How to dilute gelatin? Proportions for jellied meat and jelly

Gelatin is an important component of many dishes. Without his participation, it is impossible to prepare meat or fish jellied meat, aspic for jelly and cake. It is used to treat joints, considering the product very useful.

Therefore, you need to know how to use it correctly. Knowing the exact proportions and following the instructions for diluting the product, you can prepare delicious main dishes and desserts.

Traditionally, the proportions for diluting gelatin are as follows: 20 grams per 1 liter of liquid, but depending on how dense you need the jelly, you can use 30-60 grams.

How much gelatin is needed for 1 liter of liquid

To achieve the desired texture, density and shape of the finished treat, you should use a certain amount of gelatin.

Many housewives recommend preparing gelatinous jellies and cakes, jellied meat and aspic in one of the following ways:

  • Add 20 g of gelatin to 1 liter of liquid. This proportion is perfect for delicate pudding and especially dairy sweet dishes.
  • 60 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid. This option is better suited for making cakes from berries and fruits, for making decorations for desserts and savory dishes, for example, thick aspic from meat and vegetables, for jellied meat and jelly.
  • Dilution of 40 g of product in 1 liter of liquid. This recipe is relevant for fruit jellies, cake and cheesecake, as well as jellied meat. The result is a denser and more uniform texture that holds its shape well and does not spread when cut.

Everyone chooses their own method, depending on culinary preferences and individual taste.

What to cook jellied meat from?

There are many options. Jellied meats and jellies are cooked from any protein material rich in connective tissue with collagen - it is this that will give us the gelatin necessary for hardening. This:

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- the lower extremities of beef and pork carcasses (as well as large game) - which in different regions of our vast country are called shanks and broths, lytkas, bullocks, and stumps; pig's hooves; - ears, lips and snouts of the same carcasses (and from game especially the lips and ears of elk); - beef and veal tails; - bird necks (especially turkey necks); - bird feet - those with a pedicure; beef, poultry and pork skin (without lard).

In addition, jellied meat requires meat - and here you can put whatever your heart desires. My favorite is beef brisket on the bone - the bone further enhances the flavor of the broth. But any other cut of beef, game, lamb, turkey/chicken/duck/goose, and even quail will do!

You can put any meat in the jellied meat - beef, game, lamb, turkey/chicken/duck/goose pulp

How to dilute gelatin for jellied meat in broth: proportions

To ensure that the finished jellied meat does not fall apart, holds its shape well and has an aesthetic appearance, gelatin should be diluted in the correct ratio.

For meat jelly you need:

  • 1 liter of meat broth.
  • Gelatin granules 20-40 gr.

Preparation steps:

  1. Pour a full pack of thickener into a 200 ml glass.
  2. Pour in 0.2 liters of broth at room temperature and mix well. Let it brew for about an hour.
  3. Place the gelatin mass on low heat, but do not bring to a boil. The mixture should become transparent, homogeneous, without lumps.
  4. Pour the heated gelatin into the general liquid in a small stream, stirring. Put it back on the fire, heat until it boils and immediately turn off the gas without boiling the mixture.

Or, the tinned, swollen mass should be poured into the broth and heated over the fire, stirring. But we don’t boil, we warm it up to about 60 degrees.

For a harder and denser base of the aspic dish, it is recommended to take about 60 grams of gelatin. To get soft jellied meat, it is enough to use no more than 20 grams of thickener per 1 liter of broth in the recipe.

Step-by-step recipe for jellied pork legs, ears and tails

If you want to decorate the holiday table, you can put on it an appetizer that looks like a classic ham. The above by-products contain a large amount of collagen, which is necessary for the hardening of jellied meat. For those who wanted to know how many calories are in jellied meat from similar products, we answer: 100 grams of snack contains approximately 62 kilocalories.


  • 1 pig ear;
  • 2 pork legs;
  • 3-4 pig tails;
  • 2 kg. chicken meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 800 gr. pork;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 15 pcs. black pepper;
  • 7 mountains allspice;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.

You can prepare a truly perfect broth by adding spicy roots and aromatic spices. You can add zest to the finished jelly by adding cinnamon or cloves, parsnip or celery root.


