Symptoms, stages of development and treatment of S-shaped scoliosis

Scoliosis is a persistent lateral curvature of the spine.

When considering the position of the human body in space, the basic position is considered to be a standing position with arms down. The human body has bilateral symmetry. You can draw a conditional plane separating the front part of the body from the back (this plane is called the frontal plane). Considering a person in this plane, we will see that the right and left sides of a person are symmetrical. The spine will be the axis of symmetry. If it is bent to the right or left, the symmetry will be broken. Therefore, scoliosis is also called curvature of the spine in the frontal plane.

Scoliosis should be distinguished from poor posture. Poor posture is a functional condition, the lack of habit of keeping your back straight. In this case, a person, if he wants, can straighten up. Curvature of the spine is changes that a person can no longer eliminate by simply changing his posture. Such changes are recorded during instrumental studies, for example, radiography or MSCT of the spine.

Types and degrees of scoliosis

If you look at a person from the back, then the spine should normally be located strictly in a vertical straight line. When the spine is curvatured, an arch occurs. If the arch is directed to the right, they speak of right-sided scoliosis

, if to the left, then about

Scoliosis is also determined by the part of the spine in which the curvature occurs. Highlight:

  • cervicothoracic
    upper thoracic scoliosis
    (curvature at the level of IV-V thoracic vertebrae). This scoliosis is characterized by the occurrence of asymmetry of the shoulders;
  • thoracic scoliosis
    (curvature at the level of VII-IX thoracic vertebrae). Deformation of the chest occurs, causing respiratory dysfunction;
  • thoracolumbar scoliosis
    (curvature at the level of the X-XII thoracic vertebrae). Leads to serious impairment of respiratory function and cardiovascular system activity;
  • lumbar scoliosis
    (involving the lower thoracic vertebrae and the first vertebrae of the lumbar spine).

Left without proper treatment, the disease usually progresses, which is reflected in an increase in the angle of curvature. There are the following degrees of scoliosis:

  • scoliosis of the 1st degree – curvature angle up to 10 degrees;
  • scoliosis of the second degree – the angle of curvature is from 10 to 25 degrees;
  • III degree scoliosis – 25-40°;
  • IV degree scoliosis – curvature angle greater than 40 degrees.

There can be only one lateral curve, and then the curvature resembles the letter C. This type of disease is called C-shaped scoliosis


A misalignment to one side significantly increases the load on the vertebrae, and in order to reduce it, a curvature of another part of the spine develops in the opposite direction. In this case, the curvature resembles the letter S. This type of disease is called combined scoliosis
S-shaped scoliosis
In some cases, there may even be three arcs of curvature ( E-shaped


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When treating lateral curvature of the neck, the following methods are used : physical therapy, osteopathy - restoration of normal blood circulation with the help of hands to improve the functioning of the spine, drug treatment, massage and manual therapy, traditional medicine.


Drug therapy is used for scoliosis to reduce the symptoms of the disease and prevent complications. To support bone tissue, calcium supplements are used together with vitamin D3.

To relieve radiculitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and others are prescribed. To relieve pain and reduce inflammation with concomitant osteochondrosis, chondroprotective gel agents Chondroitin, Chondroxide and others are used.


Surgical treatment has the following goals::

  • Reduction of vertebral asymmetry by resection of a segment of the intervertebral disc and plates from the convex side.
  • Stabilization of bone deformity using a bone graft.
  • Corrective intervention to stabilize the degree of curvature.
  • Cosmetic correction of a pathological defect.

Exercise therapy, massage

In the morning, during a prolonged static state or during similar movements, they practice turning the head in different directions , alternately tilting it towards the shoulders and down. Also useful are exercises for stretching the neck with your chin and ears reaching your shoulders, and “looking” behind your back.

Some exercises from exercise therapy for the neck

They do exercises to rotate the shoulder joints and breathing exercises. All parts of the spine are brought into motion, working on the back, bending the legs at the knees. Lying on your stomach, bend your arms, raise your chest while arching your neck, combining exercises with correct, measured breathing.

These and other actions are repeated up to 15 times, stopping them when you feel numbness, cramps or pain. If the treatment complex causes systematic pain, it is corrected in consultation with a specialist.

Medical massage for scoliosis strengthens the muscles, in the initial stages it helps to forget about the disease, and in severe cases it brings relief. It helps restore uniform muscle tension, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, blood supply, joints, ligaments and skin.

Therapeutic massage is contraindicated:

  • For blood diseases, tendency to bleeding.
  • For those who suffer from vascular and lymphatic pathologies.
  • For skin diseases.
  • After hypertension.
  • For tuberculosis and abnormalities in the central nervous system.
  • After surgery.
  • For renal, liver and heart failure.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Warming up the muscles to increase blood circulation.
  • Massage by kneading, rubbing, stretching, patting, etc.
  • Relaxation of muscles when kneading and stroking them.

Video: “Exercises for the cervical spine”

Treatment at home or with folk remedies

These compresses help relieve pain due to scoliosis.:

  1. Pour dandelion flowers into a two-liter jar, filling one third of the volume, and fill it with a bottle of vodka. The product is kept in a warm place for 10 days with daily shaking. After the expiration of the prescribed period, it is not filtered, but diluted with warm water. The compress is applied at night.
  2. Dilute two tablespoons of sea salt with a glass of boiling water, dip a bandage in the solution and apply a bandage to the problem area for a couple of hours. Then lubricate it with Menovazin.
  3. Chop raw potatoes and horseradish, mix them and apply them in a bandage to the sore spot, securing it with a warm scarf. Leave until a burning sensation appears.
  4. A couple of crushed aloe leaves are mixed with half a glass of honey and the same amount of vodka. Soak gauze with the medicinal agent and place the compress on the painful area overnight.

