee and dynamic. The movable design allows you to sit and at the same time remain in motion. Thanks to this, the body becomes even less stiff and you can stay in the chair for a longer time without getting tired. Children love these balancing chairs because, while shaping the posture of a schoolchild, they also allow them to sway with impunity. And psychologists even recommend that adults use such chairs to relax and relieve stress.

The dynamic orthopedic chair supports the mobility of more than 100 joints of the spine. The body reflexively “balances”, maintaining the tone of the back and abdominal muscles, as when walking.

In our range of dynamic chairs there are two models: Smartstool Balance (for adults) and Smartstool BabyBalance (for children).

Unlike traditional ones, orthopedic chairs are created taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person. As a result, positive changes will not take long to arrive. As a rule, in the very near future a person feels noticeable improvements. The back gets tired less and less, and soon the pain also becomes a thing of the past. An orthopedic chair for correct posture will keep you and your loved ones healthy.

Why is my posture bad?

Correct posture begins to develop at an early age, but is disrupted during school. During classes, students are forced to spend a lot of time sitting on chairs that are uncomfortable and often not appropriate for their height. In this position, 75% of the body weight load falls on the pelvic intervertebral discs and only 25% on the leg muscles.

Lack of position control leads to curvature of the spinal column. The situation further worsens in adulthood. Sedentary work, the habit of sitting cross-legged, leads to tension in the spine and its further curvature.

There are various methods for preventing and restoring muscle corset. Among them are physical therapy and massage. But the greatest effect comes from properly selected furniture. Many doctors recommend using orthopedic chairs to maintain health.

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