  1. Pour cold water over the meat products and set aside for 4 hours to allow the blood to drain. Cut the prepared meat, legs, ears into pieces.
  2. Place everything in a large saucepan in this order: pork parts on the bottom, and chicken on top, wings down, so that they do not float up. Pour water so that the meat is covered by 2 fingers of liquid and boil, skimming off the foam.
  3. Place the peeled onion and peeled carrots into the boiling broth. Add the whole bouquet of spices, salt and bay leaf.
  4. Simmer for 8 hours on the lowest heat. Remove the meat, separate the edible parts from the bones and cut into smaller pieces. Pass the garlic through a press.
  5. Divide approximately equal amounts of garlic puree and prepared meat into portion forms.
  6. Pour the required volume of hot liquid with a ladle, cover the molds with lids and place in a cool place for about 6-12 hours.

Pieces of ready-made jellied meat prepared according to this recipe are beautifully laid out on a common dish. They can be decorated with sliced ​​vegetables and green lettuce leaves. The taste of the finished dish is soft and delicate; supporters of proper nutrition are pleased that no preservatives are added to the cold appetizer.

Recipe for diluting gelatin with proportions for jelly and cake

Most often, gelatin is used to prepare various desserts. These are cakes, jellies, cheesecake, marshmallows and more.

The taste, shape and appearance of the finished dish depends entirely on the proportions of gelatin, so it is important to maintain the ratio of the product to liquid and other ingredients, as well as to be able to dilute it correctly.

The classic recipe for diluting gelatin for making sweets is indicated on the back of the package, but in some cases it may not be available.

For the desired consistency of sweets, you must adhere to a certain proportion:

25-30 g (2 tablespoons) of granulated gelatin per 1 liter of any liquid. If the finished dish is expected to have a high sugar content, the amount of thickener is increased slightly. This is suitable for simple jelly with a medium density and soft texture, and some cold snacks.

40-50 g of gelatin is the most suitable option for cakes, cheesecake, dense pudding and fruit and berry jelly. The mass will become very dense.

Steps for diluting the thickener:

  1. Pour 1/10 of the powder with cool, pre-boiled water.
  2. Thoroughly mix the swollen gel-like mass after 15 minutes.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath and heat it no higher than 60 C.
  4. Strain hot gelatin, gradually pour into the total volume of liquid and mix gently.
  5. Once all the gelatin has been added, the mixture should not be heated again. The base of the dessert is poured over it and sent to the refrigerator.

When diluting granules, you need to consider the type of thickener. If it is instant, then it does not need to be pre-soaked.

Gelatin – what is it?

First, you should find out what gelatin is. It is an animal protein that looks like a sticky substance. It is obtained from the ligaments, tendons and skin of animals, as well as from the bones and scales of fish. Due to its gelling properties, this product is used in cooking as a thickener and is widely used in the food industry.

Dry gelatin is sold in the form of plates or free-flowing granules of a transparent yellowish color. As a rule, it is packaged in bags of 10, 15 and 25 grams. But in stores you can also find larger packages.

In what proportions should you dilute leaf gelatin for desserts and jellied meats?

To prepare cake, jelly, and meat aspic, you can use granulated or plastic gelatin.

The latter is much more convenient and has a simpler method of breeding:

  • Pour the required number of sheets indicated in the recipe with cool water.
  • Leave to swell for 5 minutes.
  • Squeeze out excess liquid from the layer.
  • Place the container with the thickener on the fire and heat until smooth using a water bath.

Pour the prepared mixture portionwise into the total volume of liquid and mix.

To dilute gelatin, it is allowed to take 10 times more water, since the sheets do not absorb much moisture. When mixing it with a hot base, the thickener does not need to be heated. To avoid lumps, it is important to use a sieve.

The weight of gelatin layers varies depending on the manufacturer. Basically, at least 2.4 g. This mass is necessary to gel 100 ml of liquid for a dense texture. To make a soft jelly, 1 leaf is diluted in 150 ml of broth or water.

Chicken breast and turkey jelly

We recommend that those who are fighting a fierce battle with extra pounds pay attention to this recipe. The meat component of jellied meat includes two types of dietary poultry meat. White chicken breast fillet is complemented by turkey thigh tenderloin.

To reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, when cooking meat, the broth is drained twice. The basis for the jelly is the liquid poured in for the third time.

