Knees hurt when squatting: causes of pain

The knee joint is one of the most complex joints in the human body. It is subjected to the greatest load, so discomfort often occurs in it. You can often hear the question: why do my knees hurt when squatting? There can be many reasons for this. Knee pain is most often caused by injury, although other factors may also play a role. Sometimes the inability to even squat indicates a serious illness.

What's the benefit?

This type of gymnastics is rightfully considered simple and effective. Squats are part of a person’s daily natural actions, since this simple and effective movement is performed regularly: during breakfast, sitting down on a chair, at work, when you have to squat on an office chair and in many other situations.

When performing this habitual movement, many people are not fully aware of its benefits. Here are the main positive aspects associated with doing squats:

  • Strengthening the leg muscles. During squats, the calf muscles, thigh muscles, and buttocks actively work. As a result of regular training, the athlete manages to pump up these areas and improve his appearance.
  • Improved posture. When performing squats, the back muscles are strengthened, since in the process of doing them you have to activate this part of the body. As a result, the habit of keeping your back straight is formed, which has a positive effect on your posture.
  • Increased muscle mass. If you squat with weights, you will be able to build muscle. The main thing is to first develop a training program and follow its points.
  • Working out the muscles of the lower body. Squats allow you to actively use the muscles of the legs, lower back, and buttocks during training. After some time you will be able to admire the excellent results.
  • Activate the activity of the cardiovascular system. This is a great cardio workout. Therefore, to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to include this complex in the daily exercise program. After 4 weeks of training, you can confidently note the positive effect of the exercises - your strength and endurance will increase.
  • Increasing the body's resistance to various diseases. Starting squats is a great solution to improve your immune system. In addition, training improves mood and increases vitality.
  • Working out coordination of movements. Exercises allow you to develop an excellent skill - strengthen coordination of movements. Regular training makes it possible to become accurate, which will certainly come in handy in everyday life.

Even schoolchildren know about the benefits of squats, since this gymnastics is part of the normative program. It is not forbidden to squat even in old age, since this exercise perfectly trains the heart muscle. Just before starting squats, it is important to warm up first. Without warming up, there is a high risk of injury.


If you squat regularly, you can get undeniable benefits for organs and tissues. This is due to the fact that during training a large number of muscles are involved, which begin to actively work. At the initial stages, preference should be given to the classic squat technique. And only after carefully working it out can you move on to more complicated gymnastics.

Here are the main positive effects:

  • Toned and firm buttocks.

A beautiful thigh area is admired by both men and women. To give this part a toned and attractive look, you should include squats in your daily training program. After a month of training, you can observe an excellent result - an attractive appearance of the forms is ensured.

  • Strengthening tendons, joints and ankles.

During squats, the lower part of the body actively works. In this regard, the active work of the limbs is noted, which has a positive effect on the development of muscles, joints and tendons.

In order not to overshadow the positive effect with unpleasant consequences in the form of dislocations, sprains and other problems, it is important to monitor the even distribution of the load on the body. You should not overload the body, trying to achieve optimal results in a short time. In squats, as in other types of gymnastics, it is important to maintain consistency and uniformity.

Objectives of the study

The researchers wanted to calculate the maximum knee extension moment of women performing squats of different depths and weights. At the same time, they were interested in two main questions:

  1. Does squat depth affect maximum extension moments?
  2. Does the weight women squat with affect their maximum moments?

Scientists hypothesized that maximum knee extension moment would increase with increasing squat depth and load.


If we talk about the adverse effects that are possible when doing squats, then this type of exercise in itself is safe. Problems can occur if you squat incorrectly. And this is due to this:

  • During squats, there is an active load on the joints, muscles and tendons. If you complicate the exercise in the early stages with insufficient preparation, there is a high risk of injury.
  • You should not do squats if your doctor advises you to temporarily stop exercising. Unauthorized performance of gymnastics in the presence of contraindications in most cases leads to a deterioration in health and damage to the limbs.

These are the main points associated with the negative aspects that can occur when performing squats. To prevent anything bad from happening, you should be attentive to your health and respond to signals about even the most minor failures.


1RM values ​​were determined for a full squat (hamstring touching shin), parallel (thigh below the top of the knee), and half squat (knee flexed 90°, squat above parallel). This was done to ensure that the subjects experienced the same load at any squat depth. For example, a weight of 85% 1RM for a full squat would be too light for a half squat.