For scoliosis, it is useful to take pine baths with crushed pine branches, boiled for ten minutes, and then soaked in this water for 4 hours. When swimming, the heart area should not be immersed in water; the upper part of the body is covered during the procedure; the session lasts half an hour.

Causes of scoliosis

Scoliosis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital scoliosis is usually caused by abnormalities in the development of the vertebrae and ribs.

Acquired scoliosis in most cases develops in childhood or adolescence, when the body is actively growing. Basically, these are ages from 6 to 17 years. Bone growth ends before the age of 20, after which the development of scoliosis is less likely. In 80% of cases, scoliosis is detected in girls.

Scoliosis can be of myopathic origin, that is, it occurs due to insufficiency of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus. The development of such scoliosis is facilitated by long-term uneven loads on the spine: the habit of a lopsided posture at a desk or desk, carrying a bag in the same hand (on one shoulder), playing sports associated with the work of only one hand (tennis, badminton, shot throwing). and so on.).

The following diseases can lead to the development of scoliosis:

  • rickets (impaired mineralization of bone tissue). Rachitic scoliosis; discovered, as a rule, at the age of 2-3 years;
  • congenital torticollis (the disease is characterized by a constant tilt of the head to the right or left);
  • cerebral palsy (CP);
  • polio;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral disc herniation;
  • and also some others.

However, in most cases the cause cannot be identified. This type of scoliosis is called idiopathic. The hereditary factor appears to be of great importance, since scoliosis is quite often detected in members of the same family.

Contraindications to the use of osteopathy

Like any technique, osteopathy has a number of contraindications, the use of which methods is prohibited. These include:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • installed implants or other parts (spirals, wires);
  • renal failure;
  • discharge in women;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular or circulatory system;
  • bleeding.

If any of the listed manifestations are present, the use of osteopathic techniques is not recommended due to possible harm to the body due to incorrect identification of the source of the disorder.

Symptoms of scoliosis

Scoliosis in most cases develops in childhood and adolescence, and at the initial stage does not cause serious concern - children do not complain. Therefore, parents need to be especially careful and pay attention to external signs of the onset of the disease, such as:

  • slouch;
  • one shoulder is located slightly higher than the other.

The development of scoliosis leads to an increase in the angle of curvature. The vertebrae also begin to rotate around their axis (vertebral torsion). In this case, symptoms such as:


At the initial stage of scoliosis, back pain appears after a long period of standing or long walking. Subsequently, back pain becomes constant; after having to stand or walk, the pain intensifies;.

Body asymmetry

During a medical examination of a patient with scoliosis, it is discovered that one shoulder blade is higher than the other. In this case, the shoulder blades are located at different distances from the spinal column. In the later stages of scoliosis, the curvature of the spine becomes obvious: one shoulder is noticeably higher than the other. When you slowly bend forward on your back, an asymmetrical roll appears in the thoracic or lumbar spine - this is how torsion (twisting of the vertebrae) manifests itself.

How to find out if there is a curvature of the spine

There is a special test that can detect signs of scoliosis in adolescents and children. To pass it, the child must stand up straight and lower his arms along his body. The curvature will be indicated by:

  • asymmetry of the left and right sides of the body;
  • different heights of shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • protrusion of one of the shoulder blades more strongly than the other;
  • deviation from the vertical of the cervical, thoracic and/or lumbar vertebrae;
  • different levels of dimples on the upper back of the buttocks;
  • difference in the height of the ears, ridges of the pelvic bones;
  • skewed triangles at the waist, noticeable by the unequal distance between each arm and the waist.

All these symptoms are more pronounced when the patient is in an inclined position. But they are also characteristic of poor posture. To distinguish one from the other, you need to examine the child’s body in a lying position. If the asymmetry has not disappeared, then there is every reason to suspect scoliosis.

For reference! The next step after identifying suspicious signs should be to visit an orthopedist. He will make an accurate diagnosis based on the examination results.

Methods for diagnosing scoliosis

In the diagnosis of scoliosis, instrumental research methods are of great importance. Typically, radiography is performed. In some cases, an MRI may be required.

X-ray of the spine

An X-ray of the spine allows you to see the location of the vertebrae, determine the angle of curvature, and in some cases identify the cause of scoliosis (vertebral fusion, wedge-shaped vertebra, etc.).

More information about the diagnostic method

MRI of the spine

The diagnosis of scoliosis can be made without resorting to an MRI. However, in complex cases, an MRI examination of the relevant parts of the spine will provide the doctor with the necessary additional information. MRI can detect spinal cord injuries and also detect spinal tumors, which sometimes cause scoliosis.

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.


For first-degree scoliosis, special medical techniques are used. The reason is nervous tension in the spinal muscles. On the side of the convexity they are weakened and elongated, on the opposite side the muscles are unusually tense and shortened. In addition, it is necessary to massage the entire body, and not just the curvature area. Massage relieves muscle tension and improves microcirculation in soft tissues.

Self-massage for scoliosis is contraindicated. This should only be done by a specialist. With incorrect massage movements, the situation can only get worse.


In advanced stages of neck scoliosis, it is necessary to wear special bandages. Mild and moderate scoliosis can be treated without consequences and restrictions in physical activity. In severe cases, at least three months must pass in the postoperative period for the bones to heal.

To prevent injury during this time, special bandages and devices are used to support the head.

After a couple of months, rehabilitation sessions with a specialist begin to relieve pain, inflammation, and improve the condition of the spine. They are carried out for two months three times a week.

Full rehabilitation requires six months. But even after this, physical activity is limited.

With the last degree of pathology, almost half of the patients are 100% disabled, they are not able to fully care for themselves and need help.

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