How to take gelatin for joints and how is it useful?

Edible gelatin is made from animal bone and cartilage tissue. During prolonged boiling and digestion, a thick mass is obtained, which is then dried.

After reading these lines, you probably want to close the page thinking: “What a nasty thing this is.” But you'll be surprised how many benefits gelatin can bring.

A cheap product will replace expensive cosmetic products and dietary supplements, and the effect will be no worse. It is used to strengthen joints and ligaments, as well as cartilage tissue, but this is not the whole list.

The best part is that food gelatin is available in any store. And it can be used for the prevention and treatment of diseased joints, rejuvenation, skin and hair care. No special skills are required to use gelatin.

What is gelatin?

What is gelatin? These are hard, fragile, large and small translucent pieces of yellow color, similar to amber crumbs.

Gelatin is a derivative of animal protein (collagen), which is responsible for the condition and proper functioning of joints.

Natural product. Without taste and smell. Obtained by long cooking until a very thick state of bone, cartilage tissue and tendons of animal origin. After cooking, the thickened mass is dried and crushed.

Sold in all grocery stores, manufacturers: CJSC, TD-Holding LLC, Dr. OETKER CJSC, etc.

Gelatin packaging and manufacturers

The benefits of gelatin for the human body

The digestive system is designed in such a way that it easily digests animal proteins. That is why eating a source of collagen is more beneficial than harmful.

What are the benefits of gelatin for the body?

  • Rather, the process of fusion of bones after fractures occurs.
  • Sprained and otherwise injured ligaments are restored.
  • Joints acquire elasticity and mobility.
  • With osteochondrosis, the functions of connective tissue are compensated.
  • Hair and nails begin to grow faster.
  • The condition of the skin and mucous membranes is restored.

Useful properties of gelatin

The composition will tell you about the benefits: protein content 87.2%, fat 0.4%, carbohydrates 0.7%.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • Collagen.
  • Amino acids (glycine, proline).
  • Organic acids (aspartic, alanine, glutamic).
  • Macro- and microelements (sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron).

Thanks to the components contained in the composition, it has super beneficial properties:

  • Improves food digestion . An animal product rich in acids combines easily with water, helping the stomach digest food without losing gastric juices. All dishes prepared with gelatin are easily digestible, “start” metabolism and promote weight loss and weight loss.
  • It is a detox product. The acids contained in the composition perfectly remove toxins from the body that can remain in the liver.
  • Combats food allergies . Thanks to the glycine content, it heals microdamages in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, thus ensuring complete absorption of food. Prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases (stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis) and food allergies.
  • Strengthens bone and cartilage tissues, nourishes joints. Many valuable amino acids in the composition and a high collagen content provide nutrition, preventing the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

Gelatin has a beneficial effect on the strengthening and growth of hair, nails, tooth enamel, and skin health. Gelatin proteins contain keratin, which is necessary to nourish hair from the inside. The impressive collagen content has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the skin, rejuvenating and smoothing out wrinkles.

Thanks to gelatin, nails become stronger and look healthy. The use of gelatin in the system strengthens tooth enamel.

Properties of gelatin


Edible gelatin is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for the following medical indications:

  • Ligament rupture.
  • Joint pain.
  • Tendon injuries.
  • Injuries and fractures of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic changes due to age.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Weakening of cartilage tissue.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Systemic diseases of the osteoarticular system.

Even if you have these diseases, you should consult your doctor before treatment with gelatin. It can identify acute or chronic pathologies that are incompatible with such therapy.

Using gelatin for joints at home

A variety of dishes with this product will also be useful. However, for medicinal purposes the product is taken in its pure form.

In addition, we should not forget that joints should be treated comprehensively, in combination with medications, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercises. To prevent “drying out” of joints, as well as to restore already damaged ones, gelatin is taken in diluted form.

The simplest folk methods of use at home:

  • Dissolve gelatin in water. The product should not be taken in dry form due to its ability to swell from moisture and extremely poor digestibility when taken in this form. It is taken orally in the form of various dishes or tinctures.
  • Make a compress. Roll the bandage into 5-6 layers so that it completely covers the painful area, dip it in warm water, and place dry granules (1 teaspoon) between the first layers. Cover with cellophane, wrap with a dry cloth or bandage. The compress is kept for 2-3 hours, applied up to three times a day.
  • A more convenient way is to apply a compress before going to bed at night . It will take a week or a week and a half to relieve pain and improve your condition. Before applying the compress, you need to make sure that there are no scratches, rashes or any other damage on the skin, the condition of which may become more complicated after the compress.
  • Some women make face masks from gelatin to rejuvenate their skin.

