My arms are numb, my shoulders hurt: what to do? Bubnovsky's exercises

Practice shows that diseases of the shoulder joint always begin with discomfort as a result of a long stay in a sedentary state.

Shoulder joint, symptoms of diseases Shoulder joint, treatment of diseases with kinesitherapy Treatment of the shoulder joint with exercises at home

The shoulder joint is spherical in shape, as part of the skeleton, it connects and ensures mobility of the humerus relative to the scapula of the upper limb girdle.

Industrial gymnastics for office workers, including movements for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, will make it possible to avoid pain syndromes and reduce the likelihood of glenohumeral periarthritis, arthrosis and arthritis of the shoulder joint

. Discomfort and pain in the arms occur mainly in the absence of physical activity on the shoulder joints and only 25% are associated with diseases of the shoulder joints.

People with active daily activities and full involvement of the shoulder joints have no cases of their diseases


You came to the clinic because... Are you worried about your shoulder joint? Treatment will most likely be traditional - relieve pain, do not put stress on the joints and give them rest. We already know that such advice leads to muscle atrophy, impaired blood supply to the shoulder joints and an increase in adverse consequences, including operations and endoprosthetics

. Oddly enough, contrary to traditional recommendations to remain calm, Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. suggests treating a sore shoulder joint only with physical activity.

Fighting the symptoms rather than the cause provides temporary relief with a constant increase in costs for useless treatment of the shoulder joint, ultimately resulting in disability


Unfortunately, MRI does not provide a basis for diagnosis. At the Centers of Dr. Bubnovsky S.M. We have extensive experience in determining the true causes of shoulder joint diseases through myofascial and functional studies of the muscle tissue of the upper body. For example, a fairly common painful lesion of the shoulder joint over the age of 40 is glenohumeral periarthritis, the result of inflammation and spasm of the muscles of the shoulder joint.

Palpation and the presence of pain make it possible to accurately determine the presence of areas of overstrain of these muscles

. Checking the functional mobility of the shoulder joint, the entire spine and other joints of the patient allows us to identify all the main causes of the disease and prescribe treatment by drawing up a personal list of exercises for improving the health of the whole body.

A kinesiotherapist and qualified specialists will help you master proper breathing techniques and perform personal exercises. This is easy to see on the Russia 1 channel, in the famous program “Traffic Rules”, by Professor S.M. Bubnovsky.

""BACK TO THE BEGINNING - Shoulder joint, treatment of diseases with exercises""

The effectiveness of Bubnovsky gymnastics

Professor Bubnovsky advocates the treatment of shoulder arthrosis using exercises with additional weights in the form of gymnastic block exercise machines, rubber expanders or simple dumbbells.

Doctor Bubnovsky

The effectiveness of Bubnovsky’s technique is explained by the fact that during muscle loading a large number of anti-inflammatory agents are released that block the breakdown of arachidonic acid. Due to this, swelling and pain are reduced and muscle spasm is relieved.

Due to the fact that muscle spasm is relieved, the phenomena associated with blocking the outflow and inflow of blood through the veins and arteries disappear. This leads to normalization of metabolism in cartilage tissue and improvement of the trophic capabilities of synovial fluid.

Due to the active load, more synovium enters the joint cavity, which is necessary to absorb the work of the shoulders during exercises or physical work.

The main goals of exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint according to Bubnovsky:

  • complete restoration of motor function of the shoulder joint;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • pain relief.

Initial results can be achieved in 1–2 weeks, and permanent stable remission can be achieved in 2–3 months.

General principles

Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercise technique will be effective if you follow the basic principles of exercise therapy. To do this you need:

  1. Perform all exercises after preliminary warm-up or massage;
  2. exhale during muscle contraction, and inhale when relaxing;
  3. Drink no more than 1 sip of water between exercises;
  4. If pain occurs, stop the exercise or replace it with a simpler one;
  5. perform exercise therapy systematically, 2–3 times a week (maximum 5–6 times a week);
  6. start physical activity provided that the last meal was at least two hours ago;
  7. Do not perform exercises, massages or exercises in the presence of acute inflammatory processes accompanied by pain and swelling of the shoulder joint.