Boiled chicken and turkey serve as a source of healthy protein, which is so necessary for losing weight during a diet. And gelatin plays the role of a chondroprotector for joints overloaded with excess weight.

The dish contains:

  • chicken breast fillet and turkey thigh – 1.3 kg;
  • water – 1-1.5 l;
  • bulbs – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • black peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet;
  • seasoning for meat.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place well-washed meat in a saucepan. Fill it with water and place it on the stove. Has the water boiled? Drain it and repeat the manipulation.
  2. Add onion, pepper, seasoning and salt to the liquid poured in for the third time. Cook with meat for one hour. Do not rush to add a large portion of salt at once. It's better to break this process into several stages. “The under-salting is on the table, and the over-salting is on the back.” We used to never stand on ceremony with careless housewives!
  3. Separate the finished meat from the liquid. Cut into small pieces.
  4. How to dilute gelatin is indicated on the bag of granules. Leave it to soak in cold water for about one hour. Stir the swollen jelly and heat slightly. Has the consistency become a little thinner? Pour into strained broth.
  5. Squeeze the garlic through a press into a bowl intended for freezing jellied meat. Distribute evenly over the entire bottom area. Cover with a layer of chopped meat on top.
  6. Pour in broth. Place in a cool place.

When forming jellied meat, proceed from your own preferences.

Do you like jelly? Distribute a portion of meat among several vessels. At the same time, increase the amount of broth. Let the level of gelatin filling significantly exceed the level of the meat layer.

For you, the most delicious thing about jellied meat is the meat? Limit the amount of liquid when cooking it. Let the broth only lightly cover the meat pieces.

How to dilute gelatin for chicken aspic

When preparing a chicken jellied dish, the dose of thickener should be selected depending on taste preferences. If you want the chicken jellied meat to be tender with a soft texture, it is enough to take no more than 20 grams of powder per 1 liter of meat broth.

If you don’t know how to dilute gelatin for jellied meat, then everything is quite simple.

For a denser consistency, so that the jelly holds its shape and does not spread on the plate, you should add 40 grams of gelatin to the dish.

For a very hard treat with an elastic texture, the dosage of the gelling component is at least 60 g per 1 liter of liquid.

For a tasty and beautiful chicken aspic, you must follow the following preparation steps:

  1. After cooking the meat, you should take a certain amount of thickener according to personal preference and pour it with a glass of cool water.
  2. Leave the granules to swell for an hour.
  3. The chicken can be removed from the water and divided into small pieces and placed on a prepared plate.
  4. The resulting meat broth must be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, since bone fragments are always present there.
  5. After 60 minutes, stir the gelatin and place on low heat in a water bath.
  6. The gelatin mass is heated until the granules dissolve and a homogeneous consistency is formed, stirring regularly.
  7. Pour the meat broth into the hot gelatin mixture in small portions, remembering to stir.
  8. Pour the prepared mixture over the chicken and place the dish in the refrigerator.

Description of preparation:

Jellied meat is very easy to prepare. If you don’t like a layer of fat on jellied meat, as I don’t, then take lean meat and cook it over low heat. But if fat still floats on the surface of the broth, then do this. Place the pan with the broth in the cold. When the fat has hardened, remove it with a knife or spoon. My jellied meat with gelatin turns out beautiful, transparent, like aspic, and very tasty. Purpose: For lunch / For dinner / For a holiday table Main ingredient: Meat / Pork / Gelatin / Pork ham Dish: Appetizers / Jellied meat

Rules for diluting gelatin so that there are no lumps

Many housewives encounter the problem of lumps when using gelatin. In order for the finished jelly-like dish to be beautiful and pleasing to the eye, you need to strictly adhere to the proportions and technique of diluting the thickener.

The dosage of gelatin depends on the taste, culinary tasks and type of product.

Granulated gelatin has the following proportions:

  • Soft texture - about 2 tbsp. spoons (20 g).
  • The average density of jelly is 4 tbsp. spoons (40 g).
  • A solid base intended for cutting with a knife - about 6 tbsp. spoons (60 g).

The thickener in the form of sheets is diluted according to the following scheme:

  • Delicate consistency - 1 layer per 150 ml of water or any other liquid.
  • Dense base - 1 layer of thickener per 1/2 cup of liquid.