Also, it is necessary to take into account the difficult penetration of protein molecules through the skin and apply compresses to joints that are not deep in the tissues.

Use in cooking: important nuances

Gelatin n 11 is considered classic, the composition of which is ideal for preparing canned fish and meat, jellied meat, aspic, mousses and jellies. Gelatin of this brand is present in some sweets, as well as ice cream and even creams.

Gelatin p 11 is beneficial for products, as it enhances color saturation naturally, without additives or harmful chemical elements. The taste of the finished food is also significantly improved. Not many people know, but it is gelatin that is responsible for the formation of foam in creams used to make cakes. To be convinced of the wonderful properties of this product, you should find information on the request “food gelatin instructions for use video.” An interesting fact is that the process of clarification of some wines and juices is also carried out with its help.


Having strong binding abilities, “natural glue”, while helping in one place, can harm in another. Thickening the blood and increasing its coagulability due to its significant protein content, it requires taking in combination with drugs and blood thinning products: vitamin C (ascorbic acid), acetylsalicylic acid (cardiomagnyl), orange juice.

People suffering from:

  • cardiovascular failure;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • very high blood clotting ability;
  • renal failure (sand, stones).

Before deciding to heal your joints with gelatin on your own, you need to add vitamin C-containing products to your menu and visit a doctor for consultation.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of joints for oral administration

Considering the not particularly pleasant taste of the product, the main components of which are collagen and protein, as well as the ability to “glue” blood, it is recommended to use it in combination with tasty additives. Recipes for joints are simple and easy to prepare.

Gelatin with rosehip

Recipe for Gelatin with Rose Hips:

  • You will need 30 g of gelatin granules, 30 ml of syrup (rosehip) and 1 cup. cooled boiling water from the kettle.
  • Next, throw the gelatin into a glass of water, wait 20 minutes, the granules should swell.
  • Warm slightly over low heat. The powder should completely dissolve. Don't overheat! At high temperatures, the protein coagulates.
  • Pour in the syrup, stir, leave in a cool place or refrigerator until it hardens.

Water and syrup are also replaced with a glass of decoction/infusion of rose hips (1 cup berries / 1 liter of water). Dry and fresh berries are suitable. The consistency of the dish is denser than jelly, more like marmalade.

This dish contains the daily requirement of collagen for an adult; it is better to consume it after meals.

How to use (Recipes)

If incorporating animal parts containing collagen and gelatin or bone broth into your diet is not possible, powdered gelatin may be an alternative.

Using gelatin in cooking will add volume and smooth texture to dishes for a small amount of calories. It also increases the amount of protein in the dish, making it more nutritious.

Gelatin is a natural thickener, stabilizer and texturizer.

  • If you do not plan to make gelatin at home, then you can purchase gelatin powder from your local supermarket or online.
  • Hydrolyzed gelatin powder is added to a liquid, such as broth, juice or smoothie.
  • When choosing gelatin, you can find plates, granules and powder on the shelves. It is usually soaked in water, which it absorbs and turns into a gel.
  • Most versions of powdered gelatin must be kept in cold water before use and then dissolved in warm or hot water. Swollen gelatin can be easily mixed into liquid without forming lumps. Once it has dissolved in the hot liquid, you can cool the mixture so it will have a jelly-like texture.

Methods of administration for diseases of the spine

For chronic destructive processes in cartilage, segments of the spine, as well as for back pain, it is also recommended to consume gelatinous dishes and drinks.

Gelatin with lemon

Recipe for Gelatin with Lemon:

  • You will need 1 lemon, 20 g gelatin granules, 3 tablespoons. sugar and 400 ml of cooled boiling water from the kettle.
  • Remove the zest from a clean lemon using a fine grater and squeeze out the juice.
  • Boil water, add lemon zest and sugar, stir, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  • Add gelatin and lemon juice to the solution that has cooled to warm. Stir well until the gelatin dissolves.

Pour into desired “moulds” and leave in a cool place or refrigerator until set.

Making gelatin with lemon

Gelatin with honey

Recipe for Gelatin with Honey:

  • You will need 1 tea. l. gelatin powder, ½ cup. cooled boiling water from the kettle and the table. l. honey
  • Throw gelatin into water, stir, 20 minutes. insist.
  • Stir, heat slightly, stir until the gelatin crumbs completely disappear.
  • Let the mixture cool. Stir honey into the mixture. Pre-dissolve the thickened honey in a small amount of warm boiling water.

The drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Take from 3 to 4 weeks. When combined with honey, gelatin recipes acquire more healing properties.