Gymnastics can be done for any degree of arthrosis, the main thing is to control the range of motion and monitor the appearance of pain. With stages 1–2 of arthrosis, you can perform more sweeping movements with weights, and with stage 3, you can pay attention to static exercises, movements with a small amplitude and without weight.

They do exercises mainly in the morning, since at this time some stiffness and pain may be observed in the joint with sudden movements.

By doing exercises in the evening, you ensure your muscles relax before going to bed. This has a good effect on accelerating metabolic processes and regenerating cartilage tissue.

Based on this, the optimal time for carrying out therapeutic exercises according to Bubnovsky is morning and evening. Light exercises with gymnastic bands can be done in the morning, and exercises with exercise machines and dumbbells in the evening.

Before starting therapeutic exercises, you need to do a short warm-up for your shoulders, which includes light, stretching and low-amplitude movements.

Warm-up before starting Bubnovsky exercises:

  1. Sitting on a chair, place the palm of your hand on the opposite shoulder, and grab your elbow with the other hand. Smoothly move your palm from your shoulder to your spine. When performing the exercise, the other hand helps stretch the shoulder while supporting the elbow. Perform the exercise for 10–25 seconds on each arm. Number of exercises – 4–5 times. Number of approaches – 2–3.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and clasp them together. At the same time, bring your arms forward, trying to touch each other with your elbows. Just as smoothly and simultaneously move your arms back as far as possible. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  3. Place your fingertips on your shoulders and make circular movements with your elbows 10 times forward and 10 times back. Perform 2-3 approaches.
  4. Grasp your hands behind your back. Smoothly move your hands, without breaking the lock, left and right. Repeat 10 times on each side, perform 2-3 sets.
  5. Stand near a wall, place your hands on it and imitate push-ups. When bending your arms to the maximum at your elbow joints, try to bring your shoulder blades as close as possible. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times, perform 2–3 approaches.

If possible, massage your shoulder blades and shoulders before starting the exercises.

Exercises for general warm-up

For massage, it is necessary to lay the patient on his stomach, with his arms extended at the seams. Using circular massaging movements, knead the shoulder blades near the spine and on the sides of the body. Then the patient raises his arms up or to the sides. Rubbing should be carried out in the transition areas of the scapula on the shoulder. Then massage your shoulders on both sides in a circular motion.

You need to perform Bubnovsky exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint with both hands, regardless of the location of the pathological process.


I.P. the same as in the “Reverse Butterfly” exercise. But instead of abducting the straight arm, the machine is pulled in the direction from the lower leg to the shoulder. In this case, it is advisable to slightly twist the body when straightening the arm towards the LOP, stretching the latissimus dorsi and oblique abdominal muscles, and when pulling the machine, move the shoulder blade back. Perform the exercise 10–20 repetitions with each hand.

The exercise is similar to the previous one, but more gentle, since the arm bends at the final stage of the movement, which means that not only the deltoid muscles of the shoulder (usually weak, especially in women), but also the biceps of the arm, a larger and more resilient muscle, are involved in the movement.

The exercise is excellent in the treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis; it is also prescribed for tendinitis and bursitis of the elbow joint (“tennis elbow”), in addition, for injuries of the wrist joint, rheumatoid polyarthritis of the hands.

Thanks to this exercise, the hard-to-reach deep muscles of the spine are worked out, the weakest and most easily injured by unsuccessful twisting movements (for example, lifting buckets of water from the floor, moving heavy pots in the kitchen from the stove to the table). The resulting spasm of the deep muscles of the thoracic spine (rhomboid, trapezius, extensor dorsi), causing pain in the interscapular region, lasting for a long time and difficult to eliminate, helps relieve the described exercise.

There are no contraindications.