Gelatin is diluted according to the traditional recipe, depending on the dosage of the product per 1 liter of water. If you follow the exact quantity and stages of preparation of the dish, you can avoid lumps.

In order not to spoil a gelatin-based dessert or main dish, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not allow the thickener to boil.
  2. It is necessary to use only fresh product and pay attention to the expiration date.
  3. It is not recommended to put ready-made gelatin treats in the freezer. This leads to crystallization and the formation of water in the dish.
  4. To achieve the desired density of jelly, cake, cheesecake or jellied meat, you need to use the thickener dosage strictly according to the recipe, no more and no less.

Dietary transparent jellied meat “I’m losing weight”

Another option for meat jelly for those who adhere to the Dukan protein diet. Its essence lies in the consumption of nutritious, but low-calorie foods rich in protein. At the same time, there is a taboo on carbohydrate foods.

The brainchild of a French nutritionist allows you to lose weight without physical and mental stress for the person losing weight and his body.

Light jellied turkey breast can be eaten for dinner or as a snack without any consequences for your figure. It can even be used for pancreatitis. Just exclude hot seasonings. Have turkeys been in your area for a long time? Use chicken breast. Just remove the skin first.

  • turkey breast, fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2.5 l;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt.

For decoration:

  • greenery;
  • egg.

For the jelly:

  • water – 300 ml;
  • gelatin – 5 tbsp. l.
  1. Cut the meat into pieces and place in a saucepan. Pour in water, add onion, pepper and bay leaf. Place on the stove. Has the water boiled? Reduce heat intensity and cook for 1.5 hours. Half an hour before cooking, add salt.
  2. Remove the boiled meat from the broth. Cool slightly and separate into fibers by hand.
  3. Place one slice of garlic, a sprig of fresh herbs and a slice of boiled egg at the bottom of the containers for freezing the jellied meat. Fill the vessels with pieces of meat.
  4. Dissolve gelatin granules in cold water. Leave for 30-40 minutes to swell.
  5. Strain the broth. Carefully pour the swollen gelatin into it. Stir vigorously with a whisk.
  6. Fill containers with a set of products for jellied meat with gelatin broth. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Jellied meat has not frozen, how to add gelatin and how much

If after several hours in the refrigerator the jellied meat does not freeze, there is no need to worry, the dish can be corrected.

To do this, you need to repeat all the stages of preparing the jelly. It is placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil, after which the broth is separated and the meat is laid out on a plate.

Gelatin is taken according to the recipe and taste preferences. For a delicate texture - 20 g, for a medium texture - 40 g and for a dense base - 60 g per 1 liter of meat broth. The thickener is soaked again and heated on the stove.

Then pour it into the total mass and mix the composition thoroughly. The gelatin mixture is poured over the meat and the dish is sent to the refrigerator for freezing.

To prevent poor gelling of jellied meat, you should take a fresh thickener, strain the broth and thoroughly wash the base for the jelly.

By observing the necessary proportions and gelatin dilution technique, it is possible to prepare delicious desserts and savory dishes for any celebration.

Now you know how to dilute gelatin into jelly and make sweet desserts. Everything is simple and quite accessible to everyone. If you are a beginner, you will definitely cope with this task!

How to decorate traditional jellied meat: photo

Are you preparing jellied meat for the holiday table? Be creative and imaginative. Otherwise, a tasty and healthy dish risks getting lost among the ceremonial treats.

It is better to decorate the jelly before pouring. Boiled and canned vegetables, eggs, and fresh herbs are suitable for this. Focus on bright colors and contrast. Against the background of the calm colors of the meat jelly, boiled carrots, egg whites and yolks, sprigs of dill and parsley look advantageous. All of these products taste great together.

Edible decor can be placed on top of the meat layer and filled with broth. Serve the finished dish on the table in the same container.

Another serving method involves removing the jellied meat from the container to set. Are you planning this option? Place vegetables for decoration on the bottom of the plate, cover with meat and fill with broth.

Soak the container with the frozen jellied meat in hot water for a while, then tip it onto a serving plate. Use thin-walled dishes as a form for jellied meat. It will be easier to extract the jelly from it. Options for festive decoration of dishes are presented in the videos.

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