Prevention of childhood scoliosis, or how to prevent the development of the disease

What is Prevention of Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a persistent lateral curvature of the spine that occurs at an early age. After 16 years in boys and 14 years in girls, the pathology is practically untreatable. Curvature of the spinal column leads to diseases of the functional systems of the body and internal organs. People who did not pay attention to the development of scoliosis at an early age, after 25 years of age, begin to treat what hurts, although the cause lies in the spine.

The condition of the spine should be monitored from birth. Problems can continue from the moment of birth trauma. It is not for nothing that in European countries, an osteopathic doctor is invited to childbirth, who immediately checks for the presence of pathologies or birth injuries in the child.

After birth, it is recommended to show the newborn to specialists (chiropractor, vertebrologist, osteopath) as soon as possible. To develop coordination of movements and strengthen muscles, experienced pediatricians strongly recommend giving children massage. A mother can master the basics of a simple (mostly stroking) massage. Also, after 3 months, you can contact specialists to take measures to prevent scoliosis.

General information about preventive measures

With the help of properly carried out preventive measures, it is possible to prevent the development of various pathological processes and dystrophic-degenerative changes in the spinal column. Therefore, all manipulations must be carried out as early as possible, even in childhood. It is during the intensive growth of bones and muscles that the correct development and formation of posture and spine occurs. Prevention of scoliosis includes the following effective methods:

  • therapeutic gymnastic exercises;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • swimming.

The listed methods are also very effective in preventing the development of various diseases of the spinal column. With the help of these procedures, systemic blood flow and blood microcirculation are improved, metabolic processes in the joint, bone and muscle systems are restored, and the accumulation of salts in all parts of the spine is prevented.

Also, an important method of preventing scoliosis in schoolchildren is constant monitoring of their posture during classes. Because with systematic and prolonged stay in an incorrect body position, posture changes and subsequently curvature of the spine occurs.

Prevention of scoliosis in adults

It is no longer possible to completely correct scoliosis after 20 years, but you can visually give the silhouette a straight, slender look and correct your back. If you have to sit constantly at work, don’t hunch over, change your position, do a few light physical exercises, and take breaks. The chair must be adjusted so that it supports your back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and lower back, while removing excess stress from the muscles in this area.

Train on the horizontal bar and swim more, this will help strengthen your back and spine. Organize your night's sleep in such a way that it also becomes part of the prevention of scoliosis. You can use a bolster pillow that supports the cervical vertebrae so that the hollow between the back of the head and the shoulder blades is filled and the spine remains straight. The fetal position, with legs slightly bent, on the right side, is the most optimal for sleeping. Sleeping on your back or stomach is not recommended.


One of the very effective ways to prevent scoliosis is massage. It is recommended by pediatricians for the baby, starting from early infancy. Even newborn babies are given a light massage of the legs, arms and other parts of the body.

The key factor in the prevention of scoliosis through massage is the impact on the muscular corset through special movements. When carrying out such a procedure, you can restore the symmetry of muscle tissue, improve microcirculation of blood in the spinal column and get rid of unpleasant sensations and discomfort.

Back massage can also be performed at home. First, with light, gentle movements, stroking and rubbing the neck is performed. Next you need to smoothly lower yourself to the lumbar region. This prepares all muscles for the procedure and deeper effects.


Treatment of grade 4 scoliosis is necessary for:

  • strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the spine;
  • stabilization of the functioning of organs that have suffered as a result of curvature;
  • reducing the deflection angle.


Did you know that...

Next fact

Drug treatment for grade 4 scoliosis is not practiced.


The most effective method of treating grade 4 scoliosis is surgery, during which the spine is first aligned and then fixed. For this purpose, movable (for children) or rigid systems can be used. Such treatment has a positive effect not only on the condition of the spine, but also on the functioning of other organs: they “straighten out” and begin to work at full capacity.

Absolute indications for surgical intervention:

  • lack of effect from conservative therapy;
  • progression of the disease, presence of a deviation angle of more than 50°;
  • destruction of bone tissue;
  • insufficient pulmonary filling, disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • presence of a hump, severe pain.

Surgical interventions performed for grade 4 scoliosis:

  • Method of neurosurgical intervention . The movable disks are fixed. This involves the use of plates, a rod to secure the alignment of the spine, and fastening screws or hooks.
  • Spinal traction . In some clinics, this method precedes surgery. Its essence is as follows: the patient lies motionless for a long time (about a month), after which doctors can straighten and fix the remaining curvature.

One of the methods of treating scoliosis is spinal traction

  • Implantation of an endocorrector . An endocorrector is a structure that supports the back in a normal position and prevents it from bending in one direction or another. A static method of spinal correction is recommended for adults, and a dynamic method for children, designed to increase as the body grows.

It is important to understand that any surgical intervention on the spine is dangerous, lengthy and complex . After the operation, a recovery period begins, during which the patient wears a corset and engages in exercise therapy. For rehabilitation to be successful, a person must visit an orthopedist first one month after the intervention, then after three, six and twelve months.