Set of exercises

The exercises should be started only after preliminary preparation. You should also stock up on the necessary equipment in the form of dumbbells, gymnastic bands and sticks. If possible, buy a block machine or go to the gym.

The most effective exercises are on block simulators.

Top 5 exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint using the Bubnovsky method:

  1. Exercise "Saw". Standing or sitting near the block exercise machine (you can use a gymnastic band attached to something), rest against the exercise machine with one hand, and with the other take the handle of the exercise machine and bend it at the elbow joint. Move your shoulders forward and backward, simulating working with a saw. Repeat at least 20 times, perform 2-3 approaches. Select the weight individually, based on your physical fitness. You can start with 5 kg. You should not work with weights exceeding 25 kg.
  2. For the next exercise you will need dumbbells or a gymnastic band. If you choose an elastic band, you need to stand in the middle of it and grab the two free ends with your hands. While standing with an elastic band (or dumbbells) in your hands, alternately raise your arms in front of you and spread them to the sides. Repeat 15–20 times, perform 2–3 approaches. You need to start with a dumbbell weighing at least 2 kg.
  3. In the same position with an elastic band or dumbbells, instead of raising and spreading your arms in front of you, you need to alternately raise your arms up above your head. You need to return your arms to their original position smoothly, without straightening the elbow joint. Repeat 10–15 times on each arm, perform 2–3 approaches.
  4. Take a gymnastic stick in your hands. The grip should be shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Smoothly lift the stick in front of you and up to its maximum height. Having reached the highest point, try to move the stick slightly back behind your head and hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times, perform 2-3 approaches.
  5. Stand near the wall so that all points of your back are in contact with it. Take dumbbells in your hands or first step on the center of the gymnastic band, taking it in your hands. In a position where your back is completely in contact with the wall, raise your arms up without lifting them from the wall.

Exercise 1 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5
If arthrosis does not recede, try adding new static exercises:

  1. Bend your arms at the elbow joints, place your hands “in the lock.” Try to break the lock using the strength of your shoulder muscles. Hold in the maximum load position for 3-5 seconds. Perform 1-2 sets of 5-6 times.
  2. Place your arms straight on the wall. Try to push it forward with all your strength. The tension should be done 4-6 times, perform 1-2 approaches. Each push should last 3-5 seconds.

Read about the method of charging the shoulder joint in this article.

French Press, or Parting Hands

The exercise strengthens the triceps, makes the back surface of the arm denser and more prominent, which helps to cope with such an unpleasant sign of triceps weakness in women as “farewell arms” (a condition of the arm muscles in women when they dangle with any movement). It is also successfully used in the treatment of pain syndromes of the elbow joint, such as tennis elbow, tendinitis or bursitis.

I.P. lying with your back on the fitball and holding the handles of one end of the exercise machine with your hands. Attach the other to the bottom of the NOP. Elbows raised above head.

Extending and bending the arms at the elbow joints while exhaling “Ha-a.” Try not to spread your elbows to the sides and keep them in one position, otherwise the exercise will lose its meaning. The number of movements is not limited, but at least 10, and preferably 15–20 repetitions until the arm muscles feel tired.

You can change I.P. (a simpler option), lying on your back on the floor or on a bench, and even standing with your back to the machine, but your elbows should be motionless regardless of the chosen starting position.

With elbow bursitis (swelling), pain may occur when performing this movement.

What medications can be used to consolidate the results of exercise therapy?

To make gymnastics more effective, before starting and at the end of training, you can use an ointment based on viper venom - Viprosal B. Before going to bed, to relax your muscles as much as possible, use cooling or anti-inflammatory ointments and gels. List of ointments that can be applied at night:

  1. Diclak gel, SALUTAS PHARMA, Germany;
  2. Lyoton gel, A.Menarini Manufacturing Logistics and Services, Italy;
  3. Cryo-gel Reanimator, PhytoBioTechnologies, Russia.

Throughout the day, you can use any product containing ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam.

Read about ointments for joints in this article.