Then the actual testing began. It included two series of nine squats with different depths and loads, performed in random order. Participants performed full, half, and parallel squats at 0%, 50%, and 85% 1RM. They used the technique that was most comfortable for them, but each girl's foot position and stance width were consistent across all trials. After crouching, the participants held this position for a second to minimize the rebound.

Maximum knee joint moment was calculated using data from the force platform and recording cameras. The maximum moment is convenient because its value is linearly related to the magnitude of patellofemoral tension, which, in turn, can cause patellofemoral pain syndrome and cartilage destruction.


Squats are a harmless form of gymnastics. But even here it is important to follow safety rules and take precautions if necessary. Having decided to start training, you should first study the list of contraindications for which this type of gymnastics should be excluded from the training program.

Here are the main violations for which you should stop doing squats:

  • Arthritis and arthrosis.

Inflammatory diseases of the knee, hip joints, and their injuries can provoke a relapse. To prevent this from happening, you need to stop squatting. If you really want to continue training, you should first consult a doctor.

  • Spinal diseases.

Osteochondrosis and scoliosis are reasons to stop squatting. And this is due to an increase in the load on these parts of the musculoskeletal system. Especially you should not use a complicated version of squats or use weights. Such a complicated approach can provoke a worsening of the condition.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In case of myocardial dysfunction or hypertension, you should refrain from quickly changing body position. If you neglect this rule, you can provoke pressure surges and an attack.

  • Excess body weight.

We are not talking about a few extra kilograms, but about dozens. And with such excess weight, it is better to refrain from squats. The fact is that when performing exercises there is an increased load on the joints, which can cause damage to them if the body weight is high.

Before you start squatting, it is important to get a general idea of ​​the state of your body. If there are any disturbances or alarming symptoms that cause concern, you should contact a doctor who will professionally assess the situation and recommend the optimal solution. Also, you should not continue training if your health begins to noticeably deteriorate during the process of doing squats. In this case, you should stop exercising so as not to provoke relapses of various diseases.

Knee pain when squatting and standing up: causes

So, the following factors can provoke knee pain:

  1. Excessive stress on the legs or injury.
  2. Infringement of subcutaneous small nerves.
  3. Some diseases of the knee joint: inflammation of the joint (rheumatoid and gouty arthritis); pinching of the sciatic nerve (pain can radiate to the knee); Osgood-Schlatter disease; bursitis; arthrosis

There may be other reasons for the development of joint damage. In this case, their definition largely depends on where the pain is localized after squatting:

  • Above the knee. This may indicate ligament rupture, destruction of cartilage in the joint, or inflammatory damage to the knee tendons (tendinitis).
  • Pain under the knee. If your knee hurts when squatting, the problem may be caused by a torn or sprained ligament. The following reasons can lead to the development of the disease: a hernia in the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, which becomes inflamed, or injury.

If the pain is sharp and severe, then this may indicate an inflammatory process in the joint, which is accompanied by the formation of pus. Such pain can also be provoked by: bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other pathologies.

If you feel that your knees hurt every time you squat, then you need to consult a doctor. In addition, this pathology of the joints is also characterized by the fact that they crunch. Although this symptom - crunching - may not always appear.


Beginner athletes often make the same type of mistakes when performing squats. This circumstance significantly increases the load on certain areas of the body, which, if further performed at this pace and type, can provoke injury.

To make squats comfortable and effective, it is recommended to train in front of a mirror in the initial stages. This method allows you to evaluate the correctness of the elements and avoid negative consequences if the squat technique is violated.

Here are the main points to pay attention to when performing squats:

  • Neglecting warm-up.

Before you start squatting, it is important to first stretch your body. Ignoring this part of the training can provoke dislocations, sprains and even fractures. Therefore, before the main part of the training, you can do rotations, turns, and running in place. If the workout takes place outside, you can jog 2 laps.

  • Uncontrolled increase in load.

A common mistake made by beginners is to immediately take on gymnastics with complex elements and use weights. This approach will not bring any benefit, but will result in injury and deterioration of well-being.

  • Hunched back.

You should squat with a straight back to avoid spinal injuries. Therefore, during exercise, you should carefully monitor the position of this part of the body during squats to prevent deterioration in well-being.

  • Neglecting pain symptoms.

If squatting has become unbearably painful, then this reaction of the body should not be neglected. It is important to stop training until the condition of the body is fully clarified and, in the absence of contraindications, continue training.