Methods for treating coxarthrosis and arthrosis of the knee joint

Due to the ease of preparation, recipes for gelatin solutions are very popular to treat knee arthrosis and coxarthrosis.

Gelatin water

Recipe for “Gelatin water”:

  • You will need 1 table. l. gelatin granules, a glass of cooled boiling water from the kettle.
  • Stir the granules in a glass of warm water until the crumbs are completely dissolved.
  • Drink gelatin dissolved in water morning and evening for three months.

Recipe for “Morning gelatin drink”:

  • You will need 1 teaspoon. gelatin powder and 150 ml of cooled boiling water from the kettle.
  • Throw the gelatin into a glass of water (you cannot add hot water to gelatin, the protein will curdle).
  • Stir and leave until morning. In the morning, add warm boiling water to the glass and stir.
  • The cooking recipe can be varied by adding honey, jam, or fruit syrup.

You can make the drink tastier by replacing the water with milk, rosehip decoction or ginger tea. A warm drink is drunk every day for two weeks in the morning 20-30 minutes before breakfast (tea). The break is two weeks, then the cycle is repeated.

Protein-milk jelly

Recipe for “Protein-milk jelly”:

  • You will need 2 teaspoons. gelatin granules; 400 ml milk.
  • Dissolve the powder in 1/3 cup. warm milk, stirring until the grains disappear completely.
  • Add the remaining milk.
  • If desired, dilute sugar, honey, vanillin, cinnamon, etc. and leave for 5-6 hours. in the refrigerator (until hardened).

Take three times a day for a week to a week and a half.

How to strengthen your nails?

The use of gelatin will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nail plates. Even the busiest girls can prepare such a simple remedy to help cope with brittle nails.

  1. Place 100 g of gelatin in a glass of cold water for about 60 minutes.
  2. After this, the product is placed on low heat and heated, but not brought to a boil.
  3. Add a little natural juice (fruit or vegetable) to the container; 1/3 cup will be enough.

When the product warms up to a comfortable temperature for your hands, remove it from the heat and make a bath. It is enough to hold your nails in gelatin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.

Gelatin for bone fractures and osteoporosis

To help bones heal faster after a fracture and to treat osteoporosis, they resort to prescriptions.

Diluted gelatin:

  • You will need 1 tea. l. gelatin powder, 1 cup. cooled boiling water.
  • Pour the granules into a third of a glass of warm/cool boiled water. Shake, mix, leave to swell until morning.
  • In the morning, stir the solution and add boiled water almost to the brim. Mix well.

Drink before breakfast, half an hour before, on an empty stomach. Duration - 10 days, pause - 10 days. Then the ten-day course is repeated. Duration of admission – up to 3 months.

Diluted gelatin with additives:

  • You will need a prepared gelatin solution and 1 teaspoon. l. honey
  • Stir honey in an aqueous solution of gelatin and add citrus juice to the glass.
  • With such additives, gelatin is drunk half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach. The period of taking supplements does not change: 10 days - take, after a pause - 10 days. Duration of admission – up to 4 months.

Rules of use

Edible gelatin for joints will begin to act more effectively if several rules are followed:

  • The course of exposure is 10 days, after which a break is taken for the same period.
  • To avoid constipation, you need to enrich your diet with dried fruits, prunes, cabbage, beets or zucchini.
  • To obtain the maximum amount of benefit, the mixture should be absorbed.
  • If for some reason you cannot take gelatin orally, opt for compresses.

How to take gelatin for ligaments?

Gelatin solutions for ligaments are simple and easy to prepare.

Gelatin in boiling water

Dissolved gelatin in boiling water:

  • You will need 1 table. l. gelatin powder, 1 cup. almost cooled boiling water.
  • Stir the powder in a third of a glass of cooled boiling water. Leave for an hour.
  • Fill the glass with warm boiling water almost to the brim, stir until the grains completely disappear.
  • Drink morning and evening, half an hour before breakfast and dinner for three months.

Fruit gelatin drink

Recipe for “Fruit-gelatin drink”:

  • You will need 1 teaspoon. gelatin powder ; 1 stack cooled boiling water.
  • Dilute the granules in 150 ml of cooled boiling water (you cannot pour gelatin with hot water, the protein will curdle). Leave until morning.
  • In the morning, top up the glass with warm boiling water and stir.
  • You can add honey, jam, fruit syrup if desired. Water is also replaced with fruit juice.

Take the drink every day in the morning for 2 to 3 weeks before breakfast (tea) half an hour. After a two-week break, admission is resumed.