From tablets, you can take ibuprofen at a dose of 200 mg 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of arthrosis with anti-inflammatory drugs has many side effects, so the course of therapy should not exceed 10 days without interruptions. The duration of the break is at least 1 week.

In addition to using pharmaceuticals to consolidate exercise therapy, you can additionally undergo a course of physical therapy:

  • massage;
  • hydromassage;
  • ozokerite therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Read about physiotherapy for joints in this article.


  1. The Bubnovsky method of treating arthrosis of the shoulder joints is based on the use of additional weights and exercise equipment.
  2. The minimum result can be achieved in 2-3 weeks of regular exercise.
  3. You can exercise at any time of the day, with any degree of arthrosis.
  4. Exercises should not bring pain or discomfort.
  5. The main goals of gymnastics according to Bubnovsky are to accelerate metabolism in the joint, reduce swelling, pain, eliminate arthrosis and other manifestations of dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue.
  6. Ointments, anti-inflammatory tablets, and physiotherapy are used as additional therapy for arthrosis.

Surgeon. Studied medicine at VNMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Aristotle also said that “movement is life,” rightly considering the musculoskeletal system to be the source of this movement. The great thinker and scientist considered healthy joints and spine to be the main condition for a decent life that every person deserves.

Indeed, “back problems” deprive people of the opportunity to enjoy life and work fully, and this is at best. At worst, loss of motor ability and disability. It’s the same with joints - when they are healthy, people move freely and can do their usual activities.

However, the older a person gets, the higher the likelihood of developing joint pathology, which makes itself felt by pain, stiffness of movement and other unpleasant symptoms. The cause of shoulder discomfort can be bursitis, arthritis, arthrosis, or traumatic injuries.

Gymnastics for the shoulder joint according to Bubnovsky, designed to activate the body's reserve forces, will help restore mobility and get rid of pain. Dr. Bubnovsky suggests strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the upper shoulder girdle with exercises that can be performed at home.

  • Therapeutic gymnastics by Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joint: a set of exercises

The author's technique is based on movement treatment, since most diseases arise due to a sedentary lifestyle. Sergei Mikhailovich has no doubt about this, and tries to convey this principle to patients. It is worth noting that he succeeds: in more than 30 years of active work, he has managed to cure more than one million patients suffering from diseases of the skeletal system.

Among the many innovative ideas brought to life was accelerated rehabilitation after compression fractures. As a result of early start of classes, some patients were able to avoid disability, while others no longer needed crutches. All this became possible thanks to the exercises for the shoulder joint that the victims performed.

Bringing back the joy of movement to people is the main task of doctor Bubnovsky

A gymnastic complex for the muscles of the shoulder girdle can be performed independently, but you should remember the basic principles of health-improving techniques:

  • breathe correctly - do not hold inhalation and exhalation, control the frequency of inhalations to maximize the supply of oxygen to the body;
  • increase the load and number of approaches gradually as you get used to the new movements;
  • a positive attitude is one of the most important conditions for successful treatment, so you should practice without doubting the result.

Exercises according to the Bubnovsky method are performed taking into account the disease. With glenohumeral periarthritis occurring in remission, the surface of the floor or rug should be smooth and hard. This will help eliminate or minimize pain in the shoulder girdle.

In the complex treatment of the shoulder joint, it is useful to do the following exercises:

You can also read: Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for the spine

  • clench and unclench your hands;
  • hug yourself by the shoulders, placing your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left. Inhale slowly and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale slowly, lowering your arms along your body;
  • standing with legs wide apart, raise your arms up as you inhale, and lower as you exhale;
  • the starting position is the same, arms are extended forward, parallel to the floor;
  • moving your arms back is also performed from a standing position. You won’t be able to raise your arms high behind your back; a small movement is enough;
  • raising your arms to the sides. Can be done straight or slightly bent at the elbow joint;
  • Lie on your back, put your arms along your body. Without lifting your palms from the floor, raise your arms, slightly spreading your elbows to the sides;
  • starting position - lying on your back, arms raised up, the back of your head resting on your palms. Without raising your head, bring your elbows together;
  • after completing the previous exercise, stretch your arms along your body and lift them up one by one, while taking a deep breath;
  • sit on a chair or bench, put your feet wide, keep your back straight. You can lower your hands down or put them on your waist and make a figure-eight movement with your shoulders. Draw 6-8 horizontal eights and the same number of vertical ones with each shoulder;
  • sitting on a chair, alternately touch the scapula with your fingers, then moving your hand over the shoulder, then reaching to the bone of the scapula from below.