In the initial stages of doing squats, it is important to carefully monitor the correct execution of the movements. After all the elements have been brought to automaticity, then it will be possible to remove the mirror and squat without contemplating yourself from the outside.


As you would expect, the deeper the squat, the lower the 1RM. For the half squat, its average value was 72.37 kg, for the parallel squat - 63.13 kg, and for the full squat - 58.85 kg (Fig. 1).

During unloaded squats, increasing squat depth does not affect maximum knee moment. At 50% 1RM, the maximum knee moment is significantly higher in the full squat than in the parallel or half squat, despite the fact that the absolute load is lower. At a load of 85% 1RM, the maximum moment with a full squat is significantly greater than with a parallel squat, but does not differ significantly from the value with a parallel squat (Fig. 2).


Before you start squats, it is important to first study the technique of doing them. The effectiveness of training and the absence of disruptions in the body during the implementation of gymnastic complexes depend on strict adherence to this nuance.

To immediately set a successful start, it is important to pay attention to the squatting technique:

  • Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, and feet slightly turned toes inward. At the very beginning of practicing the squat technique, you should dwell on this aspect in more detail in order to accurately work out each movement.
  • The weight is transferred to the heels, and the knees are turned in the same direction as the toes. It is important to ensure that this aspect is followed to reduce the stress on the joints during squats.
  • Keep your feet firmly on the floor throughout the entire squat cycle. This nuance should be taken into account so that increased stress on joints, tendons and muscles does not cause injury.
  • It is also important to monitor the position of your hands during squats. They can be stretched out in front of you, placed behind your head or crossed over your chest.
  • A slight deflection in the lumbar region allows you to evenly distribute the load. If you round it, then there is a high risk of increasing the load on this part of the body, which is dangerous due to breakdowns.
  • It is important to keep your back straight and not tilt it. Straight posture is the key to successful gymnastics.
  • Attention should also be paid to the correct position of the knees. They cannot be brought together or separated. It is important that they are turned in the same direction as the feet. They should be kept in this position throughout the entire exercise.
  • The success of the workout depends on correct breathing. You should inhale as you go up, and exhale as you go down.
  • When lowering during squats, it is important to monitor the depth of the lowering. It is advisable to lower until the floor is parallel to the thigh.
  • During squats, it is important not to straighten your legs completely when lifting. They should be kept in a slightly bent position. This approach avoids joint injury.

These are the main points to keep in mind while performing squats. In the initial stages, you should be more careful and careful to avoid injuries and malfunctions of the body.


When starting to train, it is important to pay attention to purchasing accessories that will make training effective and safe. Here are the details to pay attention to:

  • Weights.

In the initial stages of doing squats, they will not be required. But after mastering the classical technique, these accessories will be needed in order to pump up the muscles by increasing the load.

  • Bandages.

Elastic bandages can be purchased at a pharmacy or sporting goods store. While performing squats, they should tighten the wrists and knee joints. This approach allows you to get rid of sprains and other injuries.

  • Overalls.

This type of special equipment can also be purchased at sporting goods stores to help you maintain a straight back position when moving to a professional level of squats while using weights.

  • Support.

Its role will be played by a bench or platform. It is necessary to perform the Bulgarian version of gymnastics, when, to complicate the task, one leg remains on the floor and the other on a raised platform. This approach allows you to more effectively pump the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

These are the basic gymnastics accessories that are necessary for those who plan to train professionally. Amateur athletes will have plenty of weights and bandages.

Diagnostic features

So, if you feel pain in your knee after doing a full squat, you should urgently consult a rheumatologist. This symptom may indicate the development of a serious leg disease. Diagnostics includes the following procedures:

  1. Laboratory tests of blood and urine. They will allow you to find out whether there is an inflammatory process in the affected knee joint. A urine test will also show the amount of urea in the body, the excess of which leads to gout.
  2. X-ray of the leg. This study will provide information about whether there is injury or bone growths (osteophytes). Although if ligaments are torn and muscles are damaged, this study is useless.
  3. Knee arthroscopy. This type of invasive examination is characterized by the use of a special instrument, an arthroscope, which is inserted into the knee through small punctures. This procedure allows you to see the joint from the inside. With its help, you can determine why the joints are crunching, and whether there is any damage to the joint. In addition, arthroscopy is used for surgical treatment of knee pathologies.
  4. Diagnostic puncture. With its help, the features of the inflammatory process are determined.