Video: “Technique for performing surgery on grade 4 scoliosis”

Exercises, exercise therapy, massage

Exercises for scoliosis play a healing and strengthening role, but are not a panacea. The choice of exercise therapy program should be discussed with your doctor. It is important that the exercises are corrective in nature, otherwise they will only worsen the deformity.

Below are some general strengthening exercises. They need to be done slowly, repeating each seven times. :

  1. Lie on the floor, bend one arm (from the side of the hump) at the elbow, straighten the other above your head. Move the opposite leg to the side at an angle of about 15 ̊. Take a breath. As you exhale, raise the abducted leg and outstretched arm, and lower as you exhale. If desired, you can place a small bench under the pelvis, which will tilt the torso and prevent an increase in lumbar lordosis.
  2. Get on all fours. As you inhale, extend the arm opposite the curved side and the diagonally positioned leg. Keep them parallel to the floor, and as you exhale, lower them.
  3. Lie on your side (you need to lie on the protruding side of the curvature). Extend the arm adjacent to the floor above your head, lower the other arm along the body. Place a pillow or cushion under your chest. As you inhale, raise your upper arm above your head and lift your lower arm. As you exhale, return the limbs to their original position.
  4. Take a circle or piece of foam and plunge into the pool. Stretch the arm opposite the curved side forward and grab the circle with it. Bend your other arm in front of your chest at the elbow. The legs should also be placed diagonally - one is bent, the other is straight. Take a breath. As you exhale, stretch with your outstretched arm, and with your free hand, make several circular movements away from you. The straight leg moves up and down at this time.

Massage can also help with grade 4 scoliosis . At the beginning of therapy, the following massage techniques are used: soft , which eliminates myodystrophic changes and local muscle hypertonicity, and intense , which increases the tone of the body and activates reparative processes.

At the second stage, the curvature is corrected and the result is stabilized. To do this, more intense and deep procedures are carried out, contracting and toning the stretched muscles, as well as stretching the shortened (spasmodic) muscles. If necessary, massage the muscles of the chest, neck, abdomen, buttocks and lower extremities.

Treatment at home or with folk remedies

The folk remedies listed below do not affect the position of the spinal column in any way, but are used in complex therapy.
Their main task is to reduce pain. Pain-relieving compresses :

IngredientsCooking methodApplication
Honey and aloeGrind aloe leaves, mix them with 1/2 cup of vodka and 100 g of natural honey.Soak a cotton cloth in the mixture and apply a compress to the affected area overnight.
Horseradish and potatoesGrate the potatoes on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Do the same with horseradish. Mix the ingredients, wrap in a bandage, apply to the sore area of ​​the body, and wrap with a downy scarf or woolen scarf on top. Wait for a strong burning sensation and remove the compress.
SaltDissolve 25 g of regular or sea salt in a glass of boiling water.Soak the bandage in the solution and apply it to the affected area for a couple of hours. Remove the compress and apply Menovazin to the skin.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

With the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, areas of damage to specific areas are warmed up, the correct position of the spinal column is restored, and scoliosis is prevented. Doctors usually prescribe the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ozokerite;
  • magnetotherapy.

One of the most common and effective methods used for various types of spinal curvature is the procedure of electrical myostimulation of the muscular system. Positive results can only be obtained if these procedures are performed systematically and in accordance with medical prescriptions.

Scoliosis - types, causes

Our spine contains a large number of vertebrae held together by elastic cartilaginous intervertebral discs. It is a flexible structure that allows a person to bend sideways and forward and be flexible. Normally, the spinal column is a straight line (if you look at it from behind, from the back). With scoliosis, a lateral bend of the spinal line appears, and the vertebrae themselves can be twisted and curved, as if they were rotating around their axis.

Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired due to the following reasons:

  • Weakness and diseases of skeletal muscles.
  • Developmental pathologies and pathologies of the vertebrae, ribs, ligaments, nervous system, muscles.
  • Constant static loads associated with one-sided muscle tension and poor posture.
  • Deficiency of calcium and other essential microelements for the skeleton.
  • Genetic mutations.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Past infectious or viral diseases - polio and others.
  • Back injuries.
  • Obesity.

Poor posture is caused by a complex effect of causes, and in 65% of cases the exact cause cannot be determined. This type of scoliosis is called idiopathic.

Regardless of the cause and type of scoliosis (it is classified according to the location of the curvature and the number of lateral bends), treatment is necessary to stop the further development of the disease, which can lead to serious consequences. Scoliosis disrupts the normal functioning and blood circulation of internal organs and the brain, leading to intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and other serious diseases.

Gymnastic exercises

Therapeutic exercises are considered the most effective way to prevent various types of spinal deformities. With the help of a properly selected set of exercises, you can achieve restoration of the symmetrical position of the back muscle corset.

Among the most effective types of exercises are:

  • performing circular movements of the shoulder girdle;
  • circular movements with bent elbows;
  • squats while pressing tightly against the wall;
  • the so-called “bicycle” - circular movements of the legs that resemble riding a bicycle;
  • lying on the floor, swinging your legs to the right, left and cross, while you need to slightly raise your torso;
  • stretch your arms up, and then throw them back, one at the top and the other at the bottom, try to reach each other;
  • try to bring your shoulder blades towards each other, straining them, then relax and straighten them to their original position.