Having mastered these exercises, you can complicate the task and use dumbbells. If you don’t have any equipment at home yet, ordinary plastic water bottles will do instead of dumbbells. The weight of a dumbbell or bottle should be selected according to your strength, starting from 1 kg. For starters, this will be quite enough. Subsequently, the weight of the weight increases and can reach up to 10 kg.

Exercises with a gymnastic harness are useful for everyone and are not inferior in effectiveness to training with dumbbells

The doctor advises using special rubber bands as sports equipment. Elastic bands are widely used in sports medicine, since exercises with their use can strengthen the muscle corset and increase the body's endurance.

When performing gymnastics using dumbbells or bands, the number of repetitions of each exercise must be at least 20, the duration of the lesson starts from 15 minutes. The best time for the gymnastics complex is the first half of the day, preferably the morning hours.

It is possible that in the first days of performing therapeutic exercises the patient will experience pain or cramps - this should not be a reason to stop exercising. To cope with discomfort, you can apply ice or a cold compress to the damaged area, or take a contrast shower. After several charging cycles, the discomfort will go away.

However, it is important to know that if severe pain occurs, you must either reduce the intensity of your exercise or temporarily stop it. During exacerbations or the acute phase of the disease, exercise should also not be performed.

It is worth mentioning separately the features of exercise therapy after a shoulder dislocation. In this case, you should make an exception to the general rule and avoid pain during training. You need to start with the simplest exercises, since overloading the joint can lead to re-injury. A prerequisite is the correct execution of movements and a timely increase in load.

If you do the exercises strictly according to the instructions, without missing a single day and following all the recommendations, the result will be like this:

  • the range of motion in the joint will be fully or partially restored;
  • the pain will subside;
  • not only the shoulder joint, but the entire body will become more resistant to stress;
  • your mood and vitality will improve.

Using an expander, you can train almost any muscle group, including the shoulder girdle and upper limbs

Professor Bubnovsky is convinced that the key to healthy joints and spine is a strong muscular system. It is on the principle of strengthening the muscles and ligaments that the technique is built, which is a worthy alternative to medication and even surgical intervention.

The best proof of this theory, confirmed by many years of practice, is Sergei Mikhailovich himself. After a terrible accident while serving in the army, he was implanted with an artificial hip joint. Having gone through the same path as many patients, Bubnovsky understands perfectly how to help people. He tested his method on himself, and is the first to master each new simulator.

Today, Bubnovsky’s specialized kinesitherapy clinics operate not only in Moscow, but also abroad. Doctors at these centers also help those patients whom orthodox medicine could not cure.

The Bubnovsky system is an avoidance of taking pills, giving injections and parting with the disease by performing thoughtful physical exercises.

Joint diseases in the modern world are most common among the population of the middle and older age groups. This is due to the fact that the risk of joint damage increases with age.

But many people, already in their youth, have limited shoulder mobility, which makes it increasingly difficult to perform actions that are so necessary in everyday life. It is more difficult to dress, take care of children, and play sports. People usually begin to feel inferior and defective. This also affects a person’s mental state.


I.P. sitting on a chair, with his back to the NOP. The simulator is fixed at the lowest point of the LOP. Raising straight arms with a simulator from the bottom up. To start, just raise your arms to chest level. Aerobatics - raising your arms to a vertical position. But this option for performing the exercise should be approached gradually. Perform 15–20 repetitions.