Important! An accurate diagnosis will make it possible to determine the causes of pain, will make it possible to find out why the knees crunch when squatting, and will also allow you to decide on treatment.

With a barbell

This version of the exercise is classified as “based on the location of the center of gravity.” It is used more often than usual by weightlifters. It is not recommended to perform this element without prior preparation, as there is a high risk of injury.

To perform barbell squats, you must do the following:

  • It is important to take the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes turned slightly inward.
  • After this, you need to take the barbell and place it on your forearms.
  • Now you should perform squats, trying to maintain balance without shifting the center of gravity.

This type of gymnastics is suitable for experienced athletes who have worked their muscles and are ready for increased loads.


This type of squats is suitable for both experienced and beginner athletes. This gymnastics involves increasing the load through the use of weights. They can be used as small dumbbells, but there is another option. You can also use bottles with sand.

To perform this technique, a number of requirements and nuances must be met:

  • It is necessary to take the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • After this, you should pick up weights and perform squats.

In this case, it is important to maintain the position of the hands along the line of the body. This type of gymnastics makes it possible not only to pump up the muscles of the legs, back and buttocks, but also to tighten up the arms. Due to the use of weights, there is an active effect on this part of the body.

Lesson program

Before you start squats, it's important to plan your workout ahead. Only with a competent and systematic approach is there a high probability of achieving certain successes in this direction. Therefore, in the initial stages, you should pay attention to the following actions:

  • It is important to choose the optimal set of exercises. A great solution is to start with the classic version. You shouldn’t immediately pick up a barbell hoping for success. Sudden increased stress can provoke stress and relapses of chronic diseases. Only as the technique improves can you supplement the usual exercise with new elements.
  • After choosing the appropriate exercise option, you should begin to perform it. First, it is important to develop a monthly training program. In this case, you should pay attention to the lesson schedule. In the first days, you should perform the element in 5 sets of 15 times. After 3 days of training, you should take a two-day break. The body needs time to regain its strength. After this, you should continue to study.
  • After the two-week period, it is important to increase the number of gymnastics performed by one more approach. And so on until the total number of times in total does not equal 50.
  • It is important to know that without preliminary warm-up you should not suddenly perform squats. This approach threatens to make you feel worse. In order not to harm yourself, it is important to first stretch your body and then load it.
  • It is necessary to ensure correct breathing. You should not breathe erratically. If breathing becomes intermittent due to increased load, then you need to take a minute break and only then can you continue exercising.

Following these simple rules allows you to perfectly improve your health, raise your spirits, reduce excess weight and give a seductive look to your relief. But in pursuit of excellent results, you should follow safety rules so as not to harm your mental and physical health.

Read other articles:

  • Inner thigh exercises
  • Back exercises at home
  • Endurance exercises
  • Exercises with dumbbells
  • Ball exercises

Key points:

  1. The study showed that in women, the maximum knee joint moment during deep squats is greater than during half squats at the same relative load, that is, in cases where half squats are performed with a larger weight. These data coincide with the results of a similar study performed on men.
  2. Maximum moments of the knee joint cause tension in the anterior part of the knee joint (patellofemoral tension); with a half squat, the maximum moment is less than with a full squat, and is comparable to a parallel squat. Therefore, half squats may not be as damaging as many people think.
  3. If your knees are healthy, squats of any depth should be safe. Therefore, when choosing a training regimen, you must be guided by their purpose and personal comfort, and not by groundless fears.

There is no consensus on which squat is more dangerous, deep or half, although many professional athletes believe that deep is safe, and half can damage the knees. In doing so, they are guided by two considerations:

  1. The more weight you squat with, the more stress and wear on your knee.
  2. The hamstrings are less used in a half squat, so there is a higher chance of injuring the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

Although a healthy ACL can withstand a lot of stress, it can gradually wear out if it is subjected to high levels of stress on a regular basis, a danger that should not be underestimated.

The structure of the female knee has its own characteristics, so women's squats are more dangerous than men's.

The study by American scientists involved women who exercise for their own pleasure. They determined their repetition maximum (1RM) for deep, parallel and half squats. Each style of squat was then repeated at 0%, 50%, and 85% 1RM while the researchers measured peak knee moment, a measure of patellofemoral stress. Contrary to popular belief, maximum knee moments were actually higher during deep squats, despite being performed with less weight. With a half squat, the maximum moments were smaller, with a parallel squat - even smaller.

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