If a person feels discomfort while performing therapeutic exercises, do not stop. With systematic exercise, discomfort and unpleasant sensations usually go away quickly. Such gymnastics makes it possible to get rid of deformation and prevent its development.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

Symptoms of grade 4 scoliosis appear quite clearly. These include :

  • Scoliosis at stage 4 is already noticeable to the naked eye; unequal shoulder height;

  • different distances from the arms to the waist (the torso leans to the left or right);
  • the presence of a protruding blade.

In this case, the pathological position of the spinal axis is clearly visible when the torso is tilted forward and the arms are lowered.

To obtain a more complete picture of the condition of the spine, an X-ray examination is prescribed.

Since grade 4 scoliosis affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but also internal organs, the goal of diagnosis is to identify all kinds of disorders:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, intestinal dysfunction);
  • cholecystitis;
  • compression of the heart and lungs, accompanied by shortness of breath and other symptoms of failure;
  • frequent colds;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • sensitivity disturbances (numbness) in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
  • pain in the back area;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary organs that can cause infertility.

Key rules for a healthy back

An important aspect in the prevention of scoliosis and other types of spinal column deformities is proper nutrition. The diet must include fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, dairy products, and lean meats. These products contain a large number of positive microelements. With proper nutrition, you can ensure proper metabolism in the body. And this makes it possible to preserve the anatomical structures of the spinal column.

It is very important for children to provide physical activity, with the help of which the muscle corset is strengthened, the vertebrae and all segments of the spinal column will be in the correct position. With the help of any sports activities, blood microcirculation in all organs and systems improves, vital energy increases, and a person’s general condition improves significantly.

It is necessary to do morning exercises together with your child after waking up. With its help, you can provide a surge of strength and energy, a charge of vigor for the whole day. Just teach your baby to do a simple warm-up; in the future, this useful habit will ensure health for his musculoskeletal system.

An important aspect is proper sleep. Throughout the day, a person becomes physically and emotionally exhausted, which negatively affects his overall health. Therefore, an important condition for the prevention of various diseases is proper sleep, at least eight hours.

It is also necessary to provide the most comfortable conditions in order to get enough sleep. To do this, you need to choose the right bedding - an orthopedic mattress and the right pillow are best.

An orthopedic mattress will follow the natural curves of the spinal column, allowing it to remain in the correct position when a person sleeps. The pillow should be medium-sized or small to prevent flexion of the neck during sleep.

How to avoid scoliosis

Everything is important in a child's health. His posture is of no small importance for his well-being and overall health. The chief physician of the State Budgetary Institution “Medical and Physical Education Dispensary”, physician of exercise therapy and sports medicine V. Olensky, speaks about the prevention of stooping, the causes of poor posture and its signs:

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. With this disease, the spine is curved from one side to the other.

the other to varying degrees, and some of the vertebrae may rotate slightly, making the hips or shoulders uneven. Scoliosis can occur in adults, but it is most often diagnosed for the first time in children. Often asymptomatic. Some parents may notice these kinds of abnormal postures in their growing child:

  • Slouch;
  • Head tilt that does not coincide with the level of the hips;
  • Protruding and asymmetrical shoulder blades;
  • One hip is higher than the other or one shoulder is higher than the other;
  • Chest deformity;
  • There is more support on one side than on the other;
  • Breasts of unequal size in girls during development;
  • Back pain, worsening pain after walking or standing for a short time.

If the listed symptoms are present, the child should engage in therapeutic exercises under the supervision of parents. Assistance in terms of conducting therapeutic exercises can be provided by a doctor in therapeutic physical education (PT).

It is necessary to teach your child to constantly monitor his posture throughout the day. He needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, control his gait, sitting at the table, and be able to stand correctly and beautifully. To strengthen body muscles, develop proper coordination of movement, and muscle strength endurance, children are recommended to engage in general physical training at school, go skiing in the winter, and play outdoor games (including volleyball, basketball without jumping).

Engaging in socially useful work is not contraindicated, but adult supervision is required here in order to eliminate factors that are harmful to children's health (picking fruits and vegetables can be done, but carrying heavy loads is undesirable).

Prevention of spinal curvature is very important, and if you follow all the necessary measures, you can avoid further development of scoliosis:

– Select the mattress on which the child sleeps so that it is neither too soft nor too hard. It would be good to choose an orthopedic mattress.

– A child under one year old should not be placed with his head on a pillow. Subsequently, the pillow must be flat and not high. Hold the baby in your arms, supporting your back. The baby should not lie on one side all the time; he needs to be turned over on one side or the other.

– Ensure that the child does homework and other activities that involve a sitting position only while sitting at the table, and the posture must be correct.

– Adhere to the correct daily routine and nutrition. Food must be balanced and contain all useful microelements and vitamins in the right quantities. Calcium, copper and zinc are very beneficial for bones.

– We need to teach the child to do morning exercises.

Regularly undergo orthopedic examination and, if any violations are detected, do not delay the start of treatment.

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