Milk dessert

Preparation according to the “Milk Dessert” recipe:

  • You will need 2 teaspoons. l. gelatin powder and 150 ml of milk.
  • Pour milk of any fat content over the powder and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Heat, stirring over low heat until warm.
  • Stir until the granules disappear.
  • Leave in a cool place/refrigerator until hardened.

You can add honey if desired. The product is useful in the morning before breakfast (tea), half an hour before, on an empty stomach for one month.

Recipes with gelatin

Many delicious, interesting dishes are prepared with gelatin that will complement any table and lift the spirits of adults and children.

Gelatin candies

Recipe for Gelatin Candies:

  • You will need 2 teaspoons. l. gelatin powder, 150 ml milk, 1 tbsp. chopped dried fruits and 1 tbsp. any chopped nuts.
  • Pour the powder with warm milk with any fat content. Leave for 60 minutes.
  • Heat gently, stirring until warm. Stir until the granules disappear completely.
  • Throw in chopped dried fruits and nuts. Mix thoroughly, put into “molds”, keep in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. (before hardening)

If you use not milk, but any fruit juice or homemade compote, the candies will resemble marmalade. You can add citrus fruits, candied fruits, berries, fruits.

Jelly from cottage cheese and fruits

To prepare the recipe “Jelly from cottage cheese and fruits” you will need:

  • 100 g of any dried fruits and 200 ml/1 cup. boiling water;
  • 30 g gelatin granules, 250 g cottage cheese/curd mass;
  • tea l. honey and 200 g of orange juice, 1 tangerine.

Preparation of jelly:

  1. Pour boiling water into dried fruits. Keep in boiling water for 20 minutes, drain the water, finely chop the soaked fruit.
  2. Use the strained water, pour 1 table. l. gelatin granules. Stir, the mixture should stand for about an hour. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Mix the cottage cheese with honey, dried fruits, and place in the “mold” prepared for the jelly. Pour the gelatin solution over the honey-fruit mixture. Leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. Dissolve 10 g of gelatin granules in slightly warmed orange juice. Peel the tangerine and divide into slices.
  5. Remove the mold with the contents from the refrigerator and arrange the tangerine slices on the frozen curd mass. Carefully pour the gelatin-orange solution and put it in the refrigerator to harden.


Preparation of traditional "Jellied" You will need 200 g of any boiled meat, 20 g of gelatin granules, a boiled egg and 15 g of any greens.

Stages of preparing aspic:

  1. Pour gelatin into a small amount of warm/cool boiled water. Should stand for 40 minutes.
  2. Cut the meat into thin slices, cubes, if desired, place on a plate. Top with slices of boiled egg. Decorate with greens.
  3. Throw the swollen gelatin into the strained warm broth, shake, stir well until the gelatin crumbs completely disappear. Pour a small amount of gelatin broth over the slices neatly arranged in a plate.
  4. Keep in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. and pour out the rest of the gelatin broth and leave the dish in the refrigerator until it hardens.

How should athletes take gelatin?

Weider Gelatine Forte for athletes

In building the body for athletes involved in bodybuilding and powerlifting, the recommended amount of gelatin per day is 10 g.

Simple and easy to use is Weider Gelatine Forte - collagen protein for connective tissue. In addition, the gelatin preparation contains vitamin B6 and biotin.

It is enough to mix 10 g of powder in 200 ml/1 cup. water and drink 1 r. in a day. To achieve the desired effect, take in courses of 3 months. twice a year when playing sports.

Hydrolyzed collagen[edit | edit code]

Collagen threads under a microscope

- This is one of the most common proteins in the human body, its mass fraction is 6% of body weight. Collagen is present in almost all tissues of the body, it is the main structural protein that forms our body and provides strength to tissues, in fact it holds or binds cells together.

Most collagen is found in connective tissues that perform mechanical functions: bones, cartilage and ligaments. There are three types of collagen, each of which is present predominantly in a particular tissue. Thus, joint cartilage mainly contains type II; it is this type of collagen that is available in tablets for oral administration. Types I and III are found in ligaments and bones.

Supplements in capsules or food gelatin?[edit | edit code]

Edible gelatin
Many people don’t even realize that gelatin is hydrolyzed collagen

. Gelatin is obtained by partial destruction of animal collagen using heat treatment (long-term cooking), and in their biological properties they are practically no different, since the latter is destroyed in the same way to oligopeptides in the gastrointestinal tract. Gelatin is used in the food industry as a thickener; previously they even tried to sell this food additive as protein for athletes, but collagen is of little use for building muscle tissue because it has an inferior amino acid composition. Despite this, gelatin can be used as a means to strengthen joints and ligaments. Thus, instead of a course of collagen in tablets or capsules for a thousand or more rubles, you can take regular food gelatin in equivalent doses, and you will get exactly the same therapeutic effect[1], saving your money wisely.