It has no contraindications.

This exercise is narrow-local, since only the muscles of the shoulder joint (deltoid) are involved in it, so the thinnest rubber simulator is used to perform it. Indications: diseases such as glenohumeral periarthritis, headaches, cervical osteochondrosis, shoulder injuries and dislocations.

Causes of shoulder pain

Pain in the shoulder joint occurs as a result of a wide variety of pathologies. Some of them include:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • tendinitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • brachial nerve neuritis;
  • various anatomical anomalies;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • impingement syndrome.

These are only some of the possible diseases of the shoulder joint. The pain has a varied nature, but, most importantly, it indicates damage to this important anatomical formation.

As a result, it is of great importance to apply preventive measures from youth. And those who already suffer from diseases with obvious symptoms simply need the correct complex therapy to prevent their progression.

An important component of treatment is exercises for the shoulder joints.

Kinesiotherapy of the shoulder joint

Special physical exercises created by Dr. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky are aimed at restoring the mobility of not only individual joints, but the entire musculoskeletal system.

The emphasis in Bubnovsky’s program for the treatment of pain in the shoulder joint is not on pharmacological drugs, but on the internal hidden reserves of the body.

Kinesiotherapy of the shoulder, that is, treatment with movement, can be used by people of all ages and with any severity of the disease. Daily practice of this simple set of exercises and a gradual increase in the number of repetitions are of great importance.

Rules of gymnastics according to the method of Dr. Bubnovsky

During an exacerbation of the disease of the shoulder joint, which can be manifested by swelling, redness, especially severe pain in the affected area, it is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate physical stress on the shoulder, that is, performing exercises.

After this period, when the pain decreases, the process of repairing the joint and muscles can slowly begin. Begin the exercises gradually, noting internal sensations. If a person feels pain and discomfort, you should not stop doing gymnastics, you need to overcome this by increasing the load. If sharp joint pain in the shoulder suddenly occurs, exercises must be temporarily stopped.

The effectiveness of kinesiotherapy for the shoulder joint is manifested by a decrease in the intensity of painful sensations, an increase in range of motion, better tolerance to physical activity and, of course, a person’s good mood.


Gymnastics for the shoulder joints, developed by Dr. Bubnovsky, is used in specialized centers. But these exercises can easily be used for treatment at home.

Every morning, patients must do special exercises. Immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, you need to warm up - stretch up, spread your arms to the sides, behind your head, forward. After warming up, the person gets up and does exercises. At first, 15-20 minutes of gymnastics is enough.

Dr. Bubnovsky says that only the first sessions will hurt. He advises reducing pain with a contrast shower or an ice compress on the shoulder area. It is recommended to perform all movements while exhaling, which relaxes the thoracic region and reduces blood pressure on the affected tissues. After a long time of regular exercise, relief should come.

Triceps press

Another option for improving the triceps of the arm.
A very effective exercise, but requires good general physical fitness. Start with shallow push-ups, gradually working your way up to the deepest possible. Contraindication: habitual shoulder dislocation.

I.P. rest your hands on the edge of the sofa, straight body, rest your heels on the floor. Push-ups with lowering the pelvis to the floor, 10–20 repetitions. Try to straighten your arms completely.

The first movements are accompanied by overcoming the dominant pain and crunching in the area of ​​the upper limbs when stretching the pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder joint. Don’t be afraid of this; after 3-4 repetitions, these painful and unpleasant sensations disappear.

The exercise restores the elasticity of the muscles of the upper limbs, which, in turn, helps restore normal blood circulation in the cervicothoracic spine. This, in turn, helps get rid of pain syndromes due to osteochondrosis of the spine, pain in the shoulder joints, and also restores innervation, that is, sensitivity of the fingers.

The exercise also has a cosmetic effect, eliminating muscle wasting on the back of the arm (“farewell arms”).

By performing this exercise 2-4 times a week, you can completely restore the elasticity and strength of the muscles of the shoulder joints.

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