Amino acid composition of gelatin:


  • 22-35% glycine
  • 12-21% proline
  • 12-15% hydroxyproline
  • 10% glutamine
  • 9% alanine
  • 8% arginine
  • 10-27% other amino acids

Effect on the body[edit | edit code]

Gelatin or collagen (Boris Tsatsouline)

Hydrolyzed collagen, or gelatin, is well absorbed from the digestive tract. While studying the absorption of this substance, scientists discovered an interesting fact: part of the collagen is absorbed in the form of oligopeptides (chains of amino acids), which can enter the blood.[3]

Other studies have shown that collagen, taken orally, can restore cartilage integrity, strengthen ligaments, and relieve joint pain.[4][5][6] An increase in the density of collagen fibers and fibroblasts has been found in the skin, cartilage and ligaments[7] (fibroblasts are the cells that produce collagen within the body). Scientists find an explanation for these effects in the fact that collagen can be partially absorbed in the form of oligopeptides, as mentioned above. These oligopeptides have a stimulating effect on connective tissue fibroblasts, actually causing them to work harder and also actively divide.[8]

Gelatin at a dose of 5 g per day for 6 weeks can significantly improve skin properties: elasticity and smoothness.[9]

Recent trials have revealed another positive effect: strengthening bones due to the activating effect on osteoblasts.[10]

Proven beneficial effects of collagen:

  • Strengthening cartilage
  • Strengthening ligaments
  • Strengthening Bones
  • Improved muscle nutrition (amino acids are used to build muscle tissue, and the relatively high content of arginine (8%) helps improve blood flow in the muscles).
  • Improving skin properties

Effectiveness of gelatin

The beneficial effects of gelatin have been proven by scientific research; scientists from the USA conducted a number of experiments with elderly people diagnosed with arthritis:

  • For 2 weeks, the patients were given gelatin daily, and after the end of the treatment period, the patients began to experience positive changes. The muscles have become significantly stronger and joint mobility has returned.
  • Gelatin can cause harm if you take a product with contraindications.
  • The benefits of gelatin are confirmed by positive reviews of the product.

Still, it is worth remembering that treatment, especially of advanced forms, occurs comprehensively, under the supervision of a doctor.

What effect does consuming gelatin have?

Athletes taking gelatin experience the following improvements:

  • cartilage becomes stronger;
  • bones with ligaments are strengthened;
  • the skin gains increased smoothness and elasticity;
  • pain during joint damage is significantly reduced;
  • any protein consumed acquires increased nutritional value;
  • blood circulation in the muscles is stimulated, due to which more nutrients enter the muscle tissue.

This effect is similar to that obtained by a bodybuilder who consumes a collagen complex.

How to choose and where to buy real gelatin for treatment?

Gelatin is sold in the form of granular powder (gelatin crumbs) and in the form of plates. Powdered gelatin dissolves quickly and does not fully possess beneficial properties. Transparent gelatin in sheets is more valuable and costs more. In addition, caution should be exercised when purchasing this product in bulk.

The packaging of the product will not only tell about the manufacturer, but will also act as a guarantor of the purity and quality of the product. Gelatin-containing dishes and drinks are a good way to heal and nourish joints. To the cooking recipes, all that remains is to add patience, self-organization and the desire to get well.

Interesting information

Many housewives wonder how to melt gelatin in the microwave; is this possible? The process of melting gelatin is quite possible with the help of modern technologies. If you don’t have time to prepare a water bath, a microwave oven will come to the rescue. To do this, food gelatin should be placed in a special container suitable for microwaves, then pour in a little water and set the oven to minimum power for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the answer to the question: is it possible to boil food gelatin will be negative, since, despite the variety of brands and appearance of the product, during heating it turns into a sticky, viscous mass that cannot be used in the future.

Any recipe for dishes with jelly as a base requires attention from the hostess. It is necessary to study the composition, for example, food gelatin is used, instructions for use for jellied meat or jellied meat, this means that the resulting jelly will be quite hard. In the same case, if you use sheet gelatin, the instructions for use of which allow for the preparation of desserts, then the mass will be more mobile and transparent.

Thus, whether gelatin is used in food leaves, the instructions for use of which are very simple, or in granules, the preparation process is associated with the solidification of the protein base, which allows you to enjoy dishes that are incredible in taste and appearance. Regular gelatin n 11 will help any housewife transform the menu; the instructions will allow you not to make mistakes in the proportions, so it should always be in the